That night, Zhang Fan insisted that Nurhachi come to his home to have a meal together, but Nurhachi couldn't resist Zhang Fan, so he had to go, but after the meal, he would go to the post station.

At night, Zhang Fan was lying on the bed with Zhaoxue in his arms, but his heart was very troubled.

Zhaoxue was quite unhappy about this, she and Zhang Fan were the only ones tonight, but now, Zhang Fan seemed to have something on his mind and lack of interest, which made her very unhappy.

"Brother Fan, what's the matter?" Zhaoxue was also a little strange after several teasings failed. It seemed that Zhang Fan had indeed encountered something troublesome, so she couldn't help asking.

"Oh, it's nothing," Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't tell her these things.

"What happened to brother Mo Feifei," Zhaoxue said, "Zhaoxue is just a woman and doesn't understand those things, but seeing Brother Fan like this, Zhaoxue also feels uncomfortable."

"Zhaoxue... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought these things home, and I shouldn't have you worrying about them with me," Zhang Fan said.

"Brother Fan, you don't need to apologize." At this time, Zhaoxue completely lost her usual coquettish and mischievous appearance, and said very considerately, "As long as Zhaoxue can be by Brother Fan's side, I will be very happy."

"However... Zhaoxue has some skills," Zhaoxue said with a smile suddenly without the submissive appearance just now.

"Oh, let's hear it," Zhang Fan asked with a smile. Indeed, the woman in his arms definitely has the ability to clear away all the haze in an instant. Just like now, Zhang Fan just looked at her face through the moonlight With that intentionally pretended mysterious look and that slightly smug look, most of the troubles in my heart have gone away.

"Hmm..." Zhaoxue thought for a while and said, "Zhaoxue can feel Brother Fan's mind. Of course, Zhaoxue is not one of those gods, until what is going on in Brother Fan's heart, but as long as Brother Fan has something on his mind, then Zhaoxue But it’s all too clear.”

Hearing what Zhaoxue said was almost equivalent to saying nothing, Zhang Fan laughed. Sure enough, her words swept away Zhang Fan's troubles. Although it was only temporary, the troubles will come back when he wakes up tomorrow. , but at least you don't have to worry about that now.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan wanted to tease her again, and his hands became dishonest.

"Then you know what I'm thinking right now," Zhang Fan said with a smile.

In an instant, Zhaoxue buried her head in Zhang Fan's arms shyly, she didn't have the bold and provocative look just now. Even so, Zhang Fan could imagine what Zhaoxue's face looks like now.

It's kind of funny to think about it, in order to compete with Yingyue, Zhaoxue can do many embarrassing things boldly, but this is only limited to herself, if Zhang Fan does something, she will be shy Terrible.

"Do you know?" However, even so, Zhang Fan still didn't want to let her go.

After a while, Zhaoxue let out a soft "um" in a voice so small that even she herself might not be able to hear it clearly.

"I'm afraid this time, you not only know how I feel, but also what I want to do next," Zhang Fan teased.

But this time, before Zhaoxue was even more shy, Zhang Fan started to move.

The next day, in the early morning, many people were talking about Feng Bao’s invitation to Ge Shouli to enjoy flowers and drink wine. Presumably, only five people knew about it, and four of them would not gossip about it. So now there is only one way for the news to leak.

It was Feng Bao who said it himself. He talked about it after he went to the court just now, so the officials in the court naturally started to discuss it.

Although they didn't know exactly what Feng Bao planned to do when he invited Ge Shouli, everyone understood that it was definitely not a good thing. very.

Because Ge Shouli obstructed Feng Bao's liquidation several times, many ministers in the court were very grateful to Ge Shouli.

But this is thanks, but it is still a bit difficult for them to publicly say something to Feng Bao for Ge Shouli.

Of course, the difficulty is the difficulty, but there are still some people who don't want this kind of thing to happen. After knowing about it, many people came to persuade Ge Shouli not to go to the banquet, and some even said it clearly. Zhang Juzheng would plot against Ge Shouli, and wanted Ge Shouli to say he was sick and not to go.

But it is obvious that Ge Shouli is not a person who follows the cloud personally, especially this matter, which was planned by Ge Shouli himself, so he has no reason to refuse. Faced with all the people who came to persuade him, Ge Shouli always smiled in return. Neither agreed nor opposed.

But this is the official career, and many things are ambiguous, but many people can see that since Ge Shouli didn't promise them not to go, then he must go, and many people are very worried about this.

Also, the same is true for Zhang Fan. Although Zhang Fan was involved in the previous incidents, Zhang Fan never said anything. , so many people can't see which side Zhang Fan is on, especially because of the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng, and because Feng Baoneng can now sit on the seat of the eunuch Zhang Yin, the supervisor of ceremonies, Zhang Fan is in the Among them, it played an important role, and it can be said that it is indispensable.

Therefore, in the hearts of many officials in the court, Zhang Fan is the accomplice of Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng, but it may be because Zhang Fan still has some conscience in his heart, so although he participated in it, he never helped them Just talking.

In short, this is how Zhang Fan feels to the officials in the DPRK, and Zhang Fan himself is not unaware. However, in fact, except for Ge Shouli and Yang Bo, no one knows that Zhang Fan is actually helping Ge Shouli's.

But although there is already a misunderstanding now, Zhang Fan doesn't intend to say anything. After all, the more he talks about this kind of thing, the more the misunderstanding will deepen. Ge Shouli and Yang Bo didn't say anything, not that they They didn't want to help Zhang Fan clarify, but they understood that after the matter was revealed, the harm outweighed the benefit for Zhang Fan.

If Long Qing is in power, then it doesn't matter. After all, Long Qing's trust in Zhang Fan can be understood not just by talking about it. In addition, although Long Qing is a bit lazy, he is also an emperor with real power.

But now, after all, the Empress Dowager Li is now in power, and the Empress Dowager Li trusts Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng the most. Although the Empress Dowager Li also trusts Zhang Fan a lot, it is not as deep as those two.

If Zhang Fan's matter is told now, perhaps all the officials in the court will immediately change their views on Zhang Fan, but there will be a lot of troubles that will follow. The most annoying thing is that it is most likely to cause Feng Bao's dissatisfaction and revenge, Zhang Juzheng is fine, after all, there is still a master-student relationship between him and Zhang Fan, maybe Zhang Juzheng will care about this relationship and will not do anything to Zhang Fan.

But Feng Bao is not sure, what he will do is impossible to guess, and if Feng Bao really meets Zhang Fan, what will happen to the ending is honestly impossible to guess, and, although Zhang Fan now Not as popular as Feng Bao in front of Empress Dowager Li, but speaking of it, it is similar. If the two fight, what kind of scene will it be? Many people may feel headaches thinking about it.

As long as one thinks that the era of Gao Gong and Xu Jie, Feng Bao and Gao Gong will appear in the hearts of everyone back then, the court has only been peaceful for a long time now, and no one wants to let that kind of scene repeat itself.

Therefore, nowadays, especially today, Zhang Fan has a feeling of thorns on his back. It is obvious that many people look at him with some unkind eyes, but Zhang Fan can bear it, not Don't pay too much attention to these.

But Ge Shouli simply turned a blind eye to these things, and he even came together with Zhang Fan to discuss what tomorrow will look like.

It is also because of this that although many people still have a lot of mistrust towards Zhang Fan, Ge Shouli's approach has reduced people's misunderstandings about him a lot. Although there is still a little hostility, it has softened a lot. few.

In short, today Zhang Fan finally tasted what it feels like to be criticized by thousands of people. Although it is only such a short time, it has already made him feel quite uncomfortable.

But obviously, he will continue to taste this feeling in the future, and it will last for quite a long time, but Zhang Fan himself has already made mental preparations. It would be much better if he met him, but Zhang Fan didn't expect that even though he was prepared, this kind of feeling still made him very uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan also decided that he should be more calm, and stop caring what other people think of him, or how he will talk about him, and calmly talked to Ge Shouli, and walked out of the Huangji Hall.

It seems that because of this incident, even the Xiaojing Banquet will be suspended tomorrow, and Zhang Juzheng also deliberately asked Queen Mother Li for a reason. This is probably the only time Zhu Yijun thanked Feng Bao, because he invited Zhang Juzheng, Ge Shouli, etc. Due to human reasons, he was able to relax for a day. For this reason, he asked Zhang Fan to bring Nurhachi into the palace tomorrow to play with him. It is said that Zhu Yijun wanted to see how much Nurhachi has improved in the past two years, compared to two years ago. How much more powerful.

Regarding these, Zhang Fan had no time to care about them, and his mind was completely focused on tomorrow's noon.

What will happen tomorrow, what should he do after he goes there, is it like what Ge Shouli explained, saying nothing, watching with cold eyes, or...

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