really.After Zhang Fan said these words.Zhu Yijun's face was puzzled.And it is deeply suspicious.It was Feng Bao and Empress Dowager Li who were next to her.But there was no surprise at all.

after all.Both Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng had discussed with Zhang Fan.They didn't even talk about it happening.But not stupid.I can already imagine what will happen today.What kind of situation did you encounter.Even if it isn't.Even if Zhu Yijun would ask such a question, it was a sudden situation.The two of them will not panic in the slightest.And Zhang Fan would answer like this.The two of them will not feel that there is anything wrong.The reason is.Both are down-to-earth people.

And actually.What Zhang Fan said.There is only one point.That's everything.No need to ask how the process works.after all.What is actually done is the most important thing.The rest is how it is made.What difficulties were encountered in it.what choice.None of this matters anymore.

As the saying goes. "One general succeeds and ten thousand bones dry up".Although it sounds too bloody.But one law is universal and all laws are clear.The reasoning is the same.

Let's talk big.The founding emperor of any dynasty.Before its success and fame, behind its vast empire, under its magnificent palace.How many people lost their heads and bleed because of him.lost his front of this.No one goes back and pays attention to these.People will only see the success of the emperor.But can't see it.In other words, he didn't want to see this emperor in order to get his own throne.How many people were sacrificed.How many more people were killed.

And to a small extent.Those merchants who do business.If you just want to do some small business.It's okay to subsidize the family.But if you really want to be rich and powerful.How could he not use some despicable methods?This is also unavoidable.After all, there is more than one businessman in this world.Just because you don't do it doesn't mean others won't do it.If others do it, you don't do it.Then you have to wait for others to devour you.

Everyone knows these truths.Not to mention Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng, who have experienced officialdom.Even for Zhang Fan, it hasn't been a few years since he entered the official career.For those who have gone smoothly along the way.Didn't feel deeply about it.But this does not mean that Zhang Fan does not understand these things.Not to mention Zhang Fan's last life.This principle does not need to be learned.You can understand; now he has entered the official career of the feudal dynasty.Although I haven't faced too many such situations.But he also saw a lot.How could he not know.

And how could Empress Dowager Li not know the truth here.She was born as a commoner.But she entered the palace early and became a palace maid.It didn't take long to enter the palace.Then Zhu Zaihou fell in love with him.And after she followed Zhu Zaihou.Especially when Zhu Zaihou ascended the throne as emperor.And she was also named Queen of the Royal Concubine.this kind of thing.She has seen too much.How could it be possible not to know the truth.There are many right and wrong in the palace.There is nothing better than being in the palace where you can see the various states of the world clearly.

therefore.This kind of thing is for Zhang Fan and the three of them.All understand.All can be said.even.Maybe it was Zhang Juzheng or Feng Baolai's narration.It may be much more detailed and profound than that of Zhang Fan.

after all.Above the officialdom.A person who acts regardless of the consequences.That is even more unscrupulous.The reason why this kind of thing does not happen every day.That's mainly because all the officials have scruples.What they are looking for is stability.If you don't do it, you will.As soon as you make a move, you must pinch the enemy's vitals.If you don't find out this point and then act rashly.It is very likely that the opponent will beat him up.more likely to endanger themselves.So act in the court.That is to be more stable.Speaking up.This situation in the court is compared to within the courtyard walls of the imperial palace.Be more nervous.

To the forces of disagreement.On weekdays, they fight against each other and quarrel endlessly because of their own opinions.It's not even a battle at all.It was just that they were testing each other.It's still a long way from the real shot.

But now.It was Zhu Yijun who asked this question.This made Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao unable to answer.after all.Zhang Juzheng is now establishing an image in front of Zhu Yijun.Although until now.The effect is already very significant.Zhu Yijun already has a strong sense of identification with Zhang Juzheng.But not yet.Let Zhang Juzheng tell him now.Any means can be used to achieve the goal.Wouldn't this be Zhang Juzheng's own mouth?Have you made it clear that what you taught him at the sutra feast is all false?Zhang Juzheng is not that stupid.

And neither could Feng Bao.Although it is said that Feng Bao is extremely favored by Li Tianhou, the person in power.And now Feng Bao spends a lot of time by Zhu Yijun's side.But what is Zhu Yijun's reaction to Feng Bao?I believe that Feng Bao himself understands better than outsiders.

now.Zhu Yijun was a little scared of Feng Bao.It's not that he's afraid of Feng Bao himself.After all, he is the emperor.No matter what, Feng Baozai would not do anything to him.What Zhu Yijun was afraid of was.When I am slightly wrong.Feng Bao threatened him to sue in front of Queen Mother Li.This is the most fatal for Zhu Yijun.After all, he loves his mother very much.But from birth till now.Although the Empress Dowager Li cared about him.But it has never been harsh.

This situation.Zhu Yijun's fear of Feng Bao gradually turned into a kind of resentment.certainly.Now this stage.Zhu Yijun's fear of Feng Bao was greater than his resentment.And this will continue for a long time to come.But in the future.Someday.Zhu Yijun's resentment towards Feng Bao outweighs his fear of him.when.Naturally, it was when he felt that Feng Bao could no longer threaten him.To put it bluntly.That was when Zhu Yijun no longer had to be afraid of his queen mother.That is, when he was in charge.

that time.I'm afraid that all his dissatisfaction with Feng Bao will turn into anger and resentment.As for what will happen to Feng Bao at that time.Now is not the time to ask.

All in all one point.That is, Zhu Yijun hates Feng Bao today.How could Feng Bao himself not know this.So Feng Bao has self-knowledge.He understood that if he stood up and explained this matter to Zhu Yijun.Zhu Yijun would not believe it at all.Even objected.This may spoil Zhang Juzheng and his event.

I just don't know why Feng Bao has self-knowledge on this.But for your own future.But not at all.

certainly.It was impossible for Queen Mother Li to explain anything to Zhu Yijun.After all, she is Zhu Yijun's mother.And it's the Empress Dowager.Naturally, she must have her own majesty and reserve.Now let her tell herself to be the emperor's son.The means can be used to achieve the goal.Not to mention what kind of changes will happen to Zhu Yijun.Even she couldn't open the mouth herself.

look around.Among those present today.Someone who can explain Zhu Yijun.The most suitable one is Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan's identity.And the relationship between him and Zhu Yijun.This allowed Zhu Yijun to believe what Zhang Fan said.But he didn't feel that Zhang Fan was trying to deceive him.Moreover.Even Queen Mother Li felt it.It's not a bad thing for Zhu Yijun to master some sophistication.After all, he will rule the world in the future.Just relying on the teachings of those sages.It is far from enough.

"But... but Taifu..." Hearing Zhang Fan say this.Zhu Yijun was immediately confused. "The Tai Tuo taught me before. Didn't mean..." At this point.Zhu Yijun didn't know what to say.He naturally believed in Zhang Fan.So what Zhang Fan said just now.He also believed it.But what Zhang Fan said.But it was very different from the education he had received in the past.After all, no matter Zhang Juzheng or Zhang Fan taught him in the past.Those words of the sages.All of them run counter to what Zhang Fan said today.

This deeply confused the young Zhu Yijun.At this moment, he didn't know what to believe.

"My minister understands what His Majesty is going to say." Zhang Fan saw Zhu Yijun embarrassed.Hastily opened the mouth to say. "Actually, what I said just now is not inconsistent with the teachings His Majesty has received in the past."

Zhang Fan said so.Zhu Yijun couldn't understand even more.Obviously, the two theories are fundamentally opposite to each other.Zhang Fan told him that there was no disagreement.How does this make him understand.

"The teachings of the sages are of course important. It is also the foundation for your majesty to be a king in the future." Zhang Fan explained. "But relying on the teachings of the sages alone is not enough to rule the world. I think about what Mr. Zhang said to the Queen Mother just now. I have already told His Majesty about the memorials presented. What is the real situation in the court now? Just ask Your Majesty. The teachings of the sages should be Generous and benevolent. Even if you treat treacherous ministers, you must be kind. But Your Majesty thinks that if you treat them with kindness, will they repent?"

Facing Zhang Fan's problem.Such an obvious question.Zhu Yijun thought about it for a long time.Only then shook his head.

"Exactly." Seeing him, Zhang Fan shook his head.Said. "Even. If you are kind to them. Not only will they not repent, but it will be even worse. Therefore, the court needs to use extraordinary means. To let them understand that if they continue to corrupt and break the law, the wrath of thunder will fall on their heads. Saint Teach people to be kind. But it doesn't say that you should be soft-hearted when facing this kind of person.

"Although it is too inappropriate to say what you are doing now. However, although this method makes people feel inappropriate, it can stop these corrupt officials and make all officials proud and vigilant. Only in this way can they be good officials. For Do something practical for the country.

"Although such a method seems inappropriate, it is actually for the sake of the court, the people, and the country."

Zhang Fan said so.In fact, many things he said are not complete.But now.That's all he could say to Zhu Yijun.After all, many things cannot be explained clearly in a short while.leftover.Only in the days to come.Now he is persuading Zhu Yijun.

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