A calm night is like a calm lake, rippled by a small stone falling into it. Although it is not a big storm, everyone in it knows that there is no need to wait. How long, a huge stone will be thrown into it, causing even bigger waves.

In the backyard of the jewelry store, which was very quiet just now, suddenly there were figures flickering. Although there were not many people, there were only about a dozen people. The swaying figures of these ten people were the little stone thrown into the lake. However, it is this appetite that will lift a bigger stone and throw it into the lake.

On top of the two teahouses on the same level as the jewelry shop, when they saw people moving below, they immediately sent out a signal to Zhang Fan and the people waiting on the street below. It was much later in the evening when Zhang Fan had a situation. It can be seen that Wang Meng predicted what was going to happen completely based on his keen sense.

Zhang Fan couldn't help looking back at him, feeling that this kind of thing sounds mysterious and a little unbelievable, but in fact, this feeling of imminent crisis is only realized after many similar experiences. After coming out, Wang Meng can have such a keen sense. He really doesn't know how many times he has experienced more dangerous situations than this time before he has such a keen premonition.

Although it was unnecessary, Zhang Fan at this time was still glad that he had a subordinate like Wang Meng. Even if Wang Meng would not enter Jinyiwei, he would not become Zhang Fan's opponent, but Zhang Fan still admired him even more.

"My lord, the brothers on the opposite side don't seem to be able to see what those people below are doing," said Liang Chao, who was watching the signal from the person on the other side, and relaying the situation to Zhang Fan, "But... it seems that Li Yang knows what are those people doing,"

Hearing what Liang Chao said, Zhang Fan became curious psychologically.

"Li Yang seems...it seems to make everyone tear off a piece of cloth..." Liang Chao said in a puzzled tone, but then the doubts turned into surprise, "and...and he...he actually let them piss on...on the cloth..."

With a "flutter", Zhang Fan, who was drinking the tea that had been cold for a long time, suddenly heard such a thing. , Zhang Fan looked at Liang Chao with incomparably surprised eyes, as if he wanted to confirm that he had heard it wrong, and asked, "You... what did you just say, piss..."

Today's Liang Chao doesn't know what kind of expression he has on his face. Looking at Zhang Fan, he said seriously, "Yes, my lord, I didn't misunderstand the lowly position, but Li Yang asked the brothers to tear off a piece of cloth. pissed on it, and...and also...had the brethren to put a cloth... over their faces,'"

Hearing these words, Zhang Fan was very thankful that he had sprayed water just now, otherwise he would have to spray again this time.

"What is this Li Yang doing?" At this moment, Zhang Fan didn't care about what he said just now about "employing people without suspicion", and he was just complaining, "How... ...I don't feel angry when I cover my face with that kind of thing, "

Zhang Fan, who really didn't know how to say this matter, choked out such an indecent word in half a day, which made Liang Chao and Wang Meng who were standing beside him find it too funny.

"Ask below, what's going on," Zhang Fan said to Liang Chao, he wanted to know what's going on below.

Due to the location of the teahouse where Zhang Fan and others are located, they who are sitting by the window on the second floor at this time cannot directly see their own people on the street below, and can only see a small part, so here only You can wait for the people in the teahouse opposite to make gestures and send messages to tell them what happened on the street below.

And if Zhang Fan wanted to take the initiative to ask what happened next, he also had to send the question from here, and he could report back only after the people over there figured out the situation.

Hearing Zhang Fan's order, Liang Chao immediately gestured towards the opposite side and asked.

Zhang Fan looked at Liang Chao alone in front of him with some depression, his hands seemed to be erratic, but he was gesticulating in a mysterious way. As the two largest secret service agencies in the Ming Dynasty, Jinyiwei and Dongchang are naturally somewhat special. The way is to spread the news without letting others know. Today's sign language is one of them. Although there is a relationship between Jinyiwei and Dongchang who are supervised and supervised, these two organizations almost wear the same clothes. The trousers are all in one line, and there is naturally a set of gestures that both parties can understand to convey messages, but even so, in order to deal with those so-called unimaginable situations, Jin Yiwei has his own set Gestures, on the other hand, there must be something on the East Factory side, but the two sides have done a good job of keeping certain things secret, and will not let the other party know easily.

As the commander of Jin Yiwei, Zhang Fan naturally needs to learn these things, but he is a scholar, not a warrior, so logically speaking, even if there is any major action, he will not take the lead in person, and his side will not There will inevitably be guards following, so most of what Zhang Fan learns is "help" and the like, which seem a bit useless, which makes Zhang Fan quite unhappy.

After Liang Chao finished making gestures, it didn't take long before news came back from the other side.

"My lord," Liang Chao hurriedly reported to Zhang Fan after receiving the news, "The brothers below don't seem to know what it is for. Many people are very suspicious of Li Yang's order, so they don't want to take the "drenched" clothes with them. ', but the number of people is not large, only a few people, and someone below asked Li Yang why this is, but Li Yang did not say, "

"I've heard of it," said Wang Meng next to him suddenly, "There is a kind of poisonous smoke on the rivers and lakes. Weakness can be relieved with urine,"

After listening to Wang Meng's explanation, Zhang Fan suddenly realized, and Liang Chao on the side also had the same expression, and even in his mind, he felt that he had made a mistake in blaming Li Yang just now.

"My lord," Liang Chao said, "do you want to order all the people below to wear it?"

"No need," Zhang Fan snorted coldly, "Jinyiwei has always followed orders as its purpose, besides, isn't it just a few people now, it's good to let them suffer a little bit."

"But my lord..." Wang Meng behind Zhang Fan suddenly said, "Li Yang..."

"My lord," Liang Chao called out in a low voice before Wang Meng could finish speaking, and the next thing started.

Sitting on the sidelines, waiting for others to come to your door, this is not the demeanor of Jin Yiwei. Attacking directly is the motto of the emperor's guards.

Li Yang looked at the door that was only three or four feet away from him, and saw that the people around him were all ready, so he pulled out the Xiuchun knife hanging from his waist and swung it forward. Immediately, dozens of bright lights lit up all around. Now, Zhang Fan could clearly see more than a hundred people walking quickly and silently towards that door.

This well-planned action is about to begin, but people on both sides seem to have plans for it, but which side can win, really only God can know. For the two sides, it seems that they are fully prepared for the upcoming confrontation, and feel that victory will definitely be in their pockets. As for what will happen, only God can know.

A group of people walked up to the closed door of the jewelry shop. Since they wanted to pre-emptively attack and capture people, and the identities of the people inside had already been confirmed, there was no need to politely knock on the door. Yes, just kick it away, but then again, Jin Yiwei never asks the other party when he does things, let alone people with unknown identities and backgrounds like today, and the chances that the other party may be just ordinary people from the rivers and lakes Very high, even if the opponent has great influence in the court, even if the prime minister or the prince is behind him, Jin Yiwei doesn't have to care about these things at all if he wants to win someone.

Back in the day, there was a commander of Jinyiwei, relying on the emperor's favor behind his back, he was extremely arrogant and committed all kinds of evil. For the sake of some extra land property, he was able to blame the prince's family, and he even gave the other party a mortgage. On the name of a conspiracy, he was taken directly to the prison and beaten to death.

Having said so much, in a word, each generation of Jinyiwei is the commander. As long as the emperor is still in office, the power in his hands can be regarded as as big as it is. Now, although Longqing is about to fail, but this matter No more than ten people knew about it, so Zhang Fan still had the right to be arrogant.

And even if Longqing died like this now, when Zhu Yijun came to power, Zhang Fan would definitely be favored. In the Ming Dynasty, until now, after almost every emperor came to power, Jin Yiwei would come to a big cleaning, and only Tianshun Yuan Bin, who served as the emperor's envoy in the first dynasty, served the emperors of the two dynasties safely and peacefully.

Today, Zhang Fan is the most likely to become such a second person.

Anyway, that's it.

Following Li Yang's order, the person who walked to the door kicked the door open.

Following this kick at the door, it seemed that some mechanism in the door was disturbed, and suddenly, a burst of light smoke of some color floated out, and those people who did not listen to Li Yang's order and put on masks suddenly fell down paralyzed. On the ground, unable to get up again.

At this time, those who were dissatisfied with Li Yang just now all looked at him with grateful eyes.

But Zhang Fan, who was sitting on the second floor opposite, no longer cared about what was going on down there, but turned his head to drink tea in peace.

Liang Chao looked excited, only Wang Meng looked worried,

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