Zhang Fan wanted to punish these people, partly because he really wanted to help Xiangmei seek justice, and in addition, he just wanted to make Feng Bao feel uncomfortable, but Zhang Fan also knew that Feng Bao would not see With this kind of thing happening.

Sure enough, at the moment when he was about to be put on the torture device, the man stopped and said he was willing to speak out, and Feng Bao also took advantage of this moment to stop.

"My father-in-law Zhang Fan understands." Faced with Feng Bao's call to stop, Zhang Fan did not show any surprise or dissatisfaction. Instead, he turned his head and said to Feng Bao in a persuasive way, "Zhang Fan also knew that the queen mother in the palace was waiting for news, but I was just afraid, so I stopped in such a hasty manner, and if I didn't give them some color to see, they still thought that we dare not do anything to them, and what Zhang Fan said What I’m worried about is not these, but I’m afraid that these people will make some fake news to fool us,”

"Well," nodded, Feng Bao said that he understood Zhang Fan's meaning, but obviously, he didn't intend to stop there, "Our family also understands what Mr. Zhang means, but now, these people have already been arrested by us." Now that they are in our hands and we can’t escape, let’s listen to what they can say. If there is any news, it will be considered good. Moreover, even if it is found out in the future, what they said is false, then we will It’s not too late to greet them.”

Speaking of this, Feng Bao saw that Zhang Fan seemed to want to say something, but he ignored it, but turned his head to look at the eight people on the opposite side, and said, "Listen clearly to our family. Say something to our family quickly, but if our family finds out that you are deceiving on purpose, don't mention our family, even Mr. Zhang can't let you go, when the time comes, hehe..."

"Yes, the villain understands," the man said with a pale face.

But the other people on the side, his accomplices, all looked dissatisfied, some yelled at him not to speak, while others cursed angrily.

"Gag other people's mouths for our family," Feng Bao said with an unbearable look, then turned to the person and said, "As long as you say it and our family thinks it is reliable, we will let you go." Come down, let you enjoy the delicious food and drink, you have not eaten all day, but if our family finds out something deceptive, hum, don't blame our family for being ruthless, "

"Yes, yes, the villain understands," the man hurriedly put on a look of understanding, "The villain swears to the sky, everything he said is true, and there is absolutely no deception in the slightest,"

"Yeah," Feng Bao nodded, and said, "Let's talk."

"Yes," the man took a breath, and then he said, "I'm waiting for a few people to come here to make trouble. It's exactly as the two adults said, someone asked us to do this." This man is actually a good plan , or well prepared, at this time, he still pretended not to know Feng Bao, obviously the eunuch's clothes were so obvious, and Feng Bao called himself "our family", but he still pretended not to know Feng Bao at all. Know what Feng Bao looks like.

"Sure enough," Feng Bao heard what he said, and showed a very cooperative appearance, and asked, "Quickly tell me, who is it?"

"Yes...it's the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Zhang Siwei in charge of the Zhan Shifu, Mr. Zhang," the man said with a look of great determination, with some hesitation.

"What did you say?" Feng Bao, who heard these words, made an unbelievable look, "You said Zhang Siwei,"

"That's right, it's Mr. Zhang Siwei," the man nodded in affirmation, "Actually, I have already told Mr. Zhang's subordinates about these things."

"Master Zhang, what's going on here?" Hearing this, Feng Bao immediately turned his head to look at Zhang Fan, with shock in his eyes, but more doubts, "Since Master Zhang already knows, why is it that you don't know why?" Don't tell our family,"

Hearing this, Zhang Fan couldn't help cursing inwardly. He was overwhelmed by the matter and had been thinking of a solution before, but he didn't think of this. These people had already told him about Zhang Siwei's matter. Now they tell Feng Bao that they already know, isn't this the same as telling Feng Bao that they probably already know his plan and want to destroy it.

But even at this time, Zhang Fan still has no plans to give up: "Eunuch, the matter is not what Eunuch thinks, nor is it because Zhang Fan has some other intentions and deliberately concealed it,"

"Then..." Feng Bao was a little puzzled when he heard what Zhang Fan said, so he couldn't help asking.

"Indeed, just like what this person said, he did tell my subordinates about Zhang Siwei, and I heard about it too," Zhang Fan explained, "It's just that Zhang Fan is really not sure. , suspect that this news is likely to be false, after all, Zhang Siwei is a man, and everyone in the court, including his father-in-law, understands that it is impossible for him to do such a thing, "

"But..." Feng Bao wanted to say something, but seeing Zhang Fan's appearance, he immediately changed his method and said, "Master Zhang, you have not been in court for a day or two. , if you think about it, you also understand very well, especially since the death of the first emperor and the level of panic, how many people in the court want to be unfavorable to our family, and Master Zhang also understands, "

"It's natural," Zhang Fan said. Although he said so, he disagreed in his heart. After all, so many people have trouble with Feng Bao, and it's not all because of Feng Bao himself, forcing them What did you do?

"In this way, Mr. Zhang must know about the matter between Zhang Siwei and our family," Feng Bao said. "In this way, he has a reason to deal with our family."

"Of course I understand this in my heart," Zhang Fan said, "But, father-in-law, there is indeed some gap between Zhang Siwei and father-in-law. Although there are not many rumors about the previous incident, it can be regarded as full knowledge of the court." What Zhang Fan said was naturally the matter that Feng Bao wanted to be knighted, but Zhang Siwei was trying to prevent it.

"However..." Zhang Fan continued without waiting for Feng Bao to speak, "After that, my father-in-law didn't succeed, so Zhang Siwei should be the one who is proud of it. Although he is not in the court now, it is also because his old illness has relapsed. Going home to recuperate has nothing to do with the father-in-law. If so, is there any reason for Zhang Siwei to deal with the father-in-law like this? In addition, Zhang Siwei is not an idiot for this kind of thing, this kind of thing will happen It's not that he doesn't know how much confusion there is, and Zhang Fan feels that he is not that kind of person, so after Zhang Fan heard the news, he decided that what they said was false, and that's why he didn't tell his father-in-law."

"Hmm..." Listening to Zhang Fan's words, Feng Bao made a look of thinking, but Zhang Fan understood that he was just pretending, he was not thinking about this problem at all, but thinking about how to convince himself .

"Master Zhang is right," Feng Bao said, "However, there are some things that Master Zhang doesn't know, so he thinks so,"

"What does father-in-law mean," Zhang Fan asked, and he also wanted to hear what Feng Bao's plans were.

"After that incident..." Feng Bao said, "After that incident, although our family's wish was not fulfilled, we knew that we were wrong, so we no longer planned to have the same knowledge as that Siwei, but after that, our family did not intend to It was troublesome for him, but he took the initiative to find it, "

"Oh," Zhang Fan was very interested when he heard what Feng Bao said. Of course, it is very likely that this is just something Feng Bao made up indiscriminately, but it may also be true. After all, he knows what kind of virtue Zhang Siwei is. Some, so Zhang Fan wouldn't be surprised if he really did this.

"Our family didn't want to argue with him, but he's excited," Feng Bao said with a slightly agitated expression, "That Siwei didn't know what was good or bad, and he swore that it was incompatible with our family, and our family didn't take it back at the beginning. Now, it seems that this may not be the case, "

"This..." Zhang Fan didn't expect Feng Bao to say such a thing. To be honest, it is possible whether these words were compiled by Feng Bao or true. After all, according to Zhang Siwei's With an old-fashioned character and a stubborn way of doing things, it is not surprising that he would do this.

However, in this way, it would be difficult for Zhang Fan to refute Feng Bao's words.

"However..." Feng Bao said suddenly, "Our family is not sure what Mr. Zhang said."

"Eunuch, what is the meaning of this?" Zhang Fan suddenly didn't know what Feng Bao's idea was.

"Master Zhang, don't misunderstand," Feng Bao said with a smile, with a bit of fierceness in his expression, "What our family means is that he said it was Zhang Siwei. We believe it. From our family's point of view No matter what kind of person Zhang Siwei is on weekdays, if he does this kind of thing to deal with our family, our family will believe it, but if it is finally found out that Zhang Siwei did not do it, our family will also believe it ,"

"What does the father-in-law mean..." Zhang Fan asked, "I'm going to talk to the Queen Mother later, if Zhang Siwei didn't do it, then we won't be able to change our words, then we have wronged a good person, right? "

"Well," Feng Bao nodded, and said, "Don't worry about this matter, Mr. Zhang. Our family has its own ideas. When the time comes, don't mention Zhang Siwei to the Queen Mother, just say that we have a clue, and now the troubled times outside are early. It's settled down, and the queen mother can sleep peacefully, and then we will investigate the matter thoroughly to see who did it, "

Hearing this, Zhang Fan felt a little relieved. He turned his head, looked at that person, and said, "I believe what you said, but I still have a question to ask you."

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