"Let's do things like this first." Annoyed for a while.Zhang Fan found out.Now that I am here, I am afraid that I want to break my head, but I can't think of any way to solve this matter.If you think about it this way.In addition to increasing troubles in vain.no help.

The two fell silent again.Midsummer season.It was also hot.Liang Chao and Zhang Fan ate this lunch for a long time.But most of the time is spent discussing issues.personal question.About Liang Chao.Also about Zhang Fan.But the two of them were not yet full.Even now.The dish is still hot.There are bursts of fragrance coming.And the two of them didn't have enough to eat.At most it was half full.But either of the two.But he was not in the mood to eat anymore.It's just where you drink wine glass by glass.No clinking glasses either.He didn't say anything.Just drink.Occasionally eat two peanuts with wine.

The atmosphere seemed very silent.But this is not the case in the hearts of the two of them.Liang Chao was very happy.After all, I found the woman I love.Although the other party is still in the dust.But Liang Chao didn't care about these.All he knew was that he liked her.Want to marry her as a wife.It's that simple.nothing else.

Speaking up.Liang Chao, a thousand households of Jinyiwei, is a bit useless.No.It should be said that among the Jinyiwei today.He and Wang Meng are the most useless.A thousand households.A deputy thousand households.Moreover, the two of them gained Zhang Fan's trust.Someone who can entrust Zhang Fan with important tasks.But these two are also funny.Wang Meng is a quiet man.As long as there are no tasks and orders on weekdays.He is also very honest.Naturally, what things will not be done.He himself doesn't seem to have that selfishness and desire.

And Liang Chao.Outwardly it looks.Liang Chao is no different from other Jinyiwei.On weekdays, I spend a little time talking.It is also reliable to do things.Reassuring.When it's time to be cruel.He can also be ruthless.What torture.Even if it's something horrible.He can also do it.But Liang Chao.I don't know it's his own fault.Or is it because his family has served in Jinyiwei for generations, so there are some family rules and the like.all in all.Liang Chao this person.On weekdays, I will be greedy for small bargains.But he will never touch the big one.

And now.Liang Chao encountered a place where money was needed.But he is a thousand households of Jinyiwei.A person who stands in such a position.The first-rank and second-rank officials who can make countless officials in the court much higher than him may not be able to point at him and yell at him.But he will be worried about this "mere" 1000 taels of silver.And now.After getting Zhang Fan's promise to help him.He was so happy again.This has to be said to be a useless performance.

Of course.This uselessness is also for outsiders.Actually in Jinyiwei.Whether it's Zhang Fan above or someone else.It's still the subordinates of Liang Chao with bulging pockets below.Both Wang Meng and Liang Chao are worthy of their liking and respect.

before.Zhang Fan had just come to Jinyiwei to do some business.He had imagined it.Perhaps Jin Yiwei is also the kind of person who is corrupt and perverts the law.certainly.He also met many Jin Yiwei's subordinates.And they did.Small bargains continue.Big bargains are not non-stick.Just find the opportunity.You'll make a fortune.

The former Zhang Fan.I feel that there is no difference between my imagination and reality.Jin Yiwei is like this.

Until Zhang Fan came into contact with Wang Meng.He just found out.It seems that the situation is not what he thought.At least.Not quite the same.Even in Jinyiwei, an extremely dark and terrifying organization described by later generations.It's not that there are no good people.

This is just like those who set up a banner to rebel.Among them, there must be something that is really just because the local court is unfair.People who want to seek some benefits for the people.It's not just for your own selfish desires.

from here.Zhang Fan also found a problem.He found.Those were really Jin Yiwei just as he had imagined.In fact, the status in Weizhong is not high.And people like Wang Meng who have reached the heights that warriors can stand on.It's actually fair.

perhaps.This is a way to understand it.It doesn't matter how messy it is below.But the ones on top.It has to be fair.Only in this way can it be fair.

Of course.The nature of the entire organization of Jinyiwei is different.It is closely related to the current political situation.If a good emperor came to power.Jin Yiwei is naturally good.But the words of a foolish king came to power.That would be troublesome.But now.Zhang Fan didn't need to think about this issue.Today's Zhu Yijun is also pretty good.Even if you do something wrong in the future.But it wouldn't be his intention.It is very likely that you are bewitched by the people around you.

What's more.Zhang Fan thought so.I am capable.Or maybe you have an obligation.Try to keep that from happening.

Then.After Zhang Fan took charge of Jinyiwei.Met Liang Chao again.at first.His appreciation for Liang Chao.It just comes from Liang Chao's own ability to handle affairs.Zhang Fan felt that he was very capable.Fast and good work.That's why I'm going to use him a lot.

But at that time.Zhang Fan's so-called great use is also limited.After all, his contact with Liang Chao was short.I don't know what kind of person he is.Maybe that's how he behaved.It's just for show.Wanted to show him.That is.In the beginning, Zhang Fan was wary of Liang Chao.

I know we have been together for a long time.Let Zhang Fan know.Liang Chao is really such a person.Although it seems a bit informal to act.Carelessly.I also like to tell jokes on weekdays.But Liang Chao is not a bad person.we can even say.He is a good man like Wang Meng.It's just that he is much more cheerful than Wang Meng.

all in all.That's the way it is.

Liang Chao is now.Got Zhang Fan's answer.Knowing that he will help himself.Let yourself be able to marry the woman you love.So Liang Chao is in a very good mood now.

But not all are in a good mood.After all, Zhang Fan is still worrying about something.Although those things were said to be Zhang Fan's private affairs.Liang Chao doesn't need much attention.But get along for so many days.Liang Chao and Zhang Fan understood each other.Zhang Fan started by appreciating and valuing Liang Chao's ability.up to now.He really liked Liang Chao very much.I am also very fortunate to have subordinates like him and Wang Meng.

And the same.Liang Chao also understood this.so.Now Zhang Fan is troubled by something.Although that matter is related to Zhang Fan's personal affairs.Liang Chao can help outside.But it is impossible to go in and solve it.But that doesn't mean he doesn't care about it.And looking at Zhang Fan's troubled appearance.He also felt bad.Want to help.

That is.Liang Chao today.It can be described as mixed.But in general.His joy outweighs his worries.After all.One of the great joys of life and death.The wedding night in the bridal chamber.Liang Chao seemed to have seen that day coming.How could he be unhappy?

But Zhang Fan is different.Although he was also happy for Liang Chao.Seeing this capable subordinate of oneself can find the other half of life.Nature is a happy event.

But today's Zhang Fan.In front of him was something that made him feel even more sad.This matter is a matter of personal concern.Although he was very grateful to Liang Chao, he was also so worried about him.Want to share some for him.But Zhang Fan himself also understood.This matter is not something that Liang Chao can help solve.Maybe Liang Chao can help.But what he can help is limited after all.In the end, he couldn't be counted on to solve the matter.

Two people sat at the dining table.Drinking non-stop.But there was no sound of speaking.Two people who are not full.Facing a table of delicious food with aroma.But no one intends to use chopsticks.

One is mixed.But the joy outweighs the sorrow; and the other one is also mixed.It's just that the worries outweigh the joys.

After a while.The wine was also gone.There is also a lot less heat on the dishes.Almost invisible.

"A grown-up eats so much." Liang Chao seemed to have discovered this problem only recently.Said. "These dishes are a bit cold now. Would you like to let someone come to warm them up. Eat some more."

"I don't have much appetite." Zhang Fan didn't show any expression on his face.Said. "If you are still hungry, let someone heat it up. Eat some more. Although I am not full, I can't eat any more now."

Zhang Fan's answer did not surprise Liang Chao.And actually.Even he himself is like this now.

"My lord. To be honest. Although I am not full, I don't want to eat." Liang Chao said.

"Since that's the case, let someone withdraw it." Zhang Fan said. "I have to think about some business later. Be quieter. You ask someone to bring me a basin of cold water. Refresh yourself. Make me a pot of strong tea."

Liang Chao who heard Zhang Fan's order.Start packing up right away.While tidying up.Said on one side. "The humble job understands. The humble job will let people do it."

nodded.Zhang Fan returned to his original seat.Looking at Liang Chao's figure.But he was thinking about it.

"It seems that although I know now, it is still troublesome." Zhang Fan thought so in his heart. "Forget it. No matter how much I think about this matter now, I can't think of a clue. Let's put it down for now. Mr. Ge is also a trouble. I have to think about how to convince him to stand up and speak to the teacher again."

Obviously.There was one more worrying matter that Zhang Fan had to deal with.

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