The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 396 In Hongluo Temple

In the past few days, the women felt that there was something strange about Zhang Fan. Whether he was at home or accompanied them out to play, although Zhang Fan still smiled when facing them, they could still feel it. Zhang Fan must have something on his mind these days.

The most obvious one is naturally Ru Xue. As Zhang Fan's first wife, Ru Xue is also the person who knows Zhang Fan best at home besides Zhang Fan's mother, Mrs. Zhao. She is a talkative person, but that understanding smile is not made for no reason. Ru Xue has insight into many things, but she never speaks clearly. If Zhang Fan encounters something For things, Ru Xue would never talk to him about understanding, relaxation, etc. She understands that men have men's ideas, and women should not be smart enough to say anything even when men are in trouble. , but this does not mean that Ru Xue will do nothing. She is the big wife of the family. She is filial to her mother-in-law, makes the family harmonious, and does not cause Zhang Fan any trouble. This is what she should do. Moreover, Ru Xue Well done.

Those who could sense that Zhang Fan had something on their minds early on would naturally have those who didn't discover it later, as was the case with Yingyue.

This is not to say that Yingyue is a stupid woman, on the contrary, she sees many things very thoroughly, so now, she can't see through Zhang Fan's thoughts, the reason is only because she herself is also a person with thoughts.

During this period of time, Yu'er came to her again and again, wanting her to help find out about Fang Zhenqian, but Yu'er never told her anything, but in the same way, she never explicitly refused.

This ambiguous way of procrastinating has been very effective in the past half a year. In addition, although Yu'er will come to her every now and then, she has never said anything about forcing Yingying. If Yue Fei wanted to help her.

However, even so, Yingyue was worried in her heart, she didn't know when this fragile situation would be completely broken, once that time came, she would no longer be able to maintain the current situation.

In fact, Yingyue herself had thought a lot about what happened now, she didn't need to bother so much at all, Zhang Fan released the news that she had Fang Zhenqian, it was originally a fake, in order to make Fang Yueling fall for it, now, Yu'er Coming to her was an opportunity, but facing such an opportunity, Yingyue, who used to be very pleasant, hesitated for some reason.

Yingyue, who had something on her mind, naturally couldn't realize that her husband-in-law also had something on his mind. Knowing that three days ago, when the two children made her laugh and made her forget about it for a while, she occasionally raised her head to look at Zhang It was only then that Fan's Yingyue discovered his thoughtful face, and immediately, she knew it.

This can't help but make Yingyue's mind even heavier.

Perhaps for other people, Zhang Fan's preoccupation must be because of something unsatisfactory in the court, but Yingyue, who has something on her mind, has other things on the contrary.

Yingyue has seen the ability of Zhang Fan's Jin Yiwei before, and she will not have the slightest doubt. From her point of view, perhaps the reason why Zhang Fan is so troubled is because he already knows about his own affairs, which makes Ben already troubled. Yingyue also became even more at a loss. Originally, she was still looking for an opportunity to tell Zhang Fan about the matter, but now she put an end to this thought in her heart.

This is still the case today.

Today, for some unknown reason, everyone wants to go to the temple to burn incense and pray for blessings, because this topic was also brought up by a few women. The best place is naturally the "Huguozifu Temple", which is now The famous "Hongluo Temple".

Hongluo Temple is the birthplace of northern Buddhism in the Central Plains and has been a holy place for Buddhism for nearly a thousand years, and the abbots of the past dynasties were mostly elected by the royal family.

The scenery here is excellent, especially at this time, not to mention the pleasant weather, the scenery is also extremely beautiful. However, even when Ru Xue and others are feeling this refreshing and refreshing here, Zhang Fan and Yingyue and Yingyue, on the other hand, looked full of worries, they mostly said nothing while walking on the road, even if they asked them something, they smiled in surprise and agreed loudly.

Fortunately, other people are in a good mood today, and no one cares too much about this matter.

Since it is a woman who comes to pray, the destination is naturally the Avalokitesvara Temple at the end of Hongluo Temple. The Avalokitesvara Temple here is divided into two, the former one is dedicated to Congzi Avalokitesvara, and many people come to worship on weekdays , begging the Buddha to give birth to a son, and even though Ru Xue is now the mother of two children, she still bows piously at this time, thanking Guanyin Bodhisattva for letting her have two children, Yanyi and Yanyue.

After that, Luo Ling'er, who didn't want to go to worship at first, was also encouraged by the two sisters Ru Xue and Zhao Xue, and went up to offer incense with her face flushed. flushed.

But now Luo Ling'er's face is flushed, but she is very happy in her heart. She wanted to give birth to Zhang Fan's child very much, but because of her own worries and various reasons, she once gave up this idea, but now, It turned out that Ru Xue was the one who encouraged her to go to pay homage to Songzi Guanyin. This main reason for Luo Linger to give up her thoughts no longer existed, so Luo Linger was naturally happier.

With this in mind, when Luo Linger got up, she still peeked at Zhang Fan, as if she wanted to know what he was thinking, but to her disappointment, Zhang Fan looked full of thoughts, and even his eyes He didn't even look at her a few more times, which made Luo Ling'er very disappointed.

However, what happened next made Luo Ling'er even more uncomfortable. When Yingyue came up to worship with a dazed expression, Zhang Fan kept staring at her.

That's right, Zhang Fan's thoughts were all on Yingyue at this time, thinking about these things in his heart, his eyes naturally focused on Yingyue.

Next to the temple, there is a row of meditation rooms for tourists to rest their feet. Of course, they are not just for people to enter, but to entertain the most "pious" tourists. The so-called "pious" is in the end. Who gave more incense money? Zhang Fan is considered rich and powerful now, so when a monk piled up his face and preached the vast Dharma to him with a smile on his face, Wang Meng, who was following him, took out a wad of money with a big wave of his hand. When the banknote comes out, the money is enough, and the identity will naturally change from a lost person who needs guidance to the most devout believer.

Sitting resting in the meditation room, drinking the top-quality tea from the temple, Zhang Fan still looked absent-minded, knowing that when he saw Yingyue finding a reason to go out, Zhang Fan's irritable look also It's even worse.

Then, Wang Meng opened the door and walked in. After paying respects to Zhang Fan and the girls, he came to Zhang Fan's side and leaned down, whispering a few words in his ear.

When the girls in the room saw Zhang Fan heard Wang Meng's words, their eyes immediately glowed, and they immediately became energetic. They stood up and told the girls that they had something to do when they went out. Zhang Fan followed Wang Meng out without waiting for a reply. , This made the people in the room look at his leaving back and couldn't help guessing wildly in their hearts.

"Are you sure?" Zhang Fan immediately asked Wang Meng after leaving the room.

"My lord," Wang Meng said, "Today, Liang Baihu, Li Yang, and a group of brothers were guarding in the dark together. Just now, after the third wife went out, she didn't know what she saw, so she thought about going to a meditation room in the southwest. Someone was already there."

"You can see who is the person inside," Zhang Fan quickly asked, "Li Yang may recognize it, is the person inside really that Yu'er?"

"Go back to your lord, it's still not possible," Wang Meng said, "The brothers just put their eyes on your lord's side, and didn't pay too much attention to other places. After the third lady entered just now, Liang Baihu immediately asked a monk to ask about it. , Only then did I know that there was a woman waiting there, but when I asked him about the woman's appearance, she shook her head and didn't know, "

Hearing this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but immediately he was relieved. There are many meditation rooms here for tourists to rest. Beyond a door, there is only a small window in the room, not to mention adults, even children can hardly get out from there, if you want to get out, you must go through the main door.

Now, the main entrance of that meditation room has been stared at by Zhang Fan's subordinates. As long as people come out, they will be seen. It is only a matter of time to know whether the woman is Yu'er or not. Zhang Fan Although he was eager to know, he had been waiting for more than half a year, and he didn't care about waiting a little longer.

Seeing that Zhang Fan had made up his mind, Wang Meng couldn't help asking, "My lord, if the person inside is really that Yu'er, what should we do? Should we arrest her immediately?"

"No," Zhang Fan vetoed his idea, "There must be someone behind her to help, and there are many tourists here, if she is arrested, it will definitely cause riots, and if her people run away in the chaos, we will not be here at all. There is no way to find it, not to mention that even if we can pry this woman's mouth open, it will take some time. By the time we know where those people are, they may have already run away. What worries me most is that this woman doesn't know much. , in that case, it will be useless for us to catch her alone, and we will also scare the snake, and make the whereabouts of these people more secretive, which will cause trouble later, "

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Wang Meng also nodded secretly.

"Send two people to guard here, and I'll go with you," Zhang Fan ordered, and then he walked towards a remote meditation room beside him, but neither Zhang Fan nor Wang Meng noticed that there was a pair of beautiful women in the distance. Looking at them with interested eyes,

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