The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 377 Painful Waiting

"Young Madam, she is about to give birth."

Zhang Fan rode to the door of the house.Haven't had time to dismount yet.He heard Xiangmei's words in a hurry.After hearing the news.One side of Zhang Fan's expression became fierce.He dismounted quickly with a swift movement that he had never used before.He ran straight to the door of the house.

Zhang's backyard.Although it can't be called a busy group now.But also than usual.It's a bit confusing.The door to the room was the room.It is not possible to hear Ru Xue's cry of pain.Ru Xue's voice was extremely moving.But so loud.But it makes people feel more miserable.outside the door.A figure walked back and forth.Shows his anxious heart.originally.This person should be Zhang Fan, the husband.But because he is not here at this time.This person was also replaced by Zhao's mother-in-law.

"Mother, there's nothing you can do if you're in such a hurry." Yingyue at the side saw Zhao's appearance like this.He hurried forward to comfort him. "Look at this hour. Mr. Xiang must be back soon. Mother should come here to sit down and rest quickly. This kind of thing can't be rushed. If the mother's body is in a hurry, then what to do."

Hear Yingyue's consolation.It was only then that Mrs. Zhao walked slowly to one side and sat down on a chair.It's just that she is sitting here.But the anxious look on his face was always there.It can be seen that she has been worried in her heart.

In fact, she wanted to go in.After all, she is a mother-in-law.It is her daughter-in-law who is going to have a baby.It's nothing to say.and.She also wants to go in.See if you can be of any help.But think twice.Zhao still didn't muster up the courage to go in.She gave birth to a son like Zhang Fan in her whole be honest.Experience is not such a thing as much.Plus.When she gave birth to Zhang Fan.It is also very painful.Almost a life for a life.Even mother and child double danger.In short.From then on.She really was a little afraid of having a baby.after.Zhang Fan's father also understood his wife's feelings.The idea of ​​having another child was never brought up again.And the Zhao family.Although I also want to open up branches and leaves for the Zhang family.Add a few more people.But there is always some fear in my heart.Don't mention it when you see your husband.She never talked about it again.

now.My daughter-in-law is facing her own situation again.Although not too old.But Mrs. Zhao is getting old after all.older people.In addition to hoping that my children will be successful in their careers.The most hopeful thing is to have a full house of children and grandchildren.The business is successful.Zhang Fan has already done it.Mrs. Zhao is also very pleased.The rest is full of children and grandchildren.

Take care.Zhao should be more concerned about whether Ru Xue can give birth to a child for Zhang Fan.And not...but when today.Ru Xue's abdominal pain was unbearable.When the amniotic fluid breaks.Mrs. Zhao hesitated again and again.Still, he held back the midwife and the girl who were about to enter the house to deliver the baby.Good life to give some advice.We must ensure the safety of mother and child.Medicine in this era is underdeveloped.So Mrs. Zhao couldn't tell if there was any danger.They must let them save Ru Xue's life.But such a sentence, mother and child are safe.It is already the most embarrassing thing for a daughter-in-law in this era.Words from the mother-in-law's mouth.

after.Zhao and two daughters-in-law.And the little girl Zhaoxue has been waiting anxiously outside the door.First, he was waiting for the news from the room.Secondly, they were waiting for Zhang Fan.I wonder why he hasn't come back yet.

I was thinking about this.There was a sound outside the door.then.Zhang Fan's figure appeared in front of everyone.Listening to the cry of my beloved wife in pain.Zhang Fan's already worried mood became even more irrepressible.Plus the urge because the news was too sudden.Zhang Fan said nothing.Going into the room.

"Stop for me." How could Mrs. Zhao watch Zhang Fan act like this.With a stern reprimand, he shouted at Zhang Fan.

I heard my mother's scolding.Zhang Fan's chaotic heart suddenly woke up.Looking back at Mrs. Zhao.I don't know what to say.There was no sound for a long time.

"Women give birth to children. How can men go in." Zhao said to Zhang Fan rather angrily. "Come here soon."

"Got it, mother." Zhang Fan said in a low voice.So he took Zhao's side.But it is not standing.Neither is sitting.Standing there in embarrassment.

"On the contrary. I'm not talking about you for my mother's sake." Mrs. Zhao didn't wait for Zhang Fan to explain.Already started talking. "Ru Xue is your wife. She is pregnant with the flesh and blood of our Zhang family. Don't you know this. It's exactly ten months from the first month of this year. It may happen at any time. Don't you understand this. "

"Of course my child knows. It's just..." Zhang Fangang wanted to argue.But he thought that today's matter was indeed his own fault.He became humble again.Still, he said in a low voice. "Isn't this because Hai'er Chaozhong is busy with work?"

Mrs. Zhao heard what he said.It's not the same anymore.I agree with Zhang Fan's reason for trying everything.I don't know where to pull out a folding fan.Just like that, he drew towards Zhang Fan's head.And Zhang Fan saw his mother like this.I don't even dare to hide.It took such a long time solidly.Fortunately, it was just a folding fan after all.The portion is there.Even if he was hit hard this time.It's okay.this time.Zhang Fan couldn't help but feel happy.Fortunately, Mrs. Zhao is not very old now.The legs and feet are still very neat.Otherwise, it wouldn't be a folding fan.But a crutch.This is if a crutch is firmly marked.Zhang Fanke was a little embarrassed.

"This is your wife. How could it be so." He slapped a fan.Mrs. Zhao still seemed to feel a little puzzled.Still reprimanding Zhang Fan.His chest heaved violently.Showing its extreme anger. "If... if something happens to Ru Xue and the child. I... I... I don't have a son like you."

Faced with Zhao's "unfeeling" words.Zhang Fan didn't say anything.he knows.This is the harsh words of the mother in a moment of anger.Not really.

"What are you talking about, mother?" Zhang Fan was also a little reluctant to get up. "Ru Xue will definitely be fine. Mother, don't worry."

Zhang Fan comforted his mother in this way.It's just that Ru Xue's cries of pain can still be heard from time to time in the room.Zhang Fan's words were not convincing at all.

"Oh..." Mrs. Zhao sighed.Said helplessly. "Do you know how much Ru Xue was in pain just now. Although she didn't say it, she couldn't understand it in her heart. Compared with other things, she hopes to have you around. Even if she can't see you. Knowing that you're right here waiting for her. She'll be happy too."

Hear what my mother said.Zhang Fan became silent.yes.When your loved one needs you most.He was not by her side.This is not just a display of irresponsibility.At this moment, Zhang Fan also felt extremely guilty.

Think here.Zhang Fan suddenly walked to the door.Zhao and the others thought that Zhang Fan wanted to force his way in again.They were all ready to stop them.And Mrs. Zhao was about to speak out to stop it.

It's just that no one thought of it.Zhang Fan had no intention of breaking in.Instead, stand where you are.Drummed up the dantian.Shouted loudly: "Xue'er. I'm Mr. Xianggong. I'm back. You have to hold on. I'll be right here waiting for you."

What Zhang Fan did really shocked everyone present.No one thought of it.Zhang Fan would do such a "shocking" thing.Shout out such "unheard" words.This is really different.At least no one has done it before.

And it seemed that he had heard Zhang Fan's sincere call.Ru Xue's painful cry in the room also dropped by three points.Zhang Fan's words can be regarded as exhausting his strength.Ru Xue naturally heard it.And the same.These words also gave Ru Xue great encouragement and confidence.When she first entered the delivery room.In fact, bad plans have already been made.But then she.I don't know if it's because of maternal love or something else.But choose the child.But now.Ru Xue changed her mind.Her desire to see Zhang Fan grew stronger than ever.

Everyone just waited anxiously outside the door.Time also passed bit by bit.Watching the door being opened from time to time.The maid who brought the hot water in the basin kept coming in and out.Zhang Fan's heart became even more irritable.It's just that he understands.No matter how anxious I am at this time.That is also impossible.Even if he, a man, is allowed to enter a woman's delivery room.I'm afraid it won't help much.

It was already getting late.But none of the people present felt hungry.Zhang Fan has been waiting here for almost an hour.However, there was still no result.Ru Xue's painful cry still reached his ears without hindrance.This made him feel really tortured.The torment was not watching Ru Xue suffer.But he listened to his beloved wife in such pain.But he couldn't accompany the thoughts around him.

finally. "Wow..." The baby's loud and high-pitched cry came out.Hear this burst of crying.The people waiting outside couldn't help but be overjoyed.Mrs. Zhao was very happy.Zhang Fan was naturally happy to have a child.And on the faces of people like Luo Linger, Yingyue, and Zhaoxue.But it was an expression of joy mixed with anticipation.

On Zhang Fan's face, however, there was no sign of joy.Because of this moment.Although I heard the cry of my own child.But Zhang Fan couldn't hear his beloved wife's voice.Just when he wanted to go forward to inquire about the situation inside.The room once again thought of Ru Xue's cry.

Hear this voice.Zhang Fan couldn't bear it anymore.Go up and push the door.I don't know.The door opened.A midwife appeared.Looking at Zhang Fan, he said, "A senior official. A woman's family has children. How can a man come in."

"But, Xue'er has already..." Zhang Fan asked in surprise.

"That's the first child." The midwife smiled.The creases on the face also deepened.Said. "Madam still has a baby in her womb."

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