The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 422 Feng Bao's Plan

"Eunuch Feng. I don't know if Your Majesty and Your Majesty sent you here. What's the matter?" Zhang Fan heard Feng Bao say.It was Long Qing and Li Guifei who asked him to come.Can't help being a little surprised.

Feng Bao was the eunuch who was in charge of the official seal.But there is a difference.Feng Bao was originally the eunuch of Bingbi.Specially responsible for recording affairs in the palace.The main job is the chief's ancient and modern books, calligraphy and paintings, etc.certainly.The most important thing is that Bingbi eunuch's special ticket is intended to be the responsibility of approving red.All the emperor's comments on the memorial were handed over to the eunuch who wrote the pen.

Now Feng Bao is promoted to the eunuch of palm seal.The status is higher.The position of eunuch Bingbi was vacant.Naturally, someone has to take over.But now.All the eunuchs in the palace were led by Feng Bao.So this is the person who replaced it.He is also Feng Bao's subordinate.For Feng Baona, he obeyed.

so.After Feng Bao ascended to the position of eunuch with palm seal.Even if it takes control of the entire supervisor of ceremonies.

in this situation.Zhang Fan did not believe that Long Qing would not know.But Long Qing didn't bother to ask.It can be regarded as the default.

Now Feng Bao can be said to be entangled in many things.It is necessary to control all the big and small matters of the director of rituals.At the same time, he had to take care of the affairs of the East Factory.It can be said to be very busy.Now Longqing fell ill.Feng Bao only has a little time in a day.He also wanted to be by Long Qing's side.Just in case something happens.

In this way.How could Feng Bao have time to spare.And now.But he said he would come and stay by Zhu Yijun's side.Zhang Fan was naturally a little surprised.

Although Feng Bao said.This is what Long Qing and Concubine Li Gui meant.But Zhang Fan understood very well in his heart.This is probably only the meaning of Concubine Li Gui.And more importantly.Feng Bao must have agreed in his heart.otherwise.He can totally shirk it.Let someone else do the job.

But now Feng Bao came in person.This surprised Zhang Fan.But after the surprise.Zhang Fan couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Feng Bao.Now this great eunuch is doing well.But willing to serve a ten-year-old child.Although Zhu Yijun is the prince.But Zhang Fan looked.But it is not necessary.

Then there is only one possibility left.Feng Bao didn't come to serve the prince at all.Instead, he came to serve the "Emperor".

Think here.Zhang Fan was almost certain of his guess.But he didn't know why.That's how things got to this point.It was Feng Bao's initiative.Concubine Li Gui took the initiative to let him come.Although the outcome is similar in both cases.But the process is quite different.

"Your Majesty, he is doing well these few days." Zhang Fan asked Feng Bao.

That day.It was learned that Long Qing was ill.And refused to meet any ministers.Zhang Fan relied on his own privilege.Into the palace.Made a little trick.Let Zhu Yijun go to see Long Qing.conveyed his meaning.This is how he met Long Qing.

However afterwards.He saw something was wrong from the Queen and Concubine Li.I also found out from the imperial physician Wang Youcai.Long Qing still has only two months left.If it takes effort to take good care of it.It can be delayed for a year and a half.But it was stopped by Concubine Li Gui.

Zhang Fan told Zhang Juzheng and Gao Yi about this matter.So it works out.People who know about this matter before and after.That adds up to six.Which does not include Feng Bao.

Zhang Fan was not surprised that Feng Bao would know this.After all, Feng Bao has Dongchang under his command.You can also walk freely in the palace.Inquire about this news from Concubine Li Gui or Wang Youcai.It's not a difficult thing.

And now.Feng Bao came here.Always be by Zhu Yijun's side.It is almost to lay a solid foundation in front of the new emperor.In the future, it will be better to continue to go smoothly.

The problem is.Zhang Fan didn't know why this happened.Is it because Long Qing's condition has changed?

"Oh..." Hearing Zhang Fan's question.Feng Bao also let out a long sigh.Said. "There are some things. Master Zhang must not know yet. His Majesty, I'm afraid... time is running out." Speaking of this.Feng Bao also had a sad look on his face.

even though.Long Qing was just boarding the plane.He didn't like to see Feng Bao very much.Otherwise, Feng Bao's qualifications would not be ignored.The positions of the two eunuchs in charge of ceremonies were handed over to the people recommended by Gao Gong.

But Feng Bao was not dissatisfied with Long Qing because of this.first.Long Qing was the emperor after all.And Feng Bao was a eunuch after all.Moreover.Although Feng Bao is also very fond of talent and power.But there are still some master and servant orders in my heart.He will not be jealous of the emperor because of this.

Second.Whether it is Feng Bao or Zhang Fan.Or maybe all the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty understood it very well.What Long Qing hated were all the eunuchs in the palace.It's not just targeting Feng Bao alone.

"How... how do you say that?" Zhang Fan heard Feng Bao say this.Immediately a look of surprise appeared on his face.asked.But in Zhang Fan's heart.It's a little fun.

Feng Bao would say so.just show.He didn't know that Zhang Fan also knew about it.It is impossible for Feng Bao to inquire about this matter from Zhang Juzheng or Gao Yi.And those two wouldn't tell him either.Then he can only learn from the Queen and Concubine Li.Or Wang Youcai learned about it.

For Wang Youcai, a soft-boned person who is afraid of death.Zhang Fan didn't believe it.Facing Dongchang, which is even more notorious than Jin Yiwei.He would not tell the news that he knew that Long Qing was going to die soon.

Then there are only two people left.Zhang Fan can be sure.The news about Feng Bao came from the Queen or Concubine Li.

This is of course fine.At least Zhang Fan didn't have to bother to explain.Why did I learn such important news for myself.Don't tell him anything.Saved a lot of trouble.It will not cause any cracks in the cooperative relationship between the two.

"Master Zhang probably doesn't know yet." Feng Bao said.Another sigh. "It's no wonder. This matter is still a secret in the palace now. No one knows about it. Although Lord Zhang is often summoned by His Majesty, I am afraid that even His Majesty himself is not clear about this matter."

"Father, don't whet Zhang Fan's appetite any longer." Although Zhang Fan already understood what was going on.But at this time.Naturally, it is necessary to pretend to know nothing. "What the hell is going on?"

"Your Majesty, he..." Feng Bao paused.Looking at Zhang Fan. "I'm afraid he will die soon."

"What... what did you say?" Zhang Fan couldn't help being shocked.The body stood up from the chair.

Feng Bao seemed to have expected Zhang Fan's behavior a long time ago.Not surprised or anything.Instead, he looked at Zhang Fan and nodded.Say yes.

It took a while.Zhang Fan felt that it was almost done.This is the slowness of the body.Slightly stiff.Sit back on the chair.Looking at Feng Bao.With an unbelievable look on his face.He opened his mouth and asked: "What's going on here. I haven't seen it before, Your Majesty. Although the complexion is not very good, but the spirit is not bad. How could he die soon. Could it be that the father-in-law is joking."

"I, Feng Bao, have such a guts. How dare I make fun of Your Majesty's life." Feng Bao immediately swore. "The person who told our family the news was none other than Li Guifei."

"Sure enough." Hearing what Feng Bao said.Zhang Fan felt relieved.He wasn't worried that Feng Bao would lie to him.

Maybe Feng Bao from a year ago would still be there.After all at that time.Although Feng Bao can be considered to be on the side of Zhang Fan.But at that time Feng Bao still had such a great enemy as Gao Gong.And now.Although Gao Gong was still standing opposite him.And more than ever.The tit-for-tat between the two is even worse.But now Feng Bao doesn't care about these anymore.

Today's Feng Bao.In charge of the supervisor of ceremonies.Just rely on him alone.Then you can fight the entire cabinet.Not to mention that the cabinet is not monolithic.Zhang Juzheng was also on his side.

In this way.Feng Bao's heart disease is gone.Never worry about anything again.

And for Feng Bao.Although Zhang Fan's contact time is not too long.But he can also figure out his temper.Such Feng Bao.Nothing will be hidden from him at all.

For Zhang Fan today.As long as it is what Feng Bao said to him.Ninety percent of them are believable.

"What the hell is going on here." Although he already understood.Zhang Fan still wanted to ask again.

Feng Bao is at the moment.Just tearfully repeating what Zhang Fan already knew.

After listening to Feng Bao's words.Zhang Fan knew a little more.Concubine Li Gui who told Feng Bao about this.Apparently nothing was said to him.Long Qing could have dragged on for another year or a half.It was she who stopped it.

But Zhang Fan didn't intend to tell Feng Bao.first.This will expose what you already know; secondly.Zhang Fan until now.I thought about it for a long time.I also discussed with Zhang Juzheng and Gao Yi countless times.But I can't figure out why.What is Li Guifei thinking in her mind?Can't figure it out at all.Say it was the murder of Long Qing.Neither.And she didn't have to.I want to be the queen mother as soon as possible.Neither.Concubine Li Gui loves power but doesn't know how to monopolize it.There has never been a cholera regime.This is indeed a strange thing.

"Then the reason why my father-in-law came here to accompany the prince is..." Zhang Fan said so far.Looking at Feng Bao with an expression that everyone understands.

"Sigh. Mr. Zhang, don't blame our family's influence." Feng Bao was rather embarrassed. "The current situation is also impossible."

"Eunuch Feng. Master Taifu." At this time.The little eunuch who was looking for Zhu Yijun just now came over. "His Royal Highness is coming this way."

Wait until the little eunuch leaves.Feng Baocai said to Zhang Fan again: "Master Zhang, this matter...don't let His Highness..."

"Please don't worry, father-in-law." Before Feng Bao could finish speaking.Zhang Fan then spoke. "Zhang Fan naturally knows it well. His Highness will not let this matter know."

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.Feng Bao also felt relieved: "Then our family can rest assured."

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