The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 548 Tolerance Metrics

Coming out of the palace, Zhang Fan breathed a sigh of relief. What happened today really made him feel extremely tired. He never thought that things would turn out like this.

But thinking about it, it seems to be the same. After all, seeing the officials in the DPRK has already recognized the matter, and now they suddenly change their minds like this, of course it will make people feel uncomfortable. It is naturally very uncomfortable for someone who is recognized by all the officials to slander their reputation.

However, now that the imperial decree of appointment has been issued, everyone can only sit and have nothing to do. Therefore, the people who have no choice can only express their dissatisfaction in this fierce way. Having said that, since things are doomed and cannot be reversed, these people have no choice but to vent their anger in this way. They know that doing so will have no consequences, so whether it is a small fight or a public opinion Excited, the consequences are the same, so it's better to make a big fuss to calm the grievances in your heart.

However, Zhang Fan has been really nervous for a long time today. He is not nervous about Zhu Yijun. After all, he is the emperor, and he did not do anything unforgivable by the ministers. Tricky to Zhu Yijun.

What he was nervous about today was Feng Bao. At that time, although the ministers just wanted to make a noise and vent their dissatisfaction, the situation was obviously out of control. At that time, if Feng Bao dared to Taking a step forward, or provoking those people by saying anything, it is absolutely impossible for those people to show mercy to Feng Bao.

Although they are all very old, but there are so many of them, if one of them goes up and punches, Feng Baona will definitely die.

If something unexpected happened to Feng Bao today, Zhang Fan really didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. Perhaps, in the long run, if Feng Bao died today, it might not be a bad thing. Although Zhang Fan He has the memory of the future, but he is not familiar with the history. However, under the environment of this era, his vision is not short-sighted. He can see that the future court will inevitably be chaotic because of Feng Bao, but how will it be chaotic? To what extent, Zhang Fan did not dare to guarantee it.

But from the current point of view, he doesn't want anything to happen to Feng Bao. After all, Zhang Juzheng's reform is coming soon. Although Zhang Fan's view of Zhang Juzheng is very different from before, he has a future man He understood that the reforms that Zhang Juzheng wanted to implement were very necessary and definitely beneficial to the already somewhat decayed Ming Dynasty.

In this matter, Feng Bao's role is very important. He is the only one who supports Zhang Juzheng, and holds great power, who can give Zhang Juzheng a lot of convenience. Although Zhang Fan also has this kind of condition, Jin Yiwei and Dong After all, the factory is different, and Zhang Fan's power is still much weaker than Feng Bao's. Feng Bao's supervisor can directly affect the court.

At that time, when Zhang Juzheng's new policy is put forward, there will inevitably be many people who oppose it. After all, the ancient method has lasted for more than 100 years. Whether it is interests or relationships, they are all operating according to a set plan. But now, Zhang Juzheng has proposed a new method, although it will be beneficial to the whole, but it will affect the interests of many individuals. People are selfish, and there will inevitably be many people who will stand up against him.

And at that time, Feng Bao was very useful. What he, Zhang Fan, could do was say a few words at most. If not, why not send Jin Yiwei to arrest people and force them to agree with Zhang Juzheng? Obviously, this is not advisable.

But Feng Bao is different. His Dongchang can still arrest people, and his supervisor of rites can also cooperate with Zhang Juzheng. In addition, the two of them are the most trusted by Empress Dowager Li. As long as the two of them cooperate, things will be fine. There will be resistance, but it will definitely continue.

Although what happened today had nothing to do with Zhang Fan, he still felt aggrieved and regretful for Ge Shouli from the bottom of his heart. After all, regardless of his qualifications or popularity, if Ge Shouli could ascend to the position of Minister of Rites, That is definitely what everyone expects. Besides, everyone wants to climb up. This has nothing to do with loyalty and patriotism. There are more ambitions.

And the feeling of grievance for Ge Shouli is even more serious. After all, it’s fine if you don’t get the seat, but if you don’t get the seat, you still have to be slandered by others, which is a bit tolerable It's unbearable.

Ge Shouli has been an official for dozens of years, he has worked hard and never complained, and he has never bent the law for personal gain. Since he was old, the name of honesty has been instilled in his head, but now, Zhang Juzheng suddenly stood up, in order to defeat Ge Shouli, who disagreed with his own political views, actually slandered him and ruined the good reputation that Ge Shouli had accumulated over decades in front of the emperor Zhu Yijun. No one could ignore this kind of thing of.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan quickened his pace.

"My lord, are you going back home?" Liang Chao asked Zhang Fan after he got on the horse. many things.

"No," Zhang Fan thought for a while and asked, "Do you know where Lord Ge is now?"

"After I left the court in the early morning, I saw Mr. Ge leaving the palace gate. It seems that he went back to the mansion." Liang Chao thought for a while and replied. He also knew a little about today's affairs, so he paid more attention to Ge Shouli. some.

"Go to Mr. Ge's mansion," Zhang Fan ordered, and then drove forward on his own.

Seeing that Zhang Fan had made a decision, Liang Chao hurriedly ordered the people behind to follow.

All the way to Ge Shoulijia's door, Zhang Fan went up to call the door in person, and the servants of Ge's mansion opened the door. Seeing that it was Zhang Fan, they didn't intend to go back and report, so they directly invited Zhang Fan in. It seemed that Ge Shouli had foreseen that Zhang Fan would come.

"Master, Mr. Zhang is here." He brought Zhang Fan to the study in the backyard, and the servants announced, and then went down.

Ge Shouli personally opened the door to welcome Zhang Fan in.

After Zhang Fan entered the room, the two exchanged pleasantries. After he sat down, he saw Ge Shouli's amiable appearance, and there was no sign of displeasure on his face. Immediately, Zhang Fan understood that although Ge Shouli He was a little unhappy, but he didn't take this matter to heart, he must have come back after the morning court.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Zhang Fan's frowning expression, Ge Shouli couldn't help but smiled and said, "Could it be that you are worried about me, afraid that I will be unhappy because of the position of Minister of Rites, and you can underestimate this I, Ge Shouli, even though there is no one in the imperial court who would not want to take the seat of Minister of Rites, but I, Ge Shouli, would not make such a fuss because of it."

"The younger generation naturally understands this in their hearts, and the younger generation knows that Mr. Ge is not that kind of person," Zhang Fan said.

"Then why do you still look so preoccupied?" Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Ge Shouli couldn't help being puzzled.

"It seems that Mr. Ge still doesn't know what happened in the court," Zhang Fan said helplessly.

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Ge Shouli's expression changed instantly and became serious. He knew that Zhang Fan was not a person who liked to joke, so something must have happened for him to say that, and based on the circumstances of this matter, Back and forth, and Zhang Fan's current appearance, it doesn't seem like a good thing, and Ge Shouli couldn't help but become serious about it.

Immediately, Zhang Fan told Ge Shouli everything that happened in the palace without any reservations. Zhang Fan believed that even if Ge Shouli knew everything, he would be able to deal with it calmly and rationally.

But even Ge Shouli, after listening to Zhang Fan's narration, had a strange expression on his face, and his body trembled slightly.

"Master Ge, are you okay?" Seeing this, Zhang Fan hurried forward, fearing that something might happen to Ge Shouli.

It took a long time for Ge Shouli to regain his composure, but the expression on his face did not relax, and it looked like he had a deep hatred with someone.

Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed the case. Who can be completely slandered in front of the emperor by a single word of a person who can remain indifferent to the reputation accumulated over the decades.

Yes, Ge Shouli never wanted to say anything because of the seat of Minister of Rites. He naturally hoped that he could sit in that seat, but now that he couldn't sit in it, he wouldn't make trouble because of it. Not happy.

But the reputation is slandered, this kind of thing is really unbearable.

"Master Ge, Zhang Fan understands in his heart that what the teacher did should not be done," Zhang Fan quickly comforted him, "But what the teacher said was not because he really thought so in his heart, after all He also needs to take care of Feng Bao. The relationship between them is clear to Mr. Ge in his heart. Teacher, he has to say that now, Mr. Ge must not take it to heart. If it is not done quickly, it will not only cause chaos in the court, but if Lord Ge gets hurt, it will not be worth the loss."

Zhang Fan's persuasion, even he himself did not believe that he could persuade Ge Shouli, but now he has no other way but to do this.

Fortunately, after some excitement, Ge Shouli also calmed down slowly,

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