The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 532 Step Up Assimilation

Since the matter of Minister Wang happened last year, the censorship in the palace has been quite strict, not to mention those who have never seen people who have never seen people who have come in and out at will, and even some ministers who are not very familiar with them. Let the royal guards or eunuchs in the palace search him.

However, there are many people who are not listed here, Zhang Fan is one, and Zhang Juzheng is also there. Of course, if Zhang Fan wants to bring people into the palace, it is naturally very convenient, after all, he is in charge of Jinyiwei , he knows best if there is any danger.

Therefore, Nurhachi did not receive any humiliating treatment this time, and entered the palace with Zhang Fan very smoothly.

After that, Nurhachi, who met Zhu Yijun, naturally wanted to bow down. Thinking about it, there was a little difference. After all, the last time the two met, Zhu Yijun was still the prince, and even though Zhu Yijun was the crown prince at that time, he never put on airs. He and Nurhachi also got along very well.

But now, he is already the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, so this etiquette is naturally indispensable.

However, Nurhachi is a bit lukewarm, not because Zhu Yijun's identity has changed, Nurhachi is different, but because Nurhachi seems to have such an expression no matter what the other party's identity is. What is wrong with that person.

Zhang Fan didn't speak at the side. After watching the conversation between the two, he found that Nurhachi really didn't change much towards Zhu Yijun. Yes, Zhu Yijun asked him anything, and he was able to answer it well.

In fact, Zhang Fan didn't know one thing. Before Nurhachi came here, he had already considered how to deal with Zhu Yijun's problem. After all, how could he not know about Zhu Yijun's ascension to the throne in Liaodong?

So when he came to the capital this time, he already knew who wanted to see him. After all, Li Chengliang was also strict in running the army. It was impossible to give someone a few days off for no reason. Even Nurhachi heard He didn't want to leave after that, but it was Li Chengliang who ordered him to come to the capital.

Nurhachi just didn't have much education, but he wasn't a fool. After thinking about it along the way, he understood that anyone who was qualified to order Li Chengliang and wanted to see him, besides Zhu Yijun, was Zhang Fan, but Zhang Fan It's impossible, Zhang Fan told him before that he would not bother him for the past few years, and let him practice with Li Chengliang, so there is only one answer, and that is what Zhu Yijun meant.

And Nurhachi also worried about one thing because of this, that is, will there be any changes after Zhu Yijun sits on the throne? Nurhachi was born in Jurchen, and most of his family members are the heads of various tribes in Jurchen, so some things He also understands.

Ever since he was young, he had met countless people who were once very kind, but when he took the position of leader and had power in his hands, he became different from the past.

Although Zhu Yijun is younger than him, Nurhachi is also very worried. After all, Zhu Yijun is sitting on the throne, and he is more powerful than any leader. He is worried that this peer who can treat him very well in the first place , it will become difficult to meet again.

But obviously, Nurhachi was a little too worried, not to mention that the two people who met now are still on good terms, in fact, as early as when Zhu Yijun asked him to come back this time, he should have understood that Zhu Yijun is still the same Zhu Yijun , and no change.

The two were talking with great interest, talking about things they were interested in. In fact, most of the time it was Nurhachi who spoke and Zhu Yijun was listening. I have learned a lot, but Zhu Yijun listened with interest, and would ask him questions from time to time, and Nurhachi answered with all his heart.

Zhang Fan watched the two talking without interrupting, but he didn't feel bored. In fact, he wanted to investigate Nurhachi. After all, the original Qing Taizu was still very threatening in Zhang Fan's eyes. He had to take a good look at it now. See how the other party is doing.

Fortunately, Nurhachi's short words made Zhang Fan feel a lot of things. First of all, Nurhachi quickly accepted the culture of the Han people, and he didn't contradict it. In the middle of it, one can vaguely hear a yearning emotion, which is a good thing for Zhang Fan.

After all, if Nurhachi is on this side, the threat from Liaodong will be much smaller in the future. Zhang Fan really doesn't want to do such an unreasonable thing like extermination, and the current state of affairs, Wang Gao and others will definitely not be able to succeed. What kind of climate, but those Jurchens who rebelled with Wang Gao and others were not guilty. Many people believed what Wang Gao and others said and were kept in the dark. This is why they rebelled with them.

Although Zhang Fan has never read it in his previous life, the situation is now clear. In the end, the rebellion must be quelled, and Wang Gao and others will subdue the law. But for the Jurchen, neither Li Chengliang nor Ming Ting If they are all killed, then by that time, those Jurchens must have a leader to lead them, and obviously, Nurhachi is a very good candidate.

So Zhang Fan is now observing whether he has been assimilated. Although it is only two years now, firstly, Nurhachi has already had such signs, and secondly, Zhang Fan has never doubted the Han culture. ability to assimilate foreigners.

In fact, Zhang Fan also thought about it, why not take advantage of Nurhachi's young age, and kill him with one knife, and then just pretend to be an accident, even if Zhu Yijun questioned or was sad, after a few years, he would be fine. Forget it.

But Zhang Fan thought about this idea for a long time, and finally gave up. It's not that he has any feelings for Nurhachi, but he realized a certain historical inevitability. Even if he killed Nurhachi, At that time, those Jurchens must also have a leader. If there is another Nurhahei, Nurhabai or something at that time, which is more troublesome than Nurhachi, then it will be really troublesome.

So instead of doing things that will cause future tension in a direction that I can't control at all, it's better to seize the opportunity in front of me. To put it bluntly, I want to take advantage of Nurhachi when he was still young, and make good use of him.

And Zhang Fan, who listened to the conversation between Zhu Yijun and Nurhachi, now also understands the necessity of implementing the idea in his heart.

In Nurhachi's speech just now, Zhang Fan was very surprised by many things, including some military and political things. For this reason, Zhang Fan even interrupted the conversation between the two, Ask Nurhachi whether he heard these things from others, and now it is just a retelling, or whether these are his own thoughts.

And Zhang Fan who got the answer was even more surprised. Is this Nurhachi the one in the original history who rebelled with a dozen pairs of tattered armor and a book of Romance of the Three Kingdoms and finally captured the whole world.

Zhang Fan had no doubt that Nurhachi would deceive him. First, he was not that kind of person. Second, if this kind of thing was a lie, it would only cause trouble for himself in the end.

Therefore, Zhang Fan felt even more in his heart that the assimilation education for Nurhachi needed to be accelerated.

It has been a long time since he was in charge of Jinyiwei, and now Zhang Fan has a lot of means at his fingertips, for example, now, in this short period of time, Zhang Fan already has a lot of ideas, for example Afterwards, some scenes were deliberately created for Nurhachi to see.

In short, Zhang Fan has made up his mind to do this now.

Zhu Yijun and Nurhachi talked very well. In fact, Zhu Yijun was listening to Nurhachi most of the time. Men, no matter their age, were very interested in fighting and fighting, and it seemed that most of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty So, starting from Zhu Yuanzhang, to Zhu Di, and then to Zhu Houzhao, there is no emperor who doesn't like fighting.

Zhu Yijun seems to be no exception.

Moreover, although the things Nurhachi said, such as his own battle, were all small scenes, they were extremely real and detailed, which made Zhu Yijun very enjoyable to listen to.

But the time was gradually getting late, and naturally no one could be kept in the palace.

Before leaving, Zhu Yijun told Nurhachi that if he wanted him to stay in the palace and become an imperial guard, forget it. If it were someone else, it would be a great thing to see. With Zhu Yijun's care, he will be able to achieve great success in the future.

But obviously Nurhachi would not be willing, but before he could say anything against it, Zhu Yijun stopped him and asked him to go back and think about it, and he will call him back in a few days.

Looking at Zhu Yijun's appearance, Zhang Fan also felt amused, he understood that Zhu Yijun is really boring these days, if he can have someone to play with him in the palace, then he is quite willing.

But Zhang Fan also understands that Nurhachi will not agree. After all, the Ming army and Jurchen are facing each other in Liaodong at this time. Although Nurhachi is here, they are his clansmen after all. There to the end.

Zhang Fan took Nurhachi to the outside of the palace. He wanted to let Nurhachi live in his home for a few days, but Nurhachi firmly disagreed and insisted on living in the inn.

Regarding this, Zhang Fan was also a little helpless, his temper was really too stubborn.

However, just as the two were about to leave the palace, Zhang Fan met three people, three people who should not have a conversation together in private.

It seems that something else is going to happen,

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