The three of Zhang Fan and the others walked out of the Qianqing Palace, their faces were indeed relaxed, but they didn't seem very happy. After all, although they finally overwhelmed Feng Bao in this matter, this matter How this matter will end is still unknown, and no one can be sure.

Besides, this matter is not something to be happy about. If possible, no one would like to encounter such a thing.

"Looking at Feng Bao's hurried appearance, I think he wants to go back quickly, and then tell the minister Wang something," Yang Bo said with a very disdainful expression on his face, "Hmph, I want to see, he What tricks can you come up with?"

"Master Yang is like Feng Bao today, so there must be troubles in the future," Zhang Fan thought of this, but the prime minister said, "After all, Feng Bao is a little narrow-minded, since he insisted on pushing this matter on Gao Gong It can be seen, and Feng Bao has served in the palace for many years, and the court has always given him a good reputation, when the time comes, there will probably be someone who will stand by him and talk, "

"Speak as you speak, I, Yang Bonai, can't be afraid of him." Yang Bo was always calm and unafraid, "I understand what you mean, yes, Feng Bao is in the court, and his reputation is really good, and even if he is in the capital Here, as long as the common people know Feng Bao, they will be quite applauded when they ask, but these are not the reasons why Feng Bao can harm others at will. It's not like you don't know that someone lost his life, isn't that why you came to Mr. Ge?"

"Exactly," Zhang Fan had nothing to say about Yang Bo's words, so he had to admit it.

"So, now that I have figured this out, I have made up my mind to stop Feng Bao, and the means I use will naturally be more drastic," Yang Bo continued, "However, as Master Ge said, you, Zhang Fan, still don't Get mixed up in this matter, although you will be present at the interrogation tomorrow, you should speak less, but I don't care, he Feng Bao dare not do anything to me, "

Although Yang Bo's words were firm and imposing, Zhang Fan was always worried, but now is not the time to worry about this matter, let's wait until this matter is over safely.

"Look..." Ge Shouli interjected, "Feng Bao is in such a hurry to go back, what will he say to Minister Wang?"

"Isn't it because I wanted to coerce and lure him so that he would admit that Gao Gong ordered him to come to assassinate His Majesty?" Yang Bo said without thinking, "Now that Feng Bao wants to put Gao Gong to death, he wants to kill him." Crazy, of course he can do this kind of thing, "

"This old man also understands this in his heart," Ge Shouli frowned and said, "It's just that time is running out now, and tomorrow is the day of the interrogation. If it is in the court, the Minister Wang insisted that it was Gao Gong who ordered him to come and assassinate Your Majesty, what shall we do?"

"I've been prepared for this," Yang Bo said, turning to Zhang Fan, cupping his hands and saying, "It's not that I'm slandering Mr. Zhang, it's just that Jinyiwei and Dongchang are very familiar with the business, no matter what, Such things as framing and framing are absolutely indispensable, "

Regarding Yang Bo's words, Zhang Fan didn't feel any embarrassment, after all, things were like this: "Master Yang just said that he was prepared, but I don't know..."

"It doesn't matter to you," Yang Bo nodded, and said, "Just now in front of the Queen Mother, why did I insist on asking Feng Bao to transfer the Minister Wang to the Ministry of Punishment for custody? This is exactly what I did.

"I'm not afraid that Minister Wang will be imprisoned in Dongchang and Feng Bao will tell him something, but as long as he is in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Feng Bao will not be able to see him,"

"But..." Zhang Fan still didn't quite understand, "What's the use of Feng Bao not seeing Minister Wang, after all, by that time, he has already explained to Minister Wang what he should explain. When it comes to tomorrow's interrogation, won't it be the same?"

"Hehe, even though that's the case, but you missed something," Yang Bo said to Zhang Fan with a smile, "Feng Bao, an eunuch, can't get in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, but the six ministers can."

"Master Yang means..." After Yang Bo said this, Zhang Fan completely understood.

"That's right," Yang Bo said, "I'm going to visit the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice at night."

"Master Yang's idea is good," Zhang Fan thought for a while, and asked, "I just don't know what Master Yang is going to say at that time, and those who want to be persuaded by Feng Bao will not change their words so easily."

"I understand this," Yang Bo said, without any hesitation on his face, "So, now I'm going to ask you to do me a favor."

"Master Yang, please tell me," Zhang Fan quickly replied, "After all, this matter is of great importance, and Zhang Fan will do whatever he can to the best of his ability."

"Before I go up tonight, I want you to check for me," Yang Bo said. "To check the situation of Minister Wang, the main thing is to find out who else is in his family and what the situation is. It's strange to say that I As the minister of the Ministry of War, I don't know anything about the Qi family's army, so I can only trouble you."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Fan understood in his heart that Yang Bo was planning to play the family card: "This matter is on Zhang Fan. We have the roster of the Qi family army in our guard, and there are not only the names and places of origin of the enlisted sergeants on it. , and even who is in the family has been recorded, I will ask someone to check it later, and if I find it, I will send it to Master Yang immediately, "

"Okay." Seeing Zhang Fan like this, Yang Bo didn't hesitate, "I'll go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice now and urge them to go to Dongchang to ask for someone."

"Master Yang..." Seeing that Zhang Fan had made up his mind, he turned around and was about to leave, but stopped again, turned to look at him and asked, "Zhang Fan wants to ask Master Yang something."

"But it doesn't hurt to ask,"

"I am not familiar with Mr. Yang. In the past, we only met and exchanged greetings at most," Zhang Fan said, "Why is Mr. Yang so relieved to tell me all these things? You must know that Mr. Zhang is what I worship." my teacher; yesterday, I was still on Feng Bao’s side,”

"It's not easy," Yang Bo replied with a smile when he heard Zhang Fan's question, "Because I, Yang Bo, think you are a trustworthy person, and Mr. Ge also trusts you a lot."

"It''s that simple," Zhang Fan was a little surprised by Yang Bo's answer. He really didn't expect Yang Bo's answer to be so simple.

"You need me to tell you a long story before you can believe it," Yang Bo said. "The so-called trustworthy person does not have to be someone who has known him for many years. It is like marching to war. What should be trusted is not suspicion, if there is any doubt, it will inevitably end in a crushing defeat, and you must make a decisive decision in order to succeed, "

It seems that Yang Bo also admitted that it was not because he knew Zhang Fan that he trusted him, but because the situation was urgent and Zhang Fan was the only one who was willing to stand by their side and could help.

However, even so, Yang Bo's words made Zhang Fan feel relieved, and it also greatly increased Zhang Fan's confidence that things could be done.

"However..." Yang Bo continued, "If I help, I can only help so far. Minister Wang will be interrogated tomorrow, but it will be interrogated by Mr. Ge, you Zhang Fan, and Feng Bao. The Minister of the Ministry of War can't get involved, and I can't predict what will happen then."

Although Yang Bo said this, as if he was shirking responsibility, Zhang Fan knew very well in his heart that the key to tomorrow's interrogation, and even how the whole thing would be, was probably Yang Bo's responsibility. What kind of consequences will be achieved tonight's "night visit to the prison of the Ministry of punishment".

"In that case, I won't delay any longer," Zhang Fan said goodbye to the two, "I'll go to Weizhong right now, and have someone call out Minister Wang's file to check." After speaking, Zhang Fan hurried left.

In the same place, Ge Shouli looked at Zhang Fanyuan's back, but said to Yang Bo: "What you said just now, is it true or not?"

"Whether I'm telling the truth or a lie, you Mr. Ge can't tell," Yang Bo didn't answer Ge Shouli's question directly, but instead asked him a question.

"I can't see it," Ge Shouli turned his head, looked at Yang Bo and said in more direct words, "From the first day I knew you, you are a three-pointed person, no matter whether it is business or leisure. True, [-]% false," Ge Shouli was really unceremonious when speaking to his old friend.

"We have been friends for decades, so you just say that about me," Yang Bo was naturally unwilling, but he also had a smile on his face, "Besides, what is three-point truth and seven-point false? It’s too hurtful, I call it half-truth and half-false, only the real and the false can control the enemy and the invisible.”

"Similarly, after decades, you still have the same virtue," Ge Shouli said with a helpless look.

"Let's not talk about that," Yang Bo sighed, "Now, we still have to find a way to see how to settle this matter smoothly,"

"Just now you said that you were going to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to persuade the Minister Wang," Ge Shouli suddenly asked about this matter, "How sure are you about this matter?"

"Right now, I'm only half sure," Yang Bo said bluntly when facing Ge Shouli, "but it won't be certain when Zhang Fan brings the news about Minister Wang. It may be [-]% sure, or it may be only Maybe [-]% of it, "

Faced with Yang Bo's words, Ge Shouli didn't say anything more. Now, they have done everything they can do, and the rest depends on what will happen tomorrow.

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