The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 465 Continue to liquidate

Gao Gong left.The court finally calmed down.Although that day.When Gao Gong left.The scene was rather sad.But the day is over.The atmosphere in the court suddenly became cheerful.

Meet each other.It's not like it used to be either.I dare not say anything.He glanced cautiously.Then walk around.It's like doing something you meet someone, you can say hello loudly and confidently.Then talk about it without hesitation.There is no need to worry about someone coming to trouble them.

This is the most normal way of communication.In the hands of these powerful people.Now it looks as if it has been exchanged for the sacrifice of countless people.

visible.When Gao Gong is there.What he did made the entire court suppressed to what extent.This can be seen from the smiles on everyone's faces today.

The so-called some people are happy and some people are worried.It's a pretty good sentence today.It's just that a lot of people's positions are reversed.Those have little to do with Gao Gong.There are only small gaps.Some are people who have no friction with Gao Gong at all.Now they are all very happy.With a smile on his face all day long.

However those who should be very happy that Gao Gong is gone.and who can benefit from it.Now they are all very calm.It's completely like an ancient well without waves.

One of the first to bear the brunt of this.It is necessary to count Zhang Juzheng.

original.Gao Gong is the chief assistant of the cabinet.And Zhang Juzheng is the second assistant of the cabinet.Now Gao Gong has left.This position should have been occupied by Zhang Juzheng.more importantly.Today's Zhang Juzheng can be said to be a popular figure in the imperial court.The relationship between him and Feng Bao.It is well known in the court.Now Gao Gong is gone.No one can stop Feng Bao anymore.He, Zhang Juzheng, naturally rose with the tide.

Second.Empress Dowager Li also had great trust in Zhang Juzheng.Although this is not something worth promoting everywhere.But it is not a well-known secret.There are really many people in the court who know about this.Now Gao Gong is gone.And Zhang Juzheng has won the trust of Queen Mother Li who is now in power.Zhang Juzheng thought that it would be difficult for him to have a bright future.

Come three.Zhang Fan, a popular man in the dynasty, worshiped at Zhang Ju's main gate.This is also a well-known thing.Especially this.It made Zhang Juzheng's status even higher.

think about it.One is the commander of Jinyiwei.One is the great eunuch who is in charge of both the East Factory and the Supervisor of Rites.These two people are the most powerful in the court.Also the most powerful person.And now.Both of these two people have a good relationship with Zhang Juzheng.No.Not just good.It's pretty good.

The main thing is.People can see it.The relationship between the three of them is not the kind of who catches whom.Let another person work for you, the product of similar interests.The relationship between the three of them is really not based on too many interests first.This is in this era.It is a relatively solid relationship.

With these three points.From now on, if Zhang Juzheng wants to walk sideways in the court, no one will dare to control him.

This is exactly where everyone is tangled.Generally speaking.If there are two or more people in the middle of the court who do not see eye to eye.Then the government will inevitably be messed up by the stalemate of these people.Needless to say on this point.Since the Jiajing Dynasty.It started with Yan Song and Xia Yan fighting for power.until now.That's the end of it.But these decades.All the people are vivid.I understand very well.

But what if.Only one person holds the power.That's a little dangerous.If the emperor is in trouble.This world is bound to be turned upside down.But that is the emperor after all.There is no other way.

But if a minister with great power in his hands causes trouble.That's better than the emperor.

Fortunately.Zhang Juzheng has been a man all these years.Everyone else is quite clear.Not the kind of master who likes to make trouble.

But even so.Everyone was still a little worried.Worried that Zhang Juzheng will monopolize power.Will there be any changes in mood.

So for Zhang Juzheng today.Others are superficially pandering to him.Give him face in private.Even if it is something like a violation.They also don't take it too seriously.Can give up three points in everything.Fortunately, Zhang Juzheng has not done anything out of the ordinary.

Cabinet today.Zhang Juzheng is a Bachelor of Shoufu University.Gao Yi, who is on Zhang Juzheng's side, is the second assistant university scholar.The first and second leaders are on the same front.Even the people above are of one mind with them.hehe.It's really majestic.

But no matter what.At this time, Zhang Juzheng had just accepted it.Naturally, you have to get used to it first.Plus now.Guo Pu also left.Such an extremely capable person is missing.The already busy cabinet is now even more busy.How can there be time to plan other people's plans.

But Zhang Juzheng didn't have time.It doesn't mean Feng Bao doesn't have time.Now is a good day for Feng Bao to wantonly liquidate the former high-ranking party in the court and China.How could he miss this opportunity.

Although Zhang Juzheng was busy at this time.But Feng Bao is not a person who needs help from others all the time.He has that ability all by himself.But he is a person after all.Although a person has great power.But deal with so many people at the same time.And each has to come up with a rather different reason.This made Feng Bao feel very troubled.

in particular.Since he became the eunuch in charge of rites and seals.In order to control the chief inspector.He cleared out all the people who were still a little bit talented.Replaced by a group who are extremely loyal to him.But there is no writing in his chest at all.If it weren't for the great responsibility of the Rites Supervisor in charge of approving reds.In Feng Bao's opinion.It is best for these people not to know a single character.

But this way.Although the people in the supervisor of ceremonies are his confidants.But in things like impeachment of ministers.They couldn't help Feng Bao at all.

The so-called impeachment of the minister.In fact, it's just a set of conspiracy and tricks.and nothing else.But now the key is.Others in the Supervisor of Rituals.The conspiracies and tricks played are too naive.It's not too bad to deceive those stunned youths who have just embarked on official careers.But I want to deal with those wily ministers.But it is difficult.

And the East Factory.Honestly.Since the establishment of the East Factory.Unlimited power is in your hands.sounds great.In fact, it made Dongchang incompetent.

Holds great power in his hands.For those who come and go when they are called.It is completely unnecessary to go to hard work.That's the case with Dongchang.He didn't need to play any tricks.If you want to frame anyone, you don't have to think hard.No matter how bad things are.If Dongchang said you did it.Then you just did it.If you don't admit it.That's OK.Go to the Yamen of Dongchang as a guest.No time for a stick of incense.Will definitely admit it.

For more than a hundred years.Dongchang is best at investigating and using torture.These two Dongchang are definitely well-deserved top.Even Jinyiwei, which is more established than it, can't compare.

but.If you want to ask Dongchang to arrange some conspiracy to plot against others.This is a bit more difficult.

If the other party really did something.With Dongchang's ability, it will definitely be found out.How it works is up to them to decide.

But if the other party has not done anything.Or the crime is very small.Not worth mentioning.Let Dongchanglai put things that don't exist at all on other people's heads.Or to magnify those trivial things.This is not Dongchang's forte.

These.It is Jin Yiwei's strength.

certainly.Feng Bao naturally asked Zhang Fan for help.But Zhang Fan didn't want to help Feng Bao do these things.He has always been his master.The reason is to teach the young His Majesty.Avoiding Feng Bao.Such a high-sounding reason for Zhang Fan's use.Feng Bao was also helpless.

But Zhang Fan also didn't want Feng Bao to feel that he was too alienated from him.There is no other way.It is to let the subordinates discuss with Feng Bao.However, Zhang Fan also warned his subordinates.Let them take it easy.Don't make people die too much.Let those people go home.You don't have to lose your life.

then.this time.Whether it is the capital.Or Nanzhili.Or everywhere.People who once followed the footsteps of the disciples have been constantly ordered to return to their hometowns.The reasons are varied.There is everything.

But these people didn't say anything.Although it is said that they are allowed to go home because of some things that are too small.This made them feel very disappointed.But everyone understands the truth of success and defeat.Now the high arch they are optimistic about is no longer in the court.Lost the big tree to rely on.These people who once stood on the wrong team were expelled from the career field.No complaints either.

And these people who understand the situation in North Korea and China.Few of them plan to rely on giving gifts.Find connections to keep your official position.After all, Feng Bao is now the master.A eunuch's revenge is no joke.They didn't intend to provoke Feng Bao anymore.That would be a pretty good ending.

compared to before.High Arch cleans up his enemies.In that drastic way.What Feng Bao is doing now is considered gentle.frequently.It is silent.Some people were dismissed from office and went home.Until a day or two later.The news just came out.

but.Although Feng Bao's approach was calm.But the efficiency is several times that of Gao Gong.

only.It's been less than a month.Someone couldn't sit still.This man has no selfishness.Just for the consideration of the court.This person was Ge Shouli.

But it is impossible for Ge Shouli to go to Feng Bao.He didn't really want to talk to Zhang Juzheng about it either.

then.One afternoon in mid-July.Someone knocked on the door of Zhang Fan's house.

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