"My lord. Eunuch Feng." In front of Jin Yiwei's yamen.Liang Chao bowed his hands to Zhang Fan and Feng Bao who had come here.

certainly.Feng Bao naturally wouldn't say much to such a small person as Liang Chao.Just nod.Even as a gift in return.certainly.Naturally, it was impossible for him to be very enthusiastic.After all, that's it.On the contrary, Feng Bao seemed a bit low-level.

Zhang Fan naturally didn't care about those things.He asked Feng Bao to go in first.Then he said to Liang Chao, "I'll give you one thing."

Liang Chao thought that Zhang Fan wanted him to prepare something.Used to deal with Feng Bao.Hearing what Zhang Fan said.He immediately asked: "Please ask others to order."

"You now. Go to the clinic on the street west of my house immediately." Zhang Fan said. "I'm too busy today. I have something to do at home. But I forgot about it. It seems that Xiangmei hasn't returned yet. At home. The old lady is still thinking about her newborn granddaughter. Wait until I think about it." This matter, but Xiangmei can't be seen. It's troublesome again. Get a carriage. Go and pick Xiangmei home yourself. I don't know how Xiangmei is doing now. But it's too late now. Let her spend the night alone. Or let her come here alone. I’m really worried. Besides, I’m telling Ru Xue. Tell them not to worry. I won’t go back too late.”

This is what Zhang Fan ordered.Liang Chao suddenly felt a little bored.But since this matter was ordered by Zhang Fan.Liang Chao will naturally listen to his orders: "Don't worry, my lord. I will go to this matter personally. I will definitely deliver Miss Xiangmei to your lord's house safely. I will never forget to convey your words to my wife."

"Yeah." Nodded.Zhang Fan looked at the gate of the yamen.sighed.Said. "That's fine."

Although it was ordered by Zhang Fan.But Liang Chao saw Zhang Fan sighing now.But he didn't go right away.Instead, he asked in a low voice, "My lord. How is the matter?"

"It's very troublesome." Zhang Fan frowned and said. "Feng Bao, you are really very vigilant. Although the appearance I showed is flawless. I didn't let him see it at all. I know. However, he is still worried. Although I didn't say it .But I know. He is also a little suspicious of me now."

"This..." Hearing Zhang Fan say this.Liang Chao suddenly hesitated.asked. "In this case, do you want to stay in a humble position? Miss Xiangmei's side. Let the other brothers go."

"No need." Zhang Fan waved his hand and said. "You're tired today too. Go home and rest straight away. Don't you still have to redeem Hong'er's body? Today is already a day of delay. Go early tomorrow morning. Let her stay there more One day. It’s not good. And. Although there will be troubles here next time, you won’t be able to help me if you trouble me. Besides, Feng Bao knows that you are my confidant. When I go in to interrogate those people. I want to still Take you with me. I'm afraid he will suspect something. After all, now. His suspicion has never been let go. It is very difficult for us now. We can't complicate things any more. "

Regarding what Zhang Fan said.Saying he is of no use here.On the contrary, it will get in the way.Liang Chao didn't show any dissatisfaction with this.Or something depressed.After all, his days as a guard in Jinyi are also coming to an end.he understands.In this imperial court.No matter up to the emperor.Still down to pawns.In many cases.It's all just a tool.sometimes.Tools can come in handy.But sometimes.But it will cause trouble.Liang Chao deeply understood this truth in his heart.so.Even if Zhang Fan said something that actually hit him a little bit.But Liang Chao didn't feel that there was anything wrong.The opposite of.There is only Zhang Fan like this.That's what makes him all the more worth following.Not emotional.Don't let the personal affect the overall situation.

"In that case, I understand." Liang Chao nodded.Said. "Humble job, let's go."

After seeing Liang Chao leave.Zhang Fan stood in front of the yamen.Seems to be thinking about something.It took a while.This is turning around and walking into the Yamen.

In the lobby of the yamen.Feng Bao is very relaxed.Sitting there drinking tea.With what he said before.The Queen Mother Li in the palace is anxiously waiting for the news, which is exactly the opposite.It's completely a leisurely look.The four people who came with Feng Bao stood aside.But there was no expression of impatience.As if this matter has nothing to do with them.They come here.It was to serve as Feng Bao's bodyguard.They don't ask anything else.certainly.for this.Zhang Fan was very skeptical.

"Master Zhang. But what's the matter?" Seeing Zhang Fan come in.Feng Bao asked.

Although Feng Bao asked normally.The tone is also normal.Even his demeanor is completely indifferent.It's like asking casually.But even so.Today's Zhang Fan can be regarded as a bit of a soldier.Even Feng Bao didn't do anything extraordinary at all.In his opinion.Feng Bao's asking this question was actually doubting something.

Maybe.It's really wrong for Zhang Fan to be so nervous.And it's easy to do bad things.But Zhang Fan himself understood.But he understands better.Things are at a very important point right now.There is absolutely no room for mistakes.therefore.It's not too much to be nervous.

"Elder-in-law is worrying too much." Zhang Fan smiled.Said to Feng Bao. "It happened at noon today. A little girl was injured at home. Although she was only a servant, she was also a maid who took care of her mother. So the mother at home was very concerned. She is still in the hospital now. I am the one who sent her away. Sent it back."

"Master Zhang cares about his servants. Feng Bao really admires him." Feng Bao said.The words are neither salty nor weak.

Zhang Fan didn't care either.Said: "Since the father-in-law has arrived, the queen mother in the palace is pressing again. We don't need to waste time. Hurry up for the trial. Even if something absurd is found out in the trial, at least I can give the queen mother a reply. Let the queen mother have a good rest It is."

"Master Zhang's words are true." Said so to Zhang Fan.Feng Bao naturally would not object. "In that case. Let's get started."

"But..." Zhang Fan suddenly hesitated again.His brows furrowed slightly.Said. "Although before. Father-in-law has agreed to have me and father-in-law interrogate these people. But now, this is my Jinyiwei's yamen. There are no people from Dongchang here. Do you want to..."

"Master Zhang, don't worry about this." Feng Bao naturally knew what Zhang Fan meant.Smiled and said something.Then he looked at one of the guards he had brought.Said. "Wei Yong."

"Eunuch." The guard heard Feng Bao's words.He stood up and saluted Feng Bao.Someone clasped his fists at Zhang Fan and said. "Wei Yong has met Mr. Zhang."

"Eunuch. This is..." Facing Feng Bao's move.Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.

"Master Zhang." Feng Bao kept smiling.Said. "Before Wei Yong was promoted to a guard in the palace, he was from my East Factory. Especially in the matter of interrogating prisoners. He has a lot of experience. No matter what kind of hero you are, you are still those who are stubborn and refuse to speak. Corrupt officials. As long as Wei Yong goes up, it won’t take half a stick of incense. He will definitely open his mouth. It’s not that our family doesn’t believe in Jin Yiwei’s methods. But I hope Master Zhang can be accommodating.”

"So... so Zhang Fan can rest assured." Zhang Fan said helplessly.It seems that he thought Feng Bao had come prepared.Now it seems that it is so.

"But..." Feng Bao didn't stop talking.continued. "No matter what. Wei Yong only has one person. But there are eight over there. I have a little less manpower here. Mr. Zhang. Do you..."

"Eunuch, please don't worry." Zhang Fan naturally understood what Feng Bao wanted to say.Said to the subordinate next to him. "Listen. Eunuch Feng and I will interrogate those people today. If Eunuch Feng has any orders, you must obey them. Eunuch Feng's words are no different from mine. Do you understand?"

"It's your lord. I'll obey you." Zhang Fan's subordinates all around said together.

see so.Feng Bao was naturally happy: "Since that's the case, Mr. Zhang. Let's not delay any longer."

"Eunuch said so." Zhang Fan said.Then let someone take them to the prison where the prisoners are held.

Jin Yiwei's cell.Zhang Fan didn't know how many times he had been here.Feng Bao also came here a lot.Here's the cell.Big and small.Although the location is underground.There is always a dark and damp feeling here.But now there are many differences.The most obvious point is.Ever since Zhang Fan served as the commander of Jinyiwei.It can be said that the number of prisoners here has been greatly reduced.sometimes.Someone was caught in.But was soon released.

After Zhang Fan became the commander.It was quickly recognized by the staff of Weizhong.But only on this.Many people have some complaints.certainly.Especially the people who take care of here.Most unhappy.after all.There are fewer prisoners.Although they also have fewer things to manage.But one thing is obvious.There are fewer things to blackmail.

People who are locked up here.Most of them were ransacked.But the so-called three caves of cunning rabbits.Many people have backhands.sometimes.These jailers might do something good.Sometimes even great benefits.And what the people inside want is nothing more than a little comfort.

Now.It's bustling again here.In a relatively spacious prison cell.All eight were tied side by side to the rack.Although it seems.All are miserable.Unkempt.But just look carefully.can be found.In fact, they were never tortured at all.

But what happens next.But I don't know.Even Zhang Fan is sure now.These eight people must belong to Feng Bao.But Feng Bao's actions.How will he face his own people.Zhang Fan is really hard to say.

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