The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 521 The New Year Begins

The beginning of the new year.Another peaceful year has passed.It seems that all people have passed through an era in peace.

certainly.Except for Zhang Fan.He is still complaining.This work unit called the imperial court.They don't even have holidays for Chinese New Year.certainly.Other officials are already used to it.

New Year.That is, the first day of the first lunar month.The name Wanli was officially launched.Zhu Yijun, who sat on the throne for more than nine months, finally ushered in an era named after himself.But this is just the beginning.Although Zhu Yijun is now sitting on an era named after himself.But at the moment, he doesn't have any rights in his hands.Although the officials in the imperial court no longer bite dogs.calmed down a lot.Only if there is no contradiction.It's still too early.In other words, contradictions will always exist.But will it intensify.It depends on the specific situation.

In short.At least it's all right now.Even if it's temporary.

The same is true for Zhang Fan.this time.Zhang Fan felt like his backyard was on fire.Actually.This fire is only limited to Zhaoxue and Yingyue's two daughters.It seems that Zhaoxue's entry.Obviously, she has already stood on the same steps as Yingyue.But it didn't ease the relationship between the two of them.On the contrary, it became intense.

But Zhang Fan didn't bother to ask these questions.Not even Mrs. Zhao and the other women.Not that they were going to sit on the sidelines or anything.Only in their view.There seems to be nothing wrong with this situation.In the words of Zhang Fan in his previous life.The hostility between Zhaoxue and Yingyue.Always make her look like that.Some... harmony.It seems that the relationship between the two is also heating up better.It's just that Zhaoxue and Yingyue, who are the parties involved, don't think so.

The so-called new year, new atmosphere.Since this year is the first year of the Wanli Dynasty.Then correspondingly, many benefits for the general public will also be introduced.This is just as the common people imagined before.really.Imperial decrees such as rent reduction and tax exemption were also issued.And the magnitude of it is much larger than in any previous dynasty.

actually.There is also a reason for this.

Honestly.Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.It is based on the agricultural tax to support the country.attitude towards businessmen.The two emperors Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di were also a lot more tolerant.Although the social status of businessmen has not improved much because of this.But almost a lot of businessmen.Especially those with small businesses.Almost all are tax free.

therefore.In the past of the Ming Dynasty.No matter what happens when benefits need to be paid.The tax relief is not too much.

But it was Zhu Yijun's Wanli era.Because Long Qing ordered the switch.Countless ships of the Ming Dynasty went overseas.It doesn't matter if you say they are philistines.It doesn't matter whether you want money or your life.But they can make money.And can make a lot of money.This one is not false at all.

Naturally, the imperial court would not let go of such a rich source of income.There are not many tax standards though.But due to the large base.Therefore, the tax that the imperial court can collect is quite a lot.and.The light is the silver recovered from the hands of these sea merchants.It will be much more than the agricultural tax collected every year in anticipation of a good harvest.

but.It is also because of the social status of the businessman.This part though.And everyone in the court understands it.It was also discussed.But it's never documented.

But now it is different.The imperial court seems to have recognized the legal status of merchants.After all, Long Qing had already agreed with the imperial court to send warships to escort the merchant ships going to sea.Then pay the tax.Now it also has the names of merchants.

think about it.The year before last Zhang Fan went to Jiangnan to investigate the corruption.Just those two or three years.Only from the hands of those sea merchants.How much money was embezzled by officials in which places.

Obviously.The introduction of this policy has also made these businessmen even more energetic.Although it is said that the tax money they want to call is a penny, it has not been reduced.But in the future, when the imperial court announces the annual tax revenue.But they have their names.How can this not make these businessmen who have been oppressed for thousands of years feel happy.

Moreover, the imperial court did not just collect taxes and do nothing.After all, their safety at sea is already guaranteed.Naturally everything will be fine.

In fact, this is the way.After all, in this day and age.The ocean has already begun to be explored by people.The land of China is no longer dominated by one family as it was in the Han and Tang Dynasties.So for Ming Ting.Whether it is necessary or not.This maritime military force must also be established.not to mention.There is no such old antique as Xu Jie in the imperial court and cabinet today.No one is going to stop this kind of thing.On the contrary, more people agree.

Moreover.Although it seems a little impolite to escort those merchant ships.But think about it the other way around.want to come.Even if it is to negotiate peace with Tatar in the north.The traditional practice is to send envoys accompanied by caravans.Since this can be done on land.Why not at sea?

and.Ming's navy lacked actual combat.If it is possible to meet a few small thieves at sea or something.You can also practice your hands along the way.And what about these military expenses.Most of it was also paid by willing sea merchants.Why not do it.

then.The Ming Dynasty also began its era of great navigation.It's just that the style here is not as brutal and violent as those Europeans.It's all about opening up the market with your own products.certainly.Zhang Fan understood.This situation cannot go on forever.

The reason why Europeans are now willing to pay a lot of money for goods from the East.Except there's something here that really attracts them.the most important is.Their colonialism was just beginning too.It can be regarded as entering the middle stage.Europe at this time.A large amount of wealth was plundered from overseas.In addition to continuing to reinvest.More is for enjoyment.So these were transported there from the Ming Dynasty for thousands of miles.They feel exquisite and valuable merchandise.It became what they needed most.It is also a necessity to show off.

Logically speaking.This is a good thing.But Zhang Fan understood.This situation will change after 100 or 200 years.that time.The distribution of colonies has been completed.Although the conflicts between various countries in Europe are still there.But the strong feeling that it has now is no longer there.and.The gradual improvement of capitalism is in great need of the market.Most European countries have completed capitalist construction.Products cannot be exported to each other.They desperately need a vast market that can be opened up.

that time.When they are free, they will set their sights on the east.In the face of perennial wealth output.No country is willing.So.For profit.The war will begin.

Zhang Fan really had no way of knowing.Wait until then.Will this Great Ming Dynasty change because of his arrival?Or it will still be like it has been in history.decline.until it was replaced by another dynasty.But he was certain of one thing.No matter who rules this land.Once the war starts.It is definitely the common people who suffer.Zhang Fan no matter from any point of view.Don't want that to happen.

But now.Although he has already started planning.And started to act.But because of many factors.His movements can only be covert.Don't dare to make it public.

Facing overseas.Zhang Fan didn't feel uneasy about using violence to conquer them.last life.Although he did not study history.But he studied economics.For the history of economics.He can be regarded as understanding.he understands.In the following hundreds of years.Wealth will become the main theme of the world.And with wealth comes blood and war.

That's nothing soft-hearted.Speak louder.Either you die or I die.

But at this stage.Zhang Fan could only act slowly and secretly.But his behavior is not aimed at overseas.He also put in a lot of effort internally.

Target.It is Zhu Yijun who will inevitably take power in the future.The Wanli Emperor.

months ago.That batch of muskets had already been manufactured.It was handed over to Jin Yiwei.

Wait until the twelfth lunar month just arrives.Zhang Fan ordered people to send them to Fusang.

But this time.Two batches of muskets of different styles were also sent in two routes.The purpose is to prevent the people there from seeing any flaws.

And these people arrived after Fusang.There was no rush to let go.But waited until the Chinese New Year.Many Fusang calendars were copied from the Celestial Dynasty.New Years is about the same time.

first.A group of people negotiated with the hostile forces of Oda Nobunaga.Of course they don't report themselves.To put it bluntly, these muskets were traded with Europeans.It's just that the Ming Dynasty had very strict management of firearms.The public cannot hold it.So they're going to trade those guns for gold.

original.These anti-Nobunaga people are very powerful.Among them, Takeda Shingen is the head.It is Nobunaga's great emperor.but.Because Nobunaga got that batch of muskets last year.Let him take a breath at the same time.also launched a counterattack.And it works well.

therefore.Takeda Shingen was supposed to die of illness in April this year.Nearly half a year ahead of schedule.Then he died.And Nobunaga now has the advantage.

Therefore, these people are in urgent need of support.This batch of muskets.Undisputedly sold for a high price.Each bar is six taels of gold.It can be said to be sky-high.

And Nobunaga's side.Also knew about this.Although he had some doubts about the Ming envoy who arrived at this juncture.But the situation did not allow him to think too much.And the price is still the same.Five taels of gold.

This trip can be regarded as profitable.A total of three thousand muskets.The starting cost is only 3 taels of silver.But now.Just ship it.But in exchange for nearly 7000 taels of gold.

war money.Really huge profits.

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