"Your Majesty, I don't know, Your Majesty is planning to..." Zhang Fan wanted to ask, to see what Concubine Li Gui was thinking.

But it was not easy to say such a thing, Zhang Fan couldn't continue speaking halfway through.

However, the two had talked for such a long time, and what they talked about was always about these things. Even if Zhang Fan didn't finish what he said, Concubine Li Gui could understand what he wanted to say.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid there are still three days left," said Concubine Li Gui. Although she was talking about being the emperor's husband and saying that he would die soon, there was not much sadness in Concubine Li's words.

What was she thinking in her heart, whether she was sad, or had an indifferent attitude, Zhang Fan didn't know.

But hearing her say that Long Qing only had three days, Zhang Fan still felt a little weird in his heart, but Zhang Fan didn't intend to think too much about it, and asked, "What is your empress going to do now?"

"Wang Youcai told this palace..." Concubine Li Gui paused for a while before she spoke, "Your Majesty still has three days left, but I am afraid that His Majesty will remain in such a coma for the next three days and won't wake up. until……"

Concubine Li Gui stopped at this point, but Zhang Fan also understood that Long Qing would probably fall into such a coma until he died.

However, since Concubine Li Gui had already said these words, Zhang Fan naturally understood that she must have something else to say next.

This is not something difficult to guess, Zhang Fan can figure out Li Guifei's plan with just a little brainstorming: "Could it be that the empress wants to..."

Seeing that Zhang Fan had already guessed it, Concubine Li Gui did not intend to deny it. Although she did not speak, it was obvious that she had already acquiesced.

Seeing her admit it, Zhang Fan was a little surprised at first, but after a while, Zhang Fan's expression returned to calm.

Seeing this, Concubine Li Gui understood that although Zhang Fan had a little resistance at first, he finally accepted what she was going to do.

Knowing this situation, Concubine Li Gui continued to talk to Zhang Fan: "I told Wang Youcai that he is ready now, as long as I send someone to tell him, he will give your Majesty the injections and medicines immediately. , Your Majesty will wake up soon, too."

Concubine Li Gui only said such a few words, and he didn't go on to say the rest.

But even if she didn't say anything, Zhang Fan could guess that waking Long Qing up in this way would definitely be detrimental to Long Qing's current body, but in the final analysis, it doesn't matter anymore.

From Zhang Fan's point of view, Long Qing can survive three days in a coma, and then die without pain; At this time, these two situations may really be very difficult choices for Concubine Li Gui, but Concubine Li Gui has now made a choice. For the sake of her son Zhu Yijun, she can give up the two days when Long Qing was still alive.

But for Zhang Fan, these were no longer within his scope of consideration. Now that he didn't even care about the emperor's concubine, what else should he care about as a minister.

"I don't know what your mother intends..." Zhang Fan said this, and asked Concubine Li Gui, "When will Wang Youcai do this?"

"This..." Although Concubine Li Gui had already decided to do that, but now that Zhang Fan asked this question, she didn't know how to answer for a while, "...I haven't thought it through yet, let me think about it think,"

"No matter when the empress plans to do it..." Zhang Fan did not have to wait until Concubine Li Gui said, "Since the empress has made up her mind, it is better to do this matter earlier. Difficult to do,"

"..." Concubine Li Gui didn't speak anymore, or she couldn't say anything, she knew in her heart that what Zhang Fan said was right, but it's still very difficult for her to say it right now: " Let me think about this matter again, "

"No matter what your plan is," Zhang Fan reminded again, "Please make a decision in the afternoon."

"I understand this in my heart," Concubine Li Gui said, her voice was not pleasant, and her heart is not feeling well now, "You go out first, if there is any news, I will send someone to find you."

"Yes, ma'am, I will take my leave," Zhang Fan saw her say that, and understood that she needed some space to think alone, so he bowed and left.

When he was about to reach the door, Zhang Fan stopped and turned around.

"What else is there?" Seeing Zhang Fan stop, Li Guifei couldn't help asking.

"Your majesty, I have something to tell my empress." Zhang Fan suddenly thought of what Zhu Yijun begged him before he came. , Do you want His Royal Highness to..."

"I know about this matter," Concubine Li Gui stopped Zhang Fan from continuing, "I have my own discretion about this matter, and when the time comes, I will let Jun'er... Jun’er, bring him here.”

"Yes, I understand." Hearing that Li Guifei agreed, Zhang Fan felt a lot better, at least for Zhu Yijun, he finally had something to explain.

After relaxing a bit, Zhang Fan turned around and prepared to open the door to leave.

Who knew that Zhang Fan's hand was stopped before it even touched the door.

"Zhang Qing's house," Concubine Li Gui spoke again, stopping Zhang Fan who was about to open the door.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me, Your Majesty?" Zhang Fan asked, turning around again.

"You tell Jun'er... to slow down..." Concubine Li said hesitantly, "After all, at this moment, His Majesty... is still resting,"

There is no need to explain, Zhang Fan can naturally understand Li Guifei's thoughts at this time, and said solemnly: "I understand in my heart."

After saying these words, Zhang Fan waited for a while, seeing that Concubine Li Gui really didn't speak anymore, Zhang Fan bowed again, then turned around, opened the door, and walked out.

Walking outside, it was just after noon, and the sun was overhead. Walking out of the dark room behind him, Zhang Fan was still not used to it, and his eyes narrowed.

Turning around and gently closing the door, Zhang Fan sighed deeply, and stayed in front of the door for a while before turning and leaving.

On the way, Zhang Fan was thinking all the time. He didn't pay attention to the road ahead, and he almost bumped into Wang Huang and the queen who came out of Longqing's bedroom.

Zhang Fan, who woke up, saw Queen Wang in front of him, and quickly fell to his knees: "I am guilty of offending the queen, and I ask the queen to punish her."

"Zhang Qing's family, get up quickly." Queen Wang didn't intend to punish anyone at all. Even her usual temperament is extremely weak and kind-hearted, and she will definitely not punish anyone at will. Now, Long Qing is dying. , Queen Wang was even more troubled in her heart, and she didn't have the thoughts to take care of these things.

Nodding to Zhang Fan, Queen Wang didn't say much, and continued to walk forward.

Zhang Fan immediately stepped aside to make way for her.

Feeling that Queen Wang and the others were leaving, Zhang Fan raised his head, but he found that there was a person standing in front of him. He didn't even need to look at it. Even if he smelled it, Zhang Fan could smell it standing in front of him. Who is it.

"Eunuch Feng," Zhang Fan looked at Feng Bao standing in front of him, and greeted with a smile.

"Master Zhang, why are you here?" Feng Bao seemed a little surprised to see Zhang Fan here, so he couldn't help asking.

"Oh, that's what happened," Zhang Fan quickly explained, "His Royal Highness sees Eunuch Feng that you have gone, but no one comes back to report and keeps urging me. I have no choice but to come here and pretend , Just now a court lady saw me coming and informed the imperial concubine, the empress summoned me just now," Zhang Fan didn't know why, but he didn't want Feng Bao to know that it was Concubine Li who asked him to come here on his own initiative.

"Oh, so, Master Zhang really told the imperial concubine about the fact that His Highness the Crown Prince wants to come over," Feng Bao asked.

"I didn't say that, after all, who knows what the empress is thinking now, if she says the wrong thing, it will be troublesome." Zhang Fan started to make up stories again, "but the empress has already made up her mind, and the empress asked me to do this. Go and bring His Highness over here."

"Oh, my lady really said that," Feng Bao asked suspiciously when Concubine Li Gui asked Zhu Yijun to come over.

"Yes," Zhang Fan looked at his expression, and knew that Feng Bao might already know the outline of the matter.

"It seems that we have to make some plans." Feng Bao pondered for a while, looked around and saw no one around, and then continued, "Your Majesty will do this, I am afraid that His Majesty is running out of time now, so I will do this." His Royal Highness will come over,"

"Well, I think it's the same," Zhang Fan echoed him, "Then what should we do now?"

"Your Majesty is still in a coma. Since Your Majesty asked Mr. Zhang to bring His Highness the Crown Prince, she must have wanted to wake His Majesty up," Feng Bao said, "Your Majesty knows what his body looks like now, and now His Royal Highness is very young, so if His Majesty wakes up, the first thing to do is to choose a candidate for the assistant minister,"

"If that's the case, it should be a few people in the cabinet," Zhang Fan continued Feng Bao's words.

"That's right," Feng Bao said, "and, I'm afraid there are only Master Zhang, Gao Yi Gao, Gao Gong and Guo Pu," Feng Bao said.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Fan knew that he must have been thinking about it, so he couldn't help but ask, "What does Eunuch Feng plan to do?"

"It seems..." Feng Bao didn't think for long, it seems that he had already made these plans in his mind, "Our chief minister of the cabinet is probably old and frail. Just to be the last one to arrive."

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