After Zhang Fan and Zheng Chengxian put aside their previous business affairs concerning the current chaotic situation, the first sentence Zhang Fan said was a public and private matter. It won't cause any trouble in the future.

To be honest, many people at the scene heard what Zhang Fan said, but few thought of going to other places in their minds. The first reaction of most people when they heard what Zhang Fan said was just That is, Zhang Fan felt that Zheng Seung-heon was able to lead his troops so quickly after encountering a sudden incident, he was a talent with arbitrariness, but he violated the order of the court after all, and would lose his head because of this There is also a possibility, and Zhang Fan said this just because he cared about him. Besides, Zheng Seung Heon's arrival, after all, solved the crisis of Zhang Fan's mother and wife being trapped, so it was understandable for him to do so.

Or, even Zhang Fan himself didn't have any other thoughts.

However, Zheng Chengxian's mind was not such a simple idea. During this short period of time, many possibilities flashed through his mind, among which he naturally had the same idea as others, thinking that Zhang Fan was just He was simply grateful to himself, but Zheng Chengxian was not a person responsible for such ordinary thoughts. At this moment, he thought more about whether Zhang Fan had taken a fancy to him and wanted to win him over.

"Compared to those things, let's talk about it later," Zheng Seung-heon did not show any distress, but a relaxed look, and said to her husband, "Now the chaos here must be calmed down immediately, and the rest of the matter will be settled later. Besides, it's not too late," such an understatement, so indifferent.

Did Zheng Chengxian really have any other ideas? Of course he didn't. He even regretted it immediately after he led his troops out. At that time, he also considered whether he would be affected by it, but since he came out , he can't go back, he can only bite the bullet to help calm down the chaos.

What's more, on the way here, he was always thinking about what he should do next.

Today's Zheng Chengxian is thirty-eight, and at this age, he can achieve this position, which is not impossible. Of course, the word "capable" here is not an antonym, he really has great talent, and Relying on his strength, he was promoted step by step. Of course, he used some not-so-glamorous methods in the middle, but he never fixed that kind of relationship. Therefore, Zheng Seung-hyun was able to achieve his current position, thanks to More than [-]% of them are himself, and he has no one behind him to back him for a long time.

In other words, for such a person with no background, many people are quite envious of being able to achieve the current position of the first-rank governor and acquaintance, and many people are waiting to squeeze him out and replace him. But now, in doing so, he made a big mistake, a big mistake that could just give others an excuse to impeach him.

And he is not a person without ambitions, the reason why Zheng Chengxian has ambitions and wants to be in power, but he did not dare to do those shady things, this happens to be his cleverness, he has been in the court for more than ten years, He had a very clear view of the situation in the DPRK, and he discovered very early on that Zhang Juzheng would rule the world in the future. Of course, it was wrong to say that, but the meaning was similar.

And Zhang Juzheng is that kind, even though he has numerous cronies, but he has a weird demand for integrity from the people below, Zheng Chengxian can be said to be doing what he likes, not to mention, he can get this governor and acquaintance In fact, Zhang Juzheng also played a big role in it.

But now, a sudden impulsiveness will almost destroy the achievements of his hard work in the court for more than ten years, and no one will be willing to replace it.

So, when he came along the way, he was actually very worried, until he met the messenger sent by Zhang Fan to ask for help. After Zheng Chengxian got the news, he immediately knew that things had turned around. That's why today's Zheng Seung Heon is so calm and calm, without any worry at all, and a large part of his self-confidence is actually derived from Zhang Fan. After all, Zhang Fan's style is also widely spread in the court. Guang, Zheng Chengxian understands that as long as Zhang Fan knows about his affairs, he will definitely not let go. In addition, at that time, Zhang Fan's family members were still trapped in it, and he rescued them, Zhang Fan was even more helpless. No reason to help him.

However, as long as Zhang Fan is willing to speak up for him, he knows that nothing will happen to him.

Therefore, Zheng Chengxian was so calm at this time, not only that, he even began to wonder if Zhang Fan was trying to win him over on purpose.

Although Zheng Chengxian has not reached any cooperation method with anyone during his official career, he is also an ambitious person after all, and in this court, one person can't accomplish anything, just like Ge Shouli today. Generally speaking, he would never form a party or get together with friends, and his official position is also very high, but he has a reputation and power is not bad, but when he speaks, the authority that can force people to agree is much smaller.

Zheng Chengxian understood this truth. At this moment, he began to feel that if Zhang Fan liked him and intended to win him over, then it would be a good choice for him to fall for him.

And Zhang Fan didn't think about this at all, he said that just now, he just thought that Zheng Seung-hyun is a good person, he is a person who can be friends deeply, and he didn't have so many complicated thoughts.

However, Zheng Chengxian's words made Zhang Fan have some illusions, thinking that he is also a impartial and selfless person, and seems to be a little dismissive of his own words that he has made it clear that he wants to help him. Thinking of this, Zhang Fan feels that I was a little too much, after all, the other party also had self-esteem, but it was not appropriate for me to do so.

But the more this happened, the more Zhang Fan felt that this Zheng Chengxian was good, and he couldn't ignore it, and let the court lose such a good official, Zhang Fan had already made a decision, and he must help Zheng Chengxian to speak up in the future. So that he can survive this difficulty.

But this time, Zhang Fan stopped talking, but Zheng Chengxian became a little anxious again. Originally, what he said was just to make Zhang Fan leave a good impression of himself, but it seemed that Zhang Fan really took it seriously.

Now, he became anxious. If Zhang Fan really didn't care about it, he would be in trouble in the future.

Just when Zheng Chengxian was thinking about what to talk about with Zhang Fan, a sergeant had already grabbed a few people over there.

"My lord," the visitor said, cupping his hands towards Zheng Chengxian, "these people have been disobedient to discipline, and they kept instigating the people around them, saying that the imperial court deliberately procrastinated so that they didn't want to distribute food to them."

"Oh," Zhang Fan said without waiting for Zheng Chengxian to speak, "Are these five people like this?"

The person asked by Zhang Fan was a corps leader. Obviously he didn't know Zhang Fan, but looked at Zheng Chengxian with some doubts.

Zheng Chengxian was thinking about how to get close to Zhang Fan, so naturally he would not miss this opportunity, he pretended to be a little annoyed, and said, "This is Master Zhang, the governor of Jinyiwei, you just answer."

Obviously, the word "Jinyiwei" once again showed its power. After the corporal heard it, his attitude changed instantly and he was extremely docile. He said something disrespectful to the court, and when he was arrested, he resisted a lot, and even injured a few of us. If Mr. Zheng hadn’t said something before, no one should be hurt, and no one would be hurt because of this, brothers.”

Hearing what he said, Zhang Fan looked at Zheng Chengxian more, and there was a lot of appreciation in his eyes.

Zheng Seung-hyun kept his expression on the surface, but he was very happy in his heart. He thought that this little corporal leader would have some substantial rewards after he went back, especially when he thought that Zhang Fan would think highly of himself because of this. His appearance, and what kind of good things he will encounter in the future, he looked at the corporal leader with admiration.

"Master Zheng," Zhang Fan didn't pay attention to those things, looked at the five people in front of him, and said to Zheng Chengxian behind him, "I want to take these five people back for interrogation, but after all, they were captured by Master Zheng's men." Come here, I don’t want to take the credit like this, so I have to ask Mr. Zheng to agree.”

"What did Mr. Zhang say?" Zheng Chengxian hurriedly said, but there was not much flattery in his tone, "Although the man was caught by my people, this little credit is really nothing. On the contrary, if Zhang If your lord interrogates, think about it so that you can get more information."

"That's great," Zhang Fan nodded, and shouted, "Liang Chao,"

"My lord," upon hearing Zhang Fan's call, Liang Chao hurried over and waited for orders.

"These five people are the ones who took the lead in making trouble," Zhang Fan said, "you should find out for me who they are and why they did this, but someone instigated them, and there must be other reasons. In addition, you should also find out for me, Do they have any companions anymore?"

"It's my lord," Liang Chao said, and he was about to call for people to take the five people away.

"No need," Zhang Fan said, "Bring a tent over there, don't let anyone see it, just interrogate here, and if you find out that there are accomplices, arrest them immediately."

"The humble job understands," Liang Chao said.

Seeing that Liang Chao was about to turn around and leave, Zhang Fan stopped him again and said, "Also, pay attention to me, don't let the family members hear any bad news."

"Don't worry, my lord, I understand," Liang Chao nodded. He naturally understood Zhang Fan's meaning.

"Master Zhang," Zheng Chengxian, who was at the side, asked after seeing Zhang Fan finished giving orders, "What should we do here now?"

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