Zhang Fan has made up his mind now.

this time.He had to go to Ge Shouli's house in person.Clarify the facts of the matter before and after.Then offer to ask him to help.and.this time.It must be Zhang Fan.With the last thing.Although Zhang Fan had never heard what was going on from Ge Shouli or Zhang Juzheng himself.But from the eyes and tone between the two.And what Zhang Fan inquired about from Zhang Juzheng's mouth.It was enough for him to guess what it was like at that time.And actually.Zhang Fan's guess was also close to ten.

all in all.Zhang Juzheng couldn't go this time.If he goes again.Maybe it's such a good thing even if it's what it is.But his attitude and what he did to Ge Shouli.It is also very possible for Ge Shouli to know that it is a good thing.But he will not buy his account.It wasn't that Zhang Fan had any opinion on Ge Shouli.It's really Zhang Juzheng's things that are too unreasonable.In other words, Ge Shouli could bear it like this.If you change someone.It's been a long time since.

But although Zhang Fan has made up his mind now.But it's not in a hurry.After all, nowadays.It wasn't long before the flood happened.and.Pan Jixun and the other Zhishui just set off for Henan and South Zhili today.Although it is said that the matter of flooding is of great importance.As chief officers, the two of them naturally had to seize the time and go all out.But there are some things.No matter how anxious you are, you can't rush.After all, it is something that requires careful planning.

According to the past situation.Although Pan Jixun is walking in a hurry now.But the road traffic in this era is not developed.Although Henan is not far from the capital.But in any case, there are hundreds of miles away.Pan Jixun is another literati.Naturally, he would not go there on horseback.If you take a car.It takes a day anyway.

and.Even if Pan Jixun got there.Regardless of your fatigue.Start counting disasters immediately without eating or drinking.Prepare to report how much silver the court should use.But things are not that simple.Although there are two floods.What Pan Jixun managed was just a place in Henan.But there is not only one place in Henan where the dike was broken.At that time, Pan Jixun must visit many places to get a detailed understanding of the disaster situation.Only in this way can we know how much silver to use.After all, for things like using silver.The imperial court has always been cautious.Pan Jixun has controlled floods many times in the past.Nature understands this.Although it is impossible to report as much as you need.Not a penny.After all, it is necessary to report more.To deal with various emergencies that may arise.But this also has a limit.You can't ask for it randomly.

and.Pan Jixun has always been cautious about water control.Maybe when he gets there, he will immediately organize manpower management.But for the matter of how much money should be spent on statistics.It is wrong to say that it is not troublesome.It was impossible for Pan Jixun to make a hasty decision just based on the situation reported by the officials below.Then it is very likely that some people will take advantage of the loopholes.He must go there in person.See for yourself.That's how a decision can be made.

These things are quite a lot.But it's not too much to do.In addition, Pan Jixun is a person who has a deep understanding of this way.You can see why when you go to the scene.but.No matter how simple this matter is.But it also takes time.Maybe one day.Or maybe two days.Although the flood is still there.But the water potential also comes and goes quickly.It's not as fierce as it was a few days ago.But for one or two days.For Zhang Fan.But it is already a lot.

Plus.Pan Jixun also asked someone to send back the report.Even if it takes eight hundred miles to expedite.But it also takes more than half a day to get to the capital.

So now Zhang Fan is not too anxious to talk to Ge Shouli about this matter.At first things were not imminent.Secondly, Zhang Juzheng went to see Ge Shouli only yesterday after all.It was what made Ge Shouli agree to his request uncomfortably.And now.This is still less than a day.Zhang Fan came to the door again.

In this way.No matter how sincere Zhang Fan is.But it may not be successful.Instead of doing something so uncertain.Might as well wait until the right time.It's also easy to break with one hit.During this period of time, let Ge Shouli calm down first.

Think here.Zhang Fan also had to think of Zhang Juzheng.Maybe Zhang Juzheng's current mood.It is also quite complicated.Today's Zhang Juzheng.It can be described as mixed.

There is no need to say more about the happy things.Although he made Ge Shouli unhappy.But after all, he succeeded in "persuading" Ge Shouli to help him lobby the officials in the court.Don't let them oppose the implementation of the "Test Law".And now.It was another incident of flooding in the Huanghuai River.This incident happened to give Zhang Juzheng an opportunity.Let him have the opportunity to try to see whether the things he and Zhang Fan have spent nearly half a year working on will work.

And there are many things to worry about.One is that although he succeeded in persuading Ge Shouli to help.But the means he used were really not very good.Although Ge Shouli agreed to help him now.At the same time, it was full of resentment.Although it is said that Ge Shouli knows the generalities.Understand the order of things.But he's not a good guy for nothing.Zhang Juzheng humiliated him over and over again.Make tricks to deceive him.No one would be happy to change it.Ge Shouli was able to help him this time.Not necessarily the next time.

And the second thing that made Zhang Juzheng feel sad.The time when the flood happened was really embarrassing.On the one hand.It happened quite timely.Let Zhang Juzheng now have the opportunity to verify the effect of the "Testing Method".If something goes wrong.There is still a lot of time to correct it later.

But on the other hand.The timing of this flood is really too coincidental.It was almost at the same time that Zhang Juzheng went to Ge Shouli to "apologize" yesterday and asked him for help.The dam in Henan burst.This era without advanced means of communication.It is impossible for Zhang Ju to know the matter immediately.If only things had happened earlier.Let him know before he went to Ge Shouli's mansion yesterday.Things are much easier to handle.He will definitely tell this matter together.Then they asked Ge Shouli to help him together.

And now.He had already done that to Ge Shouli.He also understands.Although Ge Shouli has agreed to help him now.But the heart must be unhappy.Now let him go to Ge Shouli for help.Let alone whether Ge Shouli would agree or not.I'm afraid that even Zhang Juzheng himself may not be able to take the step to go to Ge's mansion.

Originally.Even if Zhang Juzheng asked Zhang Fan to go to this matter.It's not impossible to help him talk or something.And if he said so.Zhang Fan would never refuse.But Zhang Juzheng didn't know what was going on.Maybe I did something wrong.I feel like there is a ghost in my heart.Or maybe it was after rejecting Zhang Fan's kindness yesterday.He really didn't want to have any regrets.all in all.Actually this morning.Zhang Juzheng wanted to tell Zhang Fan about this more than once.But he never opened his mouth.

or.Zhang Juzheng is not because of these reasons at all.He was really thoughtful.It is expected that Zhang Fan is also very concerned about this matter.In addition, he had already told Zhang Fan all of his plans.Zhang Fan, who was also very concerned about this matter, couldn't help but think about it.

perhaps.Zhang Juzheng had already expected it.Zhang Fan didn't need to say anything.Also think of these.So he took the initiative to go to Ge Shouli.Helped him convince Ge Shouli to help again.

Of course.these things.No one can tell.What is Zhang Juzheng thinking in his heart?No one knows.

But now.Whatever it is.But it's no longer important.important.Zhang Fan had already made up his mind.I'm going to Ge Shouli to help Zhang Juzheng this time.

Now that the goal has been achieved.Then pass.In other words, what Zhang Juzheng thinks about is no longer necessary.

And what exactly is Zhang Fan thinking in his heart?I'm afraid even Zhang Fan himself may not be able to figure it out.

Liang Chao and others escorted Zhang Fan to Jin Yiwei's yamen.This distance is not too long.But it's not short either.But among them.But so many things happened silently.But it really made these parties feel a little bit emotional.

Horses turn across a street.Not far ahead.Zhang Fan could already see the Yamen.It doesn't look glamorous there.But it doesn't look dark at all.There is no decoration in front of the door.There is no signboard of the Yamen.If it weren't for the fact that there were four guards standing in front of the door day and night.It is impossible for ordinary people to regard this place as a yamen.It looks like the mansion of an ordinary rich family.Unremarkable.But it doesn't feel shabby either.

Of course.Even so.Those ordinary people really can't imagine it.This is a yamen of the famous Jinyiwei.

Turn around this street.The destination of Zhang Fan and others is about to arrive.And it was at this time.Liang Chao on the side also spoke again.

"grown ups."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fan looked at Liang Chao strangely.His tone seemed a little irritable.It was as if something that had been suppressed in his heart broke out.certainly.And it is true.

"I thought about it along the way." Liang Chao said. "Originally, I saw that the adults had something on their minds. So I didn't plan to say it now. But, I really can't help it."

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