The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 474 tit for tat

"My humble minister, Zhang Fan."

"Ge Shouli."

"Yang Bo. Kowtow to Your Majesty. Queen Mother."

After the three were passed in.Immediately bowed down to Empress Dowager Li and Zhu Yijun.only.Now the situation here is somewhat reversed.

originally.Empress Dowager Li should have come to visit and comfort Zhu Yijun.But now.Obviously it was Zhu Yijun who was threatened with his life.But he looked excited.Plus a smiling face.On the contrary, it was Queen Mother Li who was not frightened at all.But he looked worried.

It seems.Zhu Yijun's excitement.Nearly three hours have passed by now.But it still didn't come down.

"Get up." Empress Dowager Li ordered.It's just that there is doubt in her eyes.Obviously not expected.I just summoned Zhang Fan alone.Now there are three people.

"Thank you, Queen Mother." The three of them responded.stood up.

"Zhang Aiqing. You are in charge of Jinyiwei. Your duty is to protect His Majesty." Empress Dowager Li said to Zhang Fan first. "You did a good job on this matter. You caught the man. You didn't disturb His Majesty."

"Thank you, Queen Mother, for your compliment. It's a humble job." Zhang Fan said very modestly.

"How are things going now?" Queen Mother Li continued to ask. "You can ask who is the name of that person. Who was instigated by him?"

At this time.Feng Bao also walked in.Feng Bao's presence.The expressions of the three people present changed a little.

"Go back to the Queen Mother." Feng Bao was present.Zhang Fan was a lot more careful when speaking. "The minister only asked that the person was called Minister Wang. But what did he do in the palace? Or was he instructed by something. He didn't say anything."

Zhang Fan did not dare to say that Minister Wang was a sergeant under Qi Jiguang's command.After all, the relationship between this matter is too great.A little carelessness can lead to disaster.and.He had said that to Feng Bao before.He understood that Feng Bao didn't want to implicate Qi Jiguang in this matter.Plus.Feng Bao has now made up his mind.I want to buckle things up on Gao Gong's head.There is no need to mention Qi Jiguang.It might even mess up his plans.

Speaking of Feng Bao.Zhang Fan also observed him carefully now.

It was too much of a coincidence for Zhang Fan to be here.After all just now.Empress Dowager Li sent someone to summon Zhang Fan.This matter is for someone like Feng Bao who wants to control everything.I know for sure.Therefore, Zhang Fan was not worried that Feng Bao would suspect why he appeared here.

But Zhang Fan was still able to find out.Feng Bao looked at Ge Shouli and Yang Bo with suspicion and vigilance in his eyes.It seems that Feng Bao is really not an ordinary person.Although I don't know why Ge Yang and Ge Yang came here.But he can already feel it.It is definitely not something that will benefit him.

"Who is in charge of the guards in this palace?" Queen Mother Li continued, frowning. "How can people just come in like this indiscriminately. This time, Zhang Aiqing and his subordinates are considered quick-witted. But if this kind of thing happens again in the future, I won't be able to find it for a while. What disaster happened. The Ai family wants to see. Who will be able to bear this responsibility at that time." Queen Mother Li's words came to the end.The rhetoric has become extremely fierce.Obviously moved really angry.

"The minister is negligent. The man was wearing the clothes of the messenger. The guards at the gate of the palace thought that he had something to report to the palace. That's why he was let in. The minister guarantees with the head of the item. As long as the minister is in the capital I will never allow this to happen." Zhang Fan knelt down.Said.

behind him.Although Ge Shouli and Yang Bo did not speak.But they also knelt down together.

"Forget it. I can't blame Zhang Aiqing for this matter. After all, it's not your Jinyiwei guarding the palace gate. It's the imperial army. It seems that these people only come in with their connections. They are really useless. It seems that the court is also going to liquidate It's good to have a little time. Things are already like this now. There is nothing wrong with it." Queen Mother Li waved her hand.Said. "The top priority. It is still necessary to quickly find out who is behind this matter."

Empress Dowager Li's voice just fell.Feng Bao leaned over.Whispered in her ear.

The three of Zhang Fan stood up and could tell.Empress Dowager Li's expression changed drastically following Feng Bao's narration in her ear.Feng Bao's words did not last long.However, just after the short breath of time after he finished speaking.Empress Dowager Li's entire face turned black.Obviously it was Feng Bao's words that made her even more angry.

"This... this high arch..." Sure enough.Queen Mother Li said the name that Zhang Fan and the others least wanted to hear. "Contempt Your Majesty. Your Majesty let him return to his hometown safely. It is enough to give him a high face. I didn't expect him to dare to do such a thing. Let people enter the palace. Okay...Assassinate Your Majesty."

"Queen." At this time.Ge Shouli couldn't wait any longer.Open your mouth and say. "This matter is still debatable. Gao Gong's expulsion from the court is really frustrating. Everyone in the court knows this. Everyone knows. But if Gao Gong is so courageous as to order someone to assassinate His Majesty, my minister I think it's ridiculous."

"Do you think Aijia is willing to believe it?" Empress Dowager Li asked back.Said. "It's not that the Ai family doesn't know about Gao Gong. The Ai family doesn't believe it either. But Feng Bao told the Ai family just now. The man named Minister Wang has confessed now. Gao Gong sent him here."

Empress Dowager Li said this.The three of Zhang Fan couldn't help but looked at Feng Bao together.All of them couldn't help thinking of the word "so fast" in their hearts.Who is Minister Wang.Although Queen Mother Li didn't know.But the three of them understood very well in their hearts.Minister Wang is a sergeant under Qi Jiguang.

Qi Jiguang's army is only rigorous.Not to mention the Ming Dynasty.Even the Japanese pirates and the Tartars in the north understood it.This is also the prestige accumulated by Qi Jiguang over the past few decades of marching and fighting.

And it's not just Qi Jiguang himself.Even his sergeants were the same.

captive.It's not that Qi Jiguang's men have never been captured by the enemy.But Qi Jiajun has never been arrested because of his own people.Unable to withstand the torture, what military information was revealed to the case of failure.

Deal with this kind of person.And it's just over two hours.Zhang Fan couldn't understand it in his heart.Or torture.But nothing came out of the interrogation; or the criminal law used was too heavy.The man couldn't stand it anymore and had already hung up.Not to mention that such a tough person is tortured into tricks.

But Dongchang really has a way.Two hours.No.It is likely that there are not two hours in the distance.I'm afraid Feng Bao has already broken through this person's line of defense.It made him admit that he was indeed sent by Gao Gong.for this.Zhang Fan couldn't help admiring Feng Baolai.

but.Now is not the time to admire Feng Bao.It's time for them to find a way to bring the situation back.

"Queen." It was Yang Bo who spoke.He is one step ahead.Said without fear. "I think this matter is of great importance. We need to be cautious. Not to mention..."

"Not to mention what." Empress Dowager Li originally wanted to shut up Yang Bo.But these three words.But it aroused her interest.

"How the Dongchang works. Presumably the Empress Dowager understands better than the humble officials." Yang Bo said without changing his expression. "Under such a heavy load. Thinking about it, there are not many people who can stick to their own opinions. Beating them into tricks is an inevitable thing." In front of Feng Bao.He said those words without changing his expression.Yang Bo really deserves to be the Minister of the Ministry of War.In addition to being vigorous and resolute.Acting is also happy and fearless.

"Yang Bo. What are you talking about?" Feng Bao said at this moment.His face was distorted with anger. "You are insulting our family."

"Bold." Yang Bo was even more unforgiving.He shouted at Feng Bao. "This official is the Minister of the Ministry of War. An imposing official of the second rank of the imperial court. How can you allow you, a eunuch, to call you by your first name?" Yang Bo said.I don't know if he went all out.Or for many years.The accumulated dissatisfaction with Feng Bao's attitude.It exploded at this moment.

"You..." was said by Yang Bo.Feng Bao really had nothing to say for a while.All he knew was to point his finger at Yang Bo.But he was speechless for a long time.

The same goes for Feng Bao.In the palace for so many years.Been doing "good" all the time.Whether it is in the court or among the people in the capital.He, the current eunuch, has a good reputation.And such Feng Bao.Now it is Feng Bao who is extremely powerful again.And why was someone pointing at his nose and scolding the word "eunuch".Even at the beginning.Gao Gong, who was jealous and feuding with him.You can only scold him behind his back.Smash tricks with him.But not like Yang Bo.Pointing at his face and cursing.

Feng Bao is trembling with anger now.The face is distorted.But he couldn't say anything.

"Okay." Queen Mother Li seemed quite bored with this kind of thing.Opening his mouth stopped them both.Said. "Yang Aiqing. You don't have to be unforgiving. Feng Bao. You don't have to. How you handle the case in Dongchang. The Ai family has also heard about it."

Queen Mother Li said so.Yang Bo didn't care.And Feng Bao.But it died down immediately.What is it like inside the East Factory?No one knows better than Feng Bao himself.Now Empress Dowager Li has spoken.If he continues talking.It's only self-defeating.

"In this case, Aijia came to ask." Queen Mother Li turned to Ge Shouli and Yang Bo.asked. "What are your plans for this matter?"

"I implore the Queen Mother." Ge Shouli also took a step forward.Said. "Cooperate with the three courts. Trial the case of Minister Wang together. There will definitely be a clear truth."

"Queen Mother." Feng Bao was naturally unwilling. "This matter has now been settled. What's more, it is a very important matter. It should be concluded as soon as possible. It is inevitable that there will be some rumors in the court. Besides, it will be interrogated with the three justices. This matter should also be asked to the chief assistant of the cabinet, Mr. Zhang. yes."

Feng Bao just finished speaking.A little eunuch came in.It is said that Zhang Juzheng's memorial has arrived

As soon as Zhang Juzheng's book arrived.Feng Bao became puzzled.He had no idea what was going on today.

but.Ge Shouli and Yang Bo.Even Zhang Fan.But they all smiled.

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