The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 482 After the Storm

recent.The atmosphere in the court is very strange.

Because of Minister Wang's assassination of Zhu Yijun.Some time ago, there was some ups and downs between the DPRK and China.Everyone is at risk.Everyone knew Feng Bao's plan.Planting high arches.Then bloodbathed those who disagreed with him in the court.Many people are afraid that once Feng Bao succeeds.Will it affect yourself.So during that time.People are a little trembling.

But speaking of it.This situation only lasted for a day.after.After Minister Wang was ordered to be killed by the "angry" Feng Bao.All these emotions are gone.The crisis was resolved naturally.

but.This matter is for Feng Bao.It can be said that it is over.However for others.Things didn't completely dissipate.But at this time.It's not that scary atmosphere anymore.It's more... interesting.

The reason is because Feng Bao this time can be described as "stealing chickens and losing money".Not only did he fail to frame Gao Gong successfully.Instead, he almost put himself in it.turn out to be.This is almost a no-brainer.Feng Bao, father-in-law Feng, and eunuch Feng, who can plan everything.There are also times when you are deflated.And either don't come.If you want to come, it is big.Almost lost himself.

This time, however, there are some things worth pondering.If in the past.If something like this happens.Regardless of whether the person who was falsely accused was wronged or not.In other words, no matter how dedicated that person is, he is honest and upright.Once this kind of thing comes out.Naturally, it is necessary to suspend the job and check it out.But this time.Such a thing happened to Feng Bao.But no one complained about it.The Emperor of Chaozhong and Empress Dowager Li knew about it and never doubted Feng Bao.And the ministers below did not have any doubts about not questioning Feng Bao.

Not sure because of this time either.No one believed that Feng Bao would do this.But that's not the reason.Feng Bao was a eunuch after all.The royal family does not pursue it.It doesn't mean that the following ministers will ignore this kind of thing.

The only explanation is.Everyone wants this matter to end as soon as possible.Don't make any more trouble.If these reasons are used to pursue Feng Bao now.Maybe it was because of Feng Bao's shortness of breath.will do something.That's something no one wants to see.

This naturally became the place where everyone wanted to laugh at Feng Bao.even though.This time Feng Bao suffered a big loss.But neither the emperor nor the queen mother had any intention of pursuing it.So Feng Bao's power in his hands has not shrunk in the even laughed at it.Also keep it in private.I will not say these things in any public place.

But the problem is.Feng Baonai is the palm print eunuch of Dongchang.It is no surprise that Dongchang is well-informed.In this world, even Dongchang doesn't know about things.It is estimated that it is also ministers said bad things about Feng Bao in private.Feng Bao knew everything clearly.But unfortunately.This time Feng Bao couldn't do anything.Can't speak ill of him.Those who despised him shot.Even give them a warning.Feng Bao couldn't even do it.

This was scolded.But still unable to retaliate.I am afraid that few people can accept it.Not to mention Feng Bao, the powerful and powerful eunuch.So Feng Bao was in this period of time.Appearing in front of others is.There is always a stinky expression on his face.It was as if anyone had a grudge against him for killing his father and mother.

This farce is over.However, there is still a question here.

Because Feng Bao was extremely angry at Minister Wang's sudden retraction of his confession.In addition, Ge Shouli didn't want to let this matter procrastinate any longer.Minister Wang was killed by Feng Bao.This.And forever buried a secret.

Wang Dacheng entered the palace that day.What exactly is it for.It was a serious order to enter the palace.Or is it just to assassinate someone.And if he really wanted to assassinate Zhu Yijun.It's certainly not his idea alone.He is a little corporal.Even if there is any deep hatred.That will definitely not be counted on the emperor's he really came into the palace to assassinate Zhu Yijun.There must be someone instigated behind him.

originally.This kind of thing that threatened the safety of the emperor.All must be investigated to get to the bottom of the truth in order to make people feel at ease.And yet all this.All followed Feng Bao in a fit of rage.Killed Minister Wang and disappeared.Whatever the story behind it.Now they all go with Minister Wang.

For this matter.Empress Dowager Li was very dissatisfied with Feng Bao.Trained him for a long time.And for this.The interrogation in the palace is more rigorous.The most obvious one.That is, no matter how important military information you have in your hands.No one is allowed to enter the palace.Had to wait outside the palace.Deliver the letter to the palace.and.There are even more guards guarding Zhu Yijun.This made Zhu Yijun, who was not very happy about becoming an emperor, even less this end.Zhu Yijun hated Feng Bao even more.

These.Feng Bao knew everything.But he has nowhere to vent.He can't find anyone to complain about.Nor can he vent these thoughts on the ministers who laughed at Bao now only has those people who harmed him.That is, the little eunuch in the prison of ceremonies.There are also people from Dongchang.

Those little eunuchs are suffering.No matter what you do.As long as Feng Bao finds a little unsatisfactory place.He was dragged out and beaten severely.And beat the little eunuch under him.Feng Bao will definitely be there.It seems that he is venting his unhappiness in this way.and.There is absolutely no need for him to do anything to suggest that the toes are inward or outward.They all shouted "Hit. Hit me to death".The eunuch who executed the sentence naturally did not dare to relent.It is also merciless to start.

After the Minister Wang incident is over.In just one month of events.More than ten eunuchs were beaten to death in the palace.There are even more disabled people.But no one dared to speak up.

As for the East Factory.Feng Bao gave the order to die.They must find out who is behind Minister Wang.But now.Minister Wang is dead.Even the corpses are rotten.And he is unaccompanied.There is simply no way to start.This can be regarded as suffering from the group of fans who are used to being domineering on weekdays.All day long, he ran around like a mad dog.I hope to find some clues related to Minister Wang.But after so many days.Minister Wang has discovered a lot.But there is only one thing that can be more related to his assassination of Zhu Yijun.

This also made Feng Bao even more angry.But these.It's all Feng Bao's own troubles.And his troubles.For many people.It might be a good thing.

There is one more thing.It is also related to the minister of the king.This Minister Wang is a sergeant under Qi Jiguang's command.Now he was killed for the most serious crime of "assassinating the emperor".Then Qi Jiguang, who is the chief general, naturally had to ignore him.

It was the day after Minister Wang was killed.Qi Jiguang who got the news didn't say anything.Go straight to the capital at full speed.Qi Jiguang's purpose in coming to the capital is very simple.It's here to plead guilty.even.Qi Jiguang had already prepared for the worst in his heart.

However, what Qi Jiguang didn't expect was that.He came to the capital.Meet the emperor and queen mother.He told about his crimes.They are all ready to die.But Empress Dowager Li didn't treat him at all.Not even the most basic charge of lax discipline was charged to him.

This is also very simple.Anyone can understand.The importance of where Qi Jiguang is now.He guards Jizhou.It can be said to be the most important barrier for the capital's defense against the Tartars.Although the north is now in peace.But two hundred years of war.Especially after experiencing the extremely dangerous incident of the Civil Fortress Change on the way.It does not make the court and royal family completely at ease about the then, Longqing transferred Qi Jiguang and the anti-Japanese front line along the eastern coast to the north.

so.Qi Jiguang couldn't move.Especially his Qi family army, which is now the most powerful in the entire Ming Dynasty.I can't even move.And Qi Jiajun.It was created by Qi Jiguang himself.Qi Jiguang is Qi if Qi Jiguang didn't come to the capital this time.None of the empress dowager's court ministers would trouble Qi Jiguang.

so.The conclusion is.Qi Jiguang is here this time.It is completely redundant.certainly.Although it is true.But no one would think so.Qi Jiguang's reputation in court was very good.He has this kind of movement.Everyone can naturally understand.

until now.This matter is finally fully understood.Those unhappy people like Feng Bao are left.It also gradually returned to its former appearance.

There is only one person.Zhang Juzheng.

Zhang Juzheng was in the eyes of others.Please invite the Empress Dowager Li for a joint trial.It was indeed a great help.Because of this, many people respected Zhang Juzheng even more.But for those who know the inside story.I understand.Zhang Juzheng did something wrong with this matter.

If Ge Shouli hadn't used some things to force him to play Queen Mother Li.Please play the words of the three divisions.Zhang Juzheng will still face Feng Bao.Zhang Juzheng's reluctant memorial.It was indeed a great help.If there is no such memorial.what things will look like.It was completely unexpected.

Like Ge Shouli, Yang Bo and others.My thoughts on Zhang Juzheng are after this incident.There have been great changes.They still agree with Zhang Juzheng's ability to govern the country.But he no longer appreciates his way of being an official.this.It may be Zhang Juzheng's biggest failure in his life.But he himself doesn't think so.Or rather he already realized it.But I didn't feel any embarrassment.

Only.Only Zhang Fan.For Zhang Juzheng's thoughts.Even more complicated.

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