Time is really a very mysterious thing. Sometimes it feels like years, but sometimes it is fleeting. In fact, after all, it is not because of the human heart.

The heat of midsummer is far away, and the heat of golden autumn and October is long gone.

Autumn is the season of harvest. Of course, it is only crops, only crops in the field, but this autumn, the harvest is not only those plants that grow out of the soil and can make the people happy. There are many things worth paying attention to. People have the feeling of harvest joy.

Two months, two months, this is only a fleeting time for a huge empire, but things in the world always make people feel strange, even in this short period of time, many things will happen significant change.

It's been two months since Li Chunfang returned to his hometown. Regardless of whether he was a cabinet minister with great reputation before or something else, in short, his retirement seems to be a very normal thing, and there should be nothing worth paying attention to. place, but that is not the case.

Gao Yi, who was favored by some people and was able to succeed Li Chunfang in the cabinet, was the beginning of all these changes.

Originally, in the eyes of many people, Gao Yi's weak temperament really didn't cause any waves. At that time, many people were surprised that Gao Yi was able to join the cabinet, but don't get me wrong. They were not lamenting Gao Yi, but lamenting the ability of those who wanted to bring Gao Yi into the cabinet. After all, at that time, Gao Gong was powerful, and Long Qing didn't like to ask questions. It's not an overly important "trivial matter". For a while, Gao Gong can be said to be in the limelight, just like any other.

However, many people didn't expect that things would develop in such an unpredictable direction. Gao Gong was defeated in despair. He didn't grasp the cabinet minister position that was almost handed over, although not everyone in the court wanted to be as shrewd as Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng, they could see all the mysteries in it at a glance, However, they were able to climb to the current position, so it was not because of the wine bag and rice bag. I am afraid that many people had already felt it at the beginning, but they were still not sure. After so many days, the situation has gradually become clearer now. Naturally, they could see Zhang Fan's role behind this matter.

Therefore, what these people are surprised by is not Gaoyi himself, or what abilities he has, but most of them are lamenting the people behind the scenes, that is, only Zhang Fan's methods, after all, can make a Gao Yi so brave The little timid person took refuge and let him dare to face Gao Gong. This is indeed not something that ordinary people can do, but they don't know that Zhang Fan really didn't think much about it. Back then, half a year ago At that time, if it hadn't been for that chance encounter, and if Gaoyi had taken the initiative to propose to Zhang Fan the idea of ​​wanting to be in charge, Zhang Fan would never have been the first to think of Gaoyi when the incident happened two months ago. of.

In short, two months ago, when Gao Yi first took office, everyone did not look at him too much. Instead, they gathered on Zhang Fan, the "planner", and always paid attention to whether he would have anything else. New action, Gao Yi, this is just a follower. Even if it has any effect in the future, it will definitely follow other people's words for a while, and will never take the initiative to stand up and express any opinions of.

From the eyes of others, it seems that Li Chunfang has not left. There is still such a silent person in the cabinet. The only difference is that this silent person is not almost completely neutral like Li Chunfang. In many things, it will definitely turn to Zhang Juzheng's side.

Although it sounds like Zhang Fan has done something stupid, it is not the case in the eyes of the officials. As a cabinet minister, it does not matter whether he is strong or not. On the contrary, this slight recognition is more able to make people I think it's important. After all, it may not be a good thing if this kind of thing is tough. Besides, if it is replaced by a person who looks like a raging fire, it is also not a good thing. Although in that case, this kind of person will help you in a big way, but if Once he starts to oppose you, I am afraid it is not a good thing.

In short, when many people, including Gao Gong, thought that Zhang Fan's letting Gaoyi into the cabinet was just a lukewarm person in the cabinet, Gaoyi let people in the past two months. A big reversal came to his image.

It was good at the beginning, if Gao Gong raised something, even if it was something that was very unfavorable to Zhang Juzheng, Gao Yi would not stand up and confront him, he would always wait silently until Zhang Juzheng stood up to raise objections Only when the time comes, he will stand beside Zhang Juzheng and echo him, expressing his support for Zhang Juzheng.

However, gradually, people found that this situation had changed greatly. Gao Yi didn't know whether he had taken the wrong medicine or lost his mind, and suddenly became crazy. Gao Gong, he was no longer just condescending to Zhang Juzheng in a low voice, but stood up and spoke loudly, arguing with reason, showing no mercy to Gao Gong.

If it's just like this, it's nothing. After all, will this person change? Although Gao Gong was very unhappy about this, he was almost a little angry, but he didn't launch any attack on Gao Yi. In Gao Gong's view, Gao Yi He's just a clown, a sloppy person who only knows how to follow other people's pace and is a person without his own opinions.

However, Gaoyi, which has surprised people very much, is not satisfied, and he has prepared even bigger surprises for people.

Gradually, Gao Yi was no longer satisfied with just following Zhang Juzheng's pace and echoing him, he began to want to have his own opinions and initiative.

And this matter just started in an ordinary early court time. Gao Gong raised an objection in the morning court, which was about the eunuch's wanton acceptance of bribes. In fact, the purpose was to hit Feng Bao, the eunuch who is now in the limelight. Forget it, although Gao Gong didn't naively think that Feng Bao would be able to make Long Qing just a few strokes, but it is still possible to alienate the relationship between Feng Bao and Long Qing.

For this matter, Gao Gong has even made a plan. If Zhang Juzheng stands up to object, he will break the news about Zhang Juzheng bribing Feng Bao. In fact, this is what he is planning. He knows that if he just says If the internal supervisor accepts bribes, Long Qing will not ask anything at all, at most he will say a few words in a flat manner, but if Zhang Juzheng can be made to stand up, once he said these words, he would impeach Feng Baohe by name. Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Juzheng were married, in short, he just didn't want Zhang Juzheng to live.

But things were not as Gao Gong thought. After he said this matter in the court, he began to wait patiently for Zhang Juzheng to stand up to object. Gao Gong's prediction was good, and Zhang Juzheng did have this idea. Although Gao Gong didn't name him, no matter who heard it, he knew he was talking about Feng Bao. If Zhang Juzheng didn't stand up to help, would Feng Bao be upset? He can't guarantee it.

However, just when Zhang Juzheng had thought up his words and was about to go out to speak, a figure was three points faster than him, and stood up first.

Gao Gong waited for Zhang Juzheng to come out with full confidence, and when he heard the footsteps behind him, he already started laughing in his heart, but when the person behind him opened his mouth, he was surprised.

Gao Yi, the person who stood up turned out to be Gao Yi. Everyone present did not expect this, but only Long Qing, who was sitting alone on the high platform, was still able to face all this calmly, waiting for Gao Yi's words.

And Gao Yi was not ambiguous, so while Gao Gong and the others were in a daze, he explained his point of view to Long Qing, and what he said was no longer as lukewarm as before, and his words were very fierce, angrily scolding Gao Gong This kind of villain's behavior of complaining first, accusing him is no better than the eunuch in the inner palace, and the bribes he accepts are not much less.

Then he compared with the eunuch and said that he was not enough compared to the eunuch. This is definitely a shame and a shame for Gao Gong who hates eunuchs. No, it should be said that he was frightened by Gao Yi's crazy state, and he didn't even think of fighting back for a while.

Long Qing just watched the following play with great interest, and did not make any comments, and even in the end, he did not make any judgments about it. The events of that day ended like this, but the images left to the officials of the court were It is not calm, and it is simply unimaginable that Gao Yi would oppose Gao Gong so fiercely.

But Gao Gong, who is extremely angry, has nothing to do about it. From a certain point of view, Gao Yi can be said to be a perfect person who does not accept bribes. Even if he is already a party, he is not impeachable. His reasons, stains, whether living in a friend's house counts or not is nothing more than a matter of face, and since Gao Yi joined the cabinet, the attitude of his originally complaining friend changed immediately , even if Gaoyi wants to move out and he doesn't do it, then what is left, basically nothing.

Since then, Gao Yi has started his own strong moves, and he is very positive in everything, especially when facing Gao Gong, but Gao Gong is a little helpless when facing Gao Yi.

And more people in the court turned their attention to the person behind all this, Zhang Fan, people wanted to know how Zhang Fan made such a meek Gao Yi suddenly change his mind, In other words, Zhang Fan really has unparalleled insight and knows the true face of Gao Yi.

However, at this time, Zhang Fan, who was being watched by everyone, was very nervous. He was facing a major event in his life.

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