The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 555 Need Evidence

I heard Queen Mother Li say so.Zhang Juzheng stopped his mouth that had been talking just now.

"The things you and the Ai family said. Although the Ai family usually does not interfere with the government, but there are some things that the Ai family knows." Seeing Zhang Juzheng, the Empress Dowager Li stopped.This is what he said. "Those things. The Ai family dare not say that they know all of them. But most of them have heard of them. Aren't these things that have already been concluded. The court cut off. These corrupt officials have already received retribution .But now.You bring it up again.What is it for?"

"Queen." Zhang Juzheng said. "Those things Weichen said just now. Although it has been concluded. But the relationship here is very important. I really have to ask.

"Empress Dowager, have you ever thought about it. Although this Xiren is just some officials with magistrates and magistrates. The biggest one is just a fourth rank. It is said that this official position is not big. But it is not small. Just think. One The magistrate of the seventh rank. Although the official position is low, there are hundreds of households under his jurisdiction. The people under his administration are even thousands. If the magistrate has any selfish intentions, all the thousands of people will be punished. Involvement. If the county magistrate is dedicated to the people, then that is fine; but if this person only cares about himself, the problem will be big. Many people will suffer injustice because of this, let alone the magistrate of a state capital or the same Officials like Zhizhi. If it is evil, the harm the people will suffer is unimaginable."

"The Ai family also understands these things." Empress Dowager Li nodded.I agree with what Zhang Juzheng said. "So whether it was when the first emperor was in power or now, the court will never allow those corrupt officials to harm the people of the court and endanger our country. Besides, the things that the Qing family just said. The court has already It was found out. The conclusion was reached. Those people were also punished. Now why does the Qing family have to bring up the old matter again."

"Queen Mother, I have something to say. I don't know if I should say it or not." Zhang Juzheng didn't answer.Rather it is said so.

Zhang Juzheng said so.Queen Mother Li is indeed interested.Coupled with her current trust in Zhang Juzheng.She didn't intend to stop her: "Just say what you have to say."

"Not to mention that the court has already found out these people. It's just those who haven't been found out. But I still don't know how many there are." Zhang Juzheng said. "My Ming Dynasty has a vast territory. There are also many people under my rule. Therefore, I need a lot of officials. But please look at the Queen Mother. I did say a lot just now. But there are not many. In fact, last year was the court every six The annual "Jingcha" is the same year as the "Daji" every three years. However, there are only more than [-] officials who have actually found out that there are problems. And there is no problem with anyone above the third rank. And the people who actually do it. Only two More than ten people. Less than half."

"These mourners also know." Queen Mother Li heard what Zhang Juzheng said.Some said helplessly. "Although they were found, they were not dealt with. Maybe those officials just offended the officials who were investigated by the court. Or maybe the things they committed were not too important. Besides, the people who were investigated Less. Doesn’t it just mean that my officials in Ming Dynasty are all loyal ministers to the emperor and the country.” Although the Empress Dowager Li said so.But everyone present can see and hear it.She said it last.The tone also dropped.obviously.Even she herself couldn't believe it.

Facing the words of Queen Mother Li.Zhang Juzheng could only sigh.He said to Empress Dowager Li in a very helpless tone: "Empress Dowager, please forgive me for being bold. Think about what the Empress Dowager said just now in the Empress Dowager's heart."

Zhang Juzheng's words were indeed very bold.What he said was the same as pointing at Empress Dowager Li and saying she lied.

Even Queen Mother Li trusted Zhang Juzheng very much.But Zhang Juzheng's words really offended her.Think about it too.No matter how the relationship between the two is.After all, Empress Dowager Li was the late emperor's noble concubine.Mother of the current emperor.It's the majestic empress dowager; and Zhang Juzheng no matter what.No matter how high his official position is.How much power is in your hands.Even if he is the overlord among officials.In the end, he was still an official.Anyway.Zhang Juzheng's words definitely offended Empress Dowager Li.

Scowling.Empress Dowager Li looked at Zhang Juzheng.It was the first time to say to him in a bad tone: "Zhang Aiqing. Could it be that you don't believe Aijia's words."

"How dare I disbelieve the Queen Mother's words." Zhang Juzheng hurriedly bowed down.Said. "The humble minister is just afraid that the queen mother will be deceived by traitors. It's just that she can't see the facts clearly."

What Zhang Juzheng thought.He understands a little bit.For this group of royal families.It is absolutely impossible to face it with an appearance of confrontation.if that is the case.It will only put yourself at a disadvantage.So Zhang Juzheng never planned to criticize the above few.Not to mention Longqing back then.Even for the current emperor Zhu Yijun.In addition to Zhang Juzheng's majesty at the Sutra feast.In this way, Zhu Yijun can form a mood to obey him.There was absolutely no disrespect towards him.

The reason why Zhang Juzheng wanted to say that.In addition to calming the anger in Queen Mother Li's heart at the moment.The most important thing is to let Queen Mother Li think about the problem from another angle.

indeed.Not just Zhang Juzheng.Those present included Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.Maybe except for Zhu Yijun.They all understand that what Zhang Juzheng said just now is true.The imperial court of Ming Dynasty.Since the moment the country was founded.It has always been filthy.Corruption and perversion of the law, forming cliques for personal gain, deceit and deceit, etc.These things never stop.It is also impossible to stop.In court.Whether official or royal.Everyone understands this truth.

The reason why Queen Mother Li said that just now.That's because she is the current Empress Dowager of Ming Dynasty.current rulers.It was impossible for her to belittle herself.Said to be under their own rule.Corrupt officials are everywhere.So what Zhang Juzheng said just now made her feel annoyed.It also shows that those words were aimed at the point.

But this does not mean that Queen Mother Li does not want to change this situation.After all, the people in power.There is no one who does not want his subordinates to be clear and Juzheng gave her a step up now.Let her feel that she said that all because of the deception from the people below.In this way.There are steps.And for Zhang Juzheng.Empress Dowager Li also needs him to do things for herself.

"You mean. Ai's family was deceived by the people below." Empress Dowager Li looked surprised.At least the people next to her knew that she did it on purpose.But still did not see any flaws. "These gang of good thieves dare to deceive Aijia. If Aijia finds out who it is, they must be severely punished."

Now that the steps are found.Empress Dowager Li is naturally going to take advantage of the trend.certainly.No one present took her last words seriously.But now that it's down the stairs.It's easy to talk.

"But even so..." "Calm" for a while.Queen Mother Li continued. "Even if the people below have something to hide from the Ai family. But nothing was found. The court has no way to make a conclusion. Besides, this matter is of great importance. We can't just rely on assumptions to make a conclusion."

"The Queen Mother is thoughtful. What she said is very true." Zhang Juzheng continued. "Because of this, I still have a book to play here." He was speaking.Zhang Juzheng took out another book from his bosom.Feng Bao, who was on the side, stepped forward and called it into the hands of Empress Dowager Li.

Empress Dowager Li took the memorial.It is doubtful.But as she scrolled down.His complexion also became extremely different.

The memorial has not been read yet.Empress Dowager Li raised her head.Staring at Zhang Juzheng.Asked: "Zhang Aiqing. Don't talk nonsense about this matter. Your memorial impeached six provinces, twenty state capitals, and hundreds of magistrates and county magistrates in more than 50 states and counties. Although these people have little official positions. But this number is too many. Not to mention there are countless people under their rule. This kind of thing is empty talk. Aiqing must have real evidence."

"Return to the Queen Mother." Zhang Juzheng said immediately. "These things are just as the Queen Mother just said. Not only do hundreds of court officials matter, but also countless people. If I don't have real evidence, how can I tell the Queen Mother these things." He was speaking.Zhang Juzheng took out a thick stack of documents that he had already prepared.It was presented to Queen Mother Li again.

Empress Dowager Li did not read them one by one.I just randomly picked out a few copies and looked at them.The doubts on his face just now have completely disappeared.Only anger remained.but.She still has some things to ask Zhang Juzheng.

"Where did Aiqing get these?" Queen Mother Li asked. "Don't blame the Ai family for inquiring about these matters. It is really a matter of great importance. If these are not true, Zhang Aiqing was also deceived by others. Then it will be difficult to handle."

"Return to the queen mother's words." At this time.Zhang Fan stood up. "Master Zhang asked Wei Chen to go and find out these things."

Zhang Fan stood up at this time.Naturally, it helped Zhang Juzheng explain.After all, he, the commander of Jinyiwei, came forward to testify that these things were provided by him.Then the authenticity has increased a lot.

But this time.Zhang Fan rushed to stand up.But it wasn't to steal Feng Bao's limelight.Although half of the things inside were found by Feng Bao.but.All three understand.It is obviously inappropriate for Feng Bao to stand out.After all, Feng Bao was a eunuch.Today's Feng Bao is out of Zhu Yijun's side.The longest one is by Queen Mother Li's side.If Queen Mother Li asked him why he didn't tell him earlier.That would be a little troublesome.

Anyway.Now is off to a good start.the most important is.Empress Dowager Li finally believed.There is indeed a problem in the court.And it's time to change.

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