It's finally done.Zhang Fan can now breathe a sigh of relief.

only.This matter is for Zhang Fan.It's certainly a good thing to do.Even if it can't be done.He still has other ways to make the war on that island more intense.But now this way.For Zhang Fan.can achieve their own goals.Also make some money.Nature is the best.

The reason why he feels so relaxed.In fact, it was because of the imperial decree.

even though.Zhu Yijun stamped a jade seal on one copy.And the effective imperial decree filed in the Ouchi was handed over to Zhang Fan.But Zhang Fan was still a little worried.He wasn't worried that once the contents of this edict were leaked out, people would speak ill of him behind his back.It's just that there will definitely be some impact at that time.It's just an effect he doesn't want to appear.

But Zhang Fan finally decided to do so.But even he has already made up his mind.When he took this imperial decree to see Yang Bo.I was still a little apprehensive.Yang Bo is not a three-year-old child.It's not easy to fool.Zhang Fan can naturally understand.As long as Yang Bo saw this imperial decree.With a little guesswork, you can figure out the connection.What Zhang Fan was worried about was whether Yang Bo would disagree with this.

But in Zhang Fan's opinion.Yang Bo should agree.After all, Yang Bo also knows righteousness.The one who puts the court of the country at the forefront.and.the most important is.Yang Bo this person.Except for his kind of purpose.Any means can make it come out.more importantly.He for this kind of thing.It can be described as "flaws must be reported".For foreigners.As long as they dare to invade the border of Ming Dynasty.Yang Bo felt that he would not let it go.

so.When Zhang Fan took the imperial decree to Yang Bo's residence.Although I was a little apprehensive.But in his opinion.The chances of this happening will be much higher.

really.Just as Zhang Fan expected.

After Yang Bo received the imperial decree.It's just that after a little thought, he made a look of sudden realization.Zhang Fan would want so many muskets.Obviously not for Ming's army.Those who should have muskets in the Ming army have all been equipped.And for Zhang Fan.Although Yang Bo has not been in contact for too long.But also understand something.It is naturally impossible for Zhang Fan to blatantly hand over these guns to some foreign race.Or those who planned to rebel in Ming Dynasty.What's more, even if it was given to them.No gunpowder pellets.These muskets were no different from sticks.

Moreover.It doesn't matter where Zhang Fan got this edict from.It must have passed through Queen Mother Li.Or Zhu Yijun's consent.Now that the emperor or the queen mother has agreed.Then Yang Bo has nothing to say.Empress Dowager Li is a woman.Zhu Yijun is a child again.After all, they are the royal family of Ming Dynasty.It is absolutely impossible for them to watch others use their own things to harm themselves.

And now.The only ones who can need these things.There is only Fusang.Europeans had their own muskets.Naturally, there is no need to buy from the Ming Dynasty, which is thousands of miles away.And the Ming Dynasty also had business dealings with Fusang before.Whether it is recognized by the court.He was also the "Captain of Wufeng" back then.The smuggling of the pirate king Wang Zhi.In short, Yang Bo understood this.

And thought of these.Zhang Fan planned to do something.Yang Bo naturally knew it in his heart.Although this approach seems shameless.Absolutely not in line with the teachings of saints.But for Yang Bo.One is near Daming.And there were constant wars.A country where exiles will continue to harass the Daming Sea.It is indeed necessary to treat them in this way.

so.Yang Bo thought it over.He didn't ask Zhang Fan anything.Instead, he asked: "Master Zhang. Why is it so small?"

"What did Master Yang say?" Zhang Fan was a little confused by what Yang Bo said suddenly.

"I mean. Why are there so many guns?" Yang Bo said.Spread out the decree.Said. "There are only [-] muskets made by the Ministry of Industry here. Although the territory of the Fusang Kingdom is not as wide as my Ming Dynasty, it is said that there are many people there. And now their entire country is fighting. These [-] muskets. Not too little."

"Uh..." Zhang Fan heard what Yang Bo said.There was a moment of silence.The cold sweat stayed behind.originally.Zhang Fan was worried that Yang Bo would disagree.Or even if Yang Bo agreed.He will also preach to him.But now.Yang Bofei didn't blame Zhang Fan for anything.He also said that this thing was given too little.This really made Zhang Fan feel ashamed.

"There's... There's a reason for this." It took Zhang Fan a long time to calm down those weird thoughts in his heart.He looked at Yang Bo and said. "What Mr. Yang said. I have also considered it."

"Oh." Yang Bo heard what Zhang Fan said.Can't help but ask curiously. "Since you thought about it. Why did you change your mind now."

"Master Yang, before I made such preparations, I also did some research on the situation in Fusang." Zhang Fan said. "Although there are quite a lot of people there. However, under the current daimyo's melee there, those who can really go to the battlefield are not trained soldiers. Those people are the treasures of all forces. They are all used to look at their families. Really Those who went to the battlefield to fight. Most of them were farmers. And basically they were people who couldn’t get enough to eat. Let’s not talk about how their battles were fought. It’s just every battle. If both sides can send out a thousand people, it can be counted. It was tragic.

"As for things like muskets, it's not like those swords. They can be held in your hand. Even if you haven't been trained, you can pick them up and cut people. So, among every force there, you can hold them. There are not many people who fight on the battlefield with muskets. Although our guns are not too many, they are enough for them."

Yang Bo heard what Zhang Fan said.There was a stagnation on the face.The two armies fought.It's just that there are 2000 people facing each other.It can be called a tragic battle.This is for anyone who has been influenced by the Chinese government for thousands of years.It's all an unimaginable thing.

"And..." Zhang Fan continued. "Things like muskets are extremely lethal. Especially in the eyes of those Fusang people. They attach great importance to muskets. So even if they buy them, they are willing to spend a lot of money. I am a junior in front of Master Yang. There is no need to hide it from Mr. Yang. These guns are made by the Ministry of Industry. The cost is only ten taels of silver. Even if we add all the prices shipped by our people, it is only 12 taels at most. But now. But muskets can be sold at a sky-high price of five taels of gold in Fusang.

"Although, Fusang has always been rich in gold. But there have been wars there for more than 100 years. The forces of all parties have suffered a lot. There are indeed not many people who can spend so much money at once. Besides. .We can’t lower the price at will. Even if we are willing to lower the price, we have to pretend to be heartbroken. And the price can’t be let out too much. Not all of them are idiots. It’s not good to be seen by them.”

"En." Hearing Zhang Fan's explanation.Yang Bo thought about it.Also nodded.agree.

"It's just..." Zhang Fan suddenly said.Some hesitated. "I've been thinking about a problem. And it's been disturbing my mind."

"What's the problem?" Seeing Zhang Fan's question.Yang Bo asked.

"Master Yang knows." Zhang Fan said. "There have been wars on Fusang Island for more than a hundred years. Countless stragglers have nowhere to go because they lost their monarch. They came to our Daming sea area to plunder the people. I am afraid that when the time comes, will Japanese pirates take us and sell them there? Shoot our people. If such a thing happens, Zhang Fan will be punished with death."

"Hehe." Hearing Zhang Fan say this.Yang Bo laughed instead.

Look at Yang Bo.Zhang Fan was puzzled: "Master Yang, why are you laughing?"

"No." Yang Bo said with a smile. "I'm laughing at Mr. Zhang. In vain you are the governor of Jinyiwei. You don't even know these things."

"What is it?" Zhang Fan heard Yang Bo say so.Even more puzzled.

"No wonder." Yang Bo said. "These things. You Jin Yiwei won't care about them."

"Master Yang, please explain the confusion in Zhang Fan's heart." Zhang Fan humbly asked Yang Bo for advice.

"Those Japanese pirates have harassed my Daming sea area for more than a hundred years. Of course they are extremely hateful." Yang Bo said. "But. Except for the incident that Mr. Zhang encountered in Jiangnan last year. After all, the other party came under the command of the general of Fusang. Except for guns and iron cannons. Has Mr. Zhang ever seen any Japanese pirates attacking? With firearms."

Zhang Fan heard what Yang Bo said.He immediately thought about it.really.The matter was really as Yang Bo said.Japanese pirates have never used firearms.Even the previous dossier.Zhang Fan didn't look through them one by one.But whatever he has seen.None have been found.

This is actually Qi's army fighting Japanese pirates.Especially after becoming famous.One of the reasons why the Qi family army supported by the imperial court was able to kill Japanese pirates everywhere.The Qi family army held sharper weapons than those primitive swords of the Japanese pirates.

"Why is this?" Zhang Fan asked.

"The man from Fusang. Although he knows the power of muskets." Yang Bo said. "But there is not much saltpeter and other things there. There is not much gunpowder. So even if it is a war, everyone is not given much. And those prisoners of war who have been defeated must hand in all the gunpowder and projectiles in their hands before they can be released. Go out and fend for yourself. There. The folks can't find any gunpowder."

"So that's how it is." Hearing Yang Bo say this.Zhang Fan was completely relieved now.

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