The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 516 Complex mood

There are many versions of the rumor, but in fact the content is roughly the same.

Usually the opening scene is that a person with a mysterious appearance leans over to another person who has a good relationship with him, and whispers: "Have you heard that Chen Wenchuan, who just took over as the left servant of the Ministry of Justice matter,"

Generally, when such a situation occurs, those in the know will show a disgusting smile, and then say to others: "Of course I know, that kid Zhang Fan is such a beautiful blessing."

Of course, people who don't know will also show a disgusting smile, lean over with a more mysterious look, and ask in a low voice: "What is it, let's listen to it."

Then, the person who asked the question will say something vivid and exaggerated.

In short, this kind of situation can be seen everywhere in the court, even Queen Mother Li knows about it, but Queen Mother Li just smiled at it, and didn't ask about these things too much, after all, this is a courtier's family business.

To be honest, this matter had no effect on Zhang Fan, at most it was just that when he went to the early court, he would congratulate him for foreseeing it, and for Chen Wenchuan, the newly promoted left servant of the Ministry of Justice, the effect was indeed not great. small.

Thinking about it, after all, many people don't know what happened when the Empress Dowager Li spotted Chen Wenchuan and asked him to take over as the left servant of the Ministry of Punishment. After knowing that Chen Wenchuan was Zhang Fan's father-in-law, they didn't actually have much reaction After all, it is not uncommon for the DPRK to bring up people who have some relationship with you, almost everyone has done this kind of thing, and now there are not many Zhang Fans, and there are not many Zhang Fans. .

In addition, since Chen Wenchuan took office for a month, he has also been extremely attentive, he has become familiar with government affairs very quickly, and he is extremely serious in doing things, especially the two cases that were solved, although they were not big, were put away by his colleagues. One, he is just a mediocre person who relies on connections to get to the top.

It's just that one month later, that is, now, when Zhang's family started preparing for the wedding and distributed wedding invitations, the rumors started to rise again.

But speaking of it, although these people who talk about others are really a bit too boring, this matter really has the capital to make people talk about it. After all, the woman Zhang Fan wants to marry is named Chen Zhaoxue, and it is Zhang Fan. Fan's wife, Chen Ruxue's biological sister, Chen Wenchuan's biological daughter, and the second.

But this incident happened one month after Chen Wenchuan was transferred to the left servant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Chen Wenchuan sold his daughter for glory, although the essence of the two statements is the same.

The ministers in the court obviously did not dare to show any playful expressions in front of Zhang Fan, and most of them looked congratulatory and happy, but in front of Chen Wenchuan, they were not so polite. Even when I met Chen Wenchuan, I turned a blind eye at all. Even though I was talking about other things with others just now, I immediately turned to this matter, and talked and laughed very loudly; He would say these things, but he would also hide his face and smile, or make a weird expression, which even Chen Wenchuan's own subordinates could not avoid when they saw him.

However, it is clear that Chen Wenchuan himself has very good self-cultivation, and after he agreed to this matter, he knew in his heart that this kind of thing would inevitably happen. He didn't pay attention to all of them, some of them just laughed it off, and some of them didn't care at all, and he didn't even pay attention to them.

Apparently this time, Chen Wenchuan was determined for the New Year. For his daughter, he was willing to go all out this time, and he didn't care about anything at all, including these attacks on himself.

Regarding this matter, Zhang Fan also had a headache, and there was nothing he could do to help. Seeing that Zhang Fan was troubled by this matter, Liang Chao even came up with an idea to solve Zhang Fan's worries and problems. Of course, what Liang Chao came up with was also a Bad idea, he suggested to ask someone, that is, Jin Yiwei, to warn those people, but obviously, as long as anyone with a little bit of brains, after listening to it, they all know that such an approach is impossible. The content of the rumors that people are very troubled by has become more serious, and in the end it is completely out of control, and there may even be some other situation.

Zhang Fan understands that the best way at this time is to say nothing and let them talk. He still remembers a saying in his previous life, "Time is the best medicine to eliminate rumors". There will be a day of extinction, and there will always be a day when people will think that this matter is really nothing new and give up talking about it.

So, this is not a trouble at all, and Zhang Fan is in a good mood recently, after all, is he in good spirits on happy occasions, that's for sure.

As for the Zhang family, the girl Zhaoxue was also happy in her heart. After all, her wish was about to be fulfilled, but when the day approached, she became flustered instead.

Just like now, Zhaoxue is sorting things out. During this period of time, her temperament has also changed a lot. Although her cheerful and lively nature has not changed, her whole person has also become much more obedient.

However, during this period of time, Zhaoxue would always be absent-minded, looking up and not knowing what was going on in her heart, no, this is the case now.

This is not the first time this kind of situation has happened, but every time this kind of situation occurs, it makes people who see it feel interesting, just like now, when Zhaoxue showed this appearance, the older sister Ru Xue looked at her with a smile on her face, even unconsciously.

This smile awakened Zhaoxue, who was thinking about something, when she saw that her sister was laughing at herself, and there were many strange things in the smile on her face, immediately, Zhaoxue was full of smiles. It was flushed, and she lowered her face and didn't dare to look at Ru Xue at all.

"What's the matter?" Seeing her sister like this, Ru Xue felt even more amused in her heart, "In the past, Miss Zhaoxue, who was not afraid of heaven and earth, is what's wrong now, she has become so shy."

"Sister, don't I agree? You're laughing at me again." Sure enough, after hearing Ru Xue's words, Zhao Xue couldn't hold back anymore, and said to Ru Xue with some anger. After all, during this period of time, teasing her There are not a few people, and Ruxue is so light, if it is Yingyue, she will definitely laugh in front of Zhaoxue, after all, the two of them have some small festivals, and it is not a day or two.

"Yo, I'm still angry with my sister," Ru Xue felt the same in her heart now, the more she saw Zhao Xue like this, the more she wanted to tease her.

"My sister is playing tricks, don't talk about it," Zhaoxue turned her face away after saying this, and stopped looking at Ruxue.

However, from the side, Ru Xue could still notice that her sister's face became even more reddened, her small mouth was pouted, as if she had suffered a great grievance, but she couldn't vent her anger.

Seeing Zhaoxue like this, Ruxue put away the teasing in her heart, and said: "Zhaoxue, do you know..." The words were ordinary, but she didn't continue, as if there was something not to say.

Hearing her sister's change of tone, Zhaoxue couldn't help turning her head. Although her face was still flushed, her expression turned into a curious look. Obviously, he understood her My sister has something to say to herself, and it is definitely not a joke.

"Father will agree to this matter. To be honest, I'm not surprised," Ru Xue said, "Although you want me to tell you the reason, I can't tell you, but I think so in my heart."

"Sister..." Sensing that Ru Xue's words had changed, Zhaoxue couldn't help but worriedly asked about another thing she had let go of after Chen Wenchuan agreed to this matter, "Sister... It's not that you feel a little... a little unhappy," Zhaoxue felt a little uneasy in her heart and even in her words when she asked this question.

Hearing Zhaoxue's question, Ruxue showed a wry smile, and it took a long time before she said: "If I say I'm not unhappy at all, then I'd be lying, no, it should be said that I'm not feeling well, "

"Sister..." Zhaoxue didn't know what to say, at this moment, with her current position, it was inappropriate to comfort Ru Xue.

But Ruxue didn't seem to hear what Zhaoxue said at this time, and continued, "It's not just you, to be honest, after a woman gets married, she wants to see her husband bring other women back home, What's more, now that I have two children, it's even more so in my heart.

"But I understand Xianggong's thoughts. Besides, I am not ignorant of the matter of Yingyue and sister Ling'er. If Xianggong is indifferent to them and indifferent, it will make me feel even more uncomfortable.

"But I've always been a woman. Regarding this matter, even my own younger sister, my own younger sister, can't let go,"

"Sister..." Hearing Ru Xue's words, Zhao Xue slowly lowered her head. At this moment, Zhao Xue didn't know what to say at all, and what Ru Xue said just now made him feel like he was doing something. It's like something that I'm extremely sorry for my sister.

"Don't be stupid, I can't blame you for this matter," Ru Xue comforted Zhao Xue when she saw Zhao Xue like this, "What's more, you are my own sister, if you are not happy, how can I feel better in my heart? ,"

"Sister," upon hearing what Ru Xue said, Zhao Xue threw herself into her arms, holding her tightly.

Although she understands Zhaoxue's mood, Ruxue hugs her tightly and responds to her at the moment, but the complex expression on her face behind Zhaoxue has never changed.

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