"You said to find someone to be our lobbyist." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Zhang Juzheng immediately raised his head.There is also a radiant look on the face.Obviously.Zhang Fan's proposal made him very interested.

"That's exactly what the student meant." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "Wait until tomorrow. After we release the news. Although no one dared to say anything in the early court, but in the lower part, there will be chaos everywhere in private. At this time, if someone can stand up and speak for us In a word, the situation will definitely be much better."

"Hmm. That's the truth." Listening to Zhang Fan's narration.Zhang Juzheng was also thinking about it himself. "It's just that there are still some troubles."

"Trouble. What does the teacher mean?" Hearing Zhang Juzheng said there was trouble.Zhang Fan hurriedly asked.

"You know. Those who will agree with us without us saying it. And they are in high positions in the court. People with power in their hands. In fact, their tempers are also extremely stubborn." Zhang Juzheng said. "By that time. If other people are talking about how to oppose them. Maybe these people will stand up and refute them. Where do we need to use our words. Lobby them. But if you really go to them. Maybe they will It’s another way of thinking. You might even wonder if there’s some kind of conspiracy in it. If that’s the case, many people might still keep their mouths shut. Then we’d be wasting our time.”

"Yes. Indeed. What the teacher said is correct." Hearing what Zhang Juzheng said.Zhang Fan also agreed.after all.Those ministers in the court.People who have been in official career for a long time.More or less grumpy.Especially those who are consistently clean and honest.In fact, this kind of person is much more difficult to deal with than those corrupt officials.

After all, corrupt officials.What you do on weekdays is not very serious.Although it has been a long time.Maybe they no longer have the feeling of tension and guilt in their hearts.But actually.Guilt has long been buried deep in their hearts.It's just hard to express it.

If you meet this kind of person.It's actually easy to do.Don't speak too bluntly.If you speak too plainly.On the contrary, it will cause their dissatisfaction.Under the influence of self-esteem.Naturally, he would strongly deny it.On the contrary, it can't be done.But if you use some subtle ways.There is something in the words.Let him feel that you know about him.Now I just don't want to be too direct.So that he has a step down.This kind of threat is the most effective.Although he might not agree on the spot.But there is a great possibility that it will help you later.

And for those officials who are clean and honest.That's the trouble.Actually.Honest officials are the most difficult people.Some people have been consistent even after entering the official career.Never corrupt a penny.I have never formed a party for personal gain.Some may just be some minor violations of discipline and law.But also harmless.Now it has already been corrected.This kind of person seems to be very honest.However actually.This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with.It is also the most unreasonable.

these people.Whether it is serious and honest.Or those who once had a dark history.Now bleached prudence.All have one common characteristic.That is to think that Lao Tzu is the best in the world.I have never done anything wrong.

And often people with such thoughts.All with a reason.That is to say that he is an upright person.He has been an official "clean and honest" all his life.Did nothing wrong.so.They feel that they don't need to be afraid of anyone.No matter how powerful the opponent is.No matter how powerful the rights are.It's useless against them.They feel they have a point.

That's it.I often meet such people.It's fine if it's normal.But once you have something to ask them.That's the trouble.

If your position is lower than theirs.That's not too bad.After all, that's the case.You should really ask them.in process.Naturally, it is inevitable to meet and greet.And those flattering words are indispensable.if that is the case.Their egos are gratified.Naturally, it will give you some benefits.As long as it's not too difficult.They will all agree.Even if it is something that they are somewhat beyond their capabilities or even something they don't want to do.It is possible to agree.

but.If you appear in front of them with a high profile.Things were different again.Take Zhang Fan or Zhang Juzheng today.Even Feng Bao said.These three people can be said to be going smoothly in the court now.And the status is all very high.It can almost be regarded as a figure standing at the apex of officials.Even Zhang Fan.Based on his current relationship with Zhu Yijun.It's normal to go to the next level in the future.

And if these three people go to those people for help.Or in other words, send someone in the name of the three of them to ask those people to help.Things were different again.

Those who claim to be clean.For those who are higher than themselves.Most of them have a kind of morbid contempt.In their view.You are the one who deserves the high position.And other people who are higher than them.It must have gone up by improper means.So face them.These people are extremely disdainful.Even the other party didn't say anything.They have already started rejecting each other.

It comes down to it.It's just a morbid expression.Although it sounds very uncomfortable.Even a little disgusting.But when all kinds of unusual behaviors become common.When not used to become a habit.These things will become normal.

If you have a higher status than the other party.But now there are some things that need their help.is quite difficult.If the attitude is too high.They definitely won't help you.They think they are clean.There is nothing to be afraid of.But resist those who are higher than them.and.Even if you coerce and lure them.It might not work out either.

Words of temptation.It's not that these people are really otherworldly.There is no desire in my heart.certainly.There must be such a person among them.But most of them are just mortals.Since it is a mortal.Then there will always be something that can impress them.only.These people say no matter what.Perhaps obsession.Maybe it's been faked for too long.In the face of these sudden temptations.Perhaps the mind will waver.But in most cases, they will resolutely refuse.

After rejecting.Naturally, they will not promise you anything.It's not that there aren't any benefits.That's only one aspect.More is.They always feel.This is how you "bribe" them into doing you a favour.This is simply insulting them.

If so.Neither got any benefit.Feeling insulted again.Let alone these people.It is impossible for anyone to agree to you.

Not to mention coercion.These are really clean.Or officials who claim to be clean.What they are least afraid of is that someone will oppress them with power and title.In their view.Since I have never done anything wrong.Then there is no need to be afraid of this kind of person.Officials with such thoughts.Not just for other officials.Even the emperor's Tianwei.They still dare to offend.And often.If this kind of person is really cut off by the emperor.There will be a good story left.However, it was rare for the emperor to kill such ministers after all.After all, because of the special reasons of these people.Generally, they were somewhat famous in the ruling and opposition parties at that time.If the emperor killed such a person for any reason.The common people are even the officials of the imperial court.Usually they don't remember how that person offended Sheng Jia or what he did wrong.They will only say how loyal and patriotic this man is.But it was because of being outspoken in front of the emperor.thus offending the emperor.was killed.

As the emperor, he had heard of such things.Especially in the Ming Dynasty.Although some emperors may not believe it yet.But now.Just because the imperial staff passed some officials.And the trouble made the ruling and the opposition are inseparable.I also heard people say that I am a fool.So now the emperor.Although I don't like this kind of thing very much.But it is also possible to avoid killing as much as possible.

Just imagine.These people are not even afraid of the emperor.Will he still be afraid of the chief minister of the cabinet like Zhang Juzheng?Maybe Zhang Fan and Feng Bao will fight.Relying on the reputation of Jinyiwei and Dongchang, these people can be restrained.But that's not an option either.

"Well. What the teacher said is indeed a big trouble." After listening to Zhang Juzheng's words.Zhang Fan also nodded with deep understanding.He has seen many such people in the past.Especially in Jinyiwei.He has seen many more.And the officials captured by Jin Yiwei.Most of them are like this.

and.More than [-]% of them.Even on the rack.Even been punished.But the mouth is still very hard.As if he still holds the truth.No one can treat them like normal.

so.Now Zhang Juzheng said so.Zhang Fan also felt a little unreliable.These people are not afraid of the ministers and the emperor.Not afraid of the emperor, afraid of Jinyiwei and Dongchang.And now.Even the two most terrifying official groups in the Ming Dynasty are no longer afraid.Zhang Fan didn't know how else he could make sense of these people.

But Zhang Fan didn't worry too long.He suddenly thought of one thing.

"Yuande. Did you think of anything?" Seeing Zhang Fan's brows stretched.Zhang Juzheng understood that he had already thought of a way.So hurry up and ask.

"Students understand the teacher's worries." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "But the students know. There is one. As long as you ask him for help because of this matter, he will definitely agree."

"Oh. Who is it?" Zhang Juzheng also became interested.

Zhang Fan also looked at Zhang Juzheng.He smiled and said, "Then it must be Master Ge Shouli Ge from the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

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