The so-called spring night is bitter and the day is high, well, Zhang Fan is such a scene now, but the latter line of the poem does not apply to him.

Logically speaking, yesterday was a good day for Zhang Fan. Everyone in the court, including Long Qing, knew about it. In addition to Zhang Fan's special position in the court, there was no need to go to the morning court today, but Zhang Fan was still early. The reason is definitely not because of some things like diligence, not to mention the old fritters who have been in power for decades, even those who have only been in power for a few months, I am afraid that they have experienced Ming Dynasty. All kinds of situations in the officialdom will be dismissed later. If you don't work hard for a day, Nuo Da's empire will not fall because of this, so why not let yourself relax.

In fact, regarding this matter, I have to say that this system of the Ming Dynasty, or a kind of ethos that has been formed since Zhu Yuanzhang, is that even if the emperor does not interfere with the affairs of the court, the entire dynasty can continue to operate normally. , and if the emperor can be a little more diligent in his administration, then history's evaluation of him will also rise sharply, just like Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di. Neither would agree, but it is absolutely impossible for anyone to say that under the governance of the father and son, the Ming Dynasty could not be regarded as stable.

In short, it is such a situation, but Zhang Fan can be regarded as getting up early and being greedy for the dark. A lot of things happened yesterday. Having said that, what Zhang Fan is doing is not a major event in the court, nor is it to fulfill his duties as the prince and tutor to teach Zhu Yijun, or there is nothing important in Jinyiwei, but today, there are still many people in the morning court. Things were going to happen, and he had to be there.

It was still dark, but Zhang Fan ordered Yingyue's maid, Xiaocui, to wake herself up in the morning. As a little maid, although Xiaocui had doubts in her heart, she didn't know why Zhang Fan was here. On a good day, she had to get up early, but she still faithfully carried out Zhang Fan's orders.

Zhang Fan got up and saw that Yingyue lying next to him was still sound asleep. He was very careful not to wake her up, and slowly got up and got out of bed. After getting dressed, he even went out to wash up. I just don’t want to wake Yingyue up.

It's just that Zhang Fan didn't know that after he went out, Yingyue, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed just now, turned over. Her beautiful eyes, which should have been tightly closed, were now open. Yingyue's face looked like She was very sleepy. Obviously she didn't sleep well last night, but her eyes made people feel very energetic. It's no wonder that she was very preoccupied last night, and she was always thinking about yesterday How could Yu'er be able to sleep when she came to find her in the afternoon.

She has been thinking about when and how to tell Zhang Fan about this matter. She didn't want to ruin this good day last night, that is, she kept the matter in her heart and didn't say anything. Originally, she wanted to tell Zhang Fan this morning. As Fan said, when Xiaocui came in to wake up Zhang Fan, Yingyue, who hadn't slept deeply, had already woken up. When she heard Zhang Fan get up, she wanted to get up and do everything right away. She told Zhang Fan, but for some reason, she still didn't get up.

"Maybe, let's wait until the afternoon or tomorrow, so as not to worry Brother Fan," this was what Yingyue thought, but at this moment, she didn't think of the words "tomorrow after tomorrow, how much tomorrow will be" , or this is just a common problem of human beings.

Zhang Fan came to the hall and saw his mother.

"Mother," Zhang Fan stepped forward to say hello, "Why did you wake up so early, why don't you go back to your room and sleep longer?"

"Still sleeping, mother is not sleepy at all," Zhao said with a smile, "but you, Fan'er, you drank so much yesterday, and at night... why did you get up so early?" Speaking of which, A smile appeared on Mrs. Zhao's face. Now Mrs. Zhao doesn't have to work as hard as before, but after decades, she can't change some habits at all. Fortunately, she has added a new habit now. When she was in Anhua County, she used the time after lunch to sew and mend and subsidize the family, but now it is used to take a nap, so now Mrs. Zhao does not get up too late, yesterday Although the family was noisy all day, Mrs. Zhao got up early today.

"There are some matters in the court, and my son has to go there," Zhang Fan said.

Mrs. Zhao didn't know what Zhang Fan was going to deal with, but she was naturally very happy to see her children can do what they are doing now, so she turned around and told Xiangmei: "Go and let them do something quickly. Delicious, "

When Zhang Fan went out, the sky was just a little bit bright, and most of the residents in the capital were asleep, and this was the inner city, even if there were some people who needed to get up early to go to the market, they would never show up here.

When Zhang Fan came to the Meridian Gate, he found that today was indeed different from the past. He still remembered that the last time, it was almost in this world. When Zhang Fan arrived, the place was already full of officials, but today, there were only a few Ten people seemed very open, and officials came one after another, but only one or two at a time.

Seeing Zhang Juzheng standing in front, Zhang Fan walked over to say hello, and asked, "Teacher, what's the matter today? Why did everyone come so late, or did they all get sick together, so they all asked for a holiday?"

"Zhang Juzheng opened his sleepy eyes, looked at Zhang Fan helplessly, and said, "I don't think it's so easy for them to get sick. After all, it's not all because of you." I yawned.

"Because of me," Zhang Fan said suspiciously, Zhang Juzheng actually yawned, Zhang Fan really hadn't seen it very often, in his image, Zhang Juzheng was always full of energy.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Zhang Juzheng said to Zhang Fan with a look of sudden realization, "You also drank a lot yesterday, so you probably don't remember."

"What's the matter, teacher?" Zhang Fan became even more puzzled, could it be...Suddenly, Zhang Fan seemed to think of something.

"I remember," Zhang Juzheng said when he saw Zhang Fan's expression, "Yesterday, almost all the people who were able to go to court went to your house to drink. These guys managed to catch someone who didn't have a censor watching from the sidelines. If you can have a chance to have a drink, you will let it go. Last night, no one walked out of your house standing up, not even a few people walked out with someone to help them. Most of them were killed by their own family members The ones that were carried out are now, I guess there are still a few who haven’t got out of bed, it’s pretty good that there are so many people here now,”

"Oh, that teacher last night..." Zhang Fan was suddenly very interested, wanting to know what Zhang Juzheng looked like yesterday, but seeing Zhang Juzheng's rather embarrassed expression, he quickly stopped, changed the subject, and asked , "I heard that today, Master Li..."

"I'm afraid it will be today," Zhang Juzheng naturally knew what Zhang Fan was going to say, sighed, and said more helplessly, "I never thought that such a day would really come."

"Teacher, will Gao Gong be a little bit sad when he sees Gao Gong?" Zhang Fan suddenly asked something that seemed to be a joke, "I don't think what Gao Gong said yesterday was like talking about wine, but rather like using the strength of wine to talk about it." Speak from the heart, "

"Is the rabbit dead and the fox sad?" Zhang Juzheng sighed after hearing Zhang Fan's words, but it didn't take long before he recovered his previous expression. In my opinion, it doesn't matter whether Gao Gong is alive or not, anyway, it was just a matter of that moment, and when this matter is over, he will immediately start suppressing other people, so why would he care about these things?"

Zhang Fan was silent when he heard this. Could it be that Gao Gong would really go on like this, regardless of his relationship or origin, as long as he didn't agree with him, he would be tough and suppressed, but in the eyes of many people, Gao Gong was just a newcomer. The imperial court wanted to retaliate frantically to regain their face, but it has been half a year, and until now, this momentum has not stopped.

People's patience has a limit, Zhang Fan does not believe that Gao Gong will not know this, but Zhang Fan also knows that if Gao Gong does not intend to stop this momentum, one day, someone will be upset that he continues like this Go on, but Zhang Fan doesn't think it's important whether that person will be the emperor or a minister. As long as there is a day, no matter who it is, Gao Gong will not be able to escape the fate of Li Chunfang now, and it will be even worse than Li Chunfang. After all, except for one Guo Pu, no one in the imperial court is willing to speak for Gao Gong anymore, and even Gao Gong's party members are not willing to stand on his side, most of them are under Gao Gong's current power He was so afraid that he had no choice but to stand in Gao Gong's camp.

As the so-called "** is ruthless, actors are ruthless", and Zhang Fan believes that, as a politician who is even more ruthless and ruthless than the previous two, if Gao Gong loses power, he may be the first to stand up against him now. own henchmen.

Zhang Fan was talking about Gao Gong, and Gao Gong just arrived. Gao Gong today is like everyone else, with a sleepy look on his face, but today's Gao Gong is not as friendly as yesterday. , the indifferent expression returned to his face, as if everyone was a little displeased, especially when he saw Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng, he snorted coldly, then turned his head and left.

Seeing this, both Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng sighed involuntarily. Some things can be changed, but some things seem to be irreversible.

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