The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 480 Three Divisions Trial

this time.No one tried to stop Feng Bao.Ge Shouli still sat there without moving.Watch the scene in front of you with leisure.And Zhang Fan didn't come out to persuade Feng Bao this time.

Although it is a joint trial of the three divisions.Now Feng Bao is the only one who wants to be executed.But the other two didn't speak.These yamen servants naturally have no reason to move.for a while.There is a yamen servant carrying a stick.He walked over with a bamboo stick sharpened like a needle in his hand.

Just when the yamen servant wanted to hold down Minister Wang.When preparing to punish him.Minister Wang suddenly shouted.

"I was put to death. I said. I said."

For Minister Wang's sudden change again.The above three people seem to have been prepared for a long time.None showed any surprised expressions.only.Now that Minister Wang is willing to speak.Feng Bao was naturally happy.In his opinion.This is still inevitable.Although some small errors occurred during the joint trial.The play didn't quite go his way.But these are not important anymore.The important thing is that Minister Wang confessed Gao Gong.In this way, Feng Bao won.

"It's a pity that you are still from the Qi family army. That's scary." Feng Bao mocked him. "Since you want to talk, then tell our family well."

"Yes. Yes." Minister Wang looked terrified.Quickly replied.

"Let's ask you again." Feng Bao asked. "Yesterday you were carrying a sharp blade. You entered the palace and waited outside the gate of Qianqing. What's the matter?"

" assassinate His Majesty." Minister Wang said tremblingly.It's not like he's acting.After all, he understood very well in his heart.Saying this sentence by yourself is tantamount to pronouncing your own death sentence.There is simply no room for maneuver.

"You are so big and courageous." Feng Bao cursed.The tone is not serious. "Tell me quickly. Who ordered you to assassinate His Majesty. Don't say it was your idea alone. Otherwise, our family will make it impossible for you to survive. You cannot die."

"Yes. Yes." Minister Wang still looked terrified. "Yes... Eunuch Feng, you sent me into the palace to assassinate His Majesty."

quiet.Absolute silence.

After Minister Wang's words came out.There was silence in the entire courtroom.Needle drop can be heard.It seems that even the air here is frozen.

"Originally..." Minister Wang didn't seem to notice this weird atmosphere at all.Continue to speak. "Originally. I was kicked out because I didn't obey the rules in the army. I wanted to take some of my savings over the years. I would go to my house to do some small business. Who knows that day. Someone from Dongchang came to see me .”

Minister Wang was narrating and didn't even know that he made it up.It was still the story Yang Bo told him last night.only.Now the three people in the courtroom are all stunned.

"They said let me go with them." Minister Wang continued. "It turned out that I arrived in the capital the next day. Did you see me, father-in-law? First, you gave me a sum of money. You also told me that as long as I promise to do something for you. After the matter is completed, you must give me 1 taels of silver." Give me a prefect official to do it.

"Although I was very excited at that time, I knew that this kind of thing would not come in vain. I must be asked to do something important. At that time, I heard my father-in-law said that he wanted me to enter the palace to assassinate His Majesty. I was petrified. .Naturally I disagree. But my father-in-law forbade me to leave. He even told me that as long as things are done, I will definitely be able to live. At that time, I will change my name and surname. Find a good background. Let me go to a place To be the magistrate.

"I didn't do it at first. But you told me, father-in-law. If I disagree, I will die immediately. I... I can't help it. I don't want to die." At this point.Minister Wang, an imposing seven-foot man, burst into tears.

"" Feng Bao stretched out his hand.Pointing at Minister Wang.I don't know how to describe the trembling energy all over my body.His body slowly stood up from the seat.But I don't know if it's because what Minister Wang said made him too angry.Feng Baoyi, who was standing halfway, was furious.Unsteady.With a "gudong" sound, he sat back on the chair.

"You... you thief." Feng Bao spoke in a weak voice.Pointing to Minister Wang said. "Yesterday you told me everything. It was Gao Gong who ordered you to enter the palace to assassinate His Majesty. Why did you suddenly withdraw your confession today?" Feng Bao was already too angry at this time.His tone was not as rigid as before.But everyone knows.Feng Bao's appearance.sign of something.

"But those... aren't those all what you asked me to say, father-in-law." Minister Wang suddenly put on an aggrieved look.Looking at Feng Bao said. "Yesterday I was caught. Father-in-law, you immediately came and took me away. Afterwards, you told me this. Let me identify that Mr. Gao Ge as the real culprit behind this matter. And you will be in court today How should you speak above. How to cooperate with your father-in-law. You have explained to me one by one. I also spoke completely according to my father-in-law before. But just now my father-in-law wanted to beat me. I have no choice. I said it. Mr. Ge thinks he is the chief assistant of the cabinet. My Minister Wang is a warrior who went to battle. I have been in the army for five years, but it is because of the long time. I am a corporal. How can such a person be human?"

Facing Minister Wang's words.Feng Bao really didn't know what to say.Feng Bao now.There is nothing in the head.Neither anger.I don't think it's funny either.It's just empty.Think about nothing.before this.Feng Bao always thought that everything would go very smoothly today.It only takes a few sentences to convict Gao Gong.And now this is the case.Feng Bao never even thought that Minister Wang would suddenly retract his confession and deny such a thing.Not to mention nowadays.Minister Wang completely pushed the matter on himself, which is ridiculous to Feng Bao.

"You dare to be a thief." Feng Bao said nothing.Ge Shouli on the side spoke. "Eunuch Feng is devoted to the imperial court and His Majesty. How could you do such a rebellious thing. You should recruit quickly. Who ordered you?" Ge Shouli finished speaking.He also looked at Feng Bao.

"But. What I said is true." Minister Wang bit him to death. "Eunuch Feng really asked me to do it."

Minister Wang's words.Feng Bao started to tremble again.

"Come here." Zhang Fan saw this.Quickly become a good person. "Quickly detain the prisoner. Wait and see."

Minister Wang was taken away.However, Feng Bao was still sitting there.His complexion was very dark.I don't know what to think.

"Eunuch Feng, don't be angry." Zhang Fan quickly comforted him. "This is all the wishful thinking of the thief. It is completely groundless. Besides, how is Mr. Feng's life? How does he treat the court and His Majesty? The court understands it very well. Even the people in the capital I have heard about it. How could my father-in-law do such a thing?"

"Yes." Ge Shouli also came over.Said. "Eunuch, don't be angry. Presumably this minister Wang knows that he has no hope of surviving. It is because the father-in-law wants to torture him. That's why he is talking nonsense. He wants to make the father-in-law get into trouble. That's why he is so nonsense. The old man believes it. This This matter must have nothing to do with Eunuch. Eunuch doesn’t need to get angry. I got so angry because of a few nonsense words said by a young man. It’s not good. Eunuch must not let him be complacent. "

Zhang Fan hurriedly brought the tea to Feng Bao.

Some took the tea dumbly.Feng Bao gulped it down in one breath.I don't care about water stains slipping off my hands.Wet his shirt.Still a dull look.

Just do it for a while.Feng Baocai came back to his senses.

Seeing Feng Bao, Zhang Fan came back to his senses.Also waved.Let the depression above the court go down.There were only three of them left in the hall.

"Thief... thief. Thief." Feng Bao came back to his senses.The first sentence is to curse Minister Wang. "Such a thief. Not punishing him is not enough to vent his hatred."

"It's natural." Zhang Fan said quickly.Immediately, he put on a very embarrassed expression. "It's just. Now it's a joint trial. It was personally confessed by the empress dowager. The king and minister are naturally going to die. But no matter how we say it, we have to discuss the result. Otherwise, how can we explain to the empress dowager. "

"Master Zhang's words are true." Ge Shouli agreed. "This Minister Wang is full of words. He is still framing the father-in-law. He really deserves to be killed. But there must be a reason for beheading. You can't just kill him just like that."

"Our family doesn't care." Feng Bao simply ignored Zhang Fan and Ge Shouli's words.Now Feng Bao only looks for one thing. "Our family wants to kill. We must kill this wolf-hearted thief immediately."

"That's great." Zhang Fan said suddenly. "Anyway, this Minister Wang has already confessed to assassinating His Majesty. There is nothing wrong with killing him. We can do it now. It's just that we have to find a way. It is better to explain to the Queen Mother."

"Come here." Feng Bao suddenly shouted loudly.This voice is really loud.And came in.Not the yamen servants of Dali Temple.It's someone from Feng Baodong's factory.

"Go and kill that guy, Minister Wang." To his subordinates.Feng Bao ordered.

It can be said that Feng Bao managed the East Factory quite well.After his men listened to his orders.Without further ado.Go straight to work.

"Let's talk." Ge Shouli saw this.Think about it.Said. "It's just that Minister Wang refused to confess life and death. In the end, he couldn't bear the severe punishment. He died. What do you two think?"

"That's great." Zhang Fan naturally agreed.

And Feng Bao.There is no point in this proposal.

The current Feng Bao is quite disappointed.originally.Everything is planned.He could kill Gao Gong in no time.Clear the court.Strengthen the rights that you have already obtained.And now.He almost put himself in it.

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