Finally, after absent-mindedly finishing the lunch that made Zhang Fan feel so awkward.Zhang Fan became upset again.

After all, facing this kind of thing.Or it could be said that this was the first time Zhang Fan faced such troubles.There have been similar situations before.It was like the time when he was appointed by Long Qing as the imperial envoy to go to the south of the Yangtze River.Didn't Yingyue just do some small movements in front of his eyes?But that time was different from this time.After all, what idea did Yingyue want to make that time.What's on your mind.Zhang Fan knew everything in his heart.Even right from the start.He had already noticed Yingyue's problem.So I was already prepared in my heart.Not flustered.After all at that time.Many things are all under his control.

But this time.It can be said that Zhang Fan has no clue at all.He couldn't understand what happened at all.If this matter is only related to Yingyue.Zhang Fan may still guess what it has to do with the southwest side.Although it can be said that Yingyue has completely broken with that side now.And now anyway.Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan have also reached a cooperative attitude.Presumably there will be no more unfavorable actions against him.But if something happens now.Zhang Fan is not incomprehensible.

But now.Zhaoxue was also involved.This made Zhang Fan confused.If it is about the Five Poisons Sect.Zhang Fan did not believe that Fang Yueling would involve his family members.After all, no matter how big the trouble was before.It was about him and Yingyue.Fang Yueling is not a fool either.She should be able to understand Zhang Fan's bottom line.That is his family.If it was Fang Yueling who wanted to involve other members of the Zhang family in this matter.That would be absolutely unwise.

Of course.If it is the two people who have always wanted to rebel in the southwest.It's still possible.But Zhang Fan didn't think it had anything to do with them.After all come.It has been several years since the matter related to the Southwest.But those two were never directly involved.Since there were none before.It is even more unreasonable to do so now.

Second.There were already people sent by Zhang Fan beside those two people.And they also got the trust of those two people.It can barely be regarded as the core character.Even those two people couldn't completely trust the people Zhang Fan sent over.But if they really do it.It is impossible for such a big matter to remain silent.It is impossible for Zhang Fan not to hear any news.

But the current incident seems to have just appeared out of thin air.There was no sign of it at all.If it wasn't for what Luo Linger said to Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan didn't believe that such a thing would happen at all.

And now.If it wasn't for Zhang Fan believing Luo Linger's words.Understand that there must be something happening in it.He also couldn't see any signs on the faces of Yingyue and Zhaoxue to indicate what happened.

all in all.There was an eerie vibe about the whole thing.Zhang Fan couldn't figure out what was going on.

originally.Zhang Fan is very concerned about this matter.And now I can't even think about it.In desperation, he wanted to go directly to Yingyue or Zhaoxue to find out.When let.If he really wanted to ask.Zhaoxue was naturally his first choice.After all, he is very familiar with Yingyue and Zhaoxue's temperament.Compared with Yingyue.Zhaoxue made it easier for him to break through.After all, Zhaoxue has never been a person who can hide her thoughts.Especially in front of Zhang Fan.

However, when Zhang Fan really stood in front of them.When facing the doubtful eyes of the two of them looking at him.But he couldn't speak anymore.There was a stalemate for a long time.In the end, Zhang Fan couldn't say anything.Only under the curious eyes of Yingyue and Zhaoxue.Just make up a reason.walked away.

But walking away doesn't mean that Zhang Fan will stop asking about this matter.In his heart, he paid more attention to this matter.

"Wang Meng." Zhang Fan really couldn't calm down.Someone found Liang Chao.

"My lord. I don't know why your lord called the humble official here." Liang Chao saluted Zhang Fan very respectfully.But there was a look of suspicion on his face.After all this time.Zhang Fan is busy with work.He also knows.this time.Zhang Fan's energy consumption is also quite large.And now the time has not yet come.If it is on weekdays.Zhang Fan would never wake up until Shen Shi.Then he went to Zhang Juzheng to discuss things with him.But today.It was just past lunch time.Zhang Fan found himself.Liang Chao was also quite puzzled by this.

"Yeah." Nodded.Zhang Fan said. "Sit down first." After the order.Zhang Fan was sitting on a chair in the study.quietly.As if thinking about something.

Liang Chao saw this.Also had to sit down.dare not say anything.He didn't know what was going on.But seeing Zhang Fan's appearance.He understands that things will definitely not be small.In this way.Liang Chao couldn't help feeling worried again.After all, he is Zhang Fan's subordinate.The first thing that comes to mind is whether I have made a mistake.

But Liang Chao thought about it.I didn't even think of what I had done wrong.In addition, during this period of time, whether it is the capital or other places.Neither the court nor the people seem to have had any major events.He hasn't done anything big either.and.Actually.Ever since Zhang Fan became the commander of Jinyiwei.And after promoting Liang Chao.Although he still wants to be like before.With a three-point cynical look.But for Weizhong's official business.But it has never been sloppy.even.Even before Zhang Fan took over as Jin Yiwei.He never did anything big either.Even if there is, follow the instructions above.Never decided for myself.

Think here.Liang Chao couldn't help but settle down a bit.In his opinion no matter what.It should also have nothing to do with yourself.But he's still thinking about it.In case the people below him did something privately.Then I am duty-bound in front of Zhang Fan.Think here.Liang Chao had a plan in mind.If this matter really has anything to do with the people below him.When he goes back, he will absolutely skin that man's cramps and let it go.

"Recently, something unusual happened in the capital." Zhang Fan was silent for a long time.Finally he spoke. "I'm not talking about the court. It's the people."

"National people." Liang Chao heard Zhang Fan's question.My heart couldn't help but relax.He understood that it was not because of what happened in Weizhong.However, what Zhang Fan asked still made him very puzzled. "Folk... my lord. This is the capital city. At the feet of the Son of Heaven. In addition, the court has been very stable during this period of time. Nothing has happened at all. Therefore, the people in the capital city are also very peaceful. In addition, it is now It's midsummer. The weather is also very hot. Whether it's the officials in the court or the common people. Even the brothers in Weizhong are a little tired. They don't have the mind to make troubles at all."

"En." Hearing Liang Chao say this.Zhang Fan nodded.Then he started to think again.

Liang Chao saw Zhang Fan like this.I don't know what to do again.Just sit there.

And Zhang Fan was also thinking.indeed.The current situation is just as Liang Chao said.Although the DPRK and China are brewing some things now.And it's a big deal.But at least for now, there's nothing wrong with it.And even Zhang Juzheng's reform was put on the agenda.Even if there is some disturbance in the imperial court.This does not seem to affect the folks.

And Liang Chao was right.That is, it is now the height of summer.people at this time.The most sleepy.My heart is restless.But it's not enough to cause trouble.It is also because of this season.In fact, small friction is constant.But there will be no big trouble.

But Zhang Fan didn't care about these things: "I'm not asking about the common people's affairs. It's about what happened to the people in the capital. It's about the common people. But it's definitely not caused by the common people."

"This..." Liang Chao heard Zhang Fan's question.I became even more suspicious.asked hesitantly. "Your Excellency, you mean things like... rebellion..." Zhang Fan asked.Liang Chao could only think of this.

"It's true...not entirely true." Zhang Fan hesitated.In his opinion.Maybe there is something.But it shouldn't be that serious. "After all, this is the capital city. At the foot of the emperor. Not to mention that there are eyeliners of us and Dongchang everywhere in the city. Even in the Ming Dynasty. There are many people sent by the imperial court. I don't think anyone would dare to ask for help here. What trouble. I'm more worried. It's something else..."

"My lord, please forgive me for being stupid. I really don't understand what my lord is referring to." Liang Chao saw that Zhang Fan was still unwilling to speak clearly.Now he was impatient.It was so clear to ask.After all, what Zhang Fan said.It sounds like something is going to happen.And it's not small.But Zhang Fan refused to explain to him.Liang Chao can also be regarded as a short-tempered person.In this way.Even in the face of Zhang Fan.He was also a little impatient.I had to ask outright.

What Liang Chao said was a bit out of courtesy.Zhang Fan had no objection.He also realized that he was being too vague.If he stood in Liang Chao's position.I'm afraid I will have no patience.

"This matter..." I thought for a while.Zhang Fan still planned to speak out. "This matter is related to the third lady and the fourth lady."

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.Liang Chao couldn't help being even more surprised.

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