The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 424 The Cowardly Prince

Seeing Zhu Yijun's reluctance, Zhang Fan naturally understood what he was thinking, and he definitely didn't want Feng Bao to "teach" him, but since Feng Bao had already said that this was the will of Long Qing and Li Guifei, Then even if Zhu Yijun didn't want to, he had no choice but to accept it.

However, Zhang Fan didn't know why Zhu Yijun was so unwilling to let Feng Bao stay by his side, because he hated eunuchs. It was possible, but it didn't look like it. After all, as the prince, how could Zhu Yijun not have eunuchs to serve him.

Zhang Fan still remembers that when he saw Zhu Yijun for the first time, the seven-year-old threatened to kill a eunuch, but later, after he understood it, it was not Zhu Yijun's prank, so it was okay to say that Zhu Yijun hated eunuchs wrong.

Then, there is another possibility, Zhu Yijun, he is afraid of eunuchs, no, no, His Royal Highness the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty can do such things as going out of the palace alone to play, how could he be afraid of these insignificant eunuchs? It should be said that Zhu Yijun was a little afraid of Feng Bao, just for Feng Bao.

At this moment, Zhang Fan felt a little interesting. Although he had contact with both Feng Bao and Zhu Yijun, and he knew both of them relatively well, Zhang Fan never put these two sides together. seen together.

Now that the expression on Zhu Yijun's clothes was revealed, Zhang Fan immediately understood. Although he didn't know the reason, he only knew the result.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan felt a little funny, but before the funny mood passed, Zhang Fan thought of another situation.

He didn't know that Zhu Yijun was a little afraid of Feng Bao. He didn't know Feng Bao clearly, but now, after observing Feng Bao, Zhang Fan had a conclusion in his heart. Bao mourned.

Now, Feng Bao standing in front of Zhang Fan has a serious face, completely different from the one who was praising Zhang Fan's ability to "teach students according to their aptitude" just now. It can be seen that whether Feng Bao knew it or not, now he will make Zhu Yijun continue to be afraid of him. .

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling that Feng Bao was really stupid.

Regardless of whether he volunteered for Ying this time, or Concubine Li Gui asked him to come, the purpose was for him to lay a solid foundation in front of the future new emperor and please him. In this way, the future Feng Bao, regardless of Whether it is the seat of the eunuch in charge of the chief of ceremonies, or the seat of the factory supervisor of the East Factory, they can all sit securely.

However, now that Feng Bao actually planned to treat Zhu Yijun like this, force was impossible, and he would definitely use a lot of red tape to restrain him.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan felt even more sad for Feng Bao. Could it be that Feng Bao doesn't know that children can't hold grudges the most, especially for Zhu Yijun who is still so playful now, he is not allowed to do this, he is not allowed to do that , This is no doubt like putting him in jail.

There is a saying in later generations, "Stop breaking out in silence, and die in silence." Obviously, it is impossible for Zhu Yijun to "die". Then, the resentment that Feng Bao will gather in Zhu Yijun's heart in the future will only It will grow bigger and bigger until Zhu Yijun's wings become stiff one day, that is, the day when he takes over the government. By that time, it will be difficult for Feng Bao not to be unlucky.

But even though Zhang Fan understood this very well in his heart, he didn't intend to expose the truth behind it at all.

Feng Bao is a huge help to Zhang Fan today, and this is what Zhang Fan can't give up now.

But Zhang Fan was a little worried, whether Feng Bao in the future would become a stumbling block on his way.

There are too many uncertain factors in all of this, and Zhang Fan is not a complete truth, and can't gain insight into the future. After thinking about it, Zhang Fan still intends to let this matter develop naturally.


Today's Zhu Yijun trusts Zhang Fan a lot. If Zhu Yijun suffers from Feng Bao in the future, Zhang Fan can stand up and sing a good face. This is also a disguised form to further consolidate Zhang Fan in Zhu Yijun's heart. status.

Why not do something that kills two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan was about to make some moves.

"Your Highness," Zhang Fan said to Zhu Yijun, "it's over for my minister to teach His Highness the crown prince today, and now Eunuch Feng has also obtained the will of His Majesty and Empress to serve His Highness. Eunuch Feng spends alone for a while to get acquainted, and this minister is still a little uncomfortable today, so I will leave first."

When Zhang Fan said this, it was naturally impossible for Feng Bao to have objections, and Feng Bao wished for this, so that he could establish a prestige in front of Zhu Yijun first, so that he could be restrained in the future.

But when Zhu Yijun heard what Zhang Fan said, his pretty face, which was already somewhat unhappy, was almost turning green.

"Teacher, don't panic," Zhu Yijun hurriedly shouted, if Feng Bao wasn't watching, he might have gone up and grabbed Zhang Fan's clothes, "I know that the Taifu is not feeling well today, but... It's just that I still want to hear more from the Taifu today. The Taifu knows that my father is sick now. In this way, I can't waste my studies, and I will fail my father's expectations in the future. Big bad, "

Hearing what Zhu Yijun said, Zhang Fan almost burst out laughing. The so-called rapid development of wisdom, he never thought that Zhu Yijun would be able to come up with such an irrefutable truth at this moment.

But facing this situation, Zhang Fan still has tricks.

"Your Highness's eagerness to learn is really unparalleled in the world," Zhang Fan said, "It's just that the humble minister is really a bit... But don't worry, Your Highness, even if the humble minister is not around, His Highness's studies will never be delayed. There is a ready-made one here." Yes," said Zhang Fan, looking at Feng Bao.

After receiving Zhang Fan's gaze, Feng Bao straightened his face again, and even his waist straightened a lot.

"Eunuch Feng's knowledge is not inferior to that of a humble minister," Zhang Fan continued, "Not to mention the calligraphy and paintings hidden in this palace, many of them have been inspected by Eunuch Feng, and they are the basic collections written by Eunuch Feng. My son, that is also an extraordinary literary talent, really comparable to the number one scholar."

Faced with Zhang Fan's boasting, Feng Bao did not show any shame, but a more confident expression. After all, what Zhang Fan said just now, with those modified words, is a bit too boastful , and other things are all true, not fraudulent.

"But, Taifu..." Zhu Yijun seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't say it. He looked at Zhang Fan pitifully with a smiling face, and there were even faint tears in his eyes, and he almost said "Please." You're gone." That's it.

Seeing this scene, Feng Bao's expression didn't change much, but Zhang Fan could tell that he was definitely not very happy.

The play was almost finished, Zhang Fan looked at Zhu Yijun and then at Feng Bao with a look of embarrassment on his face, finally he could only heave a long sigh, looked at Feng Bao and said in an extremely helpless tone: "Eunuch Feng, look at this... "

"Master Zhang, please don't care about it," Feng Bao immediately smiled, "I think it's because His Royal Highness is usually taught by Master Zhang, and it's not a matter of knowledge level. This sudden change of person, His Highness must be I won’t get used to it either, Mr. Zhang, please be a little tired, and then teach His Highness here, we still have some things to do over there, so it’s good to come back later.”

"Well, since that's the case, I'll have to thank Eunuch Feng for making another trip," Zhang Fan immediately put on a very apologetic look, and said to Feng Bao.

"Where are you talking about Mr. Zhang?" Feng Bao immediately put on a face that he didn't dare to take it seriously. "This is all for His Majesty and Your Majesty's sake. Our family should be obliged to do so. Your Highness, such slaves and servants will leave first and stay for a while." Come to Your Highness again," after saying these words, Feng Bao turned around and left without waiting for Zhu Yijun to speak to him.

Seeing Feng Bao's figure completely disappear here, Zhu Yijun let out a long breath.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you," Zhang Fan asked knowingly, "Why do you look like you just encountered something dangerous?"

"It's dangerous," Zhu Yijun asked back, "That's a disaster, but luckily he's gone."

"He," Zhang Fan still knowingly asked, "Your Highness is talking about Eunuch Feng, right?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him," Zhu Yijun said angrily.

"I don't know why His Highness doesn't like Eunuch Feng," Zhang Fan asked suspiciously, but this time it's true." Eunuch Feng is also a good person, and he is also extremely loyal to His Majesty. He never does anything about the cholera court, but he is quite Political views, Zhang Juzheng, the teacher of Weichen, Mr. Zhang admires Eunuch Feng, "

"These bengongs all understand," Zhu Yijun looked disappointed, "but I don't know why, but I just hurt...some people don't like this Feng Bao," Zhu Yijun almost slipped his mouth when he relaxed, He spoke out the true thoughts in his heart.

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Fan smiled in his heart, and said, "My minister sees that His Highness must have misunderstood Eunuch Feng in some way, and he will wait until Eunuch Feng comes here again and spend some time with His Highness, His Highness will I understand,"

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Zhu Yijun thought that Feng Bao would come again later, he hurriedly pulled Zhang Fan's sleeve, and wailed: "Teacher, have to save this palace,"

"What are you talking about, Your Highness?" Zhang Fan hurriedly said, "Eunuch Feng is not a scourge. Besides, he still has the guts to bully His Highness. If he really dares to do this, His Highness will tell the minister, Even if this humble minister risked his life, he must seek justice for His Highness."

Seeing what Zhang Fan said, Zhu Yijun was completely at a loss this time, and could only look at Zhang Fan pitifully.

But Zhang Fan acted as if nothing happened.

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