The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 506 The arrival of the father-in-law

At that time, in the early years of Longqing, that is, the year Zhang Fan just came to the Ming Dynasty, Wang Chonggu was appointed as the governor-general of Shaanxi, Yan, Ning, and Gansu for military affairs. He is good at military books and military affairs, and he is very familiar with the situation on the frontier of Ming Dynasty.

This scholar, who became a monk on the way, is also good at military affairs. In the 34th year of Jiajing, Wang Chonggu, who was the deputy envoy of Changzhen military preparations and took over military affairs for the first time, defeated the Japanese pirates and Xiagang on a large scale. He plunged headlong into the army, and he was able to make meritorious service many times, not to mention his ability to manage the army.

Ever since Wang Chonggu was sent to guard the frontiers in the north of the Ming Dynasty, he not only took the lead, but even repaired the defense fortifications. When he was in charge of Ningxia, he never gave up on local investigations. Taking the initiative to lead troops to book, directly attacking the enemy's lair, and hesitating about Wang Chonggu's achievements. Back then, I had ordered people to come here to plunder many times. There will always be the phrase "Ningxia is finished alone", which can be regarded as a rather remarkable achievement.

Therefore, because of such achievements, Wang Chonggu later became the governor of the military affairs of the four regions. Back then, I was able to negotiate peace with the Ming court, and Wang Chonggu also made great contributions. It was a dispute. In short, no one in the court could deny Wang Chonggu's contribution.

Now, the mutual tribute market between the two sides has opened, the frontier has become more peaceful, and Qi Jiguang is now personally leading troops to garrison several dangerous places, in case the Tatars suddenly tear up the treaty and come to make trouble, so Wang Chonggu is at leisure.

Although it is said that Wang Chonggu has incomparable achievements and unparalleled martial arts, he is old after all. This year is the sixth year of Longqing, and Wang Chonggu is now 57 years old. Now he is still in good spirits, and he can still lead troops to fight and charge, but the age of a person is there, old is old, and you can’t accept it. Even Wang Chonggu himself doesn’t say it, but he knows in his heart that he can’t do it anymore. It's like it used to be.

At the beginning of this year, before Long Qing fell ill, Wang Chonggu came to Beijing to congratulate him. Everyone praised Long Qing when he met him, and then he was changed to the governor of Shanxi and Yida Military Affairs.

For this, Wang Chonggu didn't feel wronged. After all, he understood that Long Qing was taking care of him, and he also knew that the tribute exchange market is becoming more and more stable now, and there is not so much to worry about. Besides, Wang Chonggu was originally from Shanxi , everyone said that fallen leaves return to their roots, although he has not yet reached that time, but he will not object.

In short, Wang Chonggu has returned to his hometown in Shanxi, and his official position has not changed, and he has also added the official titles of Prince Shaobao and Minister of the Ministry of War. It can be said that he has returned to his hometown with honor, but Wang Chonggu is not what Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, said. The rich and the noble do not return to their hometown, such as walking at night in fine clothes, who knows", this kind of showy person, but this is a happy thing after all, even his family is very happy about it.

And with Wang Chonggu coming back together, his cadres were naturally resigned, and one of the most attention-getting ones was Chen Wenchuan.

Speaking of Chen Wenchuan, everyone who knows him knows that he is also a man of great talent. Although he is not as outstanding as Wang Chonggu, he is not much inferior. There is some relationship, but Chen Wenchuan is too decent, and he doesn't bother to use these things to help him rise to the top.

Wang Chonggu naturally understands these situations, and he also admires Chen Wenchuan himself very much, and he intends to reuse him, but who knows, at this moment, something happened, that is, Zhang Fan married Chen Wenchuan's daughter Chen Ruxue.

No, this is not the case actually. It should be said that Chen Wenchuan's son-in-law, Zhang Fan, who has just entered the imperial court, was able to be appreciated by the emperor and reused. Kam.

Originally, this was a good thing. After all, the person who appreciates Zhang Fan is the emperor. This does not mean that Zhang Fan can do it with some means. Besides, there are many people who want to please the emperor. But how many people are able to succeed? Moreover, although many people held a skeptical attitude towards Zhang Fan at the beginning, the few things Zhang Fan did afterwards were outstanding, and gradually no one looked at Zhang Fan differently. up.

However, it is precisely because of this that Wang Chonggu did not reuse Chen Wenchuan. The reason is also very simple. Wang Chonggu did not want people to think that he was powerful, because Chen Wenchuan's son-in-law was so powerful that he reused him. Perhaps speaking, this is a bit unfair to Chen Wenchuan , but Chen Wenchuan has no complaints about it.

However, after that, Chen Wenchuan also relied on his own achievements to gain everyone's approval, and now he is serving as a commander under Wang Chonggu. It can be said that Chen Wenchuan's position is well-deserved, and no one can dispute it , Moreover, one must know that there is no war now, if there is a war, the promotion will be quick; but when there is no war, it is not easy to have Chen Wenchuan's promotion.

In short, Wang Chonggu did not release water on Chen Wenchuan because of Zhang Fan, nor did the two sisters Ruxue and Zhaoxue, nor Chen Wenchuan talk to Zhang Fan about this matter, and Zhang Fan did not do anything behind the scenes.

Now, Wang Chonggu has changed to the governor of Shanxi. Chen Wenchuan naturally followed him to serve in Shanxi. It took a long time to get familiar with local military affairs in Shanxi, and there was nothing else to do after that. Wang Chonggu finally considered Chen Wenchuan's personal The reason is that he was given a vacation, and Chen Wenchuan had no relatives in his family except his two daughters, so he naturally went to the capital to visit his two daughters.

For this matter, Zhang Fan should naturally welcome it very much. In fact, Zhang Fan is also very happy about the arrival of his father-in-law. However, now everyone in the Zhang family knows about Zhaoxue and him, or it can be said that it is about Zhaoxue. Regarding Zhaoxue's concern, Zhang Fanshi was very troubled about it, and he couldn't refuse it, and couldn't agree to it with a lick of his face, so he was very helpless.

But now, Chen Wenchuan's arrival made Zhang Fan even more confused about how to deal with it, so Zhang Fan was both happy and troubled by Chen Wenchuan's visit.

But no matter whether he is happy or troubled, when the father-in-law comes, he will naturally go to greet him.

When Chen Wenchuan was in the frontier, he heard that his daughter was pregnant. He was very happy about it. After all, his Chen family had only two daughters in his generation. Feeling guilty, but now that his daughter is pregnant, although it cannot be regarded as the continuation of his Chen family's incense, she is still the flesh and blood of his Chen family. He is naturally very happy, but, although there was no war in the frontier at that time, the military affairs Under such a busy schedule, Chen Wenchuan had no time at all for him to take time out to visit his daughter.

Knowing that he had a grandson and a granddaughter, Chen Wenchuan was overjoyed, but he still didn't have time to go to the capital.

Now, it is finally a long-cherished wish, otherwise, with Chen Wenchuan's temper, Wang Chonggu may not accept it if Wang Chonggu gave him a holiday so selfishly.

Zhang Fan received Chen Wenchuan outside the capital, and before they had a word, he found that his father-in-law looked absent-minded. He naturally understood his thoughts in his heart, but now the season is about to enter winter. Originally, Ru Xue understood her father's thoughts, but she was afraid that the two children would freeze, so she didn't come together.

In this regard, Chen Wenchuan showed a very contradictory behavior. He expressed inappropriateness for his daughter's doting on the two children, but he couldn't say anything. Zhang Fan and Ru Xue looked a little funny at this scene, but I dare not show it.

Several people gossip about family affairs, and Chen Wenchuan also knows that Zhang Fan married two concubines, but Chen Wenchuan did not express much about it. In his opinion, it is not wrong for Zhang Fan to have several concubines. Anyway, in this era, Three wives and four concubines are normal things. Of course, monogamy will not be ridiculed by others. It's just that each family has its own affairs. As long as Zhang Fan can treat Ru Xue wholeheartedly, this is the most important thing in Chen Wenchuan's opinion. , nothing else matters.

Gossiping, the family was heading to Zhang's mansion in a car, and Zhang Fan also asked about Wang Chonggu's recent situation in the car. After all, Zhang Fan was recruited as a master in the past to carry out the raid with the army. When the Tartars took charge of the task, which was almost a mortal task, what they saw was Wang Chonggu. For Wang Chonggu, Zhang Fan still admired him very much. In Zhang Fan's mind, he was on par with Qi Jiguang.

And Wang Chonggu's evaluation of Zhang Fan is not low.

Chatting and chatting, it was the happy Chen Wenchuan who suddenly found that there was one person missing, and couldn't help asking: "Yuande, Ruxue, why didn't that girl Zhaoxue come?"

Zhang Fan and his wife looked at each other, they didn't know what to say for a while, yes, let them say something, now, the little girl Zhaoxue is hiding in the room and having trouble.

However, how should Zhang Fan talk about this matter.

"What's the matter?" Chen Wenchuan couldn't help asking when he saw that neither of them spoke, and they still looked weird, "Is something wrong?" When he said this, he already showed an anxious look on his face.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan still didn't know how to speak, and he couldn't help looking at his wife.

Seeing this, Ru Xue could only sigh, and said helplessly, "Father, Zhao Xue is fine, it's just that she has been unwell recently."

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