The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 471 High-sounding

Feng Bao has arrived.This is inevitable.After all, it's such a big deal now.Feng Bao, who got the news, will definitely come.

But Feng Bao came at this time.Zhang Fan was a little uncertain.He doesn't come early and doesn't play.It was as if he rushed over immediately after hearing the news.certainly.Maybe it really is.

If Feng Bao came earlier.Or eat some.Zhang Fan is sure.There must be Feng Bao's shadow behind this matter.But now.Feng Bao came at such an opportune time.Zhang Fan really didn't know.After all, Feng Bao did it on purpose.Calculated the time and rushed over; or Feng Bao had nothing to do with this matter.

But it doesn't matter whether Feng Bao has anything to do with this matter or not.In short.This incident brought Feng Bao a lot of convenience.The most important point is.Zhang Fan is sure.Feng Bao will definitely relate this matter to Gao Gong.after all.Although Gao Gong walked sadly.But in Feng Bao's view.Gao Gong did not get the end he hoped to see.This is something Feng Bao cannot tolerate.

This was what Zhang Fan had been skeptical about before.Could this incident be the reason behind Feng Bao's instigation?

"Eunuch Feng." Zhang Fan had many thoughts in his heart.He went over and greeted Feng Bao who came in.

"Master Zhang." Feng Bao replied politely. "Our family was just reviewing the memorials at the Supervisor of Rituals. Suddenly, we heard someone with a sharp knife trespassing on Qianqing Palace. We were restrained by Mr. Zhang's subordinates. Our family came here immediately. What's going on?"

Although Feng Bao looked like he didn't know anything.And he still looked like he was humbly asking Zhang Fan for advice.But Zhang Fan just couldn't believe him.It's just that Zhang Fan stared at him for a long time.I'm not afraid that Feng Bao will see something.But Zhang Fan still couldn't see any problem with Feng Bao.

"That's how it happened." Zhang Fan recounted what happened at that time.But his eyes never left Feng Bao.Been watching to see if there is any change in him.

But I don't know if Feng Bao really doesn't know.Or that he has reached the point of perfection.Zhang Fan could only see surprise from his face.But nothing else.

"This person really deserves to die." After Feng Bao heard what Zhang Fan said.Immediately, there was an expression of wanting to eat people. "How dare you infiltrate the palace. Trying to assassinate the Holy Majesty. What are you interrogating? Just pull him out and cut him into pieces. Ling Chi should be executed."

Zhang Fan wanted to roll his eyes at Feng Bao's excitement: "Eunuch, what is this man going to do now? Who is instigating behind him? We haven't figured it out yet. If he is executed so rashly, that's terrible." Zensheng is good."

"That's right. Master Zhang is right." See what Zhang Fan said.Feng Bao immediately changed his appearance again. "It's because we have seen too much. I didn't think about it so much for a while. If the thief is behind the scenes. If you plan to assassinate His Majesty in the future, it will be troublesome. Master Zhang is thoughtful. Our family just heard this. People are going to assassinate the Holy Majesty. I didn't expect so many for a while."

Hearing what Feng Bao said.Zhang Fan didn't know what to say.Feng Bao, the great eunuch.I have taken over the East Factory for so many years.I have never seen or used any conspiracies and tricks.Now he even kicked out Gao Gong, a stone that even Xu Jie tripped over.How could it be possible to be extremely excited about this kind of thing.

"Master Zhang, what can you tell from this mouth?" Feng Bao didn't care that he was too pretentious just now.asked directly.

"He did say his name and place of origin. And what position he is in now." Zhang Fan said with a frown. "It's just this. It's really troublesome now."

"Trouble. What trouble." Feng Bao saw Zhang Fan say this.Can't help but ask curiously. "What the hell is he doing?"

"This man's name is Minister Wang. He is from Wujin County, Changzhou Prefecture." Zhang Fan said slowly. "Nai...Nai is a sergeant under General Qi Jiguang Qi."

"What." Sure enough.Feng Bao was also shocked when he heard the news. "Master Zhang has found out. Don't let this thief be a good man."

Zhang Fan saw Feng Bao's appearance.I feel a little relieved.Feng Bao would be so excited.Eighty percent of this person or this matter really has nothing to do with Feng Bao.

After all, Feng Bao is this person.No more heavy weight, no more utilitarianism.But the reason why Zhang Juzheng will cooperate with him.The reason is that Feng Bao is not only very knowledgeable.And also very political.Although Feng Bao treats people who are not compatible with him.That blow was definitely quite violent.But when it comes to national affairs.His father-in-law can also let go of his prejudices.

If this matter is related to Qi Jiguang.What will be the consequences in the future.Feng Bao was not unexpected.

"This... Eunuch Feng. To be honest, I didn't quite believe it at first." Zhang Fan also said with a frown. "But my subordinates went to look up the roster of the Qi family army. There was indeed a man named Minister Wang among them. Although I don't know if it is this person. But his own hundred households, thousand households, etc. Shangguan can say I have to say it. I don’t think it’s fake. Besides, I also talked to him just now. I can’t tell that he is pretending.”

"..." Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Feng Bao was speechless for a long time.After a while, he spoke to Zhang Fan again. "Let our family go in and ask him."Without waiting for Zhang Fan to say anything.Just walked in on his own.It was as if he regarded this place as the backyard of his East Factory.

To this.Zhang Fan didn't say anything.Just follow behind Feng Bao.walked in together.

"Our family is Feng Bao, the eunuch of the East Factory." After Feng Bao entered.He first revealed his identity to Minister Wang.Then he opened his mouth and asked. "Our family came to ask you. Why are you outside the Qianqing Gate today. But to assassinate His Majesty."

"Hmph." Minister Wang seemed to disdain Feng Bao very much.He snorted coldly. "I have a responsibility. Entering the palace to pass orders. What is the crime? Now you have caught me here. Right and wrong. It's up to you Jinyiwei and Dongchang to decide. Why do you need to ask me?"

Minister Wang's words.Zhang Fan was also scolded.No matter who is present.I'm sure you won't be happy to hear that.But Feng Bao and Zhang Fan didn't care.

"Hmph. Send an order." Feng Bao also replied in a disdainful tone. "What order did you pass on. There is proof."

"It's the password." Minister Wang seemed to be competing with Feng Bao.Still said unrelentingly. "But I was so scared by you. I forgot."

"Forgot." Feng Bao smiled contemptuously. "Based on this alone. You should be killed. Let's ask you again. Why do you have a sharp blade?"

"I'm in charge of delivering orders. Naturally, there must be something for self-defense." Minister Wang is still quibbling.

"Hard mouth now. Let's see if you can still be tough later." Feng Bao said.His face became even more unhappy. "Tell me. Did Gao Gong send you here?"

As soon as Feng Bao said this.Zhang Fan immediately yelled in his heart that it was not good.He had already felt this situation.Unexpectedly, Feng Bao came up with this idea so quickly.

It's not that what Gao Gong said to Zhang Fan before his departure made Zhang Fan feel infinitely fond of him.I don't want Gao Gong to cause trouble.But yesterday.Ge Shouli and what he said.Zhang Fan was very worried.

If this matter really made Feng Bao involve Minister Wang and Gao Gong in something.The consequences were unimaginable.Assassinate the emperor.This is definitely a capital offense.At that time, Gao Gong will definitely die.

and.If Gao Gong died for such a crime.The consequences are even worse.Now Feng Bao is liquidating the officials in the court who were originally involved with Gao Gong.But for fear of causing too much influence.Now Feng Bao's behavior is still hidden.The approach is also mild.Not too bloody.But after this.Feng Bao doesn't need to do this anymore.All he needs to say is that these people are Gao Gong's accomplices.So it doesn't matter whether these people are related or not.Involved with the mastermind who assassinated the emperor.Absolutely will not be let go.

Zhang Fan could already foresee the situation at that time.Absolutely bloody.In the entire Ming Dynasty, countless innocent people will be killed because of this incident.The family members and people involved are countless.

and.Zhang Fan knew that Feng Bao could definitely do such a thing.

"Gao Gong. Who is this? I have never heard of it." Minister Wang resolutely denied it.

"Eunuch Feng." Zhang Fan pulled Feng Bao aside.whispered. "This matter doesn't look like it has anything to do with Gao Gong. I'm not saying that Eunuch Feng is too arbitrary. After all, it's very important at this time. It's better to investigate and make a conclusion before it's too late."

"Our family knows about this." To Zhang Fan.Feng Bao was still able to have a pleasant face. "It's not because our family has a personal grievance with Gao Gong. Our family is just in case. To scare him. In case there is really something involved with Gao Gong. Maybe he will slip up. "

For Feng Bao's reason.Zhang Fan could only feel helpless in his heart.You are like nobody.I just thought of Gao Gong.It's not a personal grudge or something.

But since Feng Bao said so.Zhang Fan had no way to refute for a while.

"Master Zhang." Feng Bao said suddenly. "This is Minister Wang. Let us take it back for interrogation. Our family understands. It is the duty of Jin Yiwei to protect His Majesty. There is no other meaning. It is just our family's East Factory. Interrogating prisoners is indeed unique. .And. Now our family also wants to make a contribution in front of the Queen Mother. I also ask Mr. Zhang to fulfill me."

Although it is negotiable.But Feng Bao looked at Zhang Fan with confident eyes.It was as if he predicted that Zhang Fan would agree with him.

Seeing Feng Bao like this.How could Zhang Fan refuse.Whether public or private.Zhang Fan has no reason to refuse

"Since Eunuch is so enthusiastic, I don't want to spoil Eunuch's interest." Zhang Fan agreed.

See Zhang Fan agreed.Feng Bao didn't say anything else.Immediately ordered someone to take Minister Wang away.I don't stop much by myself.After saying goodbye to Zhang Fan, he left in a hurry.

Seeing Feng Bao leave.Zhang Fan also left immediately.He couldn't sit still for this.Something must be done.

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