Yingyue is very anxious now.Although she already knew.Li Yang, who was staying by Zhang Fan's side now, simply had something else in his heart.Although he was working hard for Zhang Fan in Jinyiwei.But he still has contact with Fang Yueling.

It was a change of mind midway.Yingyue thinks not.In her look.Li Yang may have been Fang Yueling's spy from the very beginning.Think about the past.For Li Yang.Although Yingyue is not very familiar with her.But when she was in the Five Poison Sect.I also know something.Although Li Yang is not a stingy person.But definitely not the kind of generous bad guy.People in the rivers and lakes have more or less selfishness.

However, Li Yang swore allegiance to Zhang Fan.doing things.In addition to obeying Zhang Fan's meaning.In addition to delivering false news about Fang Zhenqian to Fang Yueling.He gave himself the antidote of the life-saving "Five Immortals Honeydew".And although Zhang Fan may not completely relax him because of this.And sent someone to test the medicine.People in the Central Plains don't know what it is.But they can be sure.It's definitely not poison.This made Zhang Fan feel relieved.But he still can't trust Li Yang.

Yingyue knew this.And in her opinion.Zhang Fan was right to be wary of Li Yang.But at this time.Zhang Fan completely believed in Li Yang; it happened at this juncture.Zhang Fan was completely unprepared against Li Yang; and it happened to be this time.Yingyue knew that Li Yang didn't want to help Zhang Fan wholeheartedly.But another conspiracy.

And today.It happened that Zhang Fan found out where Yu'er and the others were.The day will come when the operation to arrest them will be carried out.Let Li Yang, such an unstable factor, stay within easy reach of Zhang Fan.Yingyue couldn't imagine it.What are the consequences.

But unfortunately.Zhang Fan also issued an order against this mansion today.All outsiders are not allowed to enter the mansion.And all those who stay in the mansion are never allowed to leave the mansion.This kind of order will not arouse people's concern at all on weekdays.Even for the servants.This is pretty good.No matter what you need to buy in Fuchu.It's all done by the guards outside.They are happy to be at leisure.The same is true today.

But at this time Yingyue was slandering Zhang Fan's order.In her look.It is good for Zhang Fan to care about the safety of everyone in his family.But this is also a little too impersonal.It was simply an unnecessary order.

What annoyed her even more.I don't know if these people were ordered by Zhang Fan or what.She even wanted them to send a message to Zhang Fan.None of these people do it.

to this end.Yingyue was about to cry.The stakes are high.It even concerns Zhang Fan's safety.How could she not care.But at this time, she couldn't tell Zhang Fan the news that Li Yang was about to rebel.

"Maybe..." for an occasional moment.Yingyue who calmed down suddenly thought of it. "I can go by myself." Yingyue suddenly thought.Although I am not a person who has traveled the rivers and lakes for a long time.His own martial arts and other quack tricks are not very popular at all.But compared to those outside who are mostly mass-produced by the imperial court.It's still much better.

Thought of this.Yingyue hastened her pace.He quickly walked back to his room.get ready.

The outer city of the capital at this time.At this time, most people have eaten their meals.Although today is not a holiday.But there are still many people on the street.It is the busiest time here at night.Some women who are embarrassed to go out during the day will choose to come here at night.However, it is always dangerous for women to travel at night.Therefore, most of them travel together.Or take the maid with you.

In that street where mostly women's things are bought and sold.There are also several teahouses.Most of them are for those women who are tired from shopping to rest.Although it doesn't stop male guests.But after all, most of them are women here.If a man comes here, he will be pointed out by the female guests.Therefore, there are really very few men who come here.And today.There seemed to be a lot of male guests.Take a seat in one of the nearby teahouses.Although there are many female guests pointing fingers.He looked at these people vigilantly with unrighteous eyes.But these men didn't care at all.

In a tea house called Yan Yu Lou.The second floor is next to the window but quite hidden.Zhang Fan, Wang Meng, Liang Chao and Li Yang are sitting here.Zhang Fan's eyes were constantly looking at the jewelry store on the street across the street downstairs.His expressionless face made it impossible for others to see what he was thinking.

"What's the situation now." Zhang Fan hurried over when he was notified that there was a change here.He just came here not long ago and didn't know what happened.

"Go back to your lord." Liang Chao said. "The low-ranking people have been staying here. They didn't see any tricks. It was Li Yang who said there was a problem. The low-ranking people sent someone to notify the adults."

"What's wrong." Turning to Li Yang.Zhang Fan asked.

"My lord, there is indeed nothing wrong with the jewelry shop below." Li Yang said. "In the afternoon, Beizhi and Liang Baihu came here with that woman. After seeing them go in, they stayed here. But..."

"But what's the matter?" Zhang Fan asked quickly.

"But it's too common here." Li Yang replied. "Most of the people who come and go are female customers. According to the investigation of the brothers, there is no problem with the wealth of these women. This shop is exactly the same as the one next door."

"Then why did you say something was wrong?" Zhang Fan was surprised.

"It's because it's too common." Li Yang said with a frown. "It's like this kind of hiding place for Jianghu gangs to avoid enemies and the government. Almost every city has them. And these places. No matter which faction is behind the scenes, they are basically the same. Although the low-ranking people go out to do business The number of times is not too many. But I have some understanding. Generally, it is like this kind of place. Most of them are some codes and other things to pass the news. But here. I looked carefully on this street in the afternoon. I didn’t see even A little bit of something presentable.

"At that time, I thought I had found the wrong place. But after a closer look, I found that there was nothing around. It was erased by someone. It doesn't look like it's been too long."

"Is there any problem with this?" Zhang Fan, who didn't quite understand the hidden world, couldn't help asking.

"My lord, this is a big problem." Li Yang said.The face is also quite excited. "Normal. If this happens, there is only one possibility..."

"Do you mean..." Zhang Fan was not a fool.Before Li Yang finished speaking, he spoke in the interface. "People here are getting ready to leave."

"My lord predicts things like a god. It's true." Li Yang flattered Zhang Fan without any trace.

This made Liang Chao on the side frown slightly.It was Wang Meng again.Nothing was said.

"Do you know when they plan to leave?" Zhang Fan asked.

"This..." Li Yang hesitated for a moment.Said. "This humble position cannot be determined. But generally speaking, if these marks are slowly erased by others, the time will be delayed a little. In this way, the people who leave can completely obliterate the traces. It is completely impossible to track down the expert afterwards. It may take about ten days or so.

"But if these marks suddenly disappear within a day, or even within half a day, I'm afraid it means that the people here have got some news. They know that someone has seen them through. They must leave immediately. In this way, go In a hurry. And erasing these marks will inevitably attract the attention of others. In this case, the time will be no more than three days. It may even leave on the same day."

Hearing Li Yang's words.Zhang Fan couldn't help frowning.

"My lord, maybe this group of people got some news." Liang Chao said nervously. "Beizhi also sent some people to investigate this street secretly in the afternoon. It is true that some people acted a little secretly this afternoon. And they acted in a hurry. It is probably because of this."

"My lord, do you think..." Wang Meng asked.There was a pause.Put your eyes on Li Yang.Said. "There are ghosts among our people. Some people will go to inform."

Wang Meng's words are really serious.There is a ghost in Jin Yiwei.Although not without.But definitely a big deal.And if that ghost is caught out.The night they faced was definitely a cruel scene where life and death could not be avoided.Although it seems very inhumane.But the harm these people often do to Jin Yiwei is also huge.

And Wang Meng at this time.Just doubting Li Yang.But after his words came out.Li Yang didn't change at all.The body has not moved.The complexion is also the same.

"Probably not." Zhang Fan said thoughtfully. "They are in the capital. And the target is me again. They will definitely be fully prepared. During this period of time, we have made a lot of noise. Maybe they discovered something. That's why they suddenly want to evacuate."

I looked at the other two teahouses not far away.Zhang Fan said: "Wang Meng, Liang Chao. You two go over there and talk. Let them calm down. Don't make any noise. Let them find out. Let them wait for my signal. Be ready to arrest people at any time."

"Yes." The two answered with clasped fists.Turn around and leave.Before Wang Meng went downstairs.He even turned his head to look at Li Yang.In the end, he didn't say anything.

"Everything is ready." Zhang Fan asked Li Yang.

"Yes, sir." Li Yang said. "The news has been released."

"That's good." Zhang Fan picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"But my lord." Li Yang showed a worried look on his face. "Wang Qianhu..."

"You don't have to worry about this," Zhang Fan said. "Wang Meng is definitely not a problem."

"Yes." Li Yang replied again.

And at this time.A dark shadow appeared on the courtyard wall of Zhang Mansion.Lie on the wall and looked around to see that there was no one there.The figure quickly jumped down.It fell to the ground without a sound.

Although Zhang Fan sent manpower.But after all, there are not enough people.It is impossible for each section to stand alone.Moreover.Most of the people living in the mansion are women.These guards had no idea that someone would come out over the wall.

And this figure.It was Yingyue.Dressed in black.After getting off the wall, he immediately rushed towards the place he heard from Yu'er by chance.

"Brother Fan. Wait. Wait for Yingyue to arrive." Yingyue was running.But I thought so in my heart.

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