"Ling'er. Believe me. I really don't mean anything else." In the dark.Yu'er was defending. "I'm not trying to do anything. It's just that I really can't bear to see you so sad all day long. I want to help you."

No sound came from the darkness.Give Yuer any answer.Some are just a smooth and pink right hand.Gently stroked her cheek.There is no sound.But Yu'er already understood.Fang Yueling had already forgiven herself.There was forgiveness in the right hand stroking his cheek.

"You trust Yu'er. That's great." Yu'er said.There were tears in a pair of beautiful eyes.

Fang Yueling still didn't say anything.Move your right hand up.Gently wipe away the tears for Yu'er.Leading Yu'er.Fang Yueling came to the only bed in the small room and sat down.Yu'er seemed a little hesitant.But after receiving Fang Yueling's "hint".He also sat beside her.

Living with Fang Yueling for so many years.There is no need to listen to the sound at all.Yu'er knew what she wanted to say in her heart.

"I've been here for half a year. It's in this capital." Yu'er said. "As long as I have a chance, I will go to see that little girl Yingyue. It's just... hum. I didn't expect this girl to be very infatuated. With that Zhang Fan, I don't even think about Linger's kindness to her at all." She didn't even think about it. When she was just sent here, who was keeping her? Otherwise, she would be a dead flower and a willow tree now. I want to see if Zhang Fan can still like that her."

Facing Yu'er's words that seemed to be defending her.Fang Yueling's eyes were hidden deep in the darkness.There was a look of helplessness.

yes.Don't even think about it.indeed.Fang Yueling was able to keep Yingyue's innocence.But Yu'er seems to have forgotten one thing.Those who want to act recklessly against Yingyue.He is also a member of the Five Poisons Sect.After all.on this matter.Yingyue did not owe Fang Yueling anything.

Fang Yueling's jade hand held Yu'er again.Yu'er immediately knew what she wanted to ask.There is quite a touching meaning in the words.Said: "Ling'er is so kind. Don't worry. Although that Zhang Fan sent many spies from Jinyiwei to search for us, the people sent by Ling'er are really capable. Thanks to them, Yu'er is safe and sound. Those who Jin Yiwei claims to know everything in the world. From my point of view, they are completely silver-like wax gun heads. They can only brag. They have no skills at all."

There is no danger to hear Yu'er.Fang Yueling withdrew her hand.I also feel relieved a lot in my heart.But the sentence behind Yu'er.It made her helpless again.Yu'er underestimated Jin Yiwei too much.In other words, she was too arrogant to believe in the abilities of the Five Poison Sect.But Fang Yueling won't.She understood very well in her heart.No matter how capable his own Five Poisons Sect is.No longer able to dominate the arena.That's just a Jianghu gang in the southwestern corner of An'an.Maybe in the southwest.Even in the rivers and lakes.The Five Poisons Sect can be considered to be supernaturally powerful.But if you want to go head-to-head with Jin Yiwei, an official "gang" backed by the huge Ming Empire.The end is tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg.Very miserable.

But even understand these.Fang Yueling didn't intend to tell Yu'er either.

"I just hate that girl Yingyue." Yu'er continued. "So many days. I haven't gone to her once or twice. And she turned out to be... Ling'er. We all misunderstood this girl at the beginning. We shouldn't have been so kind to her back then. Look now. This girl will us Her good intentions are like a donkey's liver and lungs. It is good for her to have a man and forget who she was in the past. This little brat. I don't think we need to care about her anymore. When we find out the whereabouts of the old leader, we don't have to feel sorry Her. See what she will look like in two years. Let me see. At that time, she will still cry and come back to kowtow to Linger to admit her mistake.

"As for that Li Yang, I don't think it's a good thing. Ling'er, you probably don't know about it. He defected to that Zhang Fan when he was in the south of the Yangtze River. What a disgrace to our Miao family. He thought we didn't know. I thought I could turn us around. In the future, Ling'er, don't forget. Don't let this dog who eats and crawls away..."

Fang Yueling quietly listened to Yu'er's continuous complaints.He didn't mean to interrupt her at all.

In Fang Yueling's heart.It's not that she didn't understand what Yingyue did.After all it counts.She and Yingyue are considered to be the same age.Although she was too well protected by Fang Zhenqian before.There is not much contact with the outside world.In addition, what she receives on weekdays is always Yu'er's idea that "no man in the world is a good thing".But she was still a woman after all.And now she.Also at this age.I don't have any thoughts in my heart.It is also impossible.Although Fang Yueling couldn't fully understand.Why is Yingyue such a woman.Such a woman who has seen her sister's painful lesson.Still can't learn how to behave.Ditch these utterly boring feelings.But faintly.Fang Yueling seemed to have begun to understand Yingyue's mood.

Just now.Yu'er beside her couldn't stop her nagging.But Fang Yueling didn't think she was noisy.She also knew how to stop Yu'er.

"Ah." Yu'er who was talking softly exclaimed.Fang Yueling had already thrown her on the bed by the side. "Ling'er. You... ah..."

pause time.It was still dark in the small room.But at this time.But it's the same as the outside.Spring is in full bloom.

the second day.Li Yang came in front of Zhang Fan.But for Li Yang.Even though Zhang Fan has made up his mind on the principle of "no doubt about employing people".But subconsciously.He always had some mistrust of him.so.This time Zhang Fan did not meet him in his mansion.Instead, they asked him to stay in a small secret courtyard of Jinyiwei in Beijing.

After Li Yang came in to greet Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan asked Wang Meng, who was standing by the side, to tell him the whole story.

After listening to Wang Meng's words.Li Yang buried his head in deep thought.

"How." After a while.Zhang Fan asked. "You have something in mind."

"Return to the adults..." Li Yang said with a little hesitation. "This woman. I feel humble. I'm afraid it's the Yu'er who is always by Fang Yueling's side."

listened to him.Zhang Fan's eyes lit up.Then he asked, "Are you sure." After all, Li Yang only listened to Wang Meng's description.But he had never seen the appearance of that woman.Zhang Fan would have such a question.

"Return to your lord. I have a [-]% to [-]% certainty in the humble position." Li Yang said. "After all. In the Five Poisons Sect. I don't know martial arts. And I can get a woman who has spent so much effort to help. Presumably, Yu'er is the only one. It's just that I haven't seen her with my own eyes after all. So it's still I don’t dare to jump to conclusions. However, I will be humbled for a while. I really can’t think of anyone else.”

Think about it.Zhang Fan repeated the question again: "You can be sure. There really is no one else."

"Maybe there will be." Li Yang said very uncertainly. "After all, Fang Yueling is very secretive. Maybe there will be another woman who is so trusted by her. But Yu'er is the only woman who has shown her face in the church. Even if there are others. Even the humble have no way of knowing."

Zhang Fan thought about Li Yang's words.I secretly agreed with what he said.indeed.Li Yang has not seen the woman who met Yingyue yet.It is indeed difficult for Wang Meng to make a conclusion based on Wang Meng's narration on the side.


"But what." Hearing these two words from Li Yang.Zhang Fan hurriedly asked.Thought he thought of something again.

Li Yang did think of something.He opened his mouth and said: "One thing. The humble official has some calculations in his heart. It doesn't matter whether Fang Yueling is still hiding a girl like Yu'er. She doesn't know martial arts but is a woman she trusts. The humble official really doesn't know. But the humble official knows a little bit. That was when she was sent to the Five Poison Sect. The whereabouts of the third lady are not a secret. Most people in the sect know her whereabouts in normal times. The humble position at that time was no exception. Although the humble position at that time was not too Pay attention to the third lady. But I know the humble job. The woman who can talk to the third lady in the school can be regarded as a woman who can talk a few words. That is Yu'er.

"Wang Qianhu said just now. The woman who came to see the third lady is acquainted with the third lady. And there doesn't seem to be any barrier. There are very few women in the Five Poison Sect. If this is the case It seems that only Yu'er is the most similar to the woman Wang Qianhu said."

I pondered for a while.Zhang Fan said: "You start from tomorrow. Follow the spies too. If that woman comes to Yingyue again, you have to show me. See if she is the Yu'er you mentioned. Also. Find a way to give I figured out how she escaped the eyes of our spies. More than half a year has passed. She stayed in the capital. But we can't find any news. It's really annoying."

Hear Zhang Fan's words.Wang Meng and Liang Chao on the side were quite ashamed.

But Li Yang clasped his fists together: "The humble official takes orders. Although there are many people in the Five Poison Sect who have a lot of evil ideas, and the various methods are even more varied. But the humble official knows a little bit here. The humble official will investigate and deal with the woman's whereabouts for the adults. "

And at this time.In that dark room.

Yu'er gasped slightly.Dressing Fang Yueling.Sweet in my heart.She also asked worriedly: "Ling'er, you really want to go. Yu'er doesn't underestimate your ability. It's just that this is too dangerous. Besides, Zhang Fan is nothing. It's just a stinky It's just a man. What's there to see."

Hear Yu'er's words.Fang Yueling was silent.To show the firmness of one's position.

Got this reply.Yu'er couldn't help but sighed in frustration.hands incessantly.Continue to serve Fang Yueling to put on her clothes.

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