The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 399 The Edge of Despair

Yingyue came out from the door, feeling very restless.

In the conversation with Yu'er just now, Yingyue has already stated her position. She said that she would not delay this matter any longer. At that time, she really thought so in her heart, and she had already done it. Plan, plan to tell Zhang Fan about this matter as soon as he sees him.

But she had just walked out of the room, but she was a little shaken again.

The so-called unpredictable people.

And the next moment, the scene in front of him stunned her. She saw the door of a Zen room opened not far away, and her husband Zhang Fan came out accompanied by several people. This is not the point The point is that among the people who walked out with Zhang Fan, Yingyue saw Li Yang's figure.

Li Yang knew Yu'er, Yingyue knew this very clearly, and now that Li Yang appeared here, it also showed that Zhang Fan knew all about the meeting between her and Yu'er, no matter what it was In Yingyue's view, Zhang Fan already knew all about Yu'er's identity. In an instant, Yingyue thought of Zhang Fan's strange situation that she hadn't paid much attention to in the past six months. Fan already knew.

This made her feel somewhat regretful. From her point of view, since Zhang Fan knew about this matter, he has never asked her about it for more than half a year now, in order to let her speak out on his own initiative. However, Yingyue understood that Zhang Fan gave herself a chance, and she wasted a chance.

Perhaps, an hour ago, she told Zhang Fan about the whole thing and there was a turning point, but now, it's too late, everything is already too late.

Speaking of women is too sentimental, now that she regrets it to the extreme, Yingyue also starts to think about things that are useless.

She thought that her wish had come true and she married Zhang Fan, and that Zhang Fan held such a grand wedding banquet for her, just to accept her as a concubine. Thinking of this, Yingyue felt that she was too sorry for Zhang Fan. Fantastic.

She also thought that it has been half a year since Yu'er came to find her before the day she entered the gate of the Zhang family. However, in the past six months, all her thoughts have been occupied by this matter, except for the occasional Encountering some very happy things can make her forget all of them for a while, but that is only temporary after all. When her heart calms down, she will think of this thing again in her heart. In the past six months, Yingyue can be regarded as happy. Thinking of this, Yingyue felt that she was even more sorry for Zhang Fan, and she was too sorry for herself, for wasting such a good time.

She even thought about what Zhang Fan would do to her after knowing everything, "divorce his wife", these two heavy words suddenly appeared in her mind, but immediately, Yingyue laughed, Of course, if her strange sad expression can be called a smile, she understands that she is just a concubine, if Zhang Fan is tired of her, if she says no, then don’t, Zhang Fan doesn’t need to sign, You don't even need to write a letter of divorce, you just need someone to drive her out of the gate of the Zhang Mansion. Divorcing a concubine's room is really too normal in this era, and no one will do it for this. things to blame Zhang Fan or something.

Yingyue thinks things too seriously now, but in fact, this is just because she has kept things in her heart for half a year, accumulating these heavy things over time, and now they all burst out, the power is really quite considerable Big, can push a strong person to the bottom in an instant.

Yingyue, who had been soaked in all her thoughts by sadness and despair, never thought that if things would really be as she imagined, if Zhang Fan would really treat her as she thought now, then Zhang Fan It must be that he doesn't care about her at all, but at this moment, Zhang Fan appeared here and observed her secretly. It has been half a year, but he has never broken through her on the spot, and he has never mentioned anything to her about this matter. The words about the incident, and even Zhang Fan's worries about her in the past six months, are all because Zhang Fan cares and values ​​her too much, otherwise...

But at this time, Yingyue, whose heart was completely occupied by despair, couldn't think of these at all.

She just stood there without moving, waiting for Zhang Fan, or rather waiting for despair, to walk towards her step by step.

Here, after Zhang Fan and the others left the meditation room, he immediately pointed to the direction of Yu'er's departure with his eyes. Liang Chao naturally understood, nodded to Li Yang and the others behind, and walked there, while Li Yang Before leaving, he looked at Yingyue with uneasy eyes, but Zhang Fan saw him and nodded to him, Li Yang then left with peace of mind.

These little things that were not very eye-catching were all noticed by Wang Meng, and he still didn't say a word.

Zhang Fan walked towards Yingyue, while Wang Meng kept a distance and followed Zhang Fan, so as not to disturb him and Yingyue, but also to protect Zhang Fan in time.

Seeing Zhang Fan walking towards her step by step, Yingyue didn't know what was going on in her heart.

The place is not very big, Zhang Fan came to Yingyue before long and stopped.

Without raising her head to look at Zhang Fan, Yingyue could feel his burning eyes on her, which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

Really couldn't stand Zhang Fan looking at her like this anymore, Yingyue said hesitantly, "Msgrand...I..."

"Go back with me first," Zhang Fan didn't let Yingyue continue, his voice was so calm that Yingyue couldn't figure out what was going on in his heart.

After Zhang Fan finished speaking, without waiting for Yingyue to say anything, he turned his head and walked towards the meditation room where Ru Xue and the other girls were.

But Yingyue just followed behind Zhang Fan dully, with heavy steps.

Walking to the door, Zhang Fan, who hadn't pushed the door open, heard a burst of laughter coming from inside, as if some happy topic was going on inside, Zhang Fan sighed, with a smile on his face, Pushed open the door.

"Brother-in-law, and sister Yue'er, why have you been gone for so long?" Seeing Zhang Fan and Yingyue coming in, the lively Zhaoxue immediately said coquettishly.

"I met an acquaintance outside and said a few more words," Zhang Fan said as if nothing had happened, "What's wrong?"

"Hmph, how can there be such a brother-in-law," Zhao Xue said with an unforgiving look on Zhang Fan's face, "going out to play, not with the family, but talking to others,"

"Zhaoxue, don't mess around," Ru Xue on the side said to reprimand her sister, but there was not much blame in her words, and she looked at Zhang Fan with apologetic eyes after she finished speaking.

This also aroused Zhaoxue's dissatisfaction: "My sister knows how to protect her brother-in-law,"

The room was naturally full of laughter again, of course, except for Yingyue's appearance which is not really a smile.

Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't refute, and said with a smile, "Zhaoxue is right, brother-in-law promises not to commit any crimes in the future."

"By the way, where shall we go next?" Zhaoxue was most concerned about this matter.

"Oh, that's right," Zhang Fan slapped his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't do it today, something happened temporarily, I have to go back first,"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhaoxue was naturally unwilling, but Ru Xue and Luo Linger next to her seemed to understand. Only Yingyue, when she heard Zhang Fan said that she had something to go back, felt a burst of pain in her heart. nervous.

"Why don't you guys go and play, I'll go back first," Zhang Fan said, "I'll let Wang Meng follow you, so I can feel more at ease."

"No need," Ruxue said, "It's not short time to come out today, and I'm a little tired. Besides, I also miss Yi'er and Yue'er. Since the husband said something, let's go back together." ,"

These words came from Ru Xue, Zhang Fan's regular wife, except Zhao Xue, a little girl who showed dissatisfaction on her face, everyone else agreed.

In the carriage on the return journey, several people were still talking and laughing, Zhang Fan was no exception, except for Yingyue, who sat there alone and did not take the initiative to participate in the conversation, unless someone asked her, she would force it She had a smiling face and agreed, but Zhang Fan didn't say a word to her along the way, which made Yingyue feel even more sad.

After returning home, Ru Xue still cared more about her children, and immediately went to see Mrs. Zhao, while Zhao Xue accompanied her there. Luo Ling'er was really tired, and went back to her room to rest.

Only Zhang Fan and Yingyue were left, and the atmosphere was very strange.

"Come with me," Zhang Fan said after a long time, and then walked towards his study, Yingyue followed behind him.

In the study, Zhang Fan sat there silently, without any movement, his eyes were on Yingyue, and he didn't know if he was looking at her or thinking about something.

On the other hand, Yingyue sat across from Zhang Fan, lowered her head and kept silent, as if she had committed a heinous crime.

The two just sat opposite each other and didn't speak for most of the day.

At this time, there was a "dong dong" knock on the door.

"Officer," the maidservant's voice rang out, "Liang Baihu is outside and wants to see your lord."

"Let him come," Zhang Fan ordered.

Not long after, Liang Chao arrived, knocked on the door, and got Zhang Fan's permission to open the door and come in. After greeting Zhang Fan and Yingyue, he looked at Zhang Fan, not knowing what to do.

"Say," Zhang Fan ordered.

"Return to your lord," Liang Chao said, "this time the low-ranking people didn't follow me, and now I have found the location of those people, and now there are more than a hundred of our brothers guarding the surrounding area, and we already know the place at the city gate. It's over,"

"Watch closely," Zhang Fan said, "Wait until I go over before arresting people. If they find out and want to leave, then arrest them immediately. It doesn't matter if one or two die, don't all die." That's enough,"

"Yes," Liang Chao replied, turned and left.

The door was closed again, and there was another silence in the room. Finally, Yingyue heard Zhang Fan sigh. She knew that this matter was about to come to an end.

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