"Father-in-law," "Father,"

Seeing Chen Wenchuan coming in, Zhang Fan and Ru Xue greeted him.

"Well," Chen Wenchuan nodded, with a smile on his face. Obviously, he is in a very good mood now. "Yan Yi and Yanyue are tired, and they were taken to sleep by the maid." It seems that the grandson and Yanyue His granddaughter made him very satisfied.

"By the way, father-in-law, I don't know how long you can stay in the capital this time," Zhang Fan asked suddenly.

Ru Xue, who was at the side, saw the two of them chatting about the affairs of the officialdom, so she resigned and ordered the servants at home to serve tea.

"Well, Mr. Wang gave me a vacation, but he didn't specify a few days," Chen Wenchuan said, "Before I left, my lord told me that there is nothing going on in Shanxi now, and my lord has been transferred for many days. The arrangement has been made properly, and I didn't ask me to go back for a few days, but even so, I always feel a little sorry in my heart. After all, the lord has never rested. Although the lord's family is with him, the lord is busy with business on weekdays , I spend much more time in the yamen than at home, so I, as a subordinate, naturally shouldn't be so negligent."

"Well," Zhang Fan nodded, expressing his understanding, "My lord Wang has been in the army for decades, and the credit is naturally nothing to say, and now, the imperial court and I Da have already exchanged tribute, and the mutual market has been reopened. , the frontier land is much more stable now, and the common people can be regarded as comfortable now, although Mr. Wang is now transferred to Shanxi, it is a bit condescending, "

"Although that's what you said, Lord Wang's wish is peace in the world. If there is no war, then you will be happy," Chen Wenchuan said, with a bit of joy on his face, "If it is fighting every day, this soldier Although you can be promoted, you have to fight the enemy with your head up. What's more, it will suffer for the people of the world. Besides, the land of Shanxi is not unimportant. Now Lord Qi's army is guarding the area around Jizhou , if the Tartars come to commit crimes again, in case something happens, Mr. Wang can quickly send someone over to help, "

"Father-in-law is right," Zhang Fan nodded and said. Suddenly, Zhang Fan changed his expression and said to Chen Wenchuan in a negotiating tone, "Father-in-law, son-in-law has something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Chen Wenchuan was a little confused when he saw Zhang Fan like this for the first time.

"That's what happened," Zhang Fan thought for a while before he opened his mouth and said, "My father-in-law must also know that there are really many things happening this year. Gao Gong was expelled from the capital, and so many officials in the court were implicated. ,"

When Zhang Fan mentioned this matter, Chen Wenchuan naturally knew about it. After all, since the beginning of this year, everything that happened was very big. Some people, including Wang Chonggu, were not implicated at all because of Zhang Fan's relationship, and they were all very calm, but this did not mean that they did not know about it.

Seeing Chen Wenchuan nodding his head, Zhang Fan continued, "Because of these things, last month, the left servant of the Ministry of Industry was dismissed because of some incidents, and Pan Jixun, the right servant of the Ministry of Punishment, took over as the left servant of the Ministry of Industry because of his many years of meritorious service in river management. The official position of the servant, "

"I've also heard about this matter," Chen Wenchuan said with a sigh. "I think he was a person who was involved with Gao Gong. Although the situation in the court has improved a lot, people are still panicked."

"In July this year," Zhang Fan continued, "Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments Liu Ziqiang retired due to old age, and Sun Piyang, the governor of Baoding's Youqian Capital, took over as Minister of the Ministry of Punishment."

"I also know about this," Chen Wenchuan said, "Master Sun is strict in his rule, and his orders and prohibitions are stricter than those in the army. It is naturally a good thing for him to sit on the post of Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment." Having said that, Chen Wenchuan He became more and more confused. He didn't know why Zhang Fan told him these things.

"In this way, the post of Right Servant of the Ministry of Punishment is vacant," Zhang Fan said, "Just five days ago, the Empress Dowager sent an order for the Ministry of Rites to nominate an official to take over this position, but..."

"Yuande, don't say that again." Hearing this, if Chen Wenchuan couldn't hear what Zhang Fan wanted to say, then he would be too unsophisticated, and there was a hint of sarcasm in Chen Wenchuan's words at the moment. Angry, "How can the imperial court employ people with freedom and rules because of human feelings?"

"Father-in-law misunderstood." Zhang Fan naturally understood what Chen Wenchuan was thinking, and quickly said, "Of course my son-in-law understands the truth. Could it be that father-in-law still doesn't understand son-in-law? If son-in-law wanted to do this, it would have changed years ago I brought this matter up to the late emperor, and with the trust that the late emperor had for my son-in-law at that time, it would be very easy for my father-in-law to be promoted."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Chen Wenchuan let go of the anger in his heart, but he was even more puzzled in his heart, "Then what are you talking about?"

"Now..." At this point, Zhang Fan smiled helplessly, and said with a helpless look, "The problem today is not that my son-in-law doesn't want to, but that someone wants to do it."

"How do you say that?" Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Chen Wenchuan frowned.

"My son-in-law is just discussing the matter," Zhang Fan said, "If you only talk about talent and qualifications, it is understandable if you let your father-in-law take this position. After all, your father-in-law has followed Lord Wang for many years and is well-known in the army for being rigorous, but After all, my father-in-law has not been in Beijing for many years. As far as this is concerned, my father-in-law had no chance to do so. However, in the final analysis, it was also because of my son-in-law. No one has taken over yet, and the son-in-law's husband, Mr. Zhang Juzheng, is also in charge. However, someone mentioned the name of the father-in-law, and put the name of the father-in-law first.

"The Empress Dowager didn't know about the affairs of the court officials. At that time, she saw the name of her father-in-law and ordered someone to transfer the file. After some consideration, she agreed. The son-in-law really didn't participate in this matter at all. After the son-in-law found out about this, the Ministry of Officials has already begun to draw up the documents, and the Queen Mother has already ordered someone to write up the imperial decree. After learning that the father-in-law has come to the capital, I am afraid that he will come here to issue the decree soon."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Chen Wenchuan fell silent. Indeed, if this is the case, then Zhang Fan really does not have any responsibility. People just want to be nice to him.

Although Chen Wenchuan has been in the army for many years, he has come into contact with rigid orders, but this does not mean that he does not understand the set of things in the officialdom. He understands that although this matter is ultimately because of Zhang Fan, but Zhang Fan didn't do anything, it was just because of Zhang Fan's influence.

Moreover, even the Empress Dowager Li, who is in charge of the court, has agreed to this kind of thing, and even the imperial decree has begun to be drafted. Even if Zhang Fan wants to retreat, he can't, even if Zhang Fan goes to the court to retreat. , Empress Dowager Li also agreed, but those people's impression of Zhang Fan was not so good.

In the final analysis, this matter is actually the same as accepting bribes. Many times, when others give you money, you can’t accept it. You don’t need to repay anything at all, but if you don’t accept it, others will mean that you are unhappy with him and want to deal with him, and then be wary of you all day long. This is the reason, although it is a bit too much to compare these court officials to thieves, but in essence, there is no difference between the two.

"Besides..." Zhang Fan continued, "After learning about this, my son-in-law thought, but it's not a big deal. After all, the father-in-law is now in charge of the party, which is the same as a right servant. They are all at the third grade, and there is no big ups and downs. Besides, the son-in-law admires the father-in-law's talent, and there is no problem in taking over this official position, so the son-in-law didn't mention anything.

"Besides, there is nothing wrong with the border now. If my father-in-law can work in the capital, he will meet Ru Xue and Zhao Xue more in the future. Zhao Xue often mentions that he wants to see you, but Ru Xue never said Yes, but I know she thinks the same in her heart, but because of me, she never said it, that's all."

Zhang Fan said this only to comfort Chen Wenchuan. Everyone knows that the right servant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice is a third-grade official, which is much different from the third-grade official of a commander in a place, not to mention that he is an official in Beijing. Power is naturally needless to say.

Originally, when Zhang Fan said the previous things, Chen Wenchuan already understood in his heart that this matter was almost a certainty and could not be changed. Those people who don't buy it in the slightest because of their worldly ways know that there is no room for maneuver in this matter.

And now that Zhang Fan has told about the two sisters Ruxue and Zhaoxue, I am afraid that he is a little bit willing in his heart now.

"I'm just afraid..." Chen Wenchuan expressed the worry in his heart, "When I take office, my colleagues in the court and China will know about the relationship between me and you, and they will say something behind their backs."

"Please rest assured father-in-law," Zhang Fan said, "things in the world are disturbing, even if it is not father-in-law but another person who sits in this position, does father-in-law feel that no one criticizes behind him, besides, with With the ability of my father-in-law, I believe that all the officials in the court will agree with my father-in-law after a period of time."

"Well, from this point of view, this is the only way to go," Chen Wenchuan sighed helplessly,

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