The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 583 Depth of Relationship

pretext.Absolute excuse.Zhang Fan can naturally hear it.

That's right.I am involved in some personal affairs.But it is not so labor-intensive.not to mention.What Zhang Juzheng wanted to say was to ask Ge Shouli to help him lobby other officials in the court.Let them agree to such a major event as the implementation of the "examination method".Zhang Juzheng has not yet reached the point where public and private are not separated.Moreover.Even if Zhang Fan really has some personal matters to worry about.How can it compare to the importance of this matter?

so.Zhang Juzheng refused to let Zhang Fan speak.but to.You should go by yourself.The reason has nothing to do with Zhang Fan at all.Even if Zhang Juzheng didn't say it himself.Zhang Fan could also figure it out.

But what is the reason?Zhang Juzheng's eloquence is really better than Zhang Fan's.It doesn't look like it might.Although Zhang Juzheng has been an official in the court for decades.His talent and wisdom are also affirmed by hundreds of officials.But for Zhang Fan, a rising star.Let's talk about lobbying.He may not be much taller than Zhang Fan.

not to mention.This time the target was Ge Shouli.Facing Ge Shouli's words.Zhang Fan has more advantages than Zhang Ju.That is for Zhang Fan.Ge Shouli admired it very much.And the two are more able to talk together.But for Zhang Juzheng.Even before.Ge Shouli had already let go of his past suspicions.But after all, there are some contradictions between him and Zhang Juzheng.It is inevitable that there will be some stumbles when speaking.

So speak up.anyway.In addition, Zhang Ju was just for the top priority in his heart.This should definitely let Zhang Fan go.That would give you a lot more confidence.It is almost certain that Ge Shouli can be persuaded.And Zhang Juzheng went into battle by himself.But it is not necessarily the case.

But now.Zhang Juzheng did not let Zhang Fan go.Instead, you have to go into battle yourself.This has to make people feel strange.

But Zhang Fan would not.He also just felt that there were some problems from the beginning.But the next moment.He has already completely figured out what is going on in it.

Zhang Juzheng wanted to go in person.It's not that he doesn't care about the success of the "test method".on the contrary.Zhang Juzheng has always put it first.Then if Zhang Juzheng decides to go by himself.It shows that he is determined to persuade Ge Shouli.

only.Where does Zhang Juzheng's confidence come from?Zhang Fan also had some guesses.Zhang Juzheng planned to go in person.But he didn't want Zhang Fan to pass by either.Probably.He was going to apologize to Ge Shouli.After all.To Zhang Juzheng's current status.Even if I feel guilty in my heart.It was also impossible to say an apology.That would be more than a loss of face.Even more, it will damage your lot of people who have reached this status.Some people have done wrong things but have no way to say it.Some even know that doing so is wrong.But under the pressure of the situation.Still have to do that.

Zhang Fan could understand the difficulty.Although he also understands that is wrong.Although for Zhang Fan.He's doing pretty well.When something goes wrong, most of them are able to say apologetic words calmly.But Zhang Fan also had to put on airs.When you refuse to admit your mistakes.Even if he already felt extremely guilty in his heart.

And now.He saw that Zhang Juzheng seemed to have such a plan.Honestly.Zhang Fan was very happy.In his opinion.Zhang Juzheng decided to do this.It is also good.After all.The person who apologized was Ge Shouli.And Ge Shouli is a generous and kind person.Think back then.Zhang Juzheng said those words to insult Ge Shouli.Ge Shouli could bear it.Did not make any drastic moves.Some even forgave Zhang Juzheng wanted to apologize to him in person.From Zhang Fan's point of view.It is very likely that Ge Shouli will accept Zhang Juzheng's apology.

if that is the case.Zhang Juzheng asked Ge Shouli to agree to help him persuade other ministers to agree with the "examination of the law".Naturally, it is a matter of course.After all.In fact, Zhang Fan had already discussed this matter with Ge Shouli before.And Ge Shouli was listening to Zhang Fan's narration.After knowing Zhang Juzheng's thoughts and the specifics of the "examination method".He also wholeheartedly agrees.Ge Shouli had no reason to object.

only.Although Zhang Fan now feels that this matter is very gratifying.But he still has some concerns.It's just that what Zhang Fan is worried about is not the current situation.It's something in the future.

this time.Ge Shouli will definitely forgive Zhang Juzheng.And accept his apology.But in Ge Shouli's mind.For Zhang Juzheng, there is really no gap at all.Back to the situation a few years ago?Zhang Fan didn't think so.And he had this feeling not for Ge Shouli's sake.Even Zhang Fan himself.I also have this idea in my heart.

When did this feeling come out.In fact, it wasn't because Zhang Juzheng was speaking ill of Ge Shouli in front of Zhu Yijun.It's been there since he knew that Zhang Juzheng planned to cooperate with Feng Bao.

but.That's it again.Actually.Zhang Fan also has no qualifications to talk about Zhang Juzheng in this regard.After all, he is now.In fact, he and Feng Bao are also on the side.

But Zhang Fan also thought the situation was too bad.Only he would think about this kind of thing.Among the officials in the court.There are not a few people who know that Zhang Fan and Feng Bao are involved.From the time when Zhang Fan was trapped in the south of the Yangtze River and was invaded by Japanese pirates.Feng Bao broke the news about the spy who had captured the Japanese pirates.Let the court make up its mind to send Qi's army to support the beginning.The officials have already seen that there is a relationship between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.

And to the back.Zhang Fan collected evidence.Help Feng Bao drive off Meng Chong.Let him successfully ascend to the position of eunuch in charge of ceremonies in advance.It also confirmed the relationship between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.Not to mention afterward.When Zhang Fan was dealing with Gao Gong together with Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng.It also took a lot of effort.

but.Everything of this sort.What Zhang Fan did in it was not too transgressive.It can even be said.Although Zhang Fan helped Feng Bao a lot.And Feng Bao also helped Zhang Fan a lot.It can even be said that Feng Bao indirectly saved Zhang Fan's name.But between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.It hasn't reached that... that level of embarrassment.They are actually just like ordinary colleagues.For negotiable.Just help the other person when they are in trouble.It can be said that it is a relationship built on the basis of mutual appreciation.In fact, this kind of relationship has almost disappeared in today's court.And it was between Zhang Fan, the commander of Jinyiwei, and Feng Bao, the commander of the East Factory.It can be said that they were able to reach a relationship of friendship on this basis.It should be considered a miracle.

but.The relationship between them is just that.It hasn't gone any deeper.

And the relationship between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.It has too many benefits.Although Zhang Fan can understand why Zhang Juzheng would do this.But he would not agree with Zhang Juzheng's approach.Didn't you see it?In order to achieve this relationship with Feng Bao.It can be said that Zhang Juzheng took great pains.He even gave up his beliefs.In order to help Feng Bao, he did some things that he would never have done before.There are good and bad in these things.Even among those good things.He also used some not-so-good means.

And to such a point.The relationship between Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao has changed.It is no longer as simple as the relationship between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.

The relationship between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.If you want to disconnect.very easy.After all, there is not much interest involved between the two.Even if Zhang Fan and Feng Bao will turn against each other in the future.But in fact, neither side has the handle of the other.So it doesn't matter.

However, Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao are different.Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao can be said to be interdependent now.He helped Feng Bao do many shameful things.He even bribed Feng Bao.The same is true for Feng Bao.If the two of them turned against each other.Under each other's demolition.What was revealed was enough to make both of them step into the bottomless abyss.

perhaps.Feng Bao has his own troubles.Zhang Juzheng will be affected a lot.But still able to hold out.But once Zhang Juzheng loses power.Feng Bao will definitely be's Feng Bao is also continuing to consolidate and deepen the "relationship" between him and Zhang Juzheng.

so.Today's Zhang Juzheng can't do it even if he wants to stop.If Feng Bao wants to ask Zhang Juzheng for help if there is anything else in the future.Even if it is some extremely insidious.It's even shameful.Although Zhang Juzheng would be disgusted.But he has absolutely no right to refuse.This is exactly the crux.

so.Zhang Fan understood.Even this time Ge Shouli was able to forgive Zhang Juzheng.But after.If Feng Bao wanted to ask Zhang Juzheng for help.But once Zhang Juzheng did it.Let others know.Ge Shouli will continue to hate Zhang Juzheng.

but.After all.That is also for the future.At least in front of you.Ge Shouli could stand up and speak for Zhang Juzheng.So that the "examination method" can be implemented smoothly.That's the most important thing.As for the rest.Let time to slowly verify it.

"In this case, the students will not accompany the teacher to Mr. Ge's residence." Zhang Fan said. "Student still has some things to do. Go to the yamen."

"Yeah." Nodded.Zhang Juzheng said. "You can go to work with peace of mind. Just... don't think I'm long-winded. Isn't that tricky?"

"Thank you teacher for your concern." Zhang Fan said. "Actually. It's just some family business in the student's house. It's not a big deal."

"Oh." Zhang Fan said it was a family matter.It was inconvenient for Zhang Juzheng to continue asking.

And Zhang Fan.My heart began to worry again.

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