The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 636 The So-Called True Love

"You..." Facing what Liang Chao told him, Zhang Fan really wanted to say something, but after being like "you" for a long time, he couldn't say anything.

And Liang Chao who was standing in front of Zhang Fan also looked similar. Although he was so impulsive just now, and so bluntly said some of his private things that were not a big deal, but they would not make a big noise. It was just to clarify some things that Zhang Fan had confused, but when the matter was out of his mouth, and now that he had calmed down a little, he felt a lot of embarrassment.

Seeing Liang Chao like this, Zhang Fan naturally understood his mood, and hurriedly said: "Liang Chao, you sit down first, have a glass of wine, and talk about things slowly, anyway, it's like this now, there is plenty of time, let's talk slowly ," Now, it was Zhang Fan who came to comfort him.

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Liang Chao showed a dull look, and sat down dully, picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip, which was a sigh of relief.

Seeing Liang Chao like this, Zhang Fan also heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "But I said, even this matter is nothing to be embarrassed about. Man, such romantic things are naturally indispensable. Of course, I didn't Been there," Zhang Fan felt a little guilty when he said the last sentence, and his tone became more serious. He remembered what happened back then, before he was sent to Mobei by Longqing, but that Once, he could be forgiven, but he just walked in because he felt a little curious. Besides, at that time, he was considered an accident. He ran into Gao Yi who was having a good time. Didn't do anything, well, at least Zhang Fan himself didn't do anything.

Of course, Zhang Fan didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. After all, at that time, although he and Ru Xue had already engaged in marriage, they were not married after all. Since they were not married, then such a thing was nothing. It's easy to care about.

Therefore, this became Zhang Fan's argument to comfort Liang Chao: "I am not talking about you. Although we are in the yamen now, and I am your superior and you are my subordinate, then I will order you, Now, when drinking, we are just a pair of ordinary friends. These two big men naturally talk about everything when drinking, and women are naturally the main topic, right? Besides, you are not married yet, I have never been engaged to any woman, not even a good woman, so how can anyone dare to say anything about you when you go to a brothel for a while?"

"So..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liang Chao raised his head, looked at Zhang Fan and said, "My lord doesn't think there's anything wrong with such a humble job."

"Of course there is no problem, so what's the problem?" Zhang Fan said, "But one thing, as a Shangguan, I am also your friend of Liang Chao. Let me tell you, it's okay to do this, but don't delay. Things, especially business matters, as long as you don't delay the business, and don't do anything that violates the criminal law, I don't bother to care about what you do in private, but..."

"Just what," Liang Chao asked hastily.

"Well..." Zhang Fan meaninglessly picked up a piece of steamed mandarin fish with his chopsticks, dipped it in vinegar, and put it in his mouth. Even if I know that 'Chunxiang Pavilion' is a first-class place, it won't cost 70 taels of silver a night. I've heard others say that with so much silver, the top card is a bit low, but yes There are too many women below. Besides, your Liang Chao family has been Jinyiwei for generations, but they are all law-abiding people, and you have not accumulated any financial resources. Let's spend that much,"

"This..." Faced with Zhang Fan's question, Liang Chao felt a little uncomfortable for a moment.

"It seems that there is something going on inside," Zhang Fan thought in his heart when he saw his appearance.

"Could it be..." Zhang Fan said, "Are you..." Apparently, Zhang Fan thought of a possibility.

And Liang Chao also understood, but this time, he actually showed a shy look, his cheeks were slightly red, and he nodded.

"This..." Facing Liang Chao's affirmation, Zhang Fan didn't know what to do, "This... is actually nothing, even if you redeem her body and bring her home, it's nothing, but the problem is, What are you going to do, you are not married yet, so you can't just pay without getting married, right?"

"No, no, no... I don't have that plan," Liang Chao hurriedly said, shaking his hands, "My... I want... I want to marry her as my wife,"

Faced with Liang Chao's answer, Zhang Fan opened his mouth unconsciously. In this era, although the imperial court does not allow folk women to prostitute themselves, in fact, the court's Jiaofangsi are doing it themselves, and those with a little money at home Man, as long as you can support yourself, it doesn't matter whether it's for the sake of inheriting the family, or simply because you just fell in love with the beauty of the other party, and redeeming the brothel girl as a concubine, of course, as long as your family, or more accurately Say, it’s okay if your parents, elders or wife agree with you to do this, besides, there are many such things.

However, marrying a woman who was redeemed from a brothel as a regular wife, to be honest, although it is not unprecedented, it is definitely a bit sensational. Zhang Fan can already foresee that if Liang Chao does this, the troubles in the future Certainly not less.

However, Zhang Fan looked at Liang Chao's expression. This was obviously a man in love. It was hard to say whether Liang Chao could keep it going, but Zhang Fan was sure he would.

"You haven't married so far, so there is no other woman to trouble you," Zhang Fan analyzed for him, "but let me ask you something, your father has passed away, although you are disrespectful to him by doing this, but But it's nothing, but the problem is, your mother is still alive, and her body is very strong. Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, I have heard about it. In addition, your Liang family has four generations of single generations. A son, can your mother agree, "

"This..." Liang Chao became embarrassed, "No, if my mother knew Hong'er's origin, she would definitely not agree to it."

"That's right," Zhang Fan said, "Although getting married now requires the order of your parents and the words of the matchmaker, but even if you don't have it, it's your own choice. As long as your mother agrees, this matter can be done, but If even your mother refuses to agree, I'm afraid it won't work."

"But my lord..." Liang Chao said, "Hong'er...she is also considered innocent,"

"How do you say it?" Zhang Fan was a little puzzled when he heard what he said. The woman in the brothel is also innocent.

"That's what happened," Liang Chao said, "Hong'er has been in the 'Chunxiang Pavilion' for some time, but it was not until the day before yesterday that the madam officially asked her to pick her up.

"Before this, when I went there, I met her, talked to her, and shared the same interests. Since then, I have often gone there. Later, I felt that I fell in love with her, and I fell in love with her. Speaking of which, she is also willing to follow Beizhi, so Beizhi is collecting money these days, and wants to redeem her body. However, Beizhi also admits that Hong'er is not a talented person, but she is also pretty and lovely. The madam asked for 500 taels , Where can I get it for a while, I have been collecting money these days, who knows that something happened suddenly yesterday.

"At that time, there was nothing I could do about the humble job, so I had to bite the bullet. In the end, I still used Wei Zhong's Thousand Household Badge to scare away a few people, so Hong'er...

"Because it was Hong'er's first time that day, and she has been resting for the past few days, but after that, the madam will definitely let her pick up the guests, but with such a humble job, there is no money to redeem her body, and the madam will redeem Hong'er The silver has risen to 1000 taels, no matter what the humble official says, she will not let it down, the humble official is worrying about this matter, otherwise, if I help the brothers intercede, I will not ask for their silver."

"In that case..." Zhang Fan said, "You're not bad, you're still holding the badge of our Weizhong when you go shopping, alas, I'm sorry that Jinyiwei's reputation has improved a lot in the past few years. But I didn't expect you..."

"This is an inappropriate behavior in a humble position, tarnishing Wei Li's reputation, and I hope the Lord will punish him." Liang Chao stood up quickly, and was about to kneel down.

"Get up," Zhang Fan shouted, "It's such a big deal, kneel as long as you say it, does he still look like a man?" Although Zhang Fan said so, he didn't think so in his heart, Liang Chao could do it for a woman It is indeed not easy to achieve this level.

Seeing this, Liang Chao felt uneasy, and wanted to say something: "But my lord..."

"Don't say anything," Zhang Fan interrupted him, and said, "Let me ask you something, you really like this Hong'er, it's not because of her beauty, but your head is a little bit out of sorts for a while. Sober, that's what it's meant to be."

"How can a humble official talk nonsense about this matter," Liang Chao said, "The humble official didn't pity her, nor did he fall in love with her beauty, but he really liked her in his heart, that's why he planned this."

"Is that so..." Hearing what Liang Chao said, Zhang Fan rested his chin on his hand and began to ponder.

Although he didn't know what Zhang Fan was thinking about, Liang Chao felt that what Zhang Fan was thinking about must have a lot to do with him.

"I've decided," Zhang Fan said after thinking for a long time, "I'll help you with this matter. Take the money for Hong'er's redemption from me."

"This..." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liang Chao was happy at first, but then hesitated, "This is not very good."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Fan said, "You are one of my most proud subordinates. If you want to get married, I, as a superior, will naturally give a bride price."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liang Chao showed a smile on his face,

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