"What the teacher means..." Zhang Fan looked at Zhang Juzheng and said, "When Mr. Pan goes to Henan to check and report the required amount of silver to the imperial court, the imperial court will distribute it for people to monitor, but also get three accounts. "

Although Zhang Fan's words were an inquiry, the meaning was already quite clear. He was even sure that Zhang Juzheng thought so.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Zhang Juzheng thinking this way. After all, the officials of the Ming Dynasty were seriously corrupt. For places like this where money is needed, every withdrawal and use of money must be reported to the court. In order to check in the future, it will be much more convenient for Zhang Juzheng to experiment with the "Testing Method".

However, according to past experience, no matter what methods the court uses, they can only be contained, but they cannot be eliminated at all, and the so-called "containment" is actually quite limited. When checking in the future, the amount of some silver can't be found out, but there are various reasons and evasions. Let alone recovering it, it is impossible to find out who should be responsible.

"What's the matter, Yuande, what's wrong with doing this?" Seeing Zhang Fan's appearance, Zhang Juzheng couldn't help asking. In fact, Zhang Juzheng knew exactly what doubts Zhang Fan had, but this kind of He can't say that, he is the one who made the proposal, if he also said that, then he has no confidence, what should we do, he came to solve the problem after he had doubts.

"Teacher, this is good, but there are some troubles." Zhang Fan didn't want to hit Zhang Juzheng or disagree with him. He even agreed with Zhang Juzheng's proposal in his heart. Now he Saying that, I just mentioned the possible troubles, and I want to know if Zhang Juzheng has any solutions to solve the problem, "It's just that even if the teacher did this, the three account books recorded the money at the same time. The number and purpose of use can indeed be seen at a glance when the court checks, and any mistakes can be seen at a glance, but isn't it the same when the court checks in the past, even if there are any problems, it can be seen at a glance , but even if the problem is discovered, nothing can be solved. The students are afraid that when the time comes, there will be various reasons.

"Besides, although it is not good for the court to lose some money, it is not a big deal. The students are just afraid that if the teacher does this, all the officials in the court will know the teacher's plan and want to try this "Testing Method" ", but if the problem cannot be solved by then, those who have just begun to agree with it now may start to oppose it again. If this happens, the loss outweighs the gain."

This is what Zhang Fan is worried about. In fact, this is the case. He should be worried about these things. If the current problems cannot be solved by then, this is not the most important thing. I am afraid that those who do not agree with him at all. The people of "Testing into the Law" are now somewhat relaxed because of Ge Shouli's lobbying, but if they do it like this, they will start to oppose it, and the opposition will be more reasoned than now. For Zhang Juzheng, it has to be said that it is a bet.

Facing the sensational things Zhang Fan said, Zhang Juzheng didn't even have the slightest sense of panic, and he still smiled and said to Zhang Fan: "These things are actually my own. I have thought about it a long time ago, Yuande doesn't have to worry too much, "

Hearing Zhang Juzheng say so confidently, Zhang Fan couldn't help being taken aback. Zhang Fan really couldn't see where Zhang Juzheng's confidence came from, but he also believed that Zhang Juzheng was not a person who knew he couldn't do it, but insisted on doing it. People who still pretend to be calm, especially in this matter, since Zhang Juzheng is so relaxed, there must be a way to deal with it.

Regarding this, Zhang Fan couldn't help becoming curious: "I don't know what countermeasures the teacher has to deal with it."

"It's a good way to deal with it, but to be honest, I really don't dare to take it," Zhang Juzheng said, "But I understand that there is nothing wrong with doing so.

"For one thing, regarding the final verification, at that time, before the imperial court allocates funds, I just need to report to Your Majesty and add one more sentence in the imperial decree, 'The money used must not be used for things that have nothing to do with the disaster. I will go there in person, and I must not pretend to be someone else, and I must not collect it for others. Even if it is urgent, I must have documents in hand. Of course, even if this is the case, it may not be able to completely prevent this matter. There must be discrepancies, but there is one thing, who will make the mistake at that time, it will also be clear at a glance.

"The method you mentioned is like an afterthought at first glance. But in this way, those who except for 'mistakes' are severely punished. If this kind of thing happens in the future, those thoughtful people will not dare to act recklessly again. , unscrupulous, "

"This..." Hearing Zhang Juzheng's words, Zhang Fan also thought about it in his heart, "It is indeed the case, even if it fails to meet the requirements this time, it will still have the effect of killing chickens and monkeys. Naturally, there will be fewer people doing that, but... it's just one of them, the second problem is what the students care about, if this matter is not done well, let those people find a place to take advantage of it , when the time comes, everyone will stand up against the teacher's words, what should we do?"

"There's no need to worry," Zhang Ju's smile deepened when facing Zhang Fan's question, "We don't even need to do anything about this question,"

"Teacher, what do you mean by this?" Zhang Fan was even more puzzled by Zhang Juzheng's attitude. He didn't know that he had already made the matter so serious. Why Zhang Juzheng didn't look worried at all, but instead It was even more relaxed. Moreover, Zhang Fan didn't force himself at all when he saw Zhang Juzheng's appearance, and he didn't pretend at all. This was what Zhang Fan couldn't figure out the most.

"Yuande, you are just confused by the things in front of you. You only see what you are worried about, but you don't look forward," Zhang Juzheng said. "First of all, this time is just a trial. This matter, but they feel that it is futile for me to do this. The people below may hear the news, but they will not care. You will find out how much the imperial court attaches great importance to this, and even if they can't chase the money, they have severely punished those corrupt officials who broke the law.

"And your second worry is even less of a problem. After all, no matter what, the "Testing Method" has now been completed, and it is now used here to test how it is. If it is even this simple situation If we can’t deal with it, then we’d better start from scratch early, think of other ways, and don’t spend any more effort on it,”

Zhang Fan could tell that although Zhang Juzheng said it lightly, when he said the words "Start from scratch", there were some other emotions on his face.

Even so, Zhang Fan cannot deny what Zhang Juzheng said. Yes, the two of them worked hard for several months to come up with a solution. It is just empty talk to rely on it to govern the officials of the Ming Dynasty. If that is the case, it should really be like what Zhang Juzheng said, start a new stove early, and then seek other methods.

After thinking about it, Zhang Fan also agreed with Zhang Juzheng's statement.

Seeing Zhang Fan like this, Zhang Juzheng felt relieved a lot, but he also murmured in his heart. What he was worried about was the same as what Zhang Fan said just now. It seems to be perfect, but once it is used in practice, it is full of loopholes. If it is useless... Zhang Juzheng is not worried about other things. After all, this method is not good, so he should continue to find other methods. After all, his ambition has always been firm. , will never allow this small setback to change anything.

But there is one thing that Zhang Juzheng is worried about. This "Testing Method" is the hard work of him and Zhang Fan for several months. Although it is not worth mentioning a few months for a reform, but, It took Zhang Juzheng several years to come up with the framework of such a method. If this method fails and he comes up with a new one, he does not know when he will have to wait. Although Zhang Juzheng is not old now Big, but life is unpredictable, whether he really has that much time is still unknown.

Here Zhang Juzheng was worrying about something, while over there, Zhang Fan, who had just been relieved, was worried again, and he thought of a new problem.

"Teacher," Zhang Fan frowned again, and said to Zhang Juzheng, "Students have another worry."

"What's the matter?" It's a good thing if there is a problem, if there is no problem, Zhang Juzheng will be worried.

"The teacher's intentions are also understood by the students," Zhang Fan said, "It's just that the "Testing Method" has not been officially presented to the emperor, and the ministers below are not the same as before even though it is because of Mr. Ge's lobbying." That is all against it, but if you want to try it, there is a problem. After all, there is no such precedent in the imperial court, and the law cannot be changed at will when the holy will is unclear. The students are afraid that when the time comes, the teacher If it is brought up, some people will disagree."

Facing Zhang Fan's worry, this time Zhang Juzheng really didn't have any worries at all, and smiled again,

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