"I want you to marry Zhaoxue," Chen Wenchuan's voice was not loud, but it was a little surprising that the soft voice sounded in the room at the moment.

Zhang Fan is like this at the moment, no, just being surprised is not enough to describe his mood at the moment. Although Chen Wenchuan didn't mention this matter in what Chen Wenchuan said to him just now, Zhang Fan is not stupid. From Chen Wenchuan's words, one can already guess what his plan is.

However, the so-called guesses are just guesses. Even if you have already determined in your heart that your guess must be correct, but it is true that this kind of thing comes out of Chen Wenchuan's mouth without any cover-up or cover-up. It made Zhang Fan feel too surprised.

Looking at Zhang Fan's surprised face, Chen Wenchuan's expression remained unchanged. He had long expected the lethality of what he just said, especially for Zhang Fan, but obviously Well, Chen Wenchuan is not the kind of person who likes to joke. Everything he said has been carefully considered, and the sentence he said just now was not a product of impulse. It took Chen Wenchuan a long time to travel to and from Zhang Fan's study, and he stopped and stopped along the way, all thinking about this matter.

"But...but this way..." Zhang Fan opened his mouth to refute something, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything. It's true, for Zhang Fan himself, he didn't want to reject this. It was a "beautiful thing"; but for Chen Wenchuan, Zhang Fan couldn't find any words to refute him.

"What's the matter?" Chen Wenchuan asked, "Could it be that you still have any questions?"

"This..." After Chen Wenchuan said this, Zhang Fan calmed down, thought for a while, and said, "But this matter is probably not good for my father-in-law," Zhang Fan thought this above.

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Chen Wenchuan didn't show any expression that made him feel troubled at all, but still smiled.

"Father-in-law..." Seeing Chen Wenchuan's appearance, Zhang Fan became a little anxious, "Please forgive Zhang Fan for being disrespectful. After all, father-in-law is also an official of the imperial court. If his father-in-law is a commoner, I, Zhang Fan, will be married. The two of them, the most people in the world will say that I am only greedy for beauty, but my father-in-law is an official for the court after all, and, I don’t know if it is tomorrow or the day after, the imperial decree that my father-in-law will be promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Justice will come, these two things I can't hide everything, I'm afraid that when the time comes..."

"You are afraid that I will be gossiped by others," Chen Wenchuan continued without waiting for Zhang Fan to finish speaking, with a smile on his face, "At that time, I agree to marry Zhaoxue to you." The news, and the news that I was going to be promoted, spread at the same time. I am afraid that some people in the court will definitely say that I, Chen Wenchuan, am a shameless person. In order to get promoted and get rich, I would marry both of my daughters At that time, the commander of Jinyiwei, and now the emperor's celebrity before Ming Dynasty, "

"It's not a fear, but a certainty," Zhang Fan said, "There will definitely be such words from outside. Although these words will not affect my father-in-law at that time, I'm afraid they will..." Zhang Fan said here, but I don't know what to say.

"You want to say... I'm afraid I'll lose face," Chen Wenchuan didn't hide anything at all, and said it directly. Although Chen Wenchuan said it very easily, Zhang Fan understood that it was not easy It can be said, especially for Chen Wenchuan.

"I know what you think in your heart," Chen Wenchuan said, "I think that although I am an open-minded person, I am too stubborn in some places, such as my attitude towards my ancestors. Alas, to tell you the truth, in the past, In fact, it was two hours ago, before I had a conversation with Zhaoxue, this was indeed what I thought in my heart, no matter what, I absolutely must abide by the family rules, and I must never do anything that is not in line with the rules, or let some There are rumors of my Chen family's smearing, "

Nodding his head, Zhang Fan didn't intend to deny it, and admitted that he just thought so.

"It's just..." Although Chen Wenchuan paused for a while, there was no confusion on his expression, "What Zhaoxue did just now made me change my mind, instead of asking for those unrealistic things, I even made my daughter It’s so painful, it’s better to put aside these things and come here. No matter what other people think of me, I am me, and my daughter’s happiness is not allowed to be sacrificed for other people’s words. If it is for the sake of the ancestors, maybe it will It seems that I am a bit rebellious, but I don't believe that these rules established by the ancestors are really more important than the real people in front of me, "

To be honest, when Chen Wenchuan just said these words, Zhang Fan didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. Indeed, they are all irrelevant things, everyone just knows to look at the things in front of them.

However, when Zhang Fan looked back and thought about it, he was surprised. In this era, what Chen Wenchuan said in this capacity was indeed too shocking. The word "ancestor" in Chinese What kind of weight does it have in mind? Maybe you ask most people about the meaning of this word and the philosophers that people have to bear. Many people can't answer clearly, but no matter who it is, these two words are important to them. Everyone has an absolute position and weight in their hearts, and it is an existence that cannot be defiled absolutely.

However, Chen Wenchuan's words completely subverted this concept. It's not that Chen Wenchuan was rebellious or anything, but Zhang Fan really didn't believe that his father-in-law would do it for the people in front of him, or even for him. The daughter who could not inherit the incense of the Chen family did such a thing to let others speak ill of his Chen family, and all of this was because of the promise made by Chen Wenchuan's late wife before his death.

For a while, Zhang Fan really didn't know whether it was his love for his wife that made Chen Wenchuan make up his mind to make such a decision; or it could be said that he really cared about the happiness of his two daughters, but...

"Father-in-law," Zhang Fan stood up, bowed respectfully to Chen Wenchuan, and said, "My son-in-law will definitely live up to my father-in-law's expectations."

Seeing Zhang Fan like this, Chen Wenchuan also laughed, and then he said: "Zhaoxue, you have been watching outside the door for so long, you should come in now."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Fan couldn't help but put his eyes on the tightly closed door, but after Chen Wenchuan said what he said, he didn't respond for a long time.

Just when Zhang Fan was feeling puzzled, the door opened, and it was Zhaoxue standing outside the door. After opening the door, Zhaoxue walked in slowly with her head down, But even if Zhaoxue lowered her head, the sharp-eyed Zhang Fan still saw that she had a flushed face. Presumably, a daughter's family overheard her father willing to marry herself to someone she liked. For the daughter's family, this is naturally a very embarrassing thing, especially when she just found out about it, she was called out by her father.

How could Chen Wenchuan not know that after he came out of Zhaoxue's room just now, on the way to Zhang Fan's study, he found his daughter following him, but he didn't point it out.

As for Zhaoxue, the conversation between Chen Wenchuan and her in the room just now, although the father and daughter did not quarrel or anything, but Zhaoxue's appearance is very determined and very sad.

But before Chen Wenchuan left, he didn't say anything at all, and he didn't express any views on this matter. Whether it was good or bad, Zhaoxue didn't know at all.

Therefore, when Chen Wenchuan walked out, she understood that he wanted to find Zhang Fan. Originally, for a daughter's family, this kind of thing was naturally not suitable to go and hear about it, even for Zhaoxue who was too lively on weekdays. , and she always likes to play around, she also felt that it was a little inappropriate, but she really wanted to know how things would turn out, and what would happen to Zhang Fan.

When Chen Wenchuan asked Zhang Fan whether he liked Zhaoxue, and Zhang Fan answered yes, Zhaoxue was very happy, but even at this time, Zhaoxue knew what she wanted to know most, but she was also very happy. Zhang Fan became even more worried.

After all, even Zhaoxue herself didn't know what Chen Wenchuan's plan was. She was deeply afraid that her father was tempting Zhang Fan to say such a thing, and then he didn't agree with it at all.

Fortunately, Chen Wenchuan was not like this.

Later, she found that Chen Wenchuan actually agreed to this matter, not to mention how happy she was, but at the same time, Zhaoxue also had the urge to cry. To be honest, she didn't realize her love until now. Mother loves the two sisters so much. In the past, Zhaoxue had always had a good impression of her mother, but she didn't know much about her. After all, their mother died too early, but now, she finally found out Oh, how much my mother loves me.

There is also Chen Wenchuan, a father who is willing to disregard people’s words for his daughter. This kind of father is rare in this era. Under the serious appearance, there is a deep love for herself, which makes Zhaoxue even more moved,

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