Ge Shouli publicly said such words in court, and Ge Shouli's actions were within everyone's expectations.

But even so, after Ge Shouli said so plainly that he was going to confront Feng Bao, the court officials were still very surprised.

But if you think about it carefully, Ge Shouli has indeed disobeyed the decisions of the powerful ministers of the court many times, but he really didn’t say anything when he publicly opposed it this time. Now that Ge Shouli said so, everyone’s heart is With some thoughts, it's not that they think that Ge Shouli really likes to fight against the court officials so much, but that it seems that Ge Shouli has already favored Feng Bao since he came to power.

But this kind of thing, whether it is true or not, no one will say it.

But now, the situation is even more weird. Who is Feng Bao? He is a person with great power, and more importantly, Feng Bao is a eunuch. The common feature is that flaws must be reported, and it seems that Feng Bao is no exception.

But everyone also understands that Ge Shouli, as the censor of Zuodu, has a lot of power in his hands. Therefore, in their opinion, this time there is another good show. It seems that because of the two people, many people think that this possibility Forgotten about the misfortune that involved him, he only wanted to see the fight between the two.

However, it seems that Feng Bao did not show a very angry look like Wang Wang, but smiled.

It's weird, it's too weird, Feng Bao is definitely not a person who can be humiliated and opposed by people in such a face-to-face, and in front of so many people present, and still be able to smile away his grudges. I'm afraid this is the case Even ordinary people can't stand such a shameful thing, let alone Feng Bao.

But now, Feng Bao's smile makes those below even those who have nothing to do with him feel a little shuddering, and Ge Shouli, who provoked this situation, still looks calm, as if there is nothing wrong with him. It’s just like it happened, just now he just said some unimportant points of view, this calm spirit really made all the officials present admire, but they didn’t know or didn’t want to know, Ge Shouli I have never been afraid of Feng Bao.

For those who are not afraid of themselves, they are naturally able to take it easy.

And then, something happened that shocked everyone present even more.

"Your Majesty," Feng Bao, who was standing next to Zhu Yijun, said, and his posture showed a different respect from the past. It is too early to make a judgment.

Zhu Yijun was very shocked by Feng Bao's gesture. To be honest, he hated Feng Bao very much. The reason was because Feng Bao didn't take him seriously as an emperor. Right, but he is an emperor after all, but Feng Bao is because he has the Queen Mother Li backing him, but he looks aloof and omnipotent, and Feng Bao is a bit too much for Zhu Yijun, what is the matter? Even if you have to ask, while Zhu Yijun hates him, he is also a little afraid of him.

But now, Zhu Yijun really didn't know why Feng Bao suddenly became respectful to him.

Of course Zhu Yijun understood that there must be some conflict between Ge Shouli and Feng Bao, but she didn't care about those things, he only cared about why Feng Bao's attitude towards him changed so much at this moment.

"Your Majesty, I don't know how Your Majesty thinks about this matter," but Feng Bao still seemed to be okay, seeing that Zhu Yijun didn't answer his words for a long time, he was not in a hurry, and asked amicably.

"Oh... yes... yes," Zhu Yijun, who was awakened by Feng Bao's words, replied somewhat hesitantly.

But now the ministers standing below don't care about why Feng Bao treats Zhu Yijun so respectfully now. What they are even more surprised is why Feng Bao would say and ask that way. Obviously, Feng Bao is in this matter Above, it turned out to be a compromise like Ge Shouli.

In the eyes of everyone, this is obviously an unimaginable thing. Feng Bao, who always has a tough stance, and will report his flaws, and is unforgiving, would actually compromise like a human being, and he is still such a person as Ge Shouli. And the person who obstructed him again.

To be honest, Zhang Fan couldn't understand this. He could indeed guess the meaning of what Ge Shouli said just now, and he also understood that Ge Shouli's approach was very likely to be successful. But in his imagination, even if Feng Bao If one fell into the trap set by Ge Shouli, one would definitely be unwilling. Even if Feng Bao couldn't figure out the reason behind it, he wouldn't talk to Ge Shouli in such a pleasant manner.

However, the current situation also made Zhang Fan feel a little incomprehensible, what exactly was Feng Bao paying attention to.

With doubts in his heart, Zhang Fan couldn't help but look around. Surprised expressions appeared all around, even Zhu Yijun who was sitting on the dragon chair on the high platform was no exception, and there were only three people who were calm, Feng Bao, Ge Shouli, and... Zhang Juzheng.

Zhang Fan could understand the unchanged expressions on the faces of the first two, but Zhang Juzheng did the same.

"Could it be..." Zhang Fan couldn't help but start thinking, "... Feng Bao and the teacher have already planned this matter,"

Although he had such an idea, Zhang Fan quickly shook his head and denied it. Zhang Juzheng also looked a little surprised by Ge Shouli's words just now. Obviously, Ge Shouli's actions were not considered by Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng. In other words, Feng Bao hasn't discussed all his plans with Zhang Juzheng yet.

Then, obviously Zhang Juzheng had thought of something, but what exactly was it.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan thought of a possibility. The reason why Ge Shouli said what he said just now was actually to tell Feng Bao that he would never agree to this matter. But at the same time, Ge Shouli's tone was clearly Just tell Feng Bao that although he disagrees, it is not completely without any room for negotiation.

This couldn't help but make Zhang Fan think about it. If Ge Shouli could think this way, wouldn't it be possible that Feng Bao wouldn't think so.

Whether it is intelligence or political opinions, Feng Bao is no worse than anyone on the scene. Although Feng Bao also did a lot of dirty things in order to suppress political opponents and consolidate his power, but in the final analysis, such things were present. Who hasn't done it before? In comparison, Feng Bao's actions are much better.

However, the reason why Feng Bao's actions are opposed and disliked by so many people is actually because he is a eunuch, and a eunuch's disorderly government is a more terrible thing than a harem's disorderly government , This point has precedents no matter in the past dynasties or in the less than 200-year history of the Ming Dynasty.

But now is not the time to discuss this, Zhang Fan suddenly thought that Feng Bao might have the same plan as Ge Shouli.

Ge Shouli understood that he had thwarted Feng Bao's plan many times, and Feng Bao must have been extremely unhappy with him. Therefore, Ge Shouli planned to change his method this time. Instead of confronting Feng Bao head-on like in the past, he would first fight Feng Bao. Trap, let him feel that he is not without room for maneuver this time, and then deal with Feng Bao well, in this way, maybe he can solve the problem more cleanly than the last time.

But why didn't Feng Bao think so? Although Feng Bao's power is huge now, all his plans failed because of Ge Shouli. He was ruthless and succeeded every time.

With this situation, not to mention Zhang Fan, even Feng Bao's heart was trembling a little. In this way, Feng Bao wanted to use another method to bypass Ge Shouli's obstacles, so it was nothing. Something that doesn't make sense.

And in this way, the most challenging trouble facing Feng Bao is that Ge Shouli's actions have been head-to-head with him several times. How to make Ge Shouli deal with him willingly is Feng Bao's problem.

So this time, Feng Bao didn't put the topic on Gao Gong from the beginning, but pointed at Gao Gong around the corner, the purpose of which was to see what Ge Shouli planned.

In fact, in Feng Bao's own opinion, it is completely impossible for Ge Shouli to do what he wants, it is simply a fantasy, but this time, for some reason, Feng Bao is Going to do it.

It seems that this is an impossible thing at all, and before this, Feng Bao also thought so in his heart, but he still did it.

But the current situation seems to be a bit dramatic. Ge Shouli actually followed Feng Bao's wish and followed Feng Bao's thoughts to say so.

To be honest, this feeling is indescribable. From Zhang Fan’s point of view, it’s the same as buying lottery tickets in his previous life. He knows that the chance of winning the lottery, especially the big prize, is very low. It’s even lower than being struck twice by lightning. The odds are even lower, but there are still countless people flocking to it.

Obviously, for the storm at this time, it was indeed like a swollen lottery ticket. He encountered a situation with an extremely low probability. To be honest, Feng Bao should be happy.

However, now even Zhang Fan doesn't know whether what will happen next is what Feng Bao expected.

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