The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 478 Three Divisions Trial

Today is the day when the Procuratorate, Dongchang and Jinyiwei will jointly try the case of Minister Wang.

It is very strange to say today, if it was the past, the three courts would hear a case together, and it would naturally be heard in the courtroom of Dali Temple, but this time, the three yamen made the trial venue a little different.

The main reason is that these three yamen do not have their own courts for adjudicating cases. No, that is not right. The Procuratorate does not have a court for adjudicating cases. After all, it does not care about these things, and Dongchang and Jinyiwei have a lot of "courts". Bright and dark, there are several places in the capital, but none of these are "public". Since the case of Minister Wang is to be tried by Queen Mother Li's order, it is natural to be fair and aboveboard. Therefore, Dongchang and Jinyiwei Naturally, you can't go there.

So, now it has turned into such an embarrassing appearance. There are three yamen, and three yamen with great power, but none of them is suitable for trying prisoners. Don't make people laugh when you say this.

In the end, he had no choice but to borrow the trial court of Dali Temple. Although it was a bit embarrassing, it was the only way to do it now.

The Procuratorate is originally in charge of the Spokesman, and its duty is to give speeches. Although its power is extremely or important, in the final analysis, it is still a matter of words and pens. It is not the chief judge, but supervision is the most important thing.

It's just that in the Ming Dynasty, the Ministry of Punishment replaced Dali Temple and was in charge of interrogation, but Dali Temple became the yamen for sentencing, mainly in charge of setting things right for those unjust, false and wrong cases.

But this time, the Inspectorate, Dongchang, and Jinyiwei were replaced to hear the case. Obviously, the responsibility of the Inspectorate is still to supervise, so the trial is handed over to the two yamen, Dongchang and Jinyiwei. Everyone who came here knew that Zhang Fan spent most of his time here as a show. In fact, the Dongchang family was handling the case.

It's just that these are superficial things, even Feng Bao knows that if he had sung with the two ministers in court today, Ge Shouli would never sit idly by, and would definitely talk.

Therefore, Feng Bao is now thinking about how to prevaricate Ge Shouli. He already negotiated the conditions with Minister Wang yesterday. As long as he can win over Ge Shouli today, he will succeed. As for Zhang Fan, Feng Bao does not think he What can I say, in Feng Bao's view, Zhang Fan's return this time is just a display, purely for occasion, and will not hinder him from doing things.

Today's morning court was very depressing. Feng Bao was still standing beside Zhu Yijun's dragon chair. Although he already had a lot of confidence in his hands, at this moment, a trace of impatience could still be seen on his face. Coming to Feng Bao, he really wanted to settle this matter that he had already decided on earlier.

As for the ministers standing below, except for a few people, the expressions of others are also suspicious, and many people have a little panic on their faces. Now everyone knows that such a big thing happened in the court, and , these people are qualified to stand here, how could they not have careful thoughts, they all understand what Feng Bao wants to do.

Before Gao Gong left, he almost controlled the entire government. Even Feng Bao, who was able to fight against him, did not provoke Gao Gong too much, but just waited quietly.

Because of this, most of the people in the court had some relationship with Gao Gong.

If this matter was done by Feng Bao, the consequences would be unimaginable. The court said that these people standing here would be implicated by this matter.

Of course, they all understand that Feng Bao will definitely not liquidate everyone. Even if Feng Bao has such an idea, he still has this ability, but the situation is like this, Feng Bao can't do this, if some things are too much, now Even the powerful Feng Bao couldn't stop him.

However, no one dared to be sure, nor did they dare to take chances and believe that Feng Bao would definitely not find him.

So, when they learned about this and Feng Bao's plan, they were all terrified.

But later, when they heard that Empress Dowager Li asked the three divisions to review the case, they felt relieved a lot. They understood that this must be the result of Ge Shouli's strong remonstrance because he didn't want the consequences to be too serious, and also because Even now, there is still no conclusion on this matter, but these people are very grateful to Ge Shouli.

It's just that these people can't be completely relieved now, and the reason is that it has something to do with the three yamen who tried the case this time, although they all understand that Zhang Fan, who was born as a scholar, would not harm others too much , but what Zhang Fan has shown now is that he is standing with Feng Bao after all, no one knows what will happen.

The early court ended in such an extremely weird atmosphere. No one made a statement, and it seemed that they all wanted to make the interrogation start earlier, so that they could know what the result would be like sooner.

After the early dynasty, the court of Dali Temple.

Zhang Fan, Feng Bao, and Ge Shouli came one after another.

"Master Ge," Feng Bao, who was the last to arrive, said to Ge Shouli eccentrically, "This time, I have followed your old man's wish."

"Hehe, Eunuch Feng, it's easy to say," Ge Shouli ignored Feng Bao's provocation at all, and said with a smile, "I am the Zuodu Censor of the Inspectorate. Naturally, the focus is on supervision, but it is Eunuch Feng and Master Zhang, and the matter of interrogation will be handed over to the two adults."

"Hmph," Facing Ge Shouli's words, Feng Bao knew they were provocations to him, but he couldn't say anything to refute them. After all, Ge Shouli's words were completely correct, without any falsehood.

"Master Zhang," Feng Bao, who had a bad nose at Ge Shouli's place, could only salute Zhang Fan.

"Eunuch Feng," Zhang Fan also saluted him, "Eunuch is busy with things and needs to assist His Majesty, so I have to trouble Eunuch for coming here today."

"Oh, what is Master Zhang talking about?" Finally met someone on the road, Feng Bao naturally would not let go of this opportunity, and chatted with Zhang Fan in a pleasant manner, "They are all doing things for His Majesty and the Queen Mother. What's more, the Empress Dowager personally treated this matter, Feng Bao is a slave, so naturally he has nothing to say, "

"Eunuch Feng has worked hard," Zhang Fan also flattered him, "Since Eunuch Feng has arrived, Mr. Ge, should we start the trial?"

"We have to wait a little longer," Ge Shouli said, "The Ministry of Punishment has already gone to bring the prisoner, Minister Wang, here just now, so he must wait a while before he arrives."

For a while, the atmosphere in the courtroom was a little weird.

Here, after Feng Bao sat down, he chatted with Zhang Fan, looking acquainted, and it was extremely lively, while Ge Shouli was sitting quietly by himself, neither making a sound nor making a sound. Interjecting, occasionally taking a sip of the tea on the table in front of him, seeming a bit out of place.

But who would have imagined that Zhang Fan and Feng Bao, the two people who are chatting happily now, are not actually standing together in today's trial.

Not long after, someone shouted outside the courtroom: "The prisoner, Minister Wang, is here."

When Feng Bao heard this, he looked at Zhang Fan and saw that he nodded, so he ordered the servants to bring Minister Wang to the court. As for Ge Shouli, he didn't even look at it.

Seeing Minister Wang again, Zhang Fan couldn't help but size him up a little.

The last time Zhang Fan saw him, he was wearing a messenger costume. Although he could not be said to be good-looking, he still revealed a three-point heroic appearance. However, now, although he was wearing a prison uniform, it was very clean, but it was extremely messy. At this moment, his whole body They also looked a lot more sluggish, their hair was disheveled and loose, which made it look like he was extremely depressed.

From his face, Zhang Fan couldn't see anything other than fatigue, but when Minister Wang walked in, his movements were a little awkward. He said that Minister Wang was wearing shackles and splints at the moment, But that writhing body was clearly enduring some kind of pain.

Zhang Fan naturally knew that when Minister Wang was in Jinyiwei, Zhang Fan was taken to the East Factory by Feng Bao without anyone beating him. And last night, after Minister Wang was transferred to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he was naturally not happy. Someone will torture him, so his behavior now clearly shows that he was made out of it when he was in Dongchang.

But it seems that Feng Bao didn't use any severe punishment on him, otherwise, with the punishments in Dongchang that were even more terrifying than Jinyiwei, Minister Wang would have been abolished long ago, and now he should be carried up by someone, even more Don't say that's how you came up by yourself.

In fact, the trial in the courtroom of Dali Temple is no different from the judgment in the private yamen. When the prisoner walks into the courtroom, the depressing people holding water and fire sticks on both sides still have to shout "mighty".

"You're offending Minister Wang, don't kneel down yet," Feng Bao said first.

Minister Wang didn't hesitate, and knelt down directly.

"Come here," Feng Bao said loudly seeing Minister Wang knelt down, "set it up for me, hit ten sticks, and kill his prestige."

Feng Bao followed the standard procedure. The prisoner went to court for trial, and according to the rules, he was to be hit with a "killing stick" to destroy his prestige.

But that's where things started to change.

"Why hit me?" Minister Wang, who was kneeling on the ground, yelled dissatisfied. "I agreed to do it for me. Why did you hit me?"

Well, it's not like this happened before, but it happened that Feng Bao met him at this time.

On the side, Zhang Fan looked at Feng Bao curiously, looking completely confused, while Ge Shouli put on a playful look, looking at Feng Bao with great interest.

At this moment, Feng Bao's entire face turned red. He never expected that Minister Wang would follow him to do this. It was already an agreed upon matter, but he suddenly retracted his confession at this time.

Now Feng Bao is furious, he can't control anything else, he stood up, and shouted loudly to the following: "Call me,"

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