This time, things came back to Ge Shouli.

In fact, it seems that Zhang Fan's situation is very embarrassing throughout the whole article. It seems that as long as something goes wrong in this matter, Zhang Fan has plans to intervene. Of course, the reason why Zhang Fan intervenes is because of Zhang Juzheng. He also said that he really had some sympathy for Gao Gong, so there is no need to consider these for the time being.

However, this time is the same as the last time, almost all Zhang Fan tipped off the news, and then Ge Shouli stepped forward to do something. It seems that Zhang Fan's performance in this matter is really a bit too useless, and every time he is let Others shot, but he was hiding in a safe place and watching.

Just like the Minister Wang incident that happened last time, it is also the same. Moreover, Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng, who lost the battle, did not have any doubts about Zhang Fan. It was not completely ignorant of his actions, after all, before the incident happened, Zhang Fan had visited him, and after Zhang Fan failed, Ge Shouli stepped in.

Zhang Juzheng is not a fool, how could he fail to see Zhang Fan's actions inside, but there are some feelings between Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng, and anyway, there are indeed some subtleties between the two The crack is really too small, and now Zhang Fan is quite useful for what he will do in the future and Zhang Fan's status with Zhu Yijun, so Zhang Juzheng didn't say anything about Zhang Fan's actions.

Besides, it was not Zhang Juzheng's idea to get Gao Gong, but because of Feng Bao's resentment, and now Zhang Juzheng has no choice but to obey Feng Bao.

Therefore, afterwards, although Feng Bao's failure could be said to be caused by Zhang Fan, no one told Feng Bao about it, which means Feng Bao didn't even know that Zhang Fan was against him here. Come on, Feng Bao doesn't have any opinion on Zhang Fan at all, at least the relationship between the two is quite good now.

But this time, it seems to be like this again. To be honest, if this happens, the matter seems to be the same as the last time. The matter was resolved satisfactorily. Feng Bao did not let his resentment understand, and Gao Gong also Being able to continue to spend his old age in peace, and Zhang Fan has been working behind the scenes, it is absolutely impossible for Feng Bao to find out that his failure is due to Zhang Fan's "ally", and Zhang Fan can just let himself be mediocre. Ann, solve the problem without any influence.

This seems to be quite good indeed. Zhang Fan will solve the problem without any harm himself. All matters must be borne by Ge Shouli. Zhang Fan will not feel any uneasiness about this. First of all, now Ge Shouli's identity is the head of the inspectors, Zuodu Yushi, and his job is to question any inappropriate things in the court. It is his job to "prosecute and impeach all officials". Even if Feng Bao is upset, But he had nothing good to say.

Secondly, Ge Shouli has been an innocent and diligent official in the court for decades, and his prestige is extremely high. It is not easy for Feng Bao to bring him down, and Ge Shouli really has no reason to fall into Feng Bao's hands. Besides, why did Ge Shouli endure for so many years in the court, even if there were any unfair things in the court, he seldom stood up to speak out, but now he speaks frequently, for what reason, not because of Feng Bao , Feng Bao is not bad, but because of Ge Shouli himself, he is not too young now, although the court is much calmer now, and it is not as noisy as before, but if Ge Shouli does not have a little sprout in his heart He didn't even believe the meaning of retreating.

Therefore, Ge Shouli was not very afraid of what Feng Bao would do to him, not to mention that Feng Bao could not do anything to him, even if Feng Bao retaliated wildly because of this, Ge Shouli was not very afraid.

However, although this is good, Zhang Fan always feels that his position is very embarrassing and useless, and he always feels that doing this is a little...too unmanly.

Of course, he never told anyone about this matter, but because he had this kind of thought in his heart, he would naturally show something unnaturally on his face.

As for the people in the court, although not all of them can be regarded as old foxes, when it comes to knowing people, then this group of people can be regarded as the best group in the world.

Just like Ge Shouli, who is also one of them, Zhang Fan just showed a little bit of expression on his face, and Ge Shouli could see it.

In front of Zhang Fan, there was no need for Ge Shouli to conceal any of his opposites. He immediately asked Zhang Fan a question. Of course, facing Ge Shouli's words, Zhang Fan naturally refused to answer.

But what Ge Shouli said was someone who came here as an official for decades, plus the things he talked about with Zhang Fan now, just thinking about it for a while, Ge Shouli can already understand what Zhang Fan is thinking.

Actually speaking, Zhang Fan didn't do anything this time. Last time he got the news and took the initiative to find Ge Shouli, but this time, Zhang Fan didn't take the initiative, even though he knew about it from Zhu Yijun. After the incident, he had the idea of ​​going to Ge Shouli to find a solution again, but this time, Ge Shouli acted much faster. In fact, this time it was Ge Shouli who first found Zhang Fan.

The reason was not because Ge Shouli had any hidden clues in the court or around Zhang Juzheng or Feng Bao, but because Zhang Juzheng actually mentioned Gao Gong's name again in the morning court the next day.

Last time, Minister Wang's assassination of Zhu Yijun made the entire capital uneasy. Although that incident was quickly quelled, and no one mentioned it again after that.

Therefore, although the matter about Gao Gong has disappeared now, it has always taken root in the hearts of the officials in the court. Perhaps in the future, when Gao Gong dies, or the officials in the court Mostly after replacing a batch, this matter can be regarded as forgotten.

But now, Zhang Juzheng actually mentioned Gao Gong's name again, and Feng Bao, who was standing next to the dragon chair, had never said anything, and there was no Feng Bao who was annoying. , but spoke on this matter, and Feng Bao also agreed to what Zhang Juzheng said.

Although what Zhang Juzheng said was not aimed at Feng Bao, or even related to Gao Gong at all, it was just because of certain things that Gao Gong and some things he had done were borrowed.

But the hundreds of officials present are not blind or deaf. What Zhang Juzheng said just now is nothing, but Feng Baocai just spoke later, and almost instantly, everyone in the hall understood it in their hearts. , Zhang Juzheng said so, it was a head to deal with Gao Gong.

This can't help but make everyone's hearts tremble a little. It's only nine months since Gao Gong was expelled from the capital, and among them, only one month later, Minister Wang Fortunately, that incident subsided quickly and did not cause any trouble.

But now, how long is it now, something is going to happen, although it doesn't look like something big is going to happen now, but no one would think that something good will happen if Gao Gong is involved at this time.

In short, everyone understands that there is absolutely nothing good this time.

As for Ge Shouli, although he didn't like to talk for so many years, his eyes were much sharper than those in the court.

This incident is just the beginning, many people can only see that something is about to happen, and it is definitely not a good thing, but Ge Shouli sees it very far away, he can even guess what Feng Bao plans to do this time , and what Feng Bao plans to do in the future.

Although it is said that the matter has not been settled yet, future events have also proved that what Ge Shouli guessed is quite similar.

So he found Zhang Fan first, wanting to ask about the situation.

But now, he has learned about Zhang Fan's thoughts.

To be honest, this is because Zhang Fan's experience is too little. Although there have been twists and turns, dangers, and even life-threatening situations, Zhang Fan's experience with others is really too little. .

In this regard, Ge Shouli of course wanted to enlighten Zhang Fan, but this knot was not so easy to untie.

But at this time, it was indeed not the time to care about Zhang Fan's personal feelings. Ge Shouli thought that the situation was urgent, so he temporarily suppressed Zhang Fan's concerns.

However, when the two discussed it, they discovered that there was no way to solve this matter. Although Ge Shouli could already figure out what Feng Bao wanted to do, honestly, no one had an idea of ​​what Feng Bao would do.

Nowadays, it seems that there is nothing that Feng Bao can use to explain the matter. Besides, since Gao Gong returned home, although it is inevitable that he felt a little unhappy in his heart, to be honest, after Gao Gong went through the things in the capital, It’s hard to imagine that he’s a little disheartened. Generally speaking, Gao Gong is doing his duty at home now. He has never done anything, and he no longer seeks for a turnaround. Every day, Gao Gong is just He writes and writes at home, and now he is writing a book cursing Zhang Juzheng, but it is not completely cursing, and everything is true.

So, now, Ge Shouli really has no way out in his heart. He doesn't know what the other party is thinking, so he can't prescribe the right medicine.

But after discussing with Zhang Fan for a long time, he couldn't think of any solution.

Unable to think of a way, Ge Shouli didn't wait anymore, he thought of the most direct way.

But watching Ge Shouli leave, Zhang Fan felt extremely irritable in his heart,

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