The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 567 The Heart of Lingxin

"Sir." Luo Linger, who was resting on the recliner, saw Zhang Fan walk in.A look of joy immediately appeared on his face.Still want to stand up.

"Don't move. Don't move. Just lie down." Zhang Fan wanted to get up when he saw her.Come forward quickly.Carefully push her back into the couch.

now.Luo Ling'er has been pregnant for nine months.In short.Under the potbellied.For Luo Linger.Although it hasn't reached the point where I can't get out of bed or walk an inch.But her movement is also extremely inconvenient.And because she was pregnant with a child.It made Luo Ling'er very sleepy during this time.but.Luo Ling'er never lost her temper because of this reason.either before pregnancy.Either pre-pregnancy or now.She has neither.It always gives people a sense of tranquility.

This made Zhang Fan feel that he should feel more pity for her.Obviously.Luo Ling'er's temperament is really too weak.Being pregnant with Zhang Fan's child really wouldn't make her have any violent psychological reactions.But it was true that it made her very weak.So.During this period of time, Zhang Fan's care and care for Luo Ling'er has also been raised one level after another.

"Sanggong." Seeing that Zhang Fan cared about him so much.Luo Linger's face revealed a happy look again.Even though it was the first time for her to do this.But she never got tired of it. "Being able to marry my husband. Ling'er is so happy."

"That's natural. I don't even know who your husband is." Hearing Luo Ling'er say this.Zhang Fan followed her words and made a half-truth joke.

But Luo Ling'er didn't smile.It's just that the look of happiness on her face became more intense.

"By the way. Have you thought about what name to name our son?" Zhang Fan said suddenly.These were just words that Zhang Fan blurted out as soon as he thought of them.but……

"How did my husband know it would be a boy?" Luo Linger asked curiously.And look at her appearance.It seems that she is a little serious. "Maybe it's a girl." After finishing speaking.A complicated look flashed across Luo Linger's eyes.

"Then... Linger, do you... like boys or girls?" Zhang Fan didn't see Luo Linger's trouble at this time.Continue to tease.

"Of course... of course... my daughter." Luo Linger blurted out.But that's half the story.But his tone changed.It turned into the coquettish look before.

"Oh." Hearing Luo Linger say this.Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling a little strange.after all.Whether he is from 500 years later or not.Anyway, in this era.He understands a truth.Men are the main ones.This is not prejudice.But reality is what it is.

Not to mention that most of the people who will inherit the family are men.But for a concubine like Luo Ling'er... It's not that Zhang Fan has any prejudices.He was just discussing the matter...for a concubine.Naturally, her status in the Zhang family is not as good as that of Ru Xue, who is the main wife.Even Zhang Fan, Zhao Shi, or Ru Xue.They never showed any disapproval towards her.And she understands.After all, I am a concubine.It doesn't matter how much Zhang Fan loves her.Neither will change.

And for a concubine's room.What's more.How to improve her status in the family.And in this day and age.Obviously.Give birth to a child for the Zhang family.Especially a boy.It is even more beneficial for her to improve her status in the Zhang family.Let alone her.Even Zhang Fan from the future can understand this.

But now.Luo Ling'er could actually say that.He even hopes to give birth to a daughter for Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan's first reaction was not disbelief.Rather surprised.

"Doesn't Linger want to give birth to a boy for Xianggong?" Zhang Fan didn't know what Luo Linger really meant.But he could vaguely feel that something was wrong in it.But Zhang Fan didn't know what caused Luo Linger to have such an idea.So he asked in a somewhat indifferent tone.There was a sarcasm in his tone.It was just to reassure Luo Linger.

"Don't tell me all of them. Is my daughter's little padded jacket?" Luo Ling'er's eyes once again flashed a trace of complexity.said with a smile. "Linger is beautiful. But Linger will always have a day when she gets old and faded. If that day comes, the husband will not even look at Linger. At least Linger has a daughter who can care about herself."

"Linger." Zhang Fan looked at Luo Linger.Said in a very helpless tone.This time, he really saw clearly the trace of complexity that flashed in Luo Linger's eyes.It contains helplessness and troubles.Zhang Fan couldn't understand what that meant even now.But he knew that was definitely not a good thing.

"Sanggong. What's the matter." Seeing Zhang Fan like this.Luo Ling'er obviously understood.Zhang Fan had already discovered something was wrong.But maybe it's something to escape from.She still asked in an indifferent and indifferent manner.

"Linger thinks. Is Xianggong that kind of person?" Zhang Fan looked at Luo Linger with a serious expression.asked. "I swear to God. That day will never happen. Until the end. I will not neglect Linger because of those reasons. If not. I..."

"Sanggong. Ah..." He quickly covered Zhang Fan's mouth.Because the action is too fast.It made Luo Ling'er feel a little uncomfortable.She couldn't help but let out a soft cry.

"Linger, Linger, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Fan immediately became nervous. "I'll call the doctor."

"Msg. Ling'er is fine." Zhang Fan was stopped.Luo Linger panted slightly.Said. "It's just lying like this all the time. It's a little uncomfortable to move. It's okay."

"It's really fine." Zhang Fan still looked at Luo Ling'er with worried and puzzled eyes.His expression didn't change until he saw her.This is to let go of my heart.

"It's really all right. Ling'er once swore in her heart. It was the day Xianggong married Ling'er." Luo Linger said. "Ling'er was in the hall that day. When I worshiped my husband, I swore in my heart. From now on, I will never tell a lie to my husband again."

Hearing what Luo Linger said.Zhang Fan didn't know what to say.But he knows.Now just put a smile on her face.Although that was still not enough to express his feelings for Luo Ling'er.But now he can't think of any better way.

"It's just..." Luo Linger wanted to say something.But he stopped after speaking halfway.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Fan asked.

"It's nothing." Luo Ling'er immediately smiled.

"Yeah. But..." Zhang Fan let out a long voice.She looked at Luo Ling'er with a teasing look on her face.Said. "As far as I know. Linger, you seem to have broken your oath. Just now."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said.A look of surprise appeared on Luo Linger's face.But immediately.The surprise turned into a look of helplessness and regret.

"Of course." Zhang Fan saw the change in Luo Linger's face.Say it quickly. "I still know. Ling'er didn't lie to me just now. It's just that she didn't say all of her words."

Facing Zhang Fan's words.Luo Linger's face turned slightly to the other side.This is usual.When Zhang Fan was in front of her.It is absolutely impossible for her to make such an expression.Now facing Zhang Fan.Luo Ling'er turned around and cast.Obviously, she felt that she was ashamed of Zhang Fan.

"'My daughter is my mother's little padded jacket'. This sentence is absolutely true. Linger really thinks so in her heart." Zhang Fan didn't care about Luo Linger's appearance at all.Instead, he showed a more gentle look.Looking at Luo Ling'er, she said. "But Linger, you definitely have something to say to your husband."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Luo Ling'er couldn't bear it anymore.Turn around quickly.Looking at Zhang Fan, he said, "Sanggong, Linger..."

"But..." Luo Linger was not given a chance to speak.Zhang Fan interrupted her.continued. "But I, my husband. I still know. Ling'er's sincere words. It's also because of other reasons that you think so."

"My husband is talking about... what... Ling'er doesn't know at all." Luo Ling'er turned her head away again.Said very reluctantly.

"Ling'er said it. She won't lie to me." Zhang Fan still smiled.Said. "But. I still know. If Ling'er is doing it for the sake of her husband, she will also lie to her husband. Isn't that right?"

Facing Zhang Fan's question.Luo Ling'er did not choose to continue deceiving.Instead, he chose to escape.

"Linger, you don't need to say anything. I know everything." Zhang Fan said sincerely.He didn't mean to be silly at all.He really understands.

The reason why Luo Ling'er wanted a daughter instead of a son.Definitely not the reason she said.Zhang Fan understood this.

Ru Xue has already given birth to a son to Zhang Fan.First of all, both in terms of Yan Yi's birth and his mother's identity.He is the eldest son of the Zhang family.He is also the biological flesh and blood of Zhang Fan's regular wife, Ru Xue.Then in the future.Everything about the Zhang family.It is very likely that he will inherit it.

And if Luo Ling'er gave birth to a son for Zhang Fan.Although she is a concubine.Although his son is not the eldest son.Not to mention his son.But that doesn't mean there will be harmony in the future.Differences still exist.even.There is also the possibility of evolving tragedy.

Luo Linger is indeed a very emotional woman.However, it is precisely because of her sensibility.Make her think a lot.And most of them are thinking about Zhang Fan.She didn't want her reasons to bring any trouble to Zhang Fan or the Zhang family's future.She really hoped to give Zhang Fan a son.And I really want to.But for Zhang Fan.She is willing to let go of this wish.

"Linger, I understand." Zhang Fan looked at Luo Linger and said.

"Sanggong..." looked at Zhang Fan.Luo Linger's eyes were moist.

Zhang Fan didn't know how to describe his feelings at the moment.But he is sure.Luo Ling'er made it impossible for him to let this moment.Luo Ling'er became the most important part of his heart.nobody.Even Ru Xue couldn't compare to her status in Zhang Fan's heart.

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