Since then, the Zhang family has two more people, and this time there is a boy and a girl. Ru Xue gave birth to a pair of twins, which made the Zhao family very happy. Before, Zhang Fan's uncle Zhang Yufang and his family came here At that time, she also brought the son born to Zhang Fan's cousin Zhang Yan with her. Mrs. Zhao loved him so much that she regarded him as her own grandson. With a big belly, Zhao's expectations for his grandson are getting bigger and bigger.

But at that time, she still had a little bit of worry, what if Ru Xue gave birth to a daughter, although Mrs. Zhao would not say it out loud, she even felt in her heart that it would be fine if Ru Xue gave birth to a girl for the first time, but All in all, Zhao's heart still has great hopes for a boy who can inherit the Zhang family's business.

Now it’s all good, she has all her grandchildren, and Mrs. Zhao has finally let go of all worrying thoughts. Although the two little guys have just been born, let alone what to say to make her happy, even if they crawl She can't do it even by climbing, but Mrs. Zhao can already imagine the future, the way the two children will be happy under her knees. This makes Mrs. Zhao, who is already very satisfied with her current life, more hopeful in her life .

Zhang Fan also likes his two biological flesh and blood very much, because they are twins, and the two children were born on the same day, but after all, one must come first, and the boy should be born two hours earlier. Just as the elder brother, and the other is naturally the younger sister. Brother and sister seem to be a matter of course. Zhang Fan doesn't care much about these things. On the contrary, he likes his son very much. It's not because he doesn't like his daughter. On the contrary, he also likes his daughter very much, but, originally, he was the only man in the huge Zhang family, and it can be said that the yin and yang have declined to the extreme. Now that he has a son, he can transfer these women in the family. attention, so that his future life can be easier.

After the two children were born, on the second day, Ru Xue woke up weakly from a lethargic sleep, and clamored to see her two children. Before that, Zhang Fan was afraid that the two children who did not know etiquette and morality would make a noise, and that they would disturb the already The exhausted Ru Xue had a rest, which was why the nanny took her there. Seeing Ru Xue's strong request now, how could he have the right to refuse.

Because she just gave birth to a pair of twins, Ru Xue's body is as weak as she wants now, and just for a while, she was already impatient, and the desire to see her child soon prompted her to stand up Getting up weakly, she wanted to find them, but Zhang Fan stopped her, and immediately ordered the maid to bring the two little ones to the nanny, and Ru Xue calmed down.

Zhang Fan is very vigilant about the current Ru Xue. She has just given birth and is bleeding profusely, and her body is already weak. At this time, it is already the beginning of autumn, and the weather is getting colder. If ordinary people are a little careless, They would all suffer from wind and cold, not to mention Ru Xue now, so Zhang Fan also stepped up precautions against this, and specially ordered the servant girls below that if it was not a last resort, Ru Xue should not be allowed to get up and go to the ground casually.

Seeing the nanny carrying the two children, Ru Xue impatiently wanted to carry them over to see for herself. Seeing this, Zhang Fan immediately went up to help. A child who was sleeping soundly in the nurse's arms burst into tears, but seeing this scene, Zhang Fan showed no embarrassment at all, on the contrary, he became even happier. At least, the crying of the two children was loud and powerful. , proving how healthy the two little ones are.

As soon as Ru Xue gave birth to two children, she hugged the other in her arms and coaxed them slightly. The two children really stopped crying. Ru Xue was also very happy about this, seeing that she had gone through all kinds of hardships in the words Ru Xue did not blame them at all for the painful experience they had brought her. On the contrary, she was even more happy. The so-called pregnancy in October, once she gave birth, the pain during the period was never experienced. People who have experienced it are never qualified to make irresponsible remarks, but in the eyes of mothers, especially being able to hold their own flesh and blood in their own hands, the pain is completely a kind of painless experience, after all, compared to the past The future hope, those are nothing at all.

Zhang Fan looked at Ru Xue, who was sitting on the bed with two children in her arms, exuding a kind of motherly love crazily. Zhang Fan's eyes lit up. He still remembered the first time he saw Ru Xue. When it was snowing, she was wearing a veil at that time, just showing a pair of gentle eyes and her wonderful voice like the sounds of nature, but that was already enough to make Zhang Fan imagine infinitely, and when Zhang Fan first saw Ru He was also stunned on the spot when Xue showed Lushan's true face. At that time, Ru Xue lived in Zhang Fan's heart forever with a perfect posture, but until this time, when she saw the child in her arms Zhang Fan discovered that Ru Xue was more beautiful than ever before, and it was the most beautiful scene he had ever seen.

Ru Xue was very happy looking at the two children, and suddenly realized that their names hadn't been named yet, so she couldn't help but look at Zhang Fan, but she saw Zhang Fan looking dumbfounded, looking at herself in a daze, and couldn't help but look at Zhang Fan. He opened his mouth and called out: "Msanggong, Mrs...."

But Zhang Fan was in a good mood at this time, he was lost in thought, and he didn't pay any attention to what his beloved wife said.

Seeing this, the maid at the side couldn't help but gently pushed Zhang Fan, and said with a smile, "Master, Madam is calling you."

"What?" Zhang Fan, who came back to his senses, quickly looked at Ru Xue, and seeing that she still had doubts on her face, he couldn't help asking, "What's the matter, Xue'er?"

"The meaning of the concubine's body is that the husband should give the children names," Ru Xue said, "or, give them a baby name first,"

"Oh, I've already thought about this matter," Zhang Fan said, "Our son is called Yan Yi, what does Xue'er think?"

"Yanyi..." Ru Xue recited the name silently, "One word is beneficial to the benevolent, nothing like 'forgiveness', Zhang Yanyi, a good name,"

Hearing Ru Xue's words, Zhang Fan couldn't help but feel a little helpless. What he was actually thinking about was "one word is beneficial to the wise, nothing better than 'forecasting'", but judging by Ru Xue's temperament, she would think so. It should be, Zhang Fan didn't intend to say anything more, but he had some small calculations in his heart, and when he educated Yan Yi in the future, he had to make it clear, don't let him do those stupid things that repay grievances with virtue, Kong Shengren himself said The phrase "Repay grievances with honesty, and reward virtues with kindness" does not mean that people will take revenge blindly, but it does not rule it out.

"What about our daughter?" Ru Xue continued to ask, not knowing what Zhang Fan was thinking.

"This..." Zhang Fan hesitated for a while, and said, "Xue'er, I haven't decided on the name of this daughter's family, why not, Xue'er, come up with me."

"Is that so..." Ru Xue thought for a while, then suddenly raised her head and said, "Master, what do you think of being called Ailing?"

"Zhang Ailing, Zhang Ailing," Zhang Fan muttered silently, suddenly startled, and hurriedly said, "No, no, let's change to another one." A layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"What's the matter, isn't that a good name?" Seeing Zhang Fan's sudden panic, Ru Xue couldn't help being very puzzled.

"Anyway, Xue'er, let's change it." How could Zhang Fan explain it clearly to her in a short time, he couldn't say that this name is exactly the same as the famous person hundreds of years later, although no one knows now, but Zhang Fan felt that he might not be able to bear having a daughter named Zhang Ailing.

"That's it..." Seeing that Zhang Fan didn't say anything, Ru Xue didn't bother to ask any more questions, and said after thinking for a while, "Then let's call it Yanyue."

"The geese lead the worry away, and the mountain has a good month to come, Yanyue, Zhang Yanyue, good, good." This time, Zhang Fan was satisfied.

"I hope that our daughter's life will really be like what is written in this poem, and she will be happy and happy," Ru Xue looked at her daughter in her arms, and offered the most sincere blessings of a mother.

"Yes," Zhang Fan sat on the side of the bed, looked at the two children, and then at Ru Xue, said in a quiet voice, but very firmly, "Don't worry, Xueer, I will definitely make this a success." real,"

Hearing Zhang Fan's promise, Ru Xue once again showed a hearty smile. Looking at his beloved wife's smiling face, Zhang Fan became more determined in his heart to make their mother and child happy.

Zhang Fan had two children. It didn't take long in the capital, a city where the news was transmitted very quickly. Everyone who should know knew about it. As a result, a month later, when the full moon was drinking, the Zhang family was Once again the garden was full of guests, the only difference was that although it was a happy day, both the host and the guests knew how to restrain themselves, and no one got drunk or anything.

Yan Yi and Yanyue, these two little fellows, are just full moon and don't understand anything. They just cry when they see a lot of people, and go to sleep when they're tired from crying. A daunting official.

Everyone also gave them blessings, but this time they were also a little worried. The commander of the Jinyiwei did indeed have a good death. Back then, Lu Bing, the only three princes and three orphans in the Ming Dynasty, died well, but not long after Long Qing ascended the throne. It has not been liquidated yet. As for whether Zhang Fan can have a good death and ensure the prosperity of future generations, these people can't see clearly. After all, there are too many variables in Zhang Fan.

When Zhang Fan was born, Long Qing also sent someone over to greet him, and Zhu Yijun took advantage of this excuse to run to Zhang Fan's house all day long.

The matter has been a lot more successful, and the court is going on as before, and the days are passing day by day. There has been no abnormality in the southwest for the past six months. The investigation there has continued for more than half a year, but it is Haven't seen any results yet.

And at this time, in the sixth year of Longqing, that is, in [-] A.D., which happened to be the third month of leap, a major event happened in the palace. Longqing fell ill.

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