sometimes.There are always various coincidences in the occurrence of things.certainly.Sometimes it's just a coincidence.And there's no reason to be in it.But sometimes.Many coincidences are created by thought.certainly.This is for the person who made it by hand.It is inevitable.But for those who encounter it without knowing it.This also became a coincidence.

now.This group of people from the Five Poisons Sect encountered such a situation.

This trip to the capital has been completed.Unexpectedly, Zhang Fan was caught.For them, this can definitely be regarded as exceeding the expected goal.

But unfortunately.on the return trip.It should have been a smooth road.Actually encountered a group of more than a hundred patrolling cavalry.This really made them feel a little depressed.

In fact, where this group of people came to the capital.Didn't care too much about these.So what does the outskirts of the capital look like at night.They don't have a deep understanding.I knew Fang Yueling was coming.This is what gave them an order.Ask them to come to find out the movements of the officers and soldiers near the capital.

And these people brought back the news.There are indeed people patrolling outside the capital at night.But there are very few people.So they took such a road that ordinary people don't often take tonight.But did not expect.It was still an "accidental" encounter with patrolling officers and soldiers.This had to make them feel annoyed.

But even now.They're very annoyed already.If it weren't for the fact that there were so many people on the other side, they would have been ready to rush up and fight.But they still haven't thought about the situation of "being calculated by others".In their view.After all, this is the capital.Change it to the main altar of their Five Poison Sect.There are bound to be people watching outside all the time.The capital of such a huge empire.It is normal for this to happen.

And now.In the case of fruitless negotiations.Li Yang asked Zhang Fan to go forward to reveal his identity.Hope to pass Zhang Fan's identity.Come let your group of people go.But he never thought of it.If it is a person of Zhang Fan's status.How could there be only so many people with him at this time.Appeared in such a place.All Jinyiwei command envoys to go out.Even if it is to deceive people.That is also if I don't know how many people accompanied me to act together.Not to mention Zhang Fan's current situation.Also in the case of identifying the people on the road.Do not bring hundreds of people.That's really weird.

But now is not the time to think about these things.The other party has identified this group of people as bandits pretending to be court officials.To take them back.

All of a sudden.The problem is bigger.Zhang Fanna is a real guard.Even if you go back, you will be questioned.But there is always a time when you can figure it out.But they are not the same.They were the gangsters who came to kidnap Zhang Fan.The seriousness of the Jianghu people in the court was originally some cholera elements.Now he even helped the commander of the imperial court.It's hard not to die.

What makes them feel the atmosphere most is.The gap brought about by the sudden change of things is really too big.It was supposed to be withdrawn from the capital safely.They also kidnapped Zhang Fan along the way.But now it is good.This person was about to be rescued by these "accidental" officers and soldiers.And it is very likely that he will be taken in.

It seems that he is unwilling to sit still.These people waited until the cavalry behind them drove up.When preparing to drive them away.He even resisted with the knife.pause time.Three people on horseback were stabbed and fell to the ground and died.

"Ah." Wang Degui saw this scene.It was a loud roar.I don't know if he is scared or angry. "You... you guys. How dare you attack the imperial army. Reverse. Reverse... Give it to me. Capture these guys alive. I want to live. I want them to feel like they are always ripped apart."

Wang Degui's voice just fell.The cavalry behind came on horseback.A fight was waged against the gang.Said to stay alive.But these people don't care at all.Except for Zhang Fan.For other people, there is no mercy at all.The weapon in his hand greeted them fiercely.Every move is a killer move.

And those cut down a few cavalrymen.People who are trying to snatch their horses and break through.At this time, they were surrounded by the officers and soldiers' horses.There was no chance for them to mount a breakthrough at all.These people had to fight hard.

After a while.Two people from the Five Poison Sect had already fallen to the ground with serious injuries.Not dead yet though.But it looks like it is not far from death.

And in the crowd.The only ones who did not participate in the battle were Zhang Fan, Yu'er and Fang Yueling.The first two don't know martial arts at all.Moreover.Zhang Fanming pretended to know the mystery behind the matter.Naturally, they won't go up and ask for trouble.But there was only one Fang Yueling.Such a person with martial arts.But stood still.Unless someone attacks her.She just moves a little bit.Dodge away.the rest of the time.She didn't move at all.

Fang Yueling was not pretending.Or feel that you are the master of a religion.The body is precious.Not worth going up to fight.She is observing something.

since just now.When Wang Degui brought his troops over.She didn't see anything wrong with it at first.I figured it must be just a coincidence.But gradually.I don't know whether it is experience or the mysterious sixth sense of a woman.In short.She was beginning to feel that something was wrong.

And wait until Wang Degui ordered the attack.This feeling of something wrong was getting deeper and deeper in her heart.I know now.She was already completely sure that there was something wrong with it.

The officers and soldiers who rushed over did not attack Zhang Fan.certainly.This can still be fooled by the word "coincidence".But there is one thing that cannot be changed.Although it is no longer after Shenzong was captured.The situation in the capital is urgent.But among the hundreds of people on patrol.Half of them were carrying crossbow bolts.However, at this time.Fang Yueling didn't even see a crossbow arrow coming.Don't say it was shot.Not even an arrow aimed at them.

Saw it all.There is no need to think about it.Fang Yueling already understood the mystery.She pulled Yu'er beside her.Quickly came to Zhang Fan's side.In Zhang Fan's surprised eyes.Without further ado, he was restrained again.A dagger also leaned against Zhang Fan's neck.

He glanced at Yu'er next to him.Fang Yueling didn't say anything.

However, Yu'er already understood what she meant.He opened his mouth and said loudly: "Quickly stop. Otherwise, don't blame our leader's ruthlessness. You will lose the life of your guard."

As soon as this sentence is said.Wang Degui hastily shouted to stop.But then.He also woke up.He hurriedly said: "You mother-in-law. You want to scare me. Who the hell is this person? If he dies, he will die. He has something to do with me."

"You really said that." Yu'er looked at Wang Degui with a sneer.Said.

"What nonsense." Wang Degui said cursingly. "Brothers. Let me continue. Capture these traitors."

But this time.It hasn't waited until the soldiers do it again.A cry of pain came out.

The voice came from Zhang Fan's mouth.The reason is also very simple.Na Yu'er took out a dagger from her bosom.No further discussion at all.The knife stabbed into Zhang Fan's shoulder.Although this dagger is not long.Yu'er's strength is not strong.It is still impossible to stab Zhang Fan into a transparent hole.But the effect she wanted has been achieved.

Now Zhang Fan is in pain.The blood flowing from his shoulder had already soaked his clothes.The area of ​​blood stains is still expanding.But he seemed to feel that he was so worthless.After a short cry of pain.Bian endured the pain and closed his mouth.Teeth clenched.His complexion is also very ugly.

"Stop." Wang Degui acted like this when he saw Yu'er.Do it without saying a word.How dare he stop there.

"What's the matter? Why don't you go up anymore." Yu'er looked at Wang Degui provocatively very arrogantly. "Quickly get out of the way. Otherwise, your lord will have a few more holes."

"You think I'm stupid." She didn't follow Yu'er's orders.Wang Degui refused instead. "You try to kill one. I'll stay here with you today. If the family's life is lost, I'll tell you to tear up all the corpses. All the corpses are chopped up and fed to the dogs. No. No. I almost forgot what my lord does. When the time comes, I will send you to the yamen of Jinyiwei. Let's see what you can do."

Finished these words.Wang Degui didn't pay attention to Yu'er whose face turned blue.Turning to look at Zhang Fan: "My lord, I, Wang Degui, came late this time. But looking at the situation now, I come early or late, it's like a motherfucker. Now I'm going to wrong my lord. If my lord What's wrong with it. I will definitely avenge my lord." What he said was full of emotion.Almost burst into tears.

face this.Zhang Fan smiled and nodded.Said that he understood him very well.also agreed with his the heart.Zhang Fan also praised him again.It seems that this Wang Degui has not seen for several years.Really grew up a lot.The acting skills are really amazing.

Things have come to an impasse.At this moment, it doesn't matter if it's Yu'er who looks bad.Fang Yueling still couldn't see her expression.None of them thought that they would meet such a bewildered young man as Wang Degui.Obviously knew Zhang Fan's identity.But still refused to let go.And now.Those crossbow arrows all raised their heads and aimed at this side.

The situation is very interesting.In the crisis, there is still a long-term stalemate.It makes people feel very weird.

suddenly.Fang Yueling moved.She pushed Yu'er away.He restrained Zhang Fan by himself.

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