Hearing Liang Chao say there was a problem, Zhang Fan couldn't help but frowned.

In the past, Zhang Fan always felt that even if he had asked the wrong question just now, or Liang Chao would have misunderstood Zhang Fan's meaning and answered him something that was originally irrelevant, but in Zhang Fan's view, what Liang Chao answered him just now The matter is not completely unrelated, and he can even get some answers from it.

But this time, after Zhang Fan asked the question word by word, he didn't expect that Liang Chao's answer was the same as before. , but he already said that there was trouble.

Zhang Fan doesn't like this kind of feeling, this kind of feeling that things are troublesome without knowing the reason. Of course, Zhang Fan is not afraid of trouble, it's just that he doesn't want trouble, but at this time, Liang Chao said If there is any trouble, Zhang Fan always feels that it is not a bad thing, maybe he can find out some problem, and then use it to remind Zhang Juzheng.

"What do you mean by that?" Zhang Fan couldn't help asking Liang Chao when he thought of this, "You say it's questionable, do you really mean something to pay attention to, or is there something troublesome?"

"My lord..." Liang Chao cupped his hands towards Zhang Fan and said, "Actually, I don't really understand this in my heart. Sometimes it's just a matter of paying attention, but sometimes, it's really a trouble,"

Hearing what Liang Chao said, Zhang Fan frowned even deeper.

"The humble official doesn't know how the adults in the court usually behave," Liang Chao said. "Besides, if the humble official acts in a different way, it is actually very different."

"How do you say it?" Zhang Fan asked.

"When the adults in the court act," Liang Chao said, "no matter how they discuss or argue with each other, if they act in the end, they always need to make a decision before they act, and this decision must either come from the court. The court meeting, or the imperial decree issued by the emperor himself, about this point, I think the adults know better than the humble official, and I have heard about how the court officials in the past acted. They are different, but in fact they are almost the same. They are all things that must not be violated. Of course, it is up to the person to decide what to do. Make some changes, but never dare to make too much, and some people, because the order comes from the court or the emperor, so even if they think it is better to do things in another way, they dare not make any changes.

"However, the behavior of the low-level people is a little different. The words of the low-level people are definitely not disrespectful to adults. It is just that they serve in Jinyiwei. The orders they receive on weekdays do not actually have any dead rules. For example, low-level people, etc. I received an order from an adult to ransack the house with a low-level job. The order stipulated that all property should be confiscated, all people should be arrested, and no one should be killed. However, there was nothing in it, nor did it stipulate what the low-level people should do. The most direct way to do it is to order the above to say that you must not hurt people's lives, but the above did not say that you must not hurt people. At that time, some subordinates may avenge their personal revenge or beat the other party severely, but as long as they do not hurt their lives, Then there is no problem.

"Of course, these are all selfish things. For example, now that the opponent's handle has been found out, some subordinates are not satisfied with this. They always feel that there must be someone else behind the opponent, not just It's that simple to understand just by quarreling and questioning, so some people will use this order to dig deeper to see if they can find anything new.

"All in all, things are like this. Even in the end, if the adults feel that the humble job is wrong, or do something unnecessary, at most they will blame the humble job, but the humble job and others did not violate the orders of the adults after all, so the adults also I won’t be overly aggressive in rectifying lowly positions.”

Hearing what Liang Chao said, Zhang Fan pondered. The matter was indeed the case. Since the order given did not say that they were required to do that, but it did not say that they were not allowed to do that at all, then even if it was the last , What unnecessary things did my subordinates do, but as long as it was not too serious, or messed up my plan, I would never punish them severely, at most I would just reprimand them a few words.

"But..." Liang Chao saw the understanding expression on Zhang Fan's face, knew that Zhang Fan agreed with his words, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He originally thought that his words would make Zhang Fan unhappy. Xi, but now she feels relieved a lot, so she continued to say, "One more thing, people with humble positions would not dare to do that at all,"

"Oh," upon hearing what Liang Chao said, Zhang Fan became interested again, and asked, "How do you say that?"

"Hehe, my lord seems to have forgotten one thing." Liang Chao smiled helplessly, and said, "People with humble ranks are Jinyiwei after all."

"Jin Yiwei," Zhang Fan was a little puzzled. He didn't know why Liang Chao mentioned this matter. Of course they were Jin Yiwei. Fan's subordinates are naturally Jin Yiwei, so what's so strange about it.

However, Zhang Fan then understood why Liang Chao said that.

"That's right." Seeing Zhang Fan's suddenly enlightened expression, Liang Chao also understood that he knew it, and said, "Although the official position of the low-ranking people is different from that of the adults, they are the adults' subordinates. It's the same, that is, whether it is a humble official, an adult, or a subordinate of a humble official, they are all Jin Yiwei.

"And Jin Yiwei is the most important guard among the twelve personal guards of the Emperor of Heaven. In the final analysis, we are all working for the emperor. Because of this, sometimes the people who order us to work do not Not all of them are adults, but His Majesty personally gave the order. In that case, although the order cannot be revealed to outsiders, its essence has become the emperor's order, and the emperor's order cannot be violated. In this way, when low-ranking people execute the emperor's orders, it is different from executing the orders of adults.

"Even if the orders given by the emperor are the same as those of the adults, only asking about the purpose but passing by on the way, and there are no rules and regulations on what should be done and what should not be done by low-ranking people, but the emperor's order is the emperor's order, and there must be absolutely no difference. In the process of doing things, low-level people absolutely dare not act according to their own selfishness or their own assumptions as they did in the past. After all, if something happens in the end, even if it is something innocuous, for adults, we It's easy to explain, but when it comes to the emperor, we just don't obey the emperor's order, and we don't obey the emperor's order. This is a serious crime of deceiving the emperor. Jin Yiwei, not to mention that no one will know, even if people find out, there will never be people from the court who will come to intercede for the low-ranking people, and the fate of the low-ranking and other people can be imagined."

Liang Chao's words were spoken very easily, his tone was not solemn, and his brows were not wrinkled. All in all, he was very calm.

But Zhang Fan didn't feel relaxed. Naturally, he could feel the solemnity in Liang Chao's heart when he said these words. The appearance of not saying a word.

The street, which was full of laughter just now, is completely quiet now.

Yes, what Liang Chao said is not wrong at all, they are Jinyiwei, not only accepting Zhang Fan's orders, but also accepting the emperor's orders, of course, if it weren't for the fact that Zhang Fan and Feng Bao got along well now, Moreover, Zhang Fan is not subject to Feng Bao, otherwise they might have to obey Feng Bao's orders. Everyone only listened to the emperor alone. Maybe the emperor let them go when he was happy, but for an eunuch, he would never allow anyone to dare not obey his orders, and the end would definitely be death.

"It's just..." Liang Chao suddenly said again, "Even if it is the emperor's order, it may not be impossible to change it completely."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Fan asked.

"After all, it is the emperor's order," Liang Chao said, "the emperor's order cannot be violated, but there is another point, the emperor's order must not be failed. But there is a possibility that things cannot be done. Then, it will be more troublesome if the cart is turned upside down. Therefore, in order to be able to get things done, even if it is the emperor's life, when people with humble positions should, they still need to use some extraordinary means. But no matter what the means are, everything is just to fulfill the emperor's order, not for selfish desires, "

Although Liang Chao's words turned the matter around and made the topic less serious, Zhang Fan had a lot on his mind after hearing it.

However, although what Liang Chao said did not immediately lead Zhang Fan to find any way to help Zhang Juzheng, it also made him understand a little bit.

What Zhang Juzheng wants to do, now it seems that there is really no danger. After all, he is the chief assistant of the cabinet, and the so-called court council is basically in his hands. He gives himself orders, Make some changes, even if other people disagree in their hearts, they won't be able to say anything.

Even if the emperor wants to make an order, but now both Empress Dowager Li and Zhu Yijun are all obeying him. In this way, Zhang Juzheng's troubles will only come from the ministers in the court, but those troubles can only be put on the back burner now. up,

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