The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 463 Revenge Not Enough

The so-called wall fell and everyone pushed it, which is the scene now. Almost everyone stood up to oppose Gao Gong. Almost everyone present stood up and said a few words. There were only three ministers who did not move, Guo Pu , Ge Shouli, Zhang Juzheng.

Guo Pu didn't move, of course he should. He and Gao Gong stood by one side, so naturally he wouldn't speak ill of Gao Gong now. Of course, the current Guo Pu wouldn't stand up to help Gao Gong say anything. Now , the people in the main hall attacked Gao Gong in groups, and it would be good if they didn't say anything bad about him, Guo Pu. Perhaps, Guo Pu has never done anything against his conscience in the past few decades since he entered the official career. Even back then, when Emperor Jiajing wanted to kill Hai Rui, it was she, Guo Pu, who played the role and saved Hai Rui's life.

But, who is to say that the current Guo Pu is mixed with Gao Gong? At this time, no matter what you have done or not, standing in the wrong position is your biggest mistake. Fortunately, Guo Pu usually keeps a low profile and works cautiously In addition, they also strived for justice, and no one planned to cause trouble for Guo Pu, otherwise, the so-called crime of wanting to impose, there is no reason to worry, Guo Pu must also have trouble.

Perhaps, the people present all understood that if Gao Gong was no longer in the court, Guo Pu would not do anything by himself, and even if Gao Gong left, Guo Pu would immediately go to play and ask him to return to his official position. It's home, and many people want to come, the latter situation is more likely.

But now is not the time to think about it.

Gao Gong has completely lost the domineeringness of the past. Although Gao Gong is kneeling there now, with his body lowered, people can't see what kind of expression he has on his face, but even if he doesn't look at it, that's okay. It will definitely look like a lost soul to the extreme.

It's just that in the eyes of these people, this look that makes people sympathetic when they see it, if it is shown on Gao Gong's face, it will definitely not make them feel sympathetic, they will only feel happy.

When it comes to other people's attacks on him, Gao Gong will always fight head to head, and he will fight back immediately, he will not care about the situation he is in, and the emperor will not give him face.

But now, people continue to stand up to impeach him, but Gao Gong is like a statue, kneeling there without moving.

No wonder, now that he is like this, what else can he say.

There is only one thing, these people present, since Zhang Fan made a head start and said something that was extremely unfavorable to Gao Gong, after that, people began to stand up and talk about Gao Gong.

However, up to now, there are almost twenty people who have spoken out, but the things they said are getting smaller and less important. Although they are all true, there are many Even trivial matters that are extremely trivial, they are not important at all, but they are still brought up by people to talk about them.

Although it is said that many people hate Gao Gong to death, and they also have many important things that are enough to make Gao Gong's charges more substantiated, they have not brought them up.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Fan's initial impeachment was too big. For them, it was enough to get Gao Gong to leave, and there was no need to punish him to death. These trivial things are just to lay a solid foundation to ensure that Gao Gong, who has already gone, will never come back in the future.

Let’s talk about these people, fighting for power and profit for a lifetime, they can do anything, but if they really defeat someone, unless there is really some deep hatred between them, otherwise there is no need to kill each other. Pay back, who knows if the person you let go now will let you go because of this when you are unlucky in the future.

This sounds like a superstition, but it is strange to say that it is this kind of superstition that supports the only bit of conscience in the hearts of these people who have long lost their sense of shame.

At the beginning, because of Xu Jie, Gao Gong insisted on not letting him go, even Xu Jie had retired to Songjiang Mansion to enjoy his old age, but Gao Gong still couldn't relieve his hatred, and still didn't intend to let him go.

However, after his retaliation was destroyed by Zhang Fan, Gao Gong was very angry at first, but in the end he let Xu Jie go, and he didn't mean to trouble him anymore. The reason why I don't plan to make a high arch to death.

But these people have a little kindness because of superstition, or they have a feeling of sadness when a rabbit dies, but this does not mean that no one does not want to punish people to death, or the two people really have a deep hatred , can't be resolved, or, that person is a eunuch.

Eunuchs are people who serve the royal family in the palace after being castrated and cleansed. Although these people are just servants, they must bow their knees in front of their masters, but because of these people's physical defects, it also makes them more serious Naturally, they will not let go of those who dare to make jokes about their incomplete parts, and for those who dare to oppose them, they will naturally not be like these ministers. You can smile away your grievances, and they will definitely deal with them to death.

So, in the main hall today, it seems that a happy ending will be ushered in. The arrogant and annoying Gao Gong is about to leave. He is old, and it is an honor to go home for the elderly, but fortunately, Gao Gong is not bad.

Faced with such an ending, not only other ministers wanted to see it, but also the two empress dowagers and emperor Zhu Yijun sitting on the high platform were willing to see it.

However, Feng Bao now has a frosty expression on his face.

To him, Gao Gong was his mortal enemy of Feng Baoping. Twice, Feng Bao had two chances to take the position of eunuch in charge of the supervisor of ceremonies in advance. Out of Feng Bao's right, it can be said that Feng Bao is determined to win, and he is bound to win.

However, because Gao Gong didn't want to see a capable eunuch take the position that could challenge the cabinet, he obstructed it by first recommending Chen Hong and then Dash. Nothing to do, only know how to flatter. After sitting in that position, they are almost illiterate. Apart from assigning tasks to the eunuchs under them, they have to discuss many things with Gao Gong. And that's exactly the idea.

It can be said that these two people were able to "stand out" entirely because Long Qing cherished his talents and did not want to refute his face.

It can be said that these two times were enough to make Feng Bao hate Gao Gong deeply, not to mention that later, Gao Gong would challenge Feng Bao in everything, and now that Feng Bao became the eunuch of the palm seal, Gao Gong was even more so. All day long, he was thinking about how to impeach Feng Bao and how to evade the power of the Supervisor of Ceremonies.

These are things that Feng Bao cannot tolerate.

However, now, after finally finding an opportunity to put Gao Gong to death, what Feng Bao never imagined was that these people who used to have gaps with Gao Gong are now full of innocuous things to impeach Gao Gong , Feng Bao was extremely unhappy about this.

Yesterday, after Empress Dowager Li called him over, she confessed to him.

Feng Bao also understood that it was a little unreliable to use his own reasons to impose on Gao Gong. It is true that Gao Gong was extremely arrogant, and he even dared not to put the emperor in his eyes, and spoke recklessly without hesitation. But anyone who knows Gao Gong knows that it is almost impossible to impeach Gao Gong and the vassal king, and usurp the throne in a certain dynasty.

So yesterday, when Empress Dowager Li proposed to let Gao Gong leave by using this kind of gentle method of reversing old accounts, Feng Bao thought about it, but agreed.

However, Feng Bao never imagined that today would be like this.

But now, Feng Bao was powerless at all, even though Long Qing's edict named him to serve as Zhu Yijun's auxiliary government, but he was still just an eunuch and had no right to speak in this hall.

Seeing that the great opportunity is about to slip away like this, Feng Bao can't do anything at all. Now he can only look at Gao Gong kneeling at his feet with a pair of eyes full of anger, but there is nothing he can do.

It stands to reason that this scene should be what Feng Bao wants to see the most, but Feng Bao is not happy at this time, what he wants in his heart has not been realized, but now, the situation is like this, he Feng Bao didn't plan to do anything else, the so-called future is long, Gao Gong has returned home, if there is a chance in the future, Feng Bao still doesn't plan to let Gao Gong go.

Gradually, everything that should be said has been said, and finally there are no people who stand up to speak out.

"Gao Gong, after listening to so many ministers, what do you want to say?" The Empress Dowager Li had always looked on with a cold eye. She knew that everyone had finished speaking, so she spoke slowly.

"Chen...Chen...Chen has nothing to say," Gao Gong held back for a long time, and only said one sentence.

"Since this is the case, everything is clear," said Queen Mother Li, and turned to Zhu Yijun, "Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Zhu Yijun looked down, without any hesitation, and said: "Remove to Gaogong Zhongji Hall as a scholar, and return to the fields immediately, and are not allowed to stay in the capital."

Although he already understood that this situation would inevitably happen, Gao Gong still trembled after hearing this, and it took him a long time before he said tremblingly: "My minister, thank you for the decree."

However, after Gao Gong said these words, he was unable to stand up at all. Zhang Juzheng at the side saw this and didn't say much, and walked over to help Gao Gong up.

Seeing that the person supporting him was Zhang Juzheng, Gao Gong really had mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Your Majesty, I am old, please let me go back to my hometown." At this time, Guo Pu stood up and asked to be appointed as everyone expected.

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