"This Wang Shan, Ai's family usually sees him as clever, and they feel relieved of him a lot. Unexpectedly, he is such a ignorant person. Not only did the matter fail to be done by Ai's family, but now he stabbed him It's such a big mess," Queen Mother Li said with a look of resentment, "now he is very happy, such a piece of white cloth went to see the King of Hades, but he wanted the Ai family to face so many Qing families in the court, and there was no one to explain. , what is that?"

Zhang Fan looked at Empress Dowager Li, but he had a different idea in his heart. His time in the officialdom was not too long, but it was not too short. Moreover, when Zhang Fan first entered the official career, he had a very high starting point, and he encountered many problems right away. In short, Zhang Fan's official career is not too long, but he has seen a lot of people and things, and in the words of his previous life, once he enters an enterprise, he is a high-end.

In addition, he has been the commander of Jinyiwei for such a long time, and he has seen countless criminals regardless of whether they are criminals or not. Therefore, Zhang Fan's vision is quite profound now. He revealed that he could tell who was pretending in front of him at a glance.

Even the old fritters like Zhang Juzheng and Gao Yi in the current court, it is quite difficult to hide their feelings in front of Zhang Fan.

But now, facing the Queen Mother Li's performance, Zhang Fan is really confused. Although it is not polite for him to look directly at the Queen Mother as a courtier, Zhang Fan has kept his head down since just now. , but he has been secretly observing Queen Mother Li.

As for Empress Dowager Li, Zhang Fan has not missed any of her actions and expressions since just now, but no matter how Zhang Fan looks or thinks, he just can't see any flaws. What he showed on the face, or that Queen Mother Li's acting skills have reached the point of perfection, not only is she herself the Queen Mother, but her acting skills are also at the level of a movie queen.

However, even though Zhang Fan didn't quite believe it, he clearly felt that the latter situation was more likely from the analysis of the current incident. Just pretend to be angry when you just found out.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help being surprised, but also felt a little afraid of the palace.

Thinking that Empress Dowager Li is only 28 years old now, a woman who is less than 30 years old has the acting skills that make those old slickers who have been in the officialdom for decades bow down, and in Zhang Fan's opinion, there is no flaw at all .

If today's Queen Mother Li is an old woman in her 60s, Zhang Fan can accept it. After all, life experience and the atmosphere in the palace make people have to be like this, but today's Queen Mother Li is only 28 years old. Superb acting.

This made Zhang Fan feel a deep "admiration" for the Forbidden City while admiring the Empress Dowager Li herself.

Once, Zhang Juzheng also mentioned to him what Empress Dowager Li looked like in Prince Yu's Mansion when she was a princess. According to Zhang Juzheng, although she at that time had some changes due to the special nature of the palace, overall , It's still very common, at most, it's just some smart women.

Now, she has only been in the palace for more than six years, but she has become such a foresighted, happy and angry person that it is impossible to tell the truth. Zhang Fan can only say that there are too many right and wrong in the palace. Moreover, no matter what your status is, no matter how powerful you are, you will inevitably be assimilated by this palace.

But this kind of thing, no one can blame, no one can blame.

"The Queen Mother doesn't have to be like this. Besides, it's really inappropriate to get angry because of a eunuch," Zhang Fan comforted.

"Hmph, this Wang Shan," Empress Dowager Li restrained herself a little after hearing Zhang Fan's words, and said to the little eunuch lying on the ground, "Go down for me, and let people collect that Wang Shan's body."

The little lady listened to the Queen Mother Li's words, as if she had received an amnesty, she hurriedly nodded and said yes, and scrambled and hurried out.

"The Ai family also understands that it's not worth making such a fuss over a eunuch," Empress Dowager Li said to Zhang Fan with a helpless look on her face, "But now, Wang Shan is dead. Tomorrow, no, I'm afraid It doesn’t take tomorrow, but this afternoon, the ministers in the court will submit papers again to ask the Ai family for an explanation. Now that Wang Shan is dead, what will the Ai family use to give them an answer?”

"Queen, in fact, from the point of view of a humble minister, this matter is very simple," Zhang Fan said to Queen Li with a very relaxed look, "If the ministers in the court ask about this, the queen mother can just tell them , because Wang Shan delayed the important affairs of the court, he hanged himself in fear of crime, and that's the end of the matter."

"But..." Obviously, Empress Dowager Li still didn't understand Zhang Fan's idea, or she was pretending not to understand.

"Queen Mother," Zhang Fan continued, "as long as the ministers say that at that time, although those ministers will not believe it, it is more likely that they will make trouble for a while, but now that Wang Shan is dead, everything will come to an end. Now, regardless of whether there is anyone behind this matter, thinking about it now that the matter has been settled, there is no need to make any more troubles, and the ministers in the court, facing such a deadly and unconfirmed matter, simply cannot What more.

"At that time, they will talk about it for a few days at most, and they will just let it go. Those people have a sense of proportion. The reason why they are like this today is just that so many people are angry and impulsive. Forget it, Wei Chen dares to say that even now, after these people go back, their mood must have calmed down a lot, and they will definitely not behave like they did just now."

"Well, what the Qing family said is also reasonable." The Empress Dowager Li thought about Zhang Fan's words, and said, "Since this is the case, the Ai family will stop asking about these things. It really shouldn't be a trouble. ah,"

"The Empress Dowager doesn't have to be like this. Besides, things in the court are like this, but it won't be like this every time," Zhang Fan said following the words of the Empress Dowager Li.

"By the way, Ge Aiqing's side..." Empress Dowager Li suddenly mentioned Ge Shouli, thought for a while, and said, "Ge Aiqing won't make any more trouble, right?"

"Please rest assured, Queen Mother," Zhang Fan said hastily, "Master Ge is not a caring person. Although this time, the position of Minister of Rites must belong to Mr. Ge, but he was changed inexplicably. Personal choice, if you want to come to Master Ge, there must be some grievances in his heart, but Master Ge is a veteran of the three dynasties, a loyal minister, and has worked diligently in the court for decades, and has never fought for anything. This time, if you want to come to Ge Adults won't say anything."

"That's what I said, but..." Empress Dowager Li still seemed a little worried, "After all, this matter has become such a big deal. I heard that Ge Aiqing's reputation was slandered, which is not good after all,"

"How about..." Zhang Fan thought for a while, and said, "Now Mr. Ge is the censor of the left capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and he has a great responsibility, and there is no vacancy in the court. What I mean is that the queen mother is not as good as Give Mr. Ge some rewards, so that he can calm down this resentment."

"Well, this is also a way." Empress Dowager Li thought for a while and agreed with Zhang Fan's words, "However, what are the best rewards? Gold and silver things, thinking about it, not only can't calm the grudges in his heart, but it's even more difficult to make people happy. That's it," Empress Dowager Li thought again.

Zhang Fan didn't speak either.

"How about this," Empress Dowager Li said as if she had already made up her mind, "It's not a bad idea to give Prince Ge Aiqing Shaobao as a token of his achievements in being an official for decades."

"It's all up to the Queen Mother," Zhang Fan naturally agreed.

"That's good. Ai's family is going back to the palace." Seeing that the matter had been settled, Empress Dowager Li stood up and was about to leave, but when she walked to the door, she turned around and said to Zhang Fan, "Zhang Qing Home, don't go yet, "

"What orders does the Empress Dowager have?" Zhang Fan couldn't help asking.

"..." Empress Dowager Li seemed to be a little hesitant, "Just now Ai's family had something to say to the emperor. At that time, Ai's family didn't know what happened, but they thought that the emperor's son had committed the anger of the public, so they let the ministers in the court They chased here, but Aijia scolded him a few words. Now it seems that Huanger is not at fault, but Aijia is not good to say anything to him. The relationship between you and Huanger, Aijia I also understand, when the emperor comes back, I want you to comfort Aijia with a few words, "

"The Empress Dowager sympathizes with Your Majesty, and I understand it in my heart. I should do my best to persuade Your Majesty," Zhang Fan replied. He did not expect that the Empress Dowager Li would order him these things. It seems that although he became the Queen Mother , she is very dignified towards Zhu Yijun, but she still cares about this son very much in her heart.

"Well," nodded, Empress Dowager Li said, "The Ai family has also heard about the previous incident. It is really good that you can rescue the emperor. Although it is said that you offended Shengjia, the situation at that time was also very dangerous. , the Ai family will no longer pursue anything, "

"Thank you Queen Mother for your kindness," Zhang Fan hurriedly saluted, "I just did what I was supposed to do, and offending the holy car is a capital crime. Thank you Queen Mother for exempting me from the crime."

"Well, let's do that," Queen Mother Li nodded again, turned and left.

As the eunuch yelled "The Empress Dowager is driving back to the palace" from outside, Zhang Fan finally felt relieved. All the inside and outside of today's matter were actually very clear. You can see what's going on.

But now, it is obvious that whether it is Feng Bao's practice of not leaving any evidence, or the Queen Mother Li's practice of covering up Feng Bao, people can only see it in their eyes and can only care about it in their hearts.

There is no way, who said that people are powerful now,

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