The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 489 Heart of Resentment

After the feast is over.As usual, it was a banquet.This is also the rule under the Jingyan system.

Speaking up.Since Zhu Yijun ascended the throne.There has been no banquet for the ministers.This time can be regarded as the first time.above the banquet.Because of an incident that happened during the sutra feast.Zhu Yijun's performance can be regarded as quite satisfactory.And on that pretendingly serious little face.It's quite a regal demeanor.It was just Zhang Fan who was sitting next to him.Seeing Zhu Yijun's kindness, he dared not say anything.Food comes first.Even when he was hungry, he didn't dare to let go of the appearance of eating.I also feel a little funny in my heart.

But honestly.This kind of scene where the emperor feasts his ministers.But it will be so solemn.And solemn to the point of being boring.Honestly.It is the first time I have met.

want to come.The emperor feasted his ministers.Although there are monarchs and ministers.But the atmosphere is also very lively.Between the monarch and his ministers.Chat about trifles with each other.It is also a way to enhance the relationship.and.Generally, two glasses of wine are enough to eat.The atmosphere became even more lively.

But unluckily.Zhu Yijun, His Majesty the Emperor.He is only ten years old now.and.Zhang Juzheng, the head of the officials present.It is also to take the lead in setting a good example for the young meal is almost the same as the previous court.Everyone is extremely rigorous.Even eating is chewing slowly.I'm afraid that I have done something unethical. a feast.This is naturally indispensable.Just today.Obviously everyone understands.Especially those who know that they will not be able to keep their mouths shut after drinking two or two small drinks.Those who go wild.Just a taste of it.Most of them raised their wine glasses.Take a sip and let it go.What some do is to feel more.Not even a teetotaler.To know.The ministers in the court.There are many people who love wine.This is for these people.It can be regarded as suffocating them.

After the banquet.Zhu Yijun summoned Feng Bao after seeing his mother.I don't know what's going on.He asked Zhang Fan to go back to the palace with him.

On the way back to the palace.Zhang Fan found that Zhu Yijun's small face was extremely helpless.And there is also some regret mixed in it.To this.It's not that Zhang Fan doesn't know the reason.And he found it even more funny psychologically.

Go back to the palace and do a good job.Zhu Yijun dismissed the eunuch and maid.He began to sigh in front of Zhang Fan.He sighed.Zhang Fan naturally knew what he meant.But he couldn't help wanting to tease Zhu Yijun.He ignored his lament for a long time.

But Zhu Yijun is obviously not a person who knows how to give up.Zhang Fan ignored him.He just kept moaning.

finally.Zhang Fan saw his appearance.It is also very poor.Only then did he start talking: "Your Majesty, what's the matter? Why are you sighing so much. But what's on your mind."

"That's right. I'm a little upset in my heart." Seeing that Zhang Fan finally agreed.Zhu Yijun finally found a place to vent. "At first I thought. I agreed to Mr. Zhang's request. After reopening the sutra banquet, I will shut up that annoying Feng Bao. It will also give me a time to relax. But how do I know. This sutra feast is on top of rules and regulations. There are so many rules. It is even more uncomfortable than letting Feng Bao stay by my side." Speaking of this.The helpless expression on Zhu Yijun's face became even more serious.

"I don't know. Where did Your Majesty say that?" Zhang Fan looked like he didn't understand.asked on purpose. "I still remember it. It was His Majesty who summoned me into the palace that day, and told me about the re-opening of the sutra banquet. At that time, I asked His Majesty. Didn't Your Majesty agree with it? Why do you regret it now? Woke up."

"Teacher." Zhu Yijun heard what Zhang Fan said.The little face was even more helpless. "Stop teasing me. I know that I didn't expect this to happen. Now. This is my own fault."

I heard Zhu Yijun say that.Although Zhang Fan could still hold back his laughter.But he couldn't bear it any longer.smiled.

Jing Yan.As a royal ceremony.Its rules are naturally numerous.and.Most of the time during the sutra feast.There are only two lecturers who can do it and talk.Everyone else can't move.Even the emperor is no exception.If the emperor has a problem.It is also after asking the lecturer for instructions and obtaining consent.That's how you can ask questions.

the rest of the time.Everyone present must pay attention to the lecture.

and.If the emperor occasionally loses the solemn demeanor that he thought of as an emperor.If you make some more casual actions in life.Like sitting for too long.My legs and feet are numb.Putting one leg over the other leg hurts.Raise your legs; maybe you feel sleepy.Elbows touch hands.Hold your head up and play haha.If the emperor made an action like this.Then the lecturer who is teaching the scriptures will stop teaching immediately.Instead, start to say some words of accusation.For example, "It's disrespectful to be a king." Such words of accusation.And this one is absolutely inexcusable.No matter when the feast is.As long as the emperor committed.Then the lecturer will definitely say it.

and.This is not to say that the lecturer said such a sentence.Will let it go.After all, it is above the feast.What you say is great.And when the emperor made an indecent move.It's usually the time when the mind is not here.So this time.Ministers who are lecturers will keep saying this sentence.At first, the emperor thought that the lecturer was still giving a lecture.

Until this is the emperor.After hearing the same words countless times.Suddenly woke up.Discovered his indecent behavior.And after restoring that solemn and upright manner.The speaker will stop talking.Start preaching again.

today.Zhu Yijun, who was listening to the Sutra Feast for the first time, made such a mistake.after all.He is just a child now.Just let an adult.It is very difficult to sit there without moving for two hours.Not to mention such an impatient temper.I like the free and easy Zhu Yijun again.

He didn't raise Erlang's legs.Instead, he leaned on the seat crookedly.Sit down and laugh.He even raised his hands and stretched himself.It's up to the ministers.Especially Zhang Juzheng, who is the keynote speaker.Definitely the biggest mistake.Absolutely an unforgivable mistake.

And Zhu Yijun obviously has never experienced Jingyan.He didn't know this rule.Knowing that Zhang Juzheng said, "It's disrespectful to be a king." He said it no less than a hundred times.Zhu Yijun finally discovered the problem.He just found out.Zhang Juzheng's words were not meant to preach to him.After all, no one will say a sentence more than 100 times.And the problem.It must have appeared on his own body.

But obviously.Zhu Yijun who has no such experience.For a while, there was no way to find out what I did wrong.He couldn't ask Zhang Juzheng any questions.He could only look at Zhang Fan with help-seeking eyes.

But Zhang Fan couldn't open his mouth either.In the end there was no way.Zhang Fan could only take the risk.Made some little moves.Stretch your legs forward.He pointed with his finger.This is what made Zhu Yijun understand.He quickly returned to the appearance of sitting upright and listening carefully.This is what made Zhang Juzheng stop.Start re-speaking.

And Zhang Fan.For this reason, many people still looked down upon it.Although Jingyan is bigger than that.No one can speak or make movements except the speaker.But Zhang Fan could clearly find out.Many people on the opposite side rolled their eyes at him.This made Zhang Fan dumbfounded.

"It's all my fault that I didn't remind His Majesty in advance. Please punish Your Majesty." Zhang Fan hurriedly apologized.Speaking up.Matters needing attention above the feast.Although Zhang Fan didn't understand it before.But definitely understand the rules.Just for a while.He also never thought that Zhu Yijun, who was at the Jingyan for the first time, would make such a mistake.

"Teachers don't have to be." Apparently.Zhu Yijun would not blame Zhang Fan for this. "I don't think there is any grievance. What Mr. Zhang taught is not at fault."

"So now. Your Majesty still regrets it." Zhang Fan asked suddenly. "Your Majesty told me that the reason why you are happy to re-open the feast is because of Mr. Feng. But now it seems that this is the re-opening of the feast. Disrespect can't make your majesty relax. I'm afraid it's better than Feng. The father-in-law will still feel uncomfortable around His Majesty."

"This..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun suddenly felt a little embarrassed.Obviously what Zhang Fan said was not wrong.But he didn't know how to answer.

However, Zhu Yijun's hesitant appearance did not last long.Immediately he calmed down.And there was a firm look in the clothes on the face: "Teacher, even so. I still think that this sutra banquet is indeed much more interesting."

"Why." Zhang Fan heard him say this.Can't help but ask. "Didn't His Majesty just say it just now. Compared with letting Eunuch Feng stay by His Majesty's side, Jing Yan is more boring. Why did His Majesty say it again now. Jing Yan is much more interesting."

"I didn't tell a lie. Jingyan really made me feel more uncomfortable than letting Feng Bao stay by my side." Zhu Yijun faced Zhang Fan's question.But it looks like a matter of course. "But this is just what it looks like. In fact, letting Feng Bao stay by my side is in itself making me suffer all the time." When Zhu Yijun said these words.Quite a bit of gnashing of teeth.

And Zhang Fan.You can only make an appearance of understanding.But in Zhang Fan's heart.It has already given Feng Bao a driving notice to arrest him.

think about emperor.A child emperor who is only ten years old.There is such a big resentment towards a person.What will happen to that man in the future?

Maybe five years.Maybe ten years.At most, it is only ten years.As long as Zhu Yijun is in charge of the government.Zhang Fan is sure.The first unlucky one was Feng Bao.Think here.Zhang Fan couldn't help but began to mourn for Feng Bao in silence.

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