"Msg... Xianggong... you are here..." Zhaoxue couldn't help calling out when she saw Zhang Fan standing at the door, but she didn't know that the reason for her intermittent voice was because the word "Msanggong" was the first time she was a She said it in Zhang Fan's face, which is why she trembled so much; or was it because Zhang Fan had observed her for a long time without her knowing, but he didn't notice it.

However, with Zhaoxue's appearance, including her voice that was too small, it is obvious that Zhaoxue is not just shy now, she is simply trying to find a crack in the ground in embarrassment.

Zhang Fan looked at Zhaoxue. Although he didn't speak, his face was full of weird expressions. He walked in from the door and closed the door. With an unsure expression, she looked at Zhaoxue.

Apparently, Zhaoxue was a little flustered by Zhang Fan's look at her. Although she wasn't afraid of anything, it was obvious that she was also a little guilty because of Zhang Fan's embarrassment.

"I said... what were you doing just now?" Zhang Fan asked jokingly. Yes, he was indeed a little funny about Zhaoxue's actions just now, but he was more curious, and Zhang Fan wanted to know this question. .

"No... nothing..." Zhaoxue replied in a panic, as if she was eager to cover up something.

But obviously, the more Zhaoxue was like this, the more Zhang Fan wanted to know what she did just now.

"Really," Zhang Fan said while slowly approaching Zhaoxue, with a look of "I don't believe it" all over his face.

Seeing Zhang Fan approaching step by step, Zhaoxue retreated step by step until she reached the side of the bed. There was really no way to retreat, and she sat down on the bed.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you," Zhang Fan suddenly changed his previous appearance, said with a smile, and turned around to prepare drinks on the table next to the aisle.

Seeing that Zhang Fan didn't ask any more questions, Zhaoxue really put down a big stone in her heart. After all, what she was thinking just now was indeed related to Zhang Fan, and it should be said that it was related to the future of the two of them. She will feel very shy, and if Zhang Fan continues to ask, she is not sure that she can be firm enough not to mention this matter.

However, the so-called human heart is very strange. Now that Zhang Fan stopped asking, Zhaoxue felt a little lost after she relaxed. Perhaps, if Zhang Fan continued to ask, she also felt that there was nothing wrong with speaking out.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fan poured the drink, turned his head, but found Zhaoxue's disappointed face, which made him a little strange, and he couldn't help asking, "Why do you look disappointed?"

"Sanggong...you...don't you want to know what I was doing just now?" Zhaoxue asked with a blushing face.

"Think," Zhang Fan said bluntly.

"Then...then why didn't Mr. Xiang stop asking?" Zhaoxue wondered, since Zhang Fan wanted to, why did he stop asking.

"Because this is your business," Zhang Fan said, "Which person doesn't have any little secrets in his heart. If you tell them all outright, it would be unbeautiful. Besides, you are not my prisoner, so you don't have to worry about everything." tell me,"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhaoxue suddenly felt very sweet in her heart, living under the same roof with Zhang Fan, although not very close, but she also knew Zhang Fan, but today, Zhaoxue felt that she was just able to understand Zhang Fan a little bit, but even if she only had a little bit, she felt very happy.

"But..." Zhang Fan continued, "Although I can't see your thoughts, I can still guess."

"Oh." Obviously, Zhang Fan's words brought up Zhaoxue's nature, and she instantly returned to her previous lively appearance. She stood up from the bed, walked quickly to Zhang Fan's side, and pulled his The sleeves shook and said, "Then guess what I was doing just now,"

"Hmm..." Zhang Fan raised his head pretentiously, as if thinking, and said, "Considering what day is today and what we're going to do next, I'm afraid you're..."

"Sanggong," Zhaoxue naturally understood what Zhang Fan was talking about. Although today is that day, for Zhaoxue who is still a girl, this topic undoubtedly made her feel even more ashamed. Zhang Fan tapped on his body, "Sir, you are so annoying,"

Zhaoxue's actions couldn't give Zhang Fan any pain at all, instead it made his heart itch. He grabbed Zhaoxue's hands and held them in his own hands. Zhang Fan looked at Zhaoxue with the same eyes. There has been a change.

But Zhaoxue felt too shy because of what Zhang Fan said just now, and now that Zhang Fan was holding her hands, she thought for a while that Zhang Fan was trying to restrain herself and prevent her from acting out her temper until she I also felt that the atmosphere was not right, and after looking up and seeing Zhang Fan's eyes, I calmed down.

Apparently, Zhaoxue also noticed it, and her complexion was more rosy than before.

At this moment, Zhang Fan didn't know what to say for a while, and after looking at each other for a long time, he said, "Yes...it's time to drink a cup of wine,"

Obviously, after the situation just now, Zhaoxue didn't know how to proceed to the next step for a while, she just responded to Zhang Fan dumbly, and picked up the wine glass with very jerky movements, almost exactly what Zhang Fan did , she will do whatever.

After drinking, she should have had a rest, but at this moment Zhaoxue said again: "Msanggong, Zhaoxue has...a problem,"

"Well," Zhang Fan looked at him, waiting for a question, and looked at Zhaoxue's awkward look, Zhang Fan didn't know what question she was going to ask again

"Zhaoxue knows that this question will definitely make it difficult for Mr. Xiang to answer, but Zhaoxue still wants to ask," Zhaoxue couldn't help saying before asking the question.

"That depends on what you ask," Zhang Fan said with a smile, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart. Although Zhaoxue's question hadn't been asked yet, in Zhang Fan's guess, there were indeed several He didn't know how to answer.

"Sister-in-law is..." Zhaoxue paused when she said this, "Do you like me more, or...or sister more?"

"Sure enough," Zhang Fan sighed in his heart when Zhaoxue said this. When Zhaoxue said that he had a question to ask him, this was the first thing that came to his mind. Now that Zhaoxue really asked this question, Zhang Fan didn't know how to answer it.

But Zhaoxue obviously didn't know how much trouble the words she asked just now brought to Zhang Fan. Looking at Zhang Fan, waiting for his answer, it was obvious that she really wanted to know the answer to this question.

This made Zhang Fan a little tangled up. Obviously, on this special day today, apart from Zhang Fan hoping that he would be happier and not have any troubles, he naturally didn't want Zhaoxue, who is also the protagonist today, to be bothered, but obviously If Zhang Fan wanted to tell Zhaoxue that she had more weight in his heart than Ruxue against his will, Zhang Fan really couldn’t open his mouth, but if Zhang Fan said that he liked Ruxue more than Zhaoxue, I’m afraid it was wonderful. The night is about to be ruined.

"I know," Zhaoxue said self-righteously when she saw that Zhang Fan didn't speak for a long time, "It seems that this question must be difficult for Mr. Xiang to answer. I know that Mr. Xiang doesn't need to say any more."

"Oh, you know." Hearing Zhaoxue say this, Zhang Fan was a little surprised, and looked at her with a nervous expression on his face, "What do you know?"

Obviously, no matter according to Zhaoxue's usual style, it doesn't mean that she is not smart enough or not careful, it's just that Zhaoxue usually doesn't want to inquire about these things, and she doesn't want to know these things. When he knew something, there was a smile on his face, obviously not knowing what was going on.

But at this time, Zhang Fan's heart was clearly in turmoil, and he still had a great sense of guilt. After all, some things were not so easy to figure out, especially things related to himself.

"In my opinion..." Zhaoxue drew a long tone, obviously wanting to whet Zhang Fan's appetite, but at this moment, Zhang Fan was guilty and easily followed Zhaoxue's words, with a look of curiosity on his face. dignified appearance, but at this moment, Zhaoxue only cares about whether Zhang Fan will be interested in what she says.

Obviously, Zhang Fan took the bait, looking eager to know.

And Zhaoxue is also very easy to be satisfied now, seeing that her intention has been achieved, she let Zhang Fan go, and said: "It seems that this problem is difficult for you. If you want me to tell you, I am afraid that Mr. Know who will be number one,"

Zhaoxue's meaning is very simple. Since Zhang Fan doesn't know, it should be equal. Zhang Fan naturally understands what she means, but he can only smile on his face, but he can only smile wryly in his heart. Really. Just like what Zhaoxue said, it is difficult for the two sisters to be compared in his heart. Are they on equal footing? Probably not.

However, how could Zhang Fan say this? Whether it was a lie or a white lie, in short, he lied to Zhaoxue, which Zhang Fan didn't want. yes……

Just when Zhaoxue was proud again, she suddenly felt that she was lifted off the ground, and she couldn't help but let out a low cry. It was Zhang Fan who hugged her up.

Just when Zhaoxue was about to shout, she heard Zhang Fan's voice.

"Zhaoxue..." Zhang Fan looked at Zhaoxue in his arms, and said, "Don't call me Mr. Gong anymore, just like your sister, just call me Brother Fan."

Facing Zhang Fan's request, Zhaoxue didn't speak, but her cheeks flushed again, she nodded and buried her face in Zhang Fan's chest,

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