The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 589 Misjudgment

Hearing that Zhang Fan asked him to read the file, Liang Chao was quite puzzled.

Although the above records are all things that his subordinates have seen, after all, they are related to Yingyue and Zhaoxue, so Liang Chao always feels that it is not appropriate for him to take them to see, but now, Now that Zhang Fan has let him read it, it means that at least Zhang Fan thinks it is nothing for him to read the things recorded above, or Zhang Fan believes in him, even if there is really something in it, he Liang Chao will not say out.

Regarding this, although Zhang Fan did not say anything about it, these were just Liang Chao's own assumptions, but thinking about it this way, Liang Chao always felt that what Zhang Fan did was his trust in him. In short, no matter what, Liang Chao's mood is much better now, and he no longer has the self-pitying mood of coming in and being scolded or taking the blame.

Even if you put aside these questions, Zhang Fan asked him to read this. Since it was Zhang Fan's words, it was equivalent to an order. As a subordinate official, Liang Chao must obey it.

After taking the dossier, Liang Chao reversed the date on June 23rd according to the date recorded on the dossier. Since Zhang Fan told him to start reading from this day, he naturally followed Zhang Fan's intention and would never go any further. It was an extra day before.

He didn't know what Zhang Fan told him to look at, and Zhang Fan didn't say anything, but Liang Chao knew in his heart that if there was any problem, he wouldn't fail to see it.

At this point, some people may ask, since the above problem is not hidden, why the people who were responsible for following Yingyue and Zhaoxue did not see it, and did not report it to Zhang Fan, but they know that now, Zhang Fan feels that there is a problem, and after a while Check it out to see it.

In fact, this principle is not difficult. You can imagine that it is like keeping accounts on weekdays. You have recorded a very special thing for several days in a row, but you didn’t feel it at the time. You didn’t realize it until you read the front. the problem.

Now, the files that Zhang Fan was reviewing also had this problem. After all, this was Zhang Fan using Jin Yiwei's men to follow and protect his family. Although there is nothing bad about this kind of thing, it should not be made too big, so These people also only take notes, and then copy them on the file, but that's all. They are only responsible for tracking and protecting Yingyue and Zhaoxue from any threats outside, and are not responsible for analyzing the situation, or eliminating hidden dangers in advance. , and these files will not be sent to the Experience Department, and naturally there will be no people who specialize in these things to analyze, and in the final analysis, the problem Zhang Fan discovered is not far from today. If it takes a long time, the problem will naturally be seen.

But now, although Zhang Fan is holding a file that has not been read by anyone, after all, it is a file that has been sorted out by others. In addition, for some reasons, Zhang Fan reads it very carefully, so he can see the problem when he looks at it this way. up.

But in fact, because Zhang Fan was too involved in another aspect, starting from June 23, he didn't realize the problem until the end of June.

"My lord, this..." Liang Chao is naturally not distracted like Zhang Fan, and he understands that Zhang Fan asked him to read the file, which means there is indeed something wrong with it, so he read it more carefully. It's just that the emphasis is different from Zhang Fan's. Not to mention, Liang Chao discovered the problem very early, and he found the problem after only five days of watching.

"Well, you can see it too," Zhang Fan said when Liang Chao asked this question.

That's right, Liang Chao also saw the problem.

"The two of them, starting from June 23rd," Zhang Fan said about the problems he found, "After the summer, the two of them went out much later than before, and it happened that I had something to do with Mr. Zhang I have to be busy, so I was at Mr. Zhang's house at noon in those few days, and I didn't go back, and I don't know what happened. After that, I went out early, and after I went out, I no longer wanted to wander the streets like before, but went straight to a place, "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liang Chao clamped the few pages starting from the 23rd with his hands, and looked back and forth repeatedly. Looking at it, Liang Chao's brows also became more and more wrinkled.

Seeing Liang Chao's appearance, Zhang Fan understood that he had already discovered the problem, and there was a smile on his face, but that smile was only for a moment, and then disappeared. He showed a troubled expression once. Indeed, he found out the problem, which is naturally something to be happy about, but the problem is that this problem involves the two people Zhang Fan cares about the most. Even if he found out the problem, there is nothing to be happy about. of.

And Liang Chao's brows became more and more deeply wrinkled following Zhang Fan's words, and an unbelievable look appeared in his lowered eyes that Zhang Fan couldn't see.

"My lord, this..." Looking up, Liang Chao didn't hide the unbelievable expression in his eyes. He just looked at Zhang Fan and asked in broken words, " not possible,"

"It's impossible," Zhang Fan felt worried when he heard him say this, and his voice became louder, "Since June 23, the two of them have been going to That place, although I have been there before, but it’s not like it is now, I don’t go anywhere when I leave the house, I go straight there,”

"But my lord..." Liang Chao still seemed to disagree with Zhang Fan's words.

"Also," Zhang Fan continued, regardless of what Liang Chao had to say, and he didn't give him a chance to speak at all, "The two women's families don't stay at home in this summer, and don't wait for the weather to cool. One o'clock, the sun is so big at noon, and you run outside after eating, doesn't that explain the problem?"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liang Chao closed his mouth in a sensible manner, and even sighed slightly. However, although Liang Chao seemed to agree with Zhang Fan's words, it was only because Zhang Fan was his superior. He is a subordinate, how can a subordinate disagree with what the superior said.

But even so, Liang Chao revealed disbelief both in his heart and in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Obviously, Zhang Fan also saw Liang Chao's expression, and he asked back, "Don't you still not believe it? Could it be that such conspicuous evidence is already in front of you, so there is nothing unbelievable. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's affirmation, Liang Chao sighed this time, and said, "My lord, I understand how you care about the two wives, even though I'm not married yet, I also respect your lord's point of view, but, Now it seems that my lord seems to be a little too concerned about the two wives, and now I see that the two wives go to the same place every day, I feel that there is a problem, "

"What do you mean by that?" Zhang Fan couldn't help asking after hearing what he said, "Could it be that this is not the problem?" Zhang Fan didn't look annoyed at this time, but he really didn't understand why Liang Chao Disagree with yourself.

"If it's something else, I will naturally think so," Liang Chao said, "After all, if someone goes to the same place for several days in a row, it will really make people feel that there is a problem, but here, I think it's probably just going No matter how much, even if you go ten times or eight times a day, it’s probably not a problem.”

"What do you mean by that?" Zhang Fan immediately asked. Indeed, what Liang Chao said really made him feel puzzled. It's not a problem to go ten times or eight times a day.

"My lord, please see where this is," Liang Chao said to Zhang Fan, pointing to a place on the file.

Zhang Fan didn't look at it. After all, he had been looking at it for a long time just now, so he knew where it was, so he opened his mouth and said, "Tianning Temple,"

Seeing what Zhang Fan said so confidently, Liang Chao couldn't help but laugh now even though he was Zhang Fan's subordinate.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhang Fan didn't feel angry at Liang Chao's obvious mockery of himself. Instead, he asked suspiciously. He really couldn't understand what happened to "Tianning Temple" .

"My lord, if it's any other place, even if it's another temple or Taoist temple, I won't say anything about it," Liang Chao said, "but this Tianning Temple... My lord, this place, even if you spend all day long It's all there, and it's normal,"

"What do you mean?" Zhang Fan became even more confused after hearing his words.

"I wonder if my lord has read Buddhist scriptures," Liang Chao asked instead of speaking.

"I have read a few books, but I am a scholar, and I don't believe in Buddhism." Obviously, Zhang Fan was even more confused about why Liang Chao asked himself this question.

"This is the problem," Liang Chao said, "My lord doesn't believe in Buddhism, but he doesn't know the origin of Tianning Temple."

"Oh." Hearing what Liang Chao said, Zhang Fan also became interested, "Let's hear it."

"My lord, there are already many temples in our capital city. It can be said to be 'one temple in ten steps, one temple in five steps'. There are thousands of temples in the inner and outer cities," Liang Chao explained. "This world is called' Tianning Temple’s temples are not limited to this one in our capital, there are all places in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Henan, Hebei, Fujian, and even some provinces have more than one temple, but this one in our capital 'Tianning Temple' is also different,"

"What is it?" Zhang Fan asked involuntarily.

"The 'Tianning Temple' in our capital was built during the reign of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and it can be regarded as one of the oldest temples in the capital," Liang Chao said. "It would be fine if it was in another place, but If there is a problem here, it must be that you, my lord, have misunderstood, "

Hearing what Liang Chao said, Zhang Fan frowned again,

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